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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 62 KB, 1024x768, 151488465485496161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2232056 No.2232056 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, you guys ready for the Lunar Eclipse?

I am extremely excited, anyone that see's it tonight gets to say they saw a lunar eclipse on winter solstice in their lifetime. The last one happened in 1638.

The moons is just so awesome. Wish you eurobros could see the whole thing

>> No.2232068

Setting my alarm for like 2 am, and hoping I can actually get up. This is going to be pretty cool.

>> No.2232078

It's supposed to happen around 3:00 am here in canada - gonna be staying up to see it.
It better not fucking snow.

>> No.2232085

I hope you get up to. I wouldn't want anyone interested to miss this.

Once in a lifetime chance.

>> No.2232096

Is it tonight? Can someone tell me when it is, eastern time?

>> No.2232103

The one day it snows here in Boston, there's a total lunar eclipse. Awesome.

>> No.2232104




>> No.2232110
File: 26 KB, 244x320, 1288326528476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eclipse will be visible on Monday night/Tuesday morning (20th/21st)
The times for the east coast are as follows:
Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 12:29 am EST
Partial Eclipse Begins: 1:33 am EST
Total Eclipse Begins: 2:41 am EST
Greatest Eclipse: 3:17 am EST
Total Eclipse Ends: 3:53 am EST
Partial Eclipse Ends: 5:01 am EST
Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 6:05 am EST
The first thing you are likely to see is some shading on the left side of the Moon after about 1 am.

thats for the east coast.

My body is ready.

>> No.2232114


2:41 AM eastern time is right at the peak of it.

I am very excited as well OP. I am just going to stay up since I normally got to bed around 3 anyways.....

>> No.2232123

yea i stay up late anyways so i can see pretty much the whole thing...only thing is, is that its cold as fuck outside

>> No.2232136


5:28 AM.

Welp, guess I'm gonna miss it.

>> No.2232148

So for +10 GMT, I'd see it best at... 5:14 PM?

Perfect viewing time

>> No.2232164
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Next decent one is in 2019!

>> No.2232177
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For those that want to make sure they can see it.

Some can only see it partially and others can't see it at all.

>> No.2232183

Thanks, you're a bro.

>> No.2232194

Okay, now who knows a site that has cloud cover forecasts...

>> No.2232203

can't see shit, fucking clouds

>> No.2232208

Looks harsh for a lot of you. I'm lucking out in philly.

>> No.2232209

no problem, just making sure all my /sci/bros can see this shit.

>> No.2232221

fuuuuuck so excited

>> No.2232224

Holy damn, that sucks. most of the US is covered in clouds.

Glad i am on the far east of North Carolina, i see a few clouds but not enough to cover the moon.

The moon is just sitting there all bright and beautiful.

sorry bros that can't see it cause of clouds.

>> No.2232228
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>> No.2232230

Everyone please record it on Cameras and share tomorrow

I dont know if il be able to see it

Weather forecast is Fog

Can i see the moon in fog i forget

>> No.2232240

can anyone tell me if ill be able to see it on the south east coast of australia (melbourne)

>> No.2232246

Didn't think of that...

I am going to record a lot of it and upload it afterwards.

I'll record about 1-2 mins at each of the phases.

I feel really bad after seeing the map of the cloud cover and realizing most of the US can't see the best lunar eclipse in years.

>> No.2232252

yes but it will just look like a glowing orb, hahah

all of cali has rain storms, Oregon and Washington have snow storms.

>> No.2232255

You'll only get the chance to see the partial eclipse shortly after sundown Tuesday evening at Tamworth.

The total lunar eclipse will already have ended at 7:53 p.m. Australian Eastern Summer Time Tuesday evening, before the moon comes up in New South Wales. At Tamworth, sundown tomorrow comes at 7:59 p.m. AEST.

When the moon rises in the northeastern sky, you'll see it appear as a thin crescent, except that a crescent moon can never otherwise appear in that part of the sky around sunset. As you watch over the next hour, the crescent fattens into the characteristic shape of a lunar eclipse, then into a disc with a bite out of it as the moon continues to move out of the earth's shadow.

The partial eclipse ends in Tamworth at 9:01 p.m. AEST.

No one in Australia will see the totally eclipsed moon on Tuesday evening. Even in places where technically the moon rises totally eclipsed, such as parts of the Queensland coast, the dusk skies will be too bright to see the coppery red lunar disc. They, like you , will have to wait for totality to end so they can see the partial eclipse.

i posted this from another answer, basically you guys can't see the total eclipse, only partial.
Next year you get a total one though.

>> No.2232258

Holy shit someone else from SoCal on here?

Fucking rain picks NOW out of the entire fucking year to finally show up.

I fucking hate the ridiculous weather in this area. It was 114 degrees a few weeks ago!

>> No.2232259

stupid australia :(

>> No.2232263

when is going to happen what are the times for Appalachia what are the times for Appalachia I must KNOW!!!

