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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2238942 No.2238942 [Reply] [Original]

/g/'s doing it why don't we.

Everyone on earth is killed except for the people who have been on 4chan in the last 24 hours.You get the choice to kill yourself, or you get 10 minutes and then you're teleported to a subtropical island populated by the other people of the board you frequent most often with the objects on your person (what you are wearing and holding).The other boards are alive and on different places of the archipelago. So, naturally, the populace depends on the continents.The Earth's atmosphere is no longer fucked up, and all the resources on the Earth have been restored to record levels. Long-extinct plants and animals live once more, although the island would have a limited large predator population.Moot is dead, and we don't have means of communicating with other islands. The boards with <20 people are randomly distributed amongst the bigger boards.

How do you think /sci/ would do?

tl;dr - Earths fucked, 4channers teleported to this archipelago, taking only what they're wearing and holding.

>> No.2238951

I think we all leap ahead of survival a bit too much in our other threads. We go from finding water and building a shelter to forming alliances and creating a society.

In between, we'll need boats. I propose outrigger canoes with sails. They're perfect for what we need them to do.

Someone will need to bring plans, though. I'm not keen on building them based on trial + error.

>> No.2238958

In the other threads we have 10 minutes to get ready.

>> No.2238963

Read the second sentence.

>> No.2238971

I'm assuming we have no power on this archipelago.

I'd start by gathering a few essential survival materials - some sort of blade, rain gear, shelter, cooking materials, etc.
After that, if we're planning on rebuilding the world, I'd bring some books (not ebooks) on mechanical/structural/electrical engineering, medicine, the sciences, mathematics, a reasonable amount of history, and so on.

If there was any room left, I might bring some literature in the hopes that not all culture would be destroyed by the wrath of 4chan.

>> No.2238982

Only read the tl;dr. My bad.

>> No.2238989

/r9k/ers will scream and try to grab any female passerby's breasts then realize hope is still futile and jump into the shallow icy river

/fit/ will try desperately to save the /r9k/ers but the waters will freeze their bodies and they will die too

/adv/ers will run around commanding everybody but /b/tards would just mix in their own bad advice to troll

/new/ would argue which river, the left or the right one, should we build our villages, then they would get into a argument about free markets and government

/fa/s will try to make beaver skin fur hats but then realize it doesn't protect them from -40 weather and they will die slow, painful, agonizing pretty deaths

/g/ will construct a machine capable of transmitting electricity at a rate of 12 volt but /jp/ will scream EEEE AKIII HERESEE!!! as they spot the machine and will pile onto it and sacrifice themselves like the brave kamikaze pilots they are

/h/ would frantically try to create porn of every person they see while /i/ would help them sketch it in vivid detail

then /wg/ comes by and takes photographs using paper coated with salt of everything going in to submit it to future progeny

/int/ will try to settle differences but their pleas for calm and silence will be squashed by /mu/'s droning metal symphony

/d/ will just stab themselves with porcupine dicks while /sci/ hurriedly tries to revive their fallen weird faggot queers

and it will be left to /v/

who will just eventually say fuck it and press the reset button

>> No.2239001

We're on different islands, so probably not.

Also, /g/ building anything? Yeah right.

>> No.2239055

>recreate the internet
>lan party

>> No.2239063

>implying you need to recreate the internet and not just ethernet

>> No.2239179
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Day 1: /sci/sland manufactures crude weapons and tools; the beginnings of a small, but surprisingly functional anarcho-communist economy take form.
Day 2: The first technocratic /sci/ congress is elected. Dwellings, the Congress Building, facilities for manufacture and commerce, and the greatest place of learning on the 4chan Isles, the Great Library of /sci/ are constructed.
Day 3: The first flying machines and ocean-worthy vessels take to the air and sea. Mining has begun in earnest, and the Earth is carved with Roman splendor
Day 7: Sustainable fusion developed, research on Dark Energy continues
Day 13: /sci/sland finds itself in a state of economic abundance; food and other worldly goods can be replicated from energy; currency abolished; quantum computing is perfected
Day 28: Christening of /sci/'s first Galaxy-Class starship, the SS Sagan, takes to the cosmos

>> No.2239197
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I enjoyed reading this.

