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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2240363 No.2240363 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2240365
File: 27 KB, 500x302, Helicopter InAir .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your flying car.

>> No.2240372

They exist. They just suck and are not a viable means of safe transportation.

>> No.2240379

I aint even trolling.

>> No.2240378


>> No.2240415

Just a quick question: why did people in the past even think flying cars where a possibility?

Did they expect us to have mastered antigravity by now? Or did they think they could go around in nuclear powered jetcars, searing off pedestrians as they tried to land?

>> No.2240436

Because the idea is stupid.

>> No.2240440
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>go around in nuclear powered jetcars, searing off pedestrians as they tried to land?

>> No.2240476 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 300x427, darwin_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the Project Legacy Christmas Event, it is now official Assassin's Creed canon that Charles Darwin was an assassin.

I know this is /v/ rather than /sci/, but I thought you guys might find it amusing.

>> No.2240479

Well it is MUCH more energy efficient to have cars sitting on the ground.

>> No.2240480

Because it's fucking expensive, and we waste all our money on war.

>> No.2240503

Flying cars don't exist because they physically can't. A flying car is a plane or helicopter.

The question 'why don't flying cars exist?' is just like 'why don't non-flying planes exist?'. Fucking idiots.

>> No.2240533
File: 167 KB, 1280x960, fifth_element_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
I was talking about pic related obviously
stop denying that you expected it too in 1998

>> No.2240538


a flying car is a car that can fly. I would have thought that was obvious

>> No.2240547

define "car"

>> No.2240556

We didn't invest more in scientific research.


>> No.2240581


A privately owned, mass-produced, small (1-4 people) transportation device

>> No.2240597

a horse?

>> No.2240598

Because they trolled us heavily with the idea that science would have provided better life for every human while destroying the planet with hardcore capitalism.

C'mon, wake up. All you'll have from the future is the n-th generation iPhone.

>> No.2240602

Fuel concerns.
Lack of interest.

>> No.2240607

A helicopter can fit that definition.

>> No.2240609
File: 120 KB, 640x427, 1285705265676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 people

>> No.2240612

> mass-produced
Some people build their own one of a kind cars, or very limited numbers of them.

>> No.2240624

It could indeed, so maybe a better phrasing of the original question is "why don't we all have helicopters?" There's nothing technically stopping it, it's just wasted effort when automobiles are suitable for most people

>> No.2240641
File: 286 KB, 1536x2048, 300826564JVDdjE_fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> horse
> 4 people
> pic related
> any questions?
> u stupid faggot

>> No.2240642

> implying helicopters can drive

>> No.2240661


because people expected that a revolution of energy would take place in the future and that we would have found cleaner, more efficient fuels.

Instead we got a revolution of information, which we keep rapidly improving upon.

Think about it

>> No.2240664

>insinuating a horse can carry an additional 400 kg on it's back

>> No.2240667

Because petrol companies are holding the technology back.

>> No.2240668

Large part of that was probably the nuclear scares... if you could walk into a room and say nuclear without people tripping over themselves to run away then we might be at fusion tech by now.

>> No.2240669

finally a winner

>> No.2240672

> implying they wouldnt even earn more with flying planes you stupid cockslurping nazinigger

>> No.2240685



>> No.2240720

>implying they wont milk that after they run out of oil

>> No.2240752

> implying they wouldnt have still things to milk even if they release the flying planes now

>> No.2240772

> implying they will run out of oil and not import it from mars

>> No.2240883

This is the right answer, because of both physics and human stupidity.

Considering auto accidents are so common, imagine the potential destruction from accidents when the cars have even more kinetic and potential energy?

Also, we do have flying cars: they are called small planes. You're welome.

>> No.2240896

Something tells me you know nothing of physics and/or human stupidity.

>> No.2240909

>Implying that makes financial sense.

>> No.2240946
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jelphy Music

>> No.2240963

Capitalism halts scientific advances.

