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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 230 KB, 688x929, SCIENCE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2237790 No.2237790 [Reply] [Original]

Which will come first: Human/animal crossbreeds (i.e. proper furries) or the ability to enlarge your junk to the size of a 2-liter of pepsi without losing functionality?

>> No.2237795

The second one is useless the first one...well,let's say some people would like it

>> No.2237809

The second one is pointless without the first one.

>> No.2237811
File: 110 KB, 1272x369, the furvolution of trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First cyborgs. Then furries.

DIY genetic engineering kits immediately afterwards.

>> No.2237828
File: 443 KB, 1280x720, Flamethrower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fire is the only option.

>> No.2237831

Saw a vid with a guy who injected enough silicone into his dick and balls to give most macrofurs a run for their money. No way in hell he could've ever gotten it up, though.


It's from some british documentary, but I don't remember what the title was.

>> No.2237841

You do realise that if your penis was that large you wouldn't be able to have sex with anybody, right?

>> No.2237859
File: 259 KB, 547x700, m26601_Cox-Ruger-Bathroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incorrect, good sir.

>> No.2237861

thats right, they could stil have sex with your mom.

>> No.2237869

This will never happen

Furries are one of the ew things that are universally hated by everyone, and rightfully so.

No one will ever fund anything like this

>> No.2237871

furries are scum.
die in a fire

>> No.2237877

>Furries are one of the few things that are hated by a relatively small group of virgins who hang out on 4chan or a handful of other internet communities.


>> No.2237891

99% of normal people would want to see you burned at the stake for wanting to fuck snoopy.
Quit deluding yourself you sick fuck.

>> No.2237899
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would ask "why so butt hurt?" but we all know why furries are always so butt hurt.

>> No.2237917
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>be able to eradicate populations of Furfags in the future


>> No.2237922
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>> No.2237926

Right, because there are always massive protests outside the hotels they hold big furcons in. -_-

Spoiler: You think "everyone" hates furries because the only people you ever come in contact with are other 4chan users.

>> No.2237925
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>> No.2237932

why? oh god, why?

>> No.2237936
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>> No.2237937

right. cause the community is always well aware of what happens in convention halls. oh, and they are totally ok with bestiality and things which imply bestiality. that's why you always tell people you're a furry

>> No.2237940

I'm sure the general public would be a bit more vocal if they knew what the hell was going on.

Just say "hey, did you know that there are men in there dressed up in animal costumes and sucking eachothers' cocks?" to someone on the street nearby and they'll get incensed.

For bonus points, mention the reason they're in the costumes is to attract children.

>> No.2237959

Most people simply don't know you freaks exist. That's all

>> No.2237961

Anyone who's spent 10 seconds on the internet knows the gist of what furries are about. They just don't care nearly as much as you because, unlike you, they have sex on a regular basis and realize that pretty much everyone is horny and sleeping around as much as they're able, especially at conventions (of any type).


The New York Mets Have A Furry Run-In On Road Trip

Those injury-riddled New York Bastard Mets have struggled recently, so this recent road trip could serve as a self-reflective haven for players, coaches, and media. Unless the Pittsburgh hotel they're staying in is having a furry convention.

But according to SNY field announcer Kevin Burkhardt, that's the predicament the team faced when they pulled into their hotel room in Pittsburgh and he was justifiably "freaked out." Yes, the Westin Hotel in Pittsburgh is not only hosting the Mets this week, but Anthrocon 2009, the world's largest convention for people who like to dress in animal costumes.

The Mets managed to pull out a victory against the Brewers yesterday, with a 1-0 shutout courtesy of Mike Pelfrey. But the Mets desperately need a good night's sleep, given their recent injuries and uninspired play, so it can't be any comfort to know their REM-states might be disrupted by two people dressed in badger costumes going at it in the middle of their hallway.

>> No.2237965

>Just say "hey, did you know that there are men in there dressed up in animal costumes and sucking eachothers' cocks?" to someone on the street nearby and they'll get incensed.

Incensed at you for talking about gay sex on a public street, maybe.

If they're liberal enough to be cool with homosexuality, they're not going to be enraged by the fursuit angle. Slightly weirded out, possibly, but you can say that about any unusual sexual practice3.

>> No.2237971

aww those poor precious man-children. if seing peeps dressed up fucking in a hallway is enough to make them loose sleep in their own rooms the're just being pussies.

>> No.2237975

Furries are like pedophiles, except they rape pets instead of children.
How many people support child rapists? Not many, that's for sure.

>> No.2237993

> X's = Y's except for <crucial difference that isn't true anyway>. Y's are hated and thrown in prison, so X's should be to.

>> No.2237998

It's completely true.
The reason people turn furry is because no human will have sex with them (except for other furries), so they learn to be turned on by animals, they learn to enjoy fucking their neighbour's dog.

>> No.2238002

lol stereotypes

>> No.2238010
File: 159 KB, 850x860, 1280258657655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the persecution complex fags, you aren’t some oppressed ethnic group, or even your own real sexual minority, you are just a bunch of whiny pervs. Getting heckled and mocked on the internet isn’t the fucking same as getting rounded up and put in a camp.
You shit stains wouldn’t get half the attention if you just learned to ignore people.

>> No.2238012

Stereotypes are often right.

>> No.2238111
File: 1.38 MB, 800x1000, 665065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus, they're asking for it. being persecuted gives them a reason to claim anyone's wrong about them. reminds me of arabs calling racist anyone who criticize islamization.

really what's the point of having FURRIES, IRL except to satisfy the needs of some zoophiles ?

not a single furry really managed to explain me why he would dream to turn into something freaky like this yet.

also, this discussion in /sci/

>> No.2238129

especially now furaffinity's notes were leaked, revealing that members of the staff is either made out of pedophiles, zoophiles, and supports this in the fandom - acts up against whoever tries to fight zoophilia, especially.

it's over, furfags. we know who you are.