>> No.2232265

words cannot describe my rage

>> No.2232270

Im in the UK actually where its fog

I remember being in 1999 in france for the total eclipse of the sun, that was awesome and freaky, everything just went completely dark and all the animals freaked the fuck out for miles around, all you could hear was dogs barking and horses going nuts and foxes ran out of fucking nowhere

>> No.2232271

Read the thread.

its been posted here. >>2232110

>> No.2232275

I have yet to see a Solar Eclipse, that is the next thing i want to see.

>> No.2232280


>thats for the east coast.

i'm pretty sure central america won't see it simultaneously so I can't just subtract an hour.

WHAT ARE THE TIMES????!!!!!?!?!?!?

>> No.2232286

Fucking Minnesota, I've got a snowballs chance in hell of seeing this.

>> No.2232288

who gives a shit if its winter solstice? This shit happens every few years.
couldnt you always say, wowwie, I saw a lunar eclipce on "this date" and it wont happen again for a billions years.

>> No.2232289

you said appalachia, you are in the same time zone for the east cost, if you are in that area.

Unless i am confusing things.

>> No.2232296

Vancouverfag here.

What time will it be for me?

>> No.2232299

Well aren't you no fun.

At least Winter solstice is more important then just a generic day.

Whatever though dude. Enjoy being no fun.

>> No.2232301 [DELETED] 

no, lunar eclipses happen 4 times a year.

>> No.2232305

Except for a tiny fraction of a second due to the finite speed of light, everyone will see it simultaneously. Time zones means clocks will display different *numbers*, but it happens at the *same time*.

>> No.2232309

oh shit, this also boosts being able to see the ursids meteor shower. Awesome. Tonight is going to be fun.

>> No.2232310

idunno i'm so tired i can't think straight.
let me rephrase my request.

I NEED CENTRAL TIMES NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!111!!!11!!11

>> No.2232313

Goddamn it. First I miss the aurora borealis, and now I'm missing this lunar eclipse. I won't even get to see a solar eclipse until 2017. And I missed Halley's Comet by two years and won't get to see it until 2061. Some people get to see it twice in their lifetimes! Fuck my time and location.

>> No.2232315
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>my face when it's snowing out

>> No.2232317

So Australia's pretty much fucked, seeing as the moon rises like five minutes after the eclipse finishes?

God damn, I've already asked a girl to come down to the beach and watch it with me.

>> No.2232321


>> No.2232324



>> No.2232325


Take UT and subtract 7 hours.

>> No.2232350

She's going to think you made it up.

>> No.2232357
File: 42 KB, 329x280, 1290331059960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go outside.
>No clouds in sight.


sorry that you live in shitty areas bros.

>> No.2232367


>> No.2232374

In Canada.
Goddamn snow.

>> No.2232375

anyone know if i will be able to see this in Melbourne Australia??

>> No.2232383





>> No.2232384


>> No.2232386

I'm at UTC -3, can i see the eclipse?
Wiki is useless

>> No.2232387

sigh... read this

it says tamworth, but it goes for all of australia

>> No.2232391
File: 663 KB, 1280x857, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All clear beyond belief here on CENSORED, not a single cloud was spotted that day.

>> No.2232393

I wish I had a good angle from my house -- I'd record a time-lapse with a web-cam. There's free time-lapse recording software out there, if anyone's interested in doing that. I don't have a webcam with a zoom anyway, which would be helpful.

>> No.2232400

>UTC -2***
Sorry about the typo

>> No.2232403
File: 46 KB, 1081x1437, lunar_eclipse__2010_dec_21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subtract 3 from the UT times

>> No.2232416

I don't understand a thing about that picture, i don't even know what a penumbra is.
Yes, i'm not a sciencefag, i just want to look at the moon... dammit

>> No.2232425


I am on it sir.

i have the perfect angle.
but...will the 32 degrees outside fuck with my laptop?

inb4 haha laptop webcam...its a beasty webcam for a laptop one.

>> No.2232427
File: 995 KB, 2238x1295, arp274_hst_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag here.

What time will we be able to view it?

>> No.2232438

fucking 3rd ausfag that can't read the thread.

Not gonna be rude about it..

just read here....>>2232255

>> No.2232443

Man, you're lucky in LA. You can drive for a couple hours to the desert and see the milky way. There's nowhere you can go in the NE to get away from the light.

>> No.2232445

There was a lunar eclipse in 2008 you faggots.

>> No.2232451

>I am on it sir.
>but...will the 32 degrees outside fuck with my laptop?
I wouldn't think so. They usually put out a lot of heat. If you're worried about it maybe block the fan vents.

>> No.2232453
File: 12 KB, 175x171, 1290427237037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot that doesn't read the thread.

Longest lunar eclipse in years, first one since 1638 on winter solstice, and it allows you to see ursids meteor shower better.

stop being a faggot and let us enjoy our lunar eclipse. You are acting like it still isn't awesome.

Fucking shit.

>> No.2232460

can i see this in Australia?

>> No.2232465

troll or retard

>> No.2232466
File: 57 KB, 463x555, sciduckdisapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2232476

Ok good, i'll just look for the timelapse program.

>> No.2232479

Thats all well and good but kids saying "ONCE IN A LIFETIME EVENT" arent being entirely truthful. Enjoy it all you want! I hope you do.

