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2239681 No.2239681 [Reply] [Original]

What is the evolutionary aspect of the male feeling like a piece of shit after he was masturbated/had sex?

I've been pondering this for a while now.

Also, why do females require more emotional attachment and a sense of "a couple."

>> No.2239687

>why do females require more emotional attachment and a sense of "a couple."

I see you are a victim of feminist propaganda.

>> No.2239702
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You've obviously never been in a relationship. Females carve that lovey dovey foreplay.

Also, if you try to leave a female right after she has serviced your cock with a blowjob... don't expect for her to answer her phone for the next few days.

>> No.2239716
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this man is a genius.

any other hypotheses?

>> No.2239710

A man needs a refractory period after ejaculation to allow for more sperm to be produced. It's a waste of his energy if he shoots blanks.

>> No.2239730

That doesn't explain why the man has to feel like complete shit mentally after and have no desire to be around a female or interact with them anymore; it only explains why he cannot get hard again.

>> No.2239737

because you played with yourself instead of somebody else doing it for you? You're then reminded of your shitty sex life.

Also, because women are fags.

>> No.2239747
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Maybe you need therapy

>> No.2239765

I dunno, doesn't it sort of make sense? Doesn't your horniness suddenly drop to zero when it is no longer required, thus making a jarring contrast between a second ago when you found the porn hot, and now when you feel indifferent to it?

The weird thing is that this doesn't happen with real sex, but I guess that's because there are lots of other factors there that don't disappear when your horniness does.

>> No.2239774


Like the fact that you just banged a REAL woman?

You feel like shit because society pressures you into thinking that being with a woman is the height of social worthiness, and the opposite if not. You think you're a loser. It's not rocket surgery.

>> No.2239783

I'm not so sure about that. I don't think I have any guilty feelings about masturbating. But after I finish I suddenly find the porn incomprehensibly disgusting.

I guess sex is pretty disgusting in actuality, and after masturbating there's no other factor covering up this fact.

>> No.2239785
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>> No.2239818



>> No.2239834

>What is the evolutionary aspect of the male feeling like a piece of shit after he was masturbated/had sex

I feel fucking glorious, I don't know about you though.

>Also, why do females require more emotional attachment and a sense of "a couple."

To make the man stay with her. It was a time when men used to do the motherfucking hunting and provide food for the women and children. Women are insecure bitches that want easy food and resources, that's why.

>> No.2239844

its not necissarily an "advantage" and more like brain chemistry we still retain from ancestors. females are biologically more concerned with the welfare of the offspring, and convincing the male to stay will benefit the offspring. males are more likely to want to proliferate with many females, as to ensure their genetic material spreads by numbers of potential offspring.
Which is why women tend to want to "cuddle" after sex, since they are biologically trying to keep you around to help raise the offspring. you dont feel like sex so much because you've just had a hormone release, energy release, and biologically you dont want to be attached to the female, as it would be more beneficial for you to spread your seed to other potential mates.

>> No.2239887

yep. it explains why women are money-whoring bitchsluts

eherm... no "offense" girls

>> No.2239902

did all the biofags just fall asleep?
op look up prolactin and la petite mort

everyone feels it. the people bitching here have just never sexed anyone besides their hands

>> No.2239918


When you get horny, your motivations change. You will go to lengths to come that you didn't think you would. As soon as you come, you look back on what you did, and if it's too far, you feel bad. Hence the experience of feeling as though you caught yourself masturbating, or suddenly realising the woman you slept with is not so great in the harsh light of sobriety.

Women seem to have a similar motivational pattern when it comes to love. They will do a lot to get a guy to love them, to feel love and to feel loved, but once they get it, they are sated. And they suddenly see how all these other guys are offering them that first love feeling, while they can see this current guy for what he really is, a normal human being.

>> No.2239923


Men are the committed ones. From a biological standpoint, monogamy is the best way for a man to ensure he is investing in his heirs. Monogamy makes sense for a woman, in so far as she wants to prevent the man from investing in other women over her. But infidelity can be advantageous for each in certain circumstances.

>> No.2239927

Populations evolve, not individuals. So that explanation is bullshit. Actually all these explanations are purely speculative and bullshit, but that's the norm for evolutionary psychology.

>> No.2239940


Whence monogamy, then? I mean, the only reason I can imagine for a man wanting a woman to sleep with only him, is so that he can have exclusive access to her reproductive capacity, and so invest correctly in his heirs. The only reason I can imagine for a woman wanting a man to sleep only with her, is so that he does not become more invested in another woman, and stop supporting her and her offspring.

>> No.2239957

>monogamy is the best way to ensure he is investing in his heirs

maybe for some, but it is certainly not the best method. Polygamy is a method just as good. promiscuity, if put to its full potential, can have terrific results. you seem to forget that sometimes quality/>quantity

>> No.2239965


It seems to me that the optimal strategy is to sleep with everyone and invest in one. Hence your refractory period drives you away from women that are not your primary investment, but you don't get the negative thoughts if you've slept with the main egg basket.

Also, this is very pseudoscientific. Fuck you /sci/.

>> No.2239976


The man can invest time and effort into sleeping with a great many women, or he can invest time and effort into supporting children he is certain of. Often they will do the former first, then the latter. If he is very well situated, he may do both at the same time.

The children that are well taken care of will do better if he has raised them well, and so will tend to provide more grandchildren. The children that he does not invest in may do well, or not, but he can no longer affect the outcome.

>> No.2239986


You're describing actual evolutionary psychology.

>> No.2239987

>What is the evolutionary aspect of the male feeling like a piece of shit after he was masturbated/had sex?
I have never had this problem. I jack off at least 3 times a day, and I feel no guilt at any point in time over it.

What are you all on about?

>> No.2239994

Because you have loose principles, and is an animal.

>> No.2240001

Females have those feelings after masturbating as well. Or at least I do. Don't know about sex.

>> No.2240050

>Men are the committed ones


Since when are men committed? You only hear the commitment bullshit argument from women. Also, it makes more sense for men wanting to fuck many women since they produce millions of sperms. Women only have a limited set of ova and have a specific time frame in which they can get pregnant, so it makes more sense that they want a motherfucking partner committed to them. Also, they can't do shit while they are pregnant. Good luck defending you and your baby in womb when that fucking tiger wants to eat your ass. Is it so hard to understand?

Also women seem to get desperate after 30 to find a mate for life ie get married ie menopause. Men tend to not really give a fuck until like their 50's.

tl;dr Men age like wine, women age like milk
inb4 cheese, yogurt, gender shitstorm, etc

>> No.2240064


If one person claims they are committed to a project, but they start many, and abandon most, while someone else starts few projects and works their best to complete them, who is more committed?

My point being, wanting to get into any relationship of any sort as quickly as possible, and wanting to get a new one as soon as it goes slightly off, is not commitment. Working on keeping a relationship healthy is commitment.

>> No.2240112

What is attention whore love?

>> No.2240135

>Also, why do females require more emotional attachment and a sense of "a couple."
They want you to stay around and raise the baby.

>> No.2240143

Idiot troll is idiot.

>> No.2240152
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I'll carve you, nigga.

>> No.2240156

wait, we're supposed to feel like shit after we fap?

Shit, I always feel great for a few hours.

>> No.2240160


I think OP's into deviant porn - when he stops fapping he goes "oh what the fuck am I watching!?"

>> No.2240163


>> No.2240166

I'm pretty sure OP is talking about right afterwards Not while you are slapping it around.

>> No.2240169
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This has happened to me before.

I don't always watch deviant porn,
but when I do, I find it disgusting afterwards.