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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2238059 No.2238059 [Reply] [Original]

>Did you guys know if you're right-handed you're actually left-brained??? I know, I'm so smart when it comes to brains, I'm going to be a psych major.
>I'm so social and good at figuring people out and telling if they're lying, I must be some kind of born psychologist or something

ITT: Things you hate about the people in your major.

>> No.2238067


>> No.2238078

>I have mild schizophrenia and have spent two years in prison. I only turn up once a week or so as the rest of the time I'm either seeing my psychiatrist or abusing narcotic substances in my apartment and having run ins with the law. Nevertheless, I am better at Mathematics than you are.

tbph, I'm impressed more than anything. God tier major.

>> No.2238087

People who think they have every disease.

also people who think Schizophrenia is multiple personality disorder.

>> No.2238107

"oh man that final was so unfair, that teacher shouldnt even have a job here anymore"

mfw all you had to do was study for it.

unfortunately you have to do a little work to do well in mathematics and physics

>> No.2238151

>omg doesn't he understand that no-one is listening. Yet he just keeps on going.

Some of us fucking are, so shut up.

>> No.2238167

>xkcd is nerdy humour for smart people, like us!
>wearing tshirts with physics related puns on them

>> No.2238176
File: 99 KB, 680x720, 10861898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Like, look at those pedestrians who use Windows and Macs, like aren't they retarded? Everyone should switch to Linux, but they are all so retarded bla bla bla".

Computer Science major.

>> No.2238409

>>Did you guys know if you're right-handed you're actually left-brained

Is this true

>> No.2238423

Nope, my right hemisphere has 80 percen dominance and i'm right handed.

>> No.2238426

>math, physics class
>point out that the professor forgot the minus sign in the loudest most obnoxious tone
>act like they're a fucking genius thinking they're smarter then a guy who got a Ph.D at MIT and 20 years in the field with over 9000 papers published because they can point out the minus sign.

>> No.2238464

I absolutely hate the people that have to contest everything the professor says when their answer/intuition doesn't agree. If you were right I'd be paying thousands of dollars to listen to your dumb ass for an hour, not a professor with a Ph.D and numerous publications.