>> No.2232487
File: 33 KB, 348x307, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colorado springs
>high altitude
>no clouds
>my face

>> No.2232489

True, but the Winter solstice thing is.

Either way you are right it isn't a once in a lifetime thing.

>> No.2232493
File: 12 KB, 336x302, earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'fraid you are on the wrong side of the planet for this one.
Only if you can see the moon I think :-/

>> No.2232507

That's about as meaningless as saying "Today I saw a lunar eclipse and a license plate that read 223 HGD! What are the odds?"

>> No.2232509

>best lunar eclipse in a long time
>get excited
>check weather
>entire fucking continent is covered in clouds


>> No.2232510
File: 98 KB, 225x216, chief cunt destroyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this Moon. Tidal locking is pathetic for any astronomical object.

>> No.2232517

No big deal, cock nose. Last full one was in 2008.
Its all magic up in this bitch

>> No.2232521 [DELETED] 

>sun and moon appear nearly the same size from earth

If you think that's impressive, you don't know one tenth of a percent of the crazy shit that goes on in the universe. Our little grey moon, as much as we love her, is small time.

>> No.2232522
File: 29 KB, 395x317, fffuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Heavy cloud cover in Norther MI.

>> No.2232525

Celestial event happening on an astrologically significant day (night) plus meteors). Fuck all your bullshit, tard.

>> No.2232531

Never done time lapse, but gonna set it to take a picture every minute.

Be nice having my own recording of it. I'll upload it too.

Yes, i know better places will upload it, doesn't mean i can't

>> No.2232546

I bet whoever is hoping to see the eclipse likes it hardcore in the ass. Last eclipse was in '08 dickweeds

>> No.2232561

>didn't read thread.

take a look at this post >>2232453
, and kindly shut the fuck up.

>> No.2232562

>stereotypical male posturing
I totally respect your humongous balls, bro. Totally.

>> No.2232566

Well fuck Minnesota is fucking covered in clouds and its snwoing

FML i should just an hero

>> No.2232589

It's an astronomical alignment. Sort of like a rare conjunction of planets. Oh, srry
>mr. no-fun is too good for rare astronomical alignments

>> No.2232601

That's awesome. The last time I downloaded time-lapse software you could say for example, that you wanted to record for 4 hours, and you wanted it to play back in 20 seconds (seems like good settings for this), and it would figure out how often to take a frame.

>> No.2232614

Once in a life time? lol fucking faggots, one was 2 years ago.

sage for teenagers

>> No.2232627


Look sir, trolls!

>> No.2232647

Hey faggot;

>> No.2232648

so what's the connection between the lunar eclipse and the winter solstace and why is this so special

>> No.2232654

Nothing. Just a bunch of little kids giddy they're out of primary school, and were most likely getting fucked by their uncles when it happened two years ago.

>> No.2232663

the last time it happened was a long time ago.
Also, there reasons /sci/ wouldn't care about, pagan stuff.

>> No.2232668


fucking eurofags

>> No.2232676

pl0x tell us about the pagan stuff

I have a hardon for pagan stuff

>> No.2232687



And there's no real connection, its just happenstance that the 2 occur on the same night, the last time this happened was in 1638.

And it's still amazing to witness even if you've seen it before you pretentious prick.

>> No.2232704


>> No.2232707

I want to see it but its been raining all day and theres a shit ton of clouds cover WTF

>> No.2232709



Basically celebrating the death/rebirth of the sun.
Its the reason christmas is on the date it is, easier for the pagans to change the celebration's meaning than to make a whole new one.

>> No.2232735
File: 22 KB, 297x169, 1288203331657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave for a bit.
>Come back
>Trolls everywhere

god damn, sorry for bringing up winter solstice, fuck, you fuckers are faggots. It's still an awesome thing to see, even if you've seen it before.

>> No.2232754

Ok, well since the winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year and the point at which the days start getting longer, it is the "between lives" time of the Earth, when the heavenly forces (the Sun, ofc) begin "impregnating" the Earth for its "rebirth" in Spring. Additionally, the occult has an event known as the Midnight Sun, in which supposedly one can attain a spiritual state such that one can see through solid matter and view the Sun on the other side of the Earth at midnight, and of course on the winter solstice this is even more significant since the sun spends the least amount of time in the visible sky.

The Moon is the primary feminine power of the heavens, and so for the Moon to be undergoing a psuedo-disappearance at the time when the Sun is at its weakest, we are pretty much left by the protective heavenly powers and shown a powerful reminder of the dark, chaotic, and uncaring side of the wilderness that is the Universe.

There is another interesting occult perspective on the lunar eclipse, which I will have to look up to make sure I'm relaying it properly.

>> No.2232758

it's so fucking cloudy here
last night it was like silver daylight
for fucks sake

>> No.2232774
File: 531 KB, 3000x2738, 1288088799861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i see stars and the moon as gods.

Problem /sci/?

>> No.2232794

raining hard in los angeles. what the hell is up with that?

