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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2241684 No.2241684 [Reply] [Original]

HI let me start off by saying that I am not a creationist nor am I trying to use some old text to support some wild views.
I however no longer believe in the idea of evolution
and I think that most of us have clung to this silly idea because the only other popular idea was creation-ism and it is even weirder than evolution.
but I am starting to think that we are way off base. with the whole "something from nothing" evolution thing, it seems as silly as adam and eve to me.
seeding, genetic manipulation, fifth denominational meatballs with god complexes
IDK but there must be something else.

>> No.2241701

I feel like we have an idea then we look for things that support our idea and we lose sight of objectivity.

>> No.2241710


>> No.2241717

Argument from disbelief, without serious examination of anything, "just because you don't think it makes sense"?

Do you really think that will fly here?

>> No.2241716

darwin is just this guy, you know.

>> No.2241719

...do you have any arguments in support of your view? Oher than "pfft it's just too weird".

>> No.2241725

op is gay and faggot
also go back to school

>> No.2241732


Typical high school fag that doesn't really understand the genetics behind it all.

You could at least try to be specific about which part is flawed.

>> No.2241745

A gut feeling isnt going to get you anywhere. Yes it seems absurd that a self replicating molecule could evolve into us on its own. But thats just because life itself is absurd. No matter what explanation you come up with, its still going to have to be fantastic and seemingly impossible, because life itself is fantastic and seemingly impossible.

>> No.2241746

what is it op the empire has no clothes?

>> No.2241750

Why can't people ever keep the changing of life and the origin of life itself straight?


>> No.2241753
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>> No.2241755

If you have a problem with evolution, find one spot anywhere it can be disproved. That's all it'd take. Fossil rabbits in the precambrian.

>> No.2241786

it seems to go against all natural law and in doing so
it give room to "magical thought" and the like.
if you take almost any origin story and substitute "after millions of years" in place of what ever magic wand their useing you would see the way I feel about evolution. in evolution all the amazing magic is still in the story we just credit it to time.
after a billion year their was a "magic mutation and the animals fins turned in to feet.

>> No.2241812


Yes, but we can look billions of years into the past with fossils and DNA and such. And they point to evolution. Yes youre just filling the "and some magic happened here" with "millions of years". But thats the whole point, were trying to replace that stuff. The problem is, millions of years is just as hard to visualize for a human as "magic".

>> No.2241817


>magic mutation

We observe mutation all the time and have a very good understanding of it and the mechanics behind it. There is nothing magic about it.

>> No.2241811

I gust wonder if we are missing some big idea because we are so fixed on this one idea that we don't see that the world is round, I mean we are after all humans and we tend to cling to silly ideas years and years. flat vs round what ever. we won't even question the status quo we hate to be wrong so much that we will insist the world is flat even after its dis proven

>> No.2241825


>> No.2241828


Clinging to old Ideas is a thing of the past. We live in a scientific age now. If we still behaved like we did in the past, it would have taken 500 years for scientist to accept Einsteins theory of relativity. But we live in a scientific age, where we focus on the idea that we can be wrong and to look for other theories. Thus if someone came up with a credible theory that really flipped the ideas of evolution on their head, it really wouldnt take that long to become our mainstream belief.

>> No.2241834

Um if you are a troll 6/10

If not.... Evolution doesn't have anything to say on the "something from nothing" subject. Evolution just talks about how life advances, not how it began. Thats more abiogenesis.

Evolution just focuses on life after its made. And what you listed there:

>seeding, genetic manipulation, fifth denominational meatballs with god complexes

What exactly are you saying? I can assure you scientific findings are much different in many ways than what is found in religious scripture.

>> No.2241838

>>2241817 >trying to extrapolate the whole universe from a piece of fairy cake.

>> No.2241850

i guess what i am saying is that I lump evolution in with crazy old ideas of origin and i am looking for something new.

>> No.2241863

>>2241828 ya you have a good point but if no one is looking we will never find it (if there is one) and the only other camp is looking for adam and eve's apple we might never move forward in this field.

>> No.2241864


Well evolution: Variety in life is based on how offspring can follow multiple patterns, and the forces of nature can pick which patterns are more fit. And over time, this can shape organisms and their species into a wide range of creatures set out for certain circumstances with special abilities.

While 'Crazy old ideas of origin": God made everything in 7 days and fossils are there to test us.

I think you need to clarify your view on what evolution is.

>> No.2241878

Evolution is not trying to explain the origin of life.

>> No.2241884


good. keep your objective mind open. stay skeptical... especially of the skeptics. Why accept a theory if it doesn't satisfy your reason? That is how new theories are formed.