>> No.2239221

/tg/ and /g/ are our bros. /k/ would be a nice ally, but I think every island will try to suck /k/'s dick, so we might just set up our own team and it will be fine.

/b/ will be insanely dangerous because of its overcrowdedness and anarchy, they will send raids to everyone.

/v/ and /r9k/ won't have a long lifespan, they'll just cry when they realize no one cares about them and they will kill themselves out of depression (unless /b/ turns them into sex slaves).

/new/ and /int/, especially /new/ would be awful and nightmarish places to live in, people there are seriously batshit insane. Besides they'd be very agressive. I think we should form a coalition with most of the sane boards and try to destroy these boards before the plague spreads.

Porn boards will be neutral and nobody will mess with them because everyone will need to fap from time to time. They will probably control the whole economy (since the currency will be probably porn-based).

>> No.2239227

It only works because on day 4 we developed some intense cognitive enhancement chemicals.

>> No.2239230

Everyone dies. Male to female ratio is like 20:1, and the population of 4chan is already too small to create a sustainable colony.

>> No.2239238

We really need to work with /g/, and I think they want to work with us too. I doubt /b/ will get off their island, any time someone builds something someone else will destroy it "for the lulz."

>> No.2239242
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Who the fuck would be stupid enough to mix LSD with Adderall

>> No.2239247

lolwut, we've got heaps of people.

>> No.2239251

day 31: a schism occurs on the ship, over a dinner conversation about the different fields in sciences
day 33: the spacecraft is sanctioned off, barely functioning as members of different fields brutally murder each other
day 35: all contact is lost with the ship, the last video showing it hurtling into space with the bioscan readings showing no life
day 40: violence erupts on earth over the cause of this great loss
day 57: violence now engulfs the whole planet, and weapons of mass murder are used
day 58: the use of wmds has made the earth inhabitable and killed all 99.9% of human life
day 75: extinction of the human race as the last member succumbs to the cold and bitter environment

>> No.2239253

i'm an ee and have been working on some battery backup and robotics projects recently. I could have a bin with ~1000 watt-hours worth of Li-ion batteries, some big stepper motors to fashion into windmills, dc-dc supplies, my netbook, and a couple hundred watts worth of high power leds plus a shitload of various components and uCs. we could have lighting at night and a functioning windmill power system online in a few days at most.

i think i could fashion some sort of water pump and filtration system as well assuming there was a fresh water source to pump from.

but fuck it we'd be razed within days by other boards, i'd probably just choose to die.

>> No.2239256
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>> No.2239263

NO the SS DeGrasse TYson

anyway where we left off, we fo sho have an alliance with /k/, /new/ is our mortal enemy.
we'll conquer the islands of the other boards by supplying a product,weed/cocaine and lace it with tobacco or concentrate it with nicotine. After that we get the people of the other islands hooked by poisoning their food supply with the weed/cocaine laced with nicotine so become dependent on our product which we will trade for resources of the other islands. Therefore we shall control the spice, and the rest of the known world.

Now commence formulating a plan and making new alliances

>> No.2239277

Look at the distances between islands. We'll be insulated by distance for a while, nobody's closer than 30km. With that sort of time, we can build up some suitable defenses for our central base.

A 8ft deep, 8ft across pit lined with wooden spikes, with archers on our side with slits to fire through, we'll be good against most of our neighbours.

>> No.2239292
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I am a /r9k/ lurker, but I believe /sci/ would rise as the rightful rulers of 4chan archipelago.
/k/ & /fit/ have manpower but they are way too wild.

Comparing /sci/ with /k/ is like comparing the Ancient Romans with Nigeria.

>> No.2239293

We'll need early defenses. You're all very good at looking at the big picture, but we'll still need to get water, shelter, food in those first days.

You guys remind me of the wizards on that island in that Pratchett book.

>> No.2239304

I can't speak for everyone else, but we'd be more than willing for you to come here if you agree to work hard and share your knowledge.

>> No.2239305
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>Comparing /sci/ with /k/ is like comparing the Ancient Romans with Nigeria.
That can't be good.

>> No.2239313

But /k/ is full of rednecks and /sci/ is full of atheists. Mixing them can't be good.

>> No.2239326

That guy's from /r9k/. Other than being a sad virgin, he could be anything.