>> No.2232809

Not so long as you understand stars are also great fusion furnaces.

>> No.2232812

Do you think this will leave us open to contact with spirits

>> No.2232833

That is why i see them as gods.

Star dust is basically what we are basically made of.

Without stars being formed/dying we wouldn't exist.

Also if the big bang is correct, Whatever caused that i see as a god to.

>> No.2232845

Well the canonical time for spirits being "closer" is Samhain/Halloween, but yes, there is also tradition that during times of physical hardship (as winter is) the spiritual aspect of the world is more easily accessible. This is also the rationale behind the shivering of seidr, fasting, pain ordeals, etc.

>> No.2232860

ugh, didn't mean to say basically twice.

>> No.2232874

>look outside
>clear sky
>can't see the moon

Goddamn it it better move, I'm not going outside at 3 for this shit

>> No.2232900
File: 289 KB, 960x570, hedselmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh... reading it on its own is not very meaningful; the whole book might have to be read to get the gist of what is being spoken about here.

>> No.2232917

I'm not going to get to see it, it's too cloudy here by far.


>> No.2232928

It's a once in a lifetime coincedence that has absolutely no fucking meaning whatsoever.
I hate you godamned paranormal fags.
Life is fucking AMAZING without your bullshit; it is insulting to the glory of these events when you go filling them with nonsense.

>> No.2232941

What about us Caribbean-bros?
I live in Trinidad. Will I be able to see anything?

>> No.2232953

sigh....you came into the thread way late.

i already addressed this.


the Winter Solstice thing has no relevance whatsoever, i just found it cool at first that the last time it happened on that date was 1638, but now i realize it doesn't really matter.
Didn't realize /sci/ would get so anal about it.

>> No.2232958



>> No.2232973

No, I think it's cool too; and if people weren't so fucking retarded it would have been perfectly fine that you mentioned it.

But instead we've got all these shit-faced pagans in here, who think it means their great grandma's dead body will fellate them, or something.

>> No.2232981

hay guys i'm from X, can i see it? hurr durr i r retard who nevah hurd of timezones or can red dem darn maps!

>> No.2232984

Washington Dude here.

It's cloudly, but the moon is bright as fuck tonight. I'll probably be able to see it. Gonna see it with my chick.

>> No.2232985

Yeah, this blows, it's SOOO cloudy here...

This'd be the first full lunar eclipse I've ever seen, IF ONLY I COULD SEE IT.

>> No.2232990

Hey another ventura count-ian
ventura here

>> No.2232999

Well at least i am not alone in thinking its cool.

It's not like i think its some amazing life changing thing. i just noticed that the last time this happened on winter solstice was 1638, and was like cool its been almost 400 years since the last time a lunar eclipse happened on winter solstice. Maybe i'll mention that.

NOPE.jpg, not gonna do anything like that again. I'll just mention an event happening and leave it at that.

So that way the anal sage trolls don't come out

>> No.2233005
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>> No.2233007

when is the last time the lunar eclipse happened on Christmas, Easter, new years, Halloween, summer solstice, or july 2nd, august 8th, september 19th.

you see where i am going with this?

>> No.2233009

hell yea, greenville here


>> No.2233011

If I'm correct, it should be midnight to see it at greatest eclipse in southern California?

Fucking clouds go away

>> No.2233031

clouds, clouds everywhere

>> No.2233033

Yes i see where you are going with this.

And i hope you yell at all the fags that freak out about a solar eclipse happening in the same area again. seen as it takes hundreds of years to happen in the same place again, yet obviously thats the same thing as it happening on a date.

Either way i don't care when it happens anymore, i am not mentioning anything to do with a date or area it happens in anymore, People get so uptight about shit it dumbfounds me.

>> No.2233034

how is it a once in a lifetime chance when there are fucking 2 lunar eclipses every year?

>> No.2233040

it's fucking cloudy over here in socal, so i'm probably shit out of luck..

>> No.2233050

ON winter solstice.
but as has been said, it doesn't fucking matter anymore seen as people are anal pained about it.

>> No.2233058

oh awesome. today was the first time in 5 years that i beat off and came at exactly 7:15:39am. probably won't happen for another 10 years.

>> No.2233062

that's it?
because it happens during the winter solstice.

>> No.2233073


Engineers confirmed for staying up pass their bedtimes to see the lunar eclipse.

>> No.2233076
File: 45 KB, 395x453, 1290184302514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow do people not read threads?

your shitty remarks have been said multiple times and i have addressed them all before.

probably being trolled anyways, so i am just ignoring the winter solstice crap from now on

>> No.2233083

Seattle, WA here. There's too many clouds, and I don't think I'll live until 2094. Fuck my life.

>> No.2233092

>no results

Anyone streaming this fr bros that are clouded over?

>> No.2233093



>> No.2233095


>> No.2233105

couldn't find a lunar eclipse thread there. Might being more specific? Thanks.

>> No.2233109

Yes, it moves quickly, refresh untill you find one.

Don't say thanks, go fuck yourself as soon as humanly possible.

>> No.2233111

Sucks, bro. I'll take pictures for ya.