Read more about it, see if it doesn't satisfy your questions.

>> No.2241891


>> No.2241895

What is this crap? Evolution is just a peace of the puzzle and it will clarify as our knowledge increases.


>> No.2241896


Yea please understand the theory before you start questioning it, or else you will make a fool of yourself.

>> No.2241898


Science doesn't give us the answers to everything ever i guess its useless hurrrr

>> No.2241912
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I feel like you're stupid but then I thought that's impossible, so looks at the possibility of you being a troll, but that also failed to fully explain the situation.



And the results of my tested hypotheses, in conjunction with current evidence:

OP = Faggot
Thinks evolution attempts to explain origin
Tries to troll, badly

I have came to my conclusion that OP is:

A massive faggot, who is also a retarded troll.

>> No.2241919

sounds about right

>> No.2241922

this retarded troll has had a few fun filled minutes and wasted much of your time plus you have to admit you have a little doubt in the back of your head

>> No.2241926

>>"something from nothing" evolution thing

0/10, troll harder.

>> No.2241929

Not a shadow of doubt, and it's nearly 10 at night during the week, I'm not doing much anyway except listening to Dream Theater.

Plus it's enjoyable giving trolls a swift slap, makes them up their game.

>> No.2241931

ffffffuuuuuuu troll

also shame on those cling to syntax to prove a point

>> No.2241938

omg omg

>> No.2241960

tell that to that little cripple in the wheelchair you people seem so fond of

>> No.2241966

>Total Perspective Vortex ftw!

>> No.2242009

Well. It has been proven through studies of fossilized dinosaurs that major changes can take place over the course of a lot of generations.

Such as beakformations, headshapes, breathingsystems.. all of 'em has been observed to have changed in related species over centuries.

So, Evolution is pretty much.. confirmed?

>> No.2242022


It's not a magical mutation. It is a mutation that's happening all the time in all your cells, and happening all the time.

Evolution HAS been observed as well. Goldfishes taken from one pond with few predators and put in another pond with many, evolved in such a way that instead of getting many vournerable offsprings with bright colours. They got a few with darker camouflage-like colours.

It happened over the period of 8 years, so that's not really millions of years.

>> No.2242191

> HI let me start off by saying that I am not a creationist nor am I trying to use some old text to support some wild views.
Right, you're going to use NOTHING to support wild views instead.
>I however no longer believe in the idea of evolution
The Game.
>and I think that most of us have clung to this silly idea because the only other popular idea was creation-ism and it is even weirder than evolution.
The Game again. There were a lot of ideas other than creationism. Spontaneous generation was believed for a while, and it was shown wrong. The static model (there always have been and always will be more deer) was also wrong. Neither require a magic sky man creating each thing in a fit of magical clapping (the most wrong anyone ever was).
> but I am starting to think that we are way off base.
Good! Science encourages criticism. We'd like to know if we're wrong, so we can fix it! After all, if we missed a way to make something cool, we'd like to go back and try it.
> with the whole "something from nothing" evolution thing,
That would be creationism, not evolution.
> it seems as silly as adam and eve to me.
Because that IS the story of Adam and Eve.
> seeding, genetic manipulation, fifth denominational meatballs with god complexes
IDK but there must be something else.
Yep, there's definitely something else besides creationism. There's evolution.

>> No.2242232


>> No.2242255

OP is not alone in his questioning of how evolution started, here's some dude named Dawkins having the same doubt:


>> No.2242263
File: 182 KB, 735x500, Biblicalnonsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evolution is not a view you collosal retard, its a scientific theory, it has a strict definition, I think YOU need to look it up.

>> No.2242283

silly nigger Richard Dawkins is the new god and you are all clinging to a flat earth theory.

>> No.2242298

go /b/ack to /b/ and leave us alone

>> No.2242346


>> No.2242399


>> No.2242577


As true as what you say is, anyone can tell that OP's "arguments" stem from pure ignorance. Not a single argument tackles a specific mechanism or an observation supporting the theory; it's just a bunch of "evolution sounds silly, so it's probably false".


Listen kid, since you are probably too young to take a college level biology course and/or too lazy to read a biology text book that wasn't meant for grade school, how about you just be content (for now) with the fact that biologists didn't just sit around temples making this shit up, Darwin made countless of observations of variations between species that logically indicated that they arose from common ancestors; today every discovery made in biochemistry not only fully supports evolution, but also heavily implies the possibility of abiogenesis, which is what most of you're arguments are directed at.

>> No.2242800
File: 25 KB, 500x375, 1 out of 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ can't see a troll when they stare at it in the face