>> No.2239343
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/sci/ would be like the crazy scientist from "The Walking Dead". I can picture it:
Different people from /fit/, /k/, /g/, /trv/ and maybe /r9k/ would stare at the Futurist-looking building, thinking they would find their last hope there.
Instead, they find a mentally unstable man doing algebra equations.

>> No.2239345


I think a blood truce will be signed between /sci/ and /k/ as long as /new/ exists.

>> No.2239348

At least they're so submissive we can use them in manual labor and genetic experiments.

>> No.2239352


/sci/ have sociologist and psychologists, people who know how to handle large groups of big people.

>> No.2239353
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>> No.2239354

This thread was already posted here yesterday.

Turns out enough of us have sufficient materials and tools we could reach within ten minutes to build a nuclear reactor or bombs.

>> No.2239381

This is about the 8th time this thread has been made, and it will most likely keep going untill it happens.

i propose we made our own island, out of softdrink bottles

>> No.2239419

I propose we all start making a package with everything we need as a preparation to the island "trip".

>> No.2239432

>/sci/ have sociologist and psychologists, people who know how to handle large groups of big people.

After the way /sci/ has treated sociologists and psychologists, I hesitate to put them in any position of authority.

>> No.2239453


We don't like pseudoscientists.

>> No.2239509


There's a difference between what people say on the net and IRL; when the teenage boys of /sci/ realize that people working with human resource and have practical knowledge about how human works pretty much need to have knowledge about those, the herpedy derpedy here won't really matter.



>> No.2240529

I fucking love this thread. i love survival/rebuilding the world threads

>> No.2240535
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>> No.2240590

Somehow I can see /x/ becoming the loners and explorers of this new world.

God I hope somone remembers how to make dynamite or else our mining efforts are going to be freakishly slow unless we can find iron ore above ground (I mean who's going to bring a pickaxe or a sledgehammer from /x/)

>> No.2240619

Seriously does anyone know how to make explosives from scratch. Just to reassure me...

>> No.2240650
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Sort of related.

>> No.2240663

Thats all well and good but being dropped in the middle of an island and told to use it, it quickly becomes insufficient. What we need is practical knowlage of both modern and historical techniques.

Basically we need to know how to build the machines that build the machines.

>> No.2240674

I think we can enslave /vp/. Give them the false hope of making Pokemon real and we have slaves to do our bidding. Then, eventually, we actually make Pokemon real.

Because, really, if you can, then why the fuck not?

>> No.2240683

Just remember that the goal is rebuild it better than what it was, that means not copying what we have in place now or made historically if it wasn't of benefit.

>> No.2240688
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>> No.2240690

/sci/ is sufficiently far enough from /b/ to not be one of the first islands to be raped by a pack of 'em.
Imagine vikings, but crazier, and moreover an absolute majority of the population.

I suggest starting a destillation facility, and hope that people don't attack the bringers of liquor.

>> No.2240697

I just realized, /b/ is about the size of Germany.

>> No.2240708

Well by the time they get their shit sorted out the other islands will be well and truely organised. Think about it. A bunch of /b/tards in the middle of nowhere. It could be months before they work out their society. After that the explore a little and find more fucking /b/tards to interact with. They would probably descend into a tribal society with a handful of charismatic and intelligent leaders in charge of the largest groups. It could be years until organised scouting parties in boats arrived.

>> No.2240728


Yes BUT...
Pretty much all of them rely on Benzene which doesn't really kick around on you everyday island. I guess the best bet would be some peroxide but they aren't particularly safe... I doubt there would be any KNO3 etc so that's gun powder gone...

>> No.2240732
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Pic semi-related, /sci/ could partially pull this off after a decade.

>> No.2240733

>Implying /b/ will sort any shit out.
They'll just swim to islands in groups, and buttrape everyone.

>> No.2240736
File: 48 KB, 1043x586, stat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From 4chan.org/advertise/

>Our userbase continues to expand exponentially, being spread virally to new users at an incredible rate. The site serves more than 22 million impressions to over 700,000 unique visitors daily.

