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2241079 No.2241079 [Reply] [Original]

What's intelligent design?

>> No.2241081

Cintelligent designreationism.

>> No.2241080

The scientific theory that all life was created by a higher intelligence.

>> No.2241082

something dumb

>> No.2241086

That makes sense. What's evolution?

>> No.2241088

The scientific theory that all life happened by accident.

>> No.2241090
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>scientific theory

>> No.2241092
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No, seriously, anon. What is it?

>> No.2241097

NO YOU STUPID CUNT. The origin of life is abiogenesis, the transition to different kinds of life is evolution.

>> No.2241100

Er...it fails the falsifiability condition for being considered science.

OP: Inteliigent design was an idea put forward by young earth creationists that replaced "God" with "intelligent designer" and tried to use the pseudoscientific concept of irreducible complexity as supporting "evidence."

>> No.2241099

The cosmological and evolutionary equivalent of "god did it".
It's a thinly veiled attempt to put forth bullshit and call it science.

>> No.2241096

Creationism trying to play dress up in science clothes. It is utter nonsense without a shred of evidence to back it up, and its main premise is based on a logical fallacy (that being if the theory of evolution is wrong then ID is right).

>> No.2241104

Scientific theory are strictly naturalistic you fucking troll.

Intelligent Design: A bunch of creationist fucktards trying to get their bullshit taught in science class by replacing the word "god" with "intelligent designer" to get around legal issues.

>> No.2241110



>> No.2241124

In short it is the non-random survival of random genetic variations.

Overly simplified, species change over time as individuals born with variations that are beneficial survive in greater numbers than those born with less beneficial traits.
Given enough time in separate environments two populations of the same species build but different sets of beneficial traits.
If members of the previously same species then attempt to mate, they will produce nonviable offspring.
At that point the two separate populations are identified as now separate species.

>> No.2241167

For op, it's important that you actually understand the concept of evolution so that you know what you are arguing against.

Natural selection as an cause of evolution is what your religion has beef with.
The theory of natural selection proposes that the environment can act as a cause for change in species.

Intelligent design would propose that the god guided changes in species over the course of Earth's history.
As it happens, the same people claiming that also claim that the Earth is only about 6000 years old.
But these two are separate claims and only minimally related.

Evolution is a fact, species do change over time and given enough time apart they will accumulate enough difference such that they will not be able to reproduce.

You know that part is true if you have ever looked into animal domestication. Do you think a husky would be successful trying to breed with a rat terrier?

Not that they have a good argument anyway but your religion knows that evolution happens, they would like to say that god is the one causing it to happen.

>> No.2241232

And then we have Theistic Evolution, which reduces the randomness and unexplainable gaps here and there.

>> No.2241237


people like you on 4chan give me hope for humanity