>> No.2233120

Yelm Washington here.

It's fine. A little cloudy but fine. Will see it nicely.

U Mad big shot Seattle dude?

>> No.2233122

=( a link would be more helpful. Thanks anyways!

>> No.2233124

It has been raining almost nonstop in Los Angeles since last Friday, and it is raining now.

>> No.2233128

Why even go to sleep?
Make some coffee instead.

>> No.2233138

HEY, this is a great idea! Since most of us poor amerifags can't see shit, someone should stream it! It look slike parts of the east coast, florida, and texas are relatively clear.
Anyone who can see it feeling charitable?

>> No.2233140

Of the few times it rains in Vegas, it has to rain all night. Gee, thanks California.

>> No.2233142

Fuck yeah, Canyon City here :3

>> No.2233156

psh, I haven't slept in days.
Coffee is for losers, amphetamine all the way baby.
>mfw I've been crashing to the verge of unconciousness all day

>> No.2233160
File: 53 KB, 375x417, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they mad

gonna drink some coors light and watch it from my porch

>> No.2233164

Minnesota, fucking me over with cloud cover expected to last all night/morning.. Man I'm missing out

>> No.2233173

My astronomical Soceity is broadcasting the lunar eclipse live


>> No.2233174

Oh dear, you definitely shouldn't nap then. I know when I crash, I crash hard. You probably won't wake up.

Also just in case this hasn't been posted: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/eclipselunarchile

>> No.2233195
File: 102 KB, 800x800, exaliftin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2232315 here

Oh shit, the clouds are breaking up! I can actually see sky!

>my face now

>> No.2233203

I live in Chicago
Snow Storm. No visible moon
I'm raging about the weather

>> No.2233214

Brilliant. Thanks guys.
Nasa is going to stream it as well.

>> No.2233217

Fuck yeah Florida looks clear. I'm goin' moon watching tonight. I should break out the telescope.

>> No.2233218

What would happen if all the water inside a human suddenly became not polar? What exactly would happen to them?

>> No.2233228
File: 18 KB, 510x430, Jokernotamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Twilight discussion in the chat

>> No.2233230
File: 48 KB, 184x184, 1270947605554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm in Florida.
>No clouds.
>No nothing.
>No fog.
>No rage.
>Crystal clear outside.
>my face.

>> No.2233235


>> No.2233239

WOOOOW the moon is actually visible where i am. now i have some hope and will stay up all night to watch :)
it is partially cloudy though so the moon could easily disappear

>> No.2233242

guys is this fake? I don't see any stars!!


>> No.2233267
File: 53 KB, 469x428, 1268550710243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloudy in upstate NY.

>> No.2233276


Pennsylvania here. I'm jelly. Last night was perfect for us. The moon was so bright, it was casting shadows in the city, even with all the light pollution.

>> No.2233292
File: 15 KB, 188x229, 1281569854807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAssfag, cloudy as fuck...of course...

also-Pagans need to get the fuck out. most obnoxious people on the planet. all fat and ugly whales who wouldnt know science if it shit on their fat faces
>i mad

>> No.2233304
File: 52 KB, 366x380, 1291442609388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please....please.. please please be a troll.


>> No.2233321 [DELETED] 


>Implying those eclipses reach totality

The last total lunar eclipse that was visible from North America was something like 30 years ago.

>> No.2233337


>> No.2233339
File: 6 KB, 415x193, trollan_gaems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously though, someone educate me why I can't see any stars.

>> No.2233343

gentlemen, this is better than those two websites already posted


>> No.2233353

Yeah, utahfag, and same here. I haven't seen the sky in days.

I'm so jelly of the floridafags...

>> No.2233355
File: 123 KB, 807x861, 1289865143646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is bright, same reason you can't see the stars because of light pollution on earth.

The only reason some pictures taken in space have stars in them is because they take the time to let the light from the stars go into the lens.

When you are actually in space the stars are actually really bright. brighter then on earth

>> No.2233361

Coca... Cola... Space... Science center?

What the FUCK is this?

>> No.2233377
File: 29 KB, 429x425, mycard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers. I thought that was it (damn light pollution ;-;) but wasn't sure.

>> No.2233398

Ausfag here. Am I too late?

>> No.2233401

Floridafag here. Just took the telescope outside and calibrated everything, it's clear and holy FUCK the moon is bright... and right overhead. I had to change the leg length of two of the poles on the stand just to line up the aperture of the scope with the moon.

>> No.2233402

i have to see it from my kitchen or living room window because if i go to the roof or outside i'll probably get raped and murdered.

>> No.2233403

ausfags read here.

>> No.2233418

Florida-telescope fag here. I put on my CCW myself, I dont feel comfortable outside with a telescope near christmas in the middle of the night.

>> No.2233424

Yeah man, the only time I can look at a full moon with my telescope is during an eclipse.
It's too bright any other time.

I'm gonna get a moon filter eventually.

>> No.2233428

nah mate, we should be about to see it partially when the moon rises tonight, won't get to see much of it though :\

>> No.2233429



>> No.2233437

Going to go to sleep for about an hour. As long as I get a glimpse of red, I'll be fine.