Statistics from big-boards.com/board/2225/

>> No.2240745

Page impressions per month: 705,000,000
Unique visitors per month: 10,200,000
Posts per day: 1,000,000
Alexa Traffic Rank: 642 (Global) & 307 (US)
Quantcast Rank: 358 (US)
Google PageRank: 6

Age: 18-34
Gender: ~65% male, ~35% female
Location: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Japan.
Interests: Japanese culture, anime, manga, video games, comics, technology, music, entertainment, adult content.
Education: Majority attended or currently attending college.
Income: 22% US HHI over $100,000

>> No.2240756
File: 92 KB, 500x643, 1268214311113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan.org is ranked #579 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. The site's visitors view an average of 32.5 unique pages per day. The site has been online for more than six years. Approximately 15% of visits to the site consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces). Compared with all internet users, 4chan.org's audience tends to be under the age of 25; it also appeals more to childless, low-income men and Caucasians browsing from home and school who are not college graduates.

>> No.2240764


Actually Nitro-glycerol loots moderately feasible. Get some animal fats melt then and heat them with NaOH which can be made from burnt wood. From that glycerol you'd need to nitrate it. That will require the production of the NO2- nucleophile which requires concentrated HNO3 and H2SO4 to do... I'm working on those bits...

>> No.2240813

What will most likely happen:
/b/ will do nothing productive really, most will die fast due to being fat neckbeards, a few will survive (simply as there are so many) and may make a small basic society.

/g/ most will die due to being so unhealthy beforehand and having no knowledge of the real world.

/k/ would bring guns, probably have a reasonable amount of real world survival knowledge, but will probably kill each other mostly before doing anything.

/v/ would be just a worse /b/

/r9k/ would all die even faster than /b/, many an heroing.

/adv/ would probably make a basic hunter gatherer society, but unlikely to develop much at all.

/fa/ would get killed by /fit/ at their first chance, and would be unable to fight back.

/fit/ would survive well, form a good strong hunter gatherer society, and probably manage to make some simple machinery, but not develop much more.

/lit/ would pick berries and read each others books.

/sci/, most would die due to being fat neckbeards with little knowledge of real world, some however may help form simple berry picker and later farmer societies, possibly developing further. /sci/ if anything would be the chance for the future.

No-one else would do anything interesting.

>> No.2240833
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I'm a /b/tard.

>> No.2240876

I think most of you are underestimating /b/. They have more land, more resources, and more of a will divine will to conquer the planet than all the other boards. Of course, they'll have their setbacks, but they're better off and most of them more prepared.

>> No.2240878

No, they are mostly idiots with no idea how the real world works, at least those with a will to conquer. There are some normal folk on /b/, they will probably just form simple groups happily fucking and eating berries all they want.

>> No.2240880
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Also, the game

>> No.2241039

I think lots of you underestamate /sci/s know how.
Realisticly, we could probably build simple batterys within a few months of find metal, it would then take about a year to construct a good motor, I then predict we could make more very quickly and load them onto boats, true it would be at least 2 years until we build them, but that's quite far ahead of the other islands.

>> No.2241050

/b/'s inhabitants would probably start smashing their heads in with rocks and eat each other after 3 days because they're too fucking stupid to even find something to eat

>> No.2241065

Find me a lemon and clay and I'll build a simple battery, got some old pennies in my pocket for the copper.

Won't do much good though. Find me a magnet and I'll build a generator. I can use clay for resistors to regulate output. And q stream to keep continual motion.

>> No.2241078

I would bring a shit load of pots and pans.

We really need those things.

>> No.2241095

no we wouldn't
i just had chinese

>> No.2241179

As said by the image in >>2240650's post, it's simple to make a magnet.

>mfw we'll have working lights and machines by the end of our first decade.

>> No.2241204

Yeah, but it will be annoying rebuilding the generator 20 times as i makes stronger and stronger magnets. Be nice to start with something a bit more powerful, buy if no one brings one, and there are no rare earth magnets lying around on the island, it certainly is an option to start weak

>> No.2241221

I'll grab as many magnets as I can.

>> No.2241224

When this thread comes up and I'm at home, I've got a stack of old drives I can bring and cannibalize. But when at work I unfortunately don't.

>> No.2241226

10 minutes.

Go down stairs into the kitchen get a sharp long blade knife and sharp short blade knife, preferably with full tang blades like a chefs knife.

Get my SAS survival guide as well and run through the drill in my head for making a solar still and working out the time as well, and grab my watch and wind up lantern too.

Also run through tests in my head to see if local plant life is edible too.

>> No.2241228

link to thread on /g/