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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 90 KB, 500x333, kurz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2241604 No.2241604 [Reply] [Original]

You will live to see the singularity. It will happen during this generation.

Humanity will change so drasticly by the time you die at the age of 200, it will be almost unrecognizable.


>> No.2241607

As long as Kurzwell does not, I will be satisfied.

>> No.2241612

No. It will never appen. Stop fucking dreaming.

>> No.2241618

My only dream is to see the heat death of the universe.


>> No.2241620

Yeah, i feel bad for thinking it, but i would laugh so hard is Kurz kicks the bucket the day before that first computer makes a better version of itself.

And what he dies of is cured a week later.

>> No.2241621

and we will all have flying cars...

>> No.2241627


He's having himself "cryopreserved" (ie, dipped in liquid nitrogen) anyway.

>> No.2241629


>claims something
>provides no base, no logic, no argument, no evidence

Get back to your Jebus faggot.

>> No.2241635

> singularity
This is /sci/, not /sci-fi/.

>> No.2241642

So technology is advancing, but does that matter? Wouldn't the singularity rely more on efficient programming?

>> No.2241641

>Edison trying to invent the lightbulb

No it'll never fucking happen Edison! stop dreaming!

>> No.2241660
File: 58 KB, 469x428, 1292356206523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try troll

>> No.2241667


Interesting point. The official "self-improving computer system" is really more of a software issue then a hardware system.

Can programs be written to write more efficient and effective programs then themselves?

>> No.2241679

Only an elite few will get to the singularity, the rest will be turned into computable material by the nanite superorganism.

>> No.2241680


>> No.2241681

Shit man, I was going to do a troll post about this later...eh, still will.

>> No.2241688

We already have that, it's called life

>> No.2241691


Immortality will not happen overnight. Lifespan will drasticly increase first. With computer integration in human systems we will still be mortal, just not die easily.

Also, full nanobot infiltration and cognitive uploading will be for only the richest of the rich. ie, none of us.

no troll.

>> No.2241721

thanks for contributing.

>> No.2241744


For now it completely a theoretical field. When somebody comes up with solution a billion engineering problems of implementation will arise.


No life doesn't improve itself. Evolution does but it relies solely on random mutations which is not what singularity is.