>> No.2233440

Here in Central Florida, Clear skies... Halo around the full moon from the recent cold front.

You jealous?

>> No.2233444

all the moon does is turn orange? heh. like i havent seen that before

>> No.2233445

Telescope-fag is central too. Casselberry in Seminole County.

>> No.2233449
File: 20 KB, 689x507, patrickface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the lunar eclipse is right over our house

>> No.2233452

Superior Orange County, here.

>> No.2233455

so whens this shit starting?

>> No.2233456

oh holy shit i hate you

>> No.2233457

>Orange county
>Superior to anything


The only thing orange county is superior at is low standardized test scores.

>> No.2233459

It is illuminated by sunsets.

>> No.2233461

What time is the eclipse in Australia (Canberra/Sydney wise)

>> No.2233464
File: 538 KB, 2373x1329, Lunar_eclipse_optics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No; the moon enters the earths shadow. It turns RED, see pic.

What you've seen when you see an "orange" moon is just the result of atmospheric distortion; the light reflecting off the moon is still normal colored sunlight in that event, and it's nothing special.

This is semi-special, and cool as fuck to watch when there's a good one like this.

>> No.2233466

As if I went to Public Schools, COME ON!

>> No.2233471

It's too bad you're not closer. I got my telescope all set up. Can't wait till it starts going red.

>> No.2233476

u guys know there will bbe pictures and stuff.
im getting tired waiting here..

>> No.2233481

>to the roof

Who's going to rape or murder you on the roof?

>> No.2233483

Lucky, man. I wish I had a telescope.

>> No.2233485

The rooftop rapist!

>> No.2233488

Because pictures are the same as being there, right? Oh shit, saw some pictures of the Grand Canyon last week, well I don't ever want to go see it in person now. Totally satisfying.

>> No.2233490


Hide yo kids, hide yo wife!

>> No.2233503

Streams will have to do for me. Fucking cloudy shit.

>> No.2233507

and the Penumbral phase begins on the east coast, gonna be going outside every 10 mins to see the difference, too damn cold to stay out there. fucking 27 degrees

>> No.2233510
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1278380549098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg its starting to change :3

>> No.2233513

clouds fucking everywhere, luckily they are moving pretty fast and there are plenty of spaces in between to see through, but damn wish it was clear.

>> No.2233516

Brah people smoke weed and other weird shit where i live.

>> No.2233526

>some chucklefuck keeps changing the focus on chile stream
>ccssc stream still had no color


>> No.2233534




>> No.2233540

>implying that shit is pointed at the moon

>> No.2233544

Oh, look, it's the ISS! And NOT the moon!

>> No.2233547


If you were watching it, you'd see that they were moving the goddamned thing.

This is NASA mother fucker, they aren't going to let something like this just not be recorded from space.

>> No.2233551

I have been watching it, its in the same position as it has been for the last 45min.

>> No.2233556


Fuck that chatroom is full of stupid fucktards

captcha: Heathens Findes

>> No.2233559


>previously an image of empty space
>The earth is scrolling past now.

The fuck am I watching then?

>> No.2233563


They just switched the camera too. It's facing away from the ISS

>> No.2233564
File: 68 KB, 888x495, becksdisappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire sky is a diffuse reddish blur


>slickinn Why,

>> No.2233566


>> No.2233567

mexico city fag here
moon is bright as fuck

>> No.2233569

It's a camera on the ISS. It was showing the ISS a few minutes ago; now it's showing the earth.

I suppose it'll be pointed at the moon eventually.

>> No.2233572


nigga the view of the earth is a wallpaper

>> No.2233576

they already skipped the penumbral faggot.

>> No.2233577

It's supposed to happen around midnight here in Los Angeles, but it just so happens to be RAINY AS FUCK so I'm going to miss it ;_;

>> No.2233579


A wallpaper that moves and shows the eclipse and shit.

>> No.2233582

Moon has passed into the penumbra. It is starting to darken.

>> No.2233584

Still no discoloration on the moon I can see. Gonna be a long night I know, but I'm excited.

>> No.2233590
File: 205 KB, 361x361, EjwPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Indianapolis.
>Telescope and body ready

>> No.2233593

Asianfag here

>> No.2233595

here this one actually shows the moon


>> No.2233599

Sooo... does this stream not have color, or something?

>> No.2233600
File: 8 KB, 240x182, gotreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2233605

All of these have damn chatrooms, but at least this one is in spanish lol.

>> No.2233607



>> No.2233608

I believe they have a filter on right now because the moon is bright as fuck.

>> No.2233609
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 1287846731602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Iowa is overcast... just like it has been for every decent astronomical event for the last two years.

Every partial and total eclipse, every meteor shower peak, everything.


>> No.2233612

fucking anderson here
snows pretty much gone. still clouds

>> No.2233613

Alright, which one of you was that?

>> No.2233614
File: 43 KB, 400x300, EdIsAnnoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chile stream goes down

Let's get this shit started.