>> No.2238132

comparing sexual degenerates to the worlds second largest religion while simultaneously implying that muslim is a race and that muslim=arab when it can be anyone from any race.

oh 4chan, you're smart but you're also dumber than bricks. im white inb4 hurr sandnigga shit

>> No.2238138

oh good, YOU'RE here. -_-

>> No.2238144

furaffinity dramaz leaking out into the rest of the internet.

>> No.2238145
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>> No.2238158
File: 231 KB, 505x760, 1234570335848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really what's the point of having FURRIES, IRL

<-- Because this.

>> No.2238162
File: 28 KB, 995x745, zrbgv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course, i'm an expert in the study of the furry kind. it's a very serious topic. also, i'm able to answer a lot of questions if you have any.

>> No.2238180

furry porn can be hot. you are all just oppresed and desperately trying to convince yourself that you are normal

>> No.2238182

was clayton really raped when he was a kid?

>> No.2238186

Horo is not a furry.

>> No.2238233
File: 19 KB, 610x424, mrewmrewmrewkoyoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very probably, or he wouldn't be on pedo's back the way he does.

no, horo is not a furry. neither this girl with fake ears and a foxtail in the butt.

>> No.2238296
File: 45 KB, 400x600, strech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one.
How do you chose a fursona? Sometimes I hear you don't - it's the animal who choses you.

I think I'm a furry, but don't know which species, or gender yet. ( IRL 43yo/male/straight/bank and finances employee/i like animals/tend to be depressed and into SF.)

Can I create it from scratch, or do I have to commission another furry to make it?

>> No.2238327
File: 44 KB, 498x466, c37fe9e2079ec54c7d9a138e27bda498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usual method is to open an FA account, post some of your own 3rd-grade-level drawings of your fursona, and pay someone with 7th-grade talent $50 to do a better version, which you will then fap to and use as your avatar for the rest of time.

At this point, you can either
A) Learn how to draw yourself
B) Save up money to commision better artists
C) Irritate a lot of people on busy web forums who will then draw unflattering pictures of you for free, which you can then crop and use as reaction images.

patachu chose option #3

>> No.2238364

Not all "furries" need a fursona. A lot of people simply enjoy looking at anthropomorphic artwork without bothering to go any deeper. They are no less "furry" than anyone else. If you don't identify with a particular species, chances are you're one of those people.

>> No.2238369
File: 924 KB, 640x1000, METALkitsune_web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you aren't allowed to draw your own, only another fur can determine what you are and it's very simple: seeing you're older than the average furry (30ish) and with a job, straight(who certainly enjoys death metal. -now you do, or at least your fursona does.), you're a mystical fox of the shadows with glowy green eyes. now you can draw your alternate characters that fucks(yiffs. but i hate this word) with it anytime.

yes i always keep at least one fox or one dragon in stock, but there's a several drop in the stock market and psych straight one are becoming rare and outdated, 2010's almost over.

also furaffinity's a troll site. want to open something? www.inkbunny.net or get on deviantart.
i'll make it short : now you have a fursona you need to give him a name. it's a decision only you is able to take.

>> No.2238419
File: 37 KB, 400x297, Husky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I Guess I should practice more drawing, since I want something kind of personal.

From what I've read on Encyclopedia Dramatica about Fur Affinity's a bit more gloomy than the version depicted by furries, but I'll give it a shoot as long they don't yiff me ...!


I believe it's an identity thing, you know. I'm thinking about a cougar or some big cat.


I'm more into 80's rock / progressive, but I guess I'll adopt him immediately. Did you made it?

>> No.2238432
File: 288 KB, 600x600, Advice-Furry-WHERE-I-COME-FROM-RAPE-IS-THE-PREFERED-CURRENCY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I'll give it a shoot as long they don't yiff me ...!

damn, talk about missing the point.

>> No.2238448
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 208236916_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, are most furries into spiritual things? What's the exact meaning of therian and otherkin? I never really got what it means! Altought I don't wanna be involved in for this aspect, just for the fun unless the therian-otherkin spirituality being a personal enrichment.

Another one: How other furries percieve new furries? How do they see you when you hide yourself being one, or just being in for the fun and art?

Finally, how many furries is there ITT and in 4chan, in general? I thought you guys hated them but turns out that's quite a civil thread.

>> No.2238495
File: 180 KB, 666x666, Advice-Patachu-FCHANUS-IS-RAIDING-YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh. photoshop n' boredom but he's too lonely in my gallery, take care of him (i'm darkdoomer/nowhereincoming if you need to check. ...cute drawings you got btw)

yeah, furries goes yiffing in furry convention to pay their debts (pays expensive fursuits and artworks.)

therian : polite term for bestiality. therian beliefs means that it should be legal to rape your dog if you think you're a dog. they are dense and retarded and ends in prison for animal abuse. otherkin is a sign of shit tier autistic person like sonichu, like the famous "fuck you i'm a dragon"

furries hate anything new or coming from the outer fandom, and broader anything coming from the outside is an enemy.

let's count.

me: doesn't count - i'm banned from it and in fact i never been one.

anyone else ?

>> No.2238561


...Huh, wtf. that's fucked up!

Thanks for the advice, and everything... I guess I'm gonna avoid this shit and keep drawing instead.

>> No.2238596

patachu's a complete troll, don't listen to him -_-