>> No.2240968
File: 59 KB, 700x305, So-Butt-Hurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like end of cold war halts scientific progress

>> No.2240982

Exactly, there is no motive for scientific advances, it is all about the profit motive on making things more attractive to consumers, basically get rich fast schemes, no one is going to invest on floating car research.

>> No.2241572

On a related note, why are you so sure you want this?

Have you seen the destruction caused by wheel based personal transport?
Imagine minority female drivers from California flying over your house in a ~500lb possibly explosive 200+mph missile. Daily.

The homeowner's insurance market would not survive it.

>> No.2241768

This claim can not be verified in reality. In fact scientific advances come almost exclusively from capitalist economies.

I'll look up science Nobel prizes going to socialist countries between 1950-1990
1958 - Physics
1959 - Chemistry
1964 - 2/3 Physics
1978 - 1/3 Physics

So out of 123 Nobel science prizes given during this time 3 went to scientists from Socialist countries. This is less than 2.5%

You can also notice that the longer they had had Socialism the less their output was.

>> No.2241914

Yeah right, I don't trust 99/100 people with non-flying cars. Giving all these idiots something that weighs 2 tons AND can fly would just increase the number of things they would have access to destroy. The idea is idiotic.

>> No.2241920

What if flying cars and roadways operated like the human circulatory system?

Fast, efficient, planned (low impact) contact so you know it's safe.

How is this not GENIUS?

>> No.2241937

this. Now its called nationalism.

>> No.2241941

You want a train.

>> No.2241952

You can't pilot trains and gently steer them through the air, knifing between traffic, and pulling up comfortably to your destination.

There are plenty of reasons why flying cars are preferable.

>> No.2241961

You're describing tracks and switches. You want flying cars that act like trains except there would need to be some governing system like, I dunno, a track.

>> No.2242691

You have absolutely no imagination. Let me lay it on you:

I'm not describing trains, I'm describing the circulatory system. The way blood cells travel. Remove yourself from tracks, lanes, and all the other shit that holds us back.

and the "Governing system" (lol, by the way. What the fuck were you thinking?) is called infrastructure. Cars aren't efficient without fucking roads, which we built.

Solution: Networked, open, magnetic skyways, where cars are free to glide and jostle like blood cells through the body. Add a basic steering/acceleration system in the vehicles, and you have a radically advanced, cheap, efficient, and fun traffic system.

From this step, you could even have computerized travel. It's that safe.

>> No.2242734

MAgnets. How the fuck do they work?

>> No.2242755

I don't think there's enough metal on this planet to come close to what you are describing

>> No.2242790

It doesn't take much metal to create strong magnetic fields. We've got plenty.

The most precious resource in this idea I've brainstormed is the energy it takes to create current to sustain the magnetic field.

It would obviously take a lot less energy than what is burned by every single car on the road today, but it's still a daunting task to engineer.

It's genius. We focus our energy into the roadways instead of the vehicles (which would have very simple electric motors, perhaps even powered on site). This leads to a more efficient system. Not to mention infrastructure which would exist on a digital network.

I urge you to see the implications of this.

>> No.2242827

Do you see how poorly people operate ground vehicles? Do you REALLY want those same people operating aircraft? FUCK NO.

>> No.2242835

>Solution: Networked, open, magnetic skyways, where cars are free to glide and jostle like blood cells through the body.

People operate ground vehicles poorly because of the system they're given to work with. Durr follow these lines on the ground, remember the rules when you get to special intersecting areas! If you want to think about the future, you have to free your mind from the present, and abandon the notions you have on traffic and piloting.

>> No.2242958

Because the catholic church systematically hunted down and destroyed anyone who was interested in how the world actually works.

>> No.2242986


>If you want to think about the future, you have to free your mind

Stopped reading right there. I'm sure you had a valid point but you don't need to phrase your side of the debate as if it's coming from the perspective of a stoned undergrad.

>> No.2243014

>perspective of a stoned undergrad.
You mean Einstein?

You're not going anywhere in life with that attitude. You have no creativity.

>> No.2243018
File: 73 KB, 450x744, einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is terrified of participating in a thought experiment.

>> No.2243043

pretty sure op wants a monorail network built