>> No.2233615
File: 37 KB, 500x459, 1290415009568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clear skies all night.
>penumberal starts.
>Clouds cover half the sky with the moon on that side.


atleast they are thin clouds and it just makes the moon less bright.

hopefully they clear out by the time the greatest eclipse starts

>> No.2233616

I fucking went out over an hour early by mistake.
I'm cold now.

>> No.2233620

Oh yeah, that'd make sense, considering how magnified their image is.

>> No.2233621


Over on the Southside. Stopped snowing here too..think the sky might clear up by 3am?

>> No.2233622

lol, time zones, how do they work?

>> No.2233623

Nobody on 4chan seems to know.

>> No.2233624


>> No.2233627


Failed to open media?
Someone is getting fired.

>> No.2233629

Oh lol nasa is streaming from http://www.ccssc.org/webcast.html

what a bunch of fags.

>> No.2233633

I was just about to comment on this.

Fucking Brazilians in the chatlog probably did it.

>> No.2233634



>> No.2233639




>> No.2233641


>> No.2233643
File: 55 KB, 400x388, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vancouverfag here. Fucking clouds everywhere.

>> No.2233644

NASA isn't, That "spacevidcast" site is.

>> No.2233645

no we live in indiana where we dont get to see shit in the sky lol. havent gotten to see any of the meteor showers this fall

>> No.2233652


yeah, I'm going to have to learn to accept. :(
:sympathy brofist:

>> No.2233654

>spacevidcast chat won't open

>> No.2233658



>> No.2233660

Bucks County PA here, not a cloud in the sky, it's late at night so there's not much glow on the horizon from Philly. Nice and quite, perfect eclipse viewing weather.

>> No.2233662

It won't start looking red until it enters the umbra, and then only once there's little bright part left, so you can adjust to the dark red. i.e. another 1.5 hrs about.

>> No.2233664

>mfw they're just stealing the coke webcam feed

>> No.2233666

the guys need to add color back into this stream. The moon isn't even that bright anymore.

>> No.2233675

is the lower-left side the darkening side?

>> No.2233678

Avada Kedavra!

>> No.2233681

>requires silverlight
No. Just fucking no.

>> No.2233685

Hey me too, brotha. I'm just over the line in montco, gonna drive away from the philly lights a bit, into bucks. Was thinking of watching from Core Creek Park, but I think I remember them chaining the entrances at night. So I found a baseball field near there to watch from.

>> No.2233688

Lower left relative to what?

>> No.2233691

relative to the fucking screen. it's overcdast here, bra

>> No.2233693

Decided to get the telescope ready to take some pictures.

Not a cloud in the sky where I live in Florida.

>> No.2233697


Northhampton County PA here.

The moon is directly above my fucking house. Also, the god damned sign from the casino is bright red so I see the ambient light from my window and get excited for nothing.

>> No.2233698

I wish mine had a camera attachment.

>> No.2233699
File: 36 KB, 297x266, 1280897480131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lawnchair and blanket
>6 pack of beer
>laptop with iron&wine discography and extension cord to backyard
>clear view of the moon
fuckin check

my body is ready.

>> No.2233700
File: 43 KB, 600x405, damnflorida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK your high pressure zone.

I'm currently stuck in southern western california.

>> No.2233702

How much does a average telescope cost?

>> No.2233705


Lackawanna County here.

Overcast. Overcast everywhere. Except for maybe a few breaks in the clouds.

>> No.2233707
File: 1.14 MB, 584x581, Lunar_eclipse_chart_close-2010Dec21_animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What stream are you looking at though? They're all different, man.
Saying "lower-left" tells me jack shit.

If you said "lower-left of the ccsc stream", that'd tell me something.

I don't suppose you know the name of any lunar features? That'd be ideal.
It'll begin darkening on the left side if the moon's north pole is up.
The side opposite of the mare tranquillitatis.

Here, have a gif.

>> No.2233709

You can get a decent beginner's alt az for ~130 from Orion. That's about the lowest you'll want to go.

>> No.2233714

Yeah, personally I wouldn't spend less than 200.

>> No.2233717

Is it okay to look directly at it?

>> No.2233721

It's a lunar eclipse. Of course it is.

>> No.2233724


Yes. You're thinking Solar eclipse.

>> No.2233725

I probably won't be able to see it.
Oh well, at least I'm on the Galapagos on a very nice night.

>> No.2233726

Of course. It'll be DIMMER than a regular full moon, and you can look at that, obviously.

Why do so many people not know how eclipses work?

>> No.2233731

Shit, thanks, that's aweosme.

>> No.2233733

I'd recommend either New Hope (even though it would be a fairly long drive it may be worth it) because it's far from philly and I think it would be neat to watch it on one of the bridges heading over to Jersey right on the Delaware river, or you could across the river to lambertville where there's a fairly high hill where you would get an unbelievable view from.

>> No.2233735

Oh fuck we dun goof'ed. We fucking made the moon disappear.

>> No.2233737

I got a telephoto lense on my camera, would anyone be interested in pictures?

>> No.2233738
File: 397 KB, 1000x882, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I have a camera attachment.
Took this picture last time purely with sheer determination, shaky hands BE DAMNED!

>> No.2233740


That's like asking if asia would be interested in tentacles.

>> No.2233741

That would be very cool.

>> No.2233742

VERY interested.

>> No.2233747

are you insane?
of course we are interested.

>> No.2233748

Wow, that's damned nice for handheld.

>> No.2233753

Fuck yes. Finally the fucking Moon showed up in my kitchen window. Now i can clearly see it for the next few hours.

>> No.2233764

Okay, I need to find a cord then. Also need to make sure there is no meta data on these pictures.... This being 4chan and all...

Also it is slightly cloudy here, so quality is somewhat to be desired.

>> No.2233765

I suppose I should clarify; It'll start on which ever side the moon is moving towards.
The moon's orientation changes depending on where you're at.

>> No.2233766

Wish I could see it through a window. It's directly overhead. I'd just set up my telescope inside with the window open if I could.

>> No.2233767

Nice !

>> No.2233780

any missouri fags see it yet?

>> No.2233782

>go to nytimes blog post about the eclipse
>read the second comment

Who knows what “Universal Time” is. It would be helpful to know what time the eclipse is. Thanks for nothing. Blocking this website

>oh my god people are stupid

>> No.2233788

Lol wow.

>> No.2233790

Painfully retarded...

>> No.2233792

I've become numb to it.

>> No.2233800

FUCK. Chicagoan here. WHAT THE HELL, MOTHER NATURE. Does anyone else see anything? All I see is an orangish sky covered by clouds. No snow at all. Can someone take pics for me and post? I wonder how the people at the Adler Planetarium party feel.
Yes, I mad. raaaaage.jpg

>> No.2233797

Indianafag here.

Cant see a goddamn thing. Not the moon and not even a single star... this is bullshit.

The weather is trolling me tonight.

>> No.2233798

fucking pissed. In the midwest being snowed on, or getting ready to be. fuck fuck fuck

>> No.2233804

The weather's been trolling astrofags all winter.

>> No.2233807



>> No.2233808



>> No.2233809

Clouds, cloud everywhere, at leas I can hope they will go away soon, but I doubt it.

>> No.2233820


Indianafag here too. Isn't this fucked up?

>> No.2233831

do we got a chatroom setup for this? post link plspls

>> No.2233835


I'd feel trolled hard. Was wondering if it was any worse up there. Still shitty in Indianapolis. FUCK.

>> No.2233845

What is everyone else seeing so far, all I've seen so far is that it is starting to have the left side a little bit shaded.

>> No.2233852

this is so fucking awesome, its already going dark on the left side kkekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke

>> No.2233856

all my old classmates in chile get clear summer weather for their solstice eclipse
and i'm up here in portland with the clouds :(

>> No.2233858


Your seeing the beginning of the partial eclipse stage.



>> No.2233863



>> No.2233875

I set up a chatroom for /sci/ concerning the eclipse:


>> No.2233880

That's just a chatroom, the stream is on the right and you can see it whether you're in the chatroom or not.

>> No.2233882


>> No.2233886

i know.

>> No.2233897

Best stream I've found that's actually working:

>> No.2233905


same over here, i'm gonna wait until its 2:40 to see if it changes any

>> No.2233907

Yeah, I'm so disappointed. My younger bro and I were waiting to check this out on his new telescope. It's like finding you got socks on Christmas and nothing else.
Should I run outside to check again?

>> No.2233919

Yes it is bro.. very fucked up. Why couldnt it be cloudy in ANY other day but this one?

Fort Waynefag here. Not any better up here bro.

>> No.2233923

Started a new thread since this one reached the bump limit guys


>> No.2233926


Not OP, but (Indianapolis) I just went outside to check and saw nothing. Probably go out in an hour or so. Doubt anything will change, though.

>> No.2234003


fellow Fortwaynefag here. This is super disappointing.

>> No.2234044

Just got up. What's going on?

>> No.2234064

Depends on where you are. Shit weather = nothing. Clear skies = you can see the eclipse.

>> No.2234134
File: 1.46 MB, 2000x1700, DSC01755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was cloudy for the entire Geminids meteor shower last week in New Jersey. A decent trade off for perfect crystal clear skies on the night of the Winter Solstice/Lunar Eclipse!

Got my telescope, jackets, and cup of white tea set up on my deck just outside for me to peer out for a few minutes every so often. Loving the eerie shadow looming over it...really a beautiful sight!

>> No.2234186
File: 525 KB, 1600x1200, 1269728975705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's so cool. As the shadow goes over the moon, the more orange it looks.

>> No.2234224


I think it looks more like an egg held to a lamp but either way it's amazing. I feel like I'm on an alien world looking up a bizarre sky.

We now have a full eclipse but the real redness won't show for another half hour I don't think.

>> No.2234296
File: 20 KB, 240x320, flashlights and mammaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hm, sort of like this?

If this is too much, say so and I'll delete it.

>> No.2234314
File: 1.01 MB, 2000x1285, DSC01763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep. Exactly like that...

>> No.2234423

fucking clouds!!!!

>> No.2234478
