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File: 7 KB, 313x301, 2008-06-20-oops[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2230237 No.2230237 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2230259

Pi has a fixed value. The troll made it so pi can vary and be the cartesian equation of a line

>> No.2230274

You're back to where you started....

>> No.2230278

π is not a variable. It is also fallacious; it should result in π = 2x-3

>> No.2230276


Just before the last line, you took the square root of (3-x)², but actually it's x-3, not 3-x, cause x>3.

>> No.2230284

correct until (3-x)^2=(pi-x)^2
but you can only go
|3-x| = |pi-x| from that, which is still correct.
In this case, it is
(3-x) = - (pi-x)

>> No.2230285

Submit it to fox as proof scientist are stupid and global warming is a lie.

>> No.2230286


No square root, it's a logical implication, if x^2 = y^2 then x must equal y. But yeah, >>2230278 still stands

>> No.2230296


You're the retard if the first line wasnt enough for you to see why the whole reasoning is wrong.

>> No.2230316

The first line is a let statement, the subsequent lines are operations done to it.
"If x = (pi+3)/2, then 2x = (pi+3)"

>> No.2230317

9 - 6x + x^2 != (3-x)^2
That's -x^2 - 6x + 9, or 9 + 6x - x^2

>> No.2230330
File: 10 KB, 346x313, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone doesn't know how to FOIL

>> No.2230333


I see someone hasn't passed algebra 1 yet

pro tip; When you foil you use the sign as well and neg x neg = pos

>> No.2230336

(-1)^2 = 1^2 => -1 = 1.

>> No.2230337

> if x^2 = y^2 then x must equal y

um... no

>> No.2230341


No, its supposedly an equality, pi is pi, whose value is known, so its just x=something and no further operation are needed

>> No.2230343

This guy was right, why are we still discussing this.

We've seen another troll math almost the same as this one.
5^2 = (-5)^2
Thus, 5 = -5

>> No.2230363

Fucking fuck I can do wonderfully at calculus but I can't fucking add or FOIL in my head. Stupid brain.

>> No.2230396

(-1)^2 = 1^2 => -1 = 1

Why make it so unnecessary long?
Oh I see, to troll stupid idiots like these:

>> No.2230407
File: 92 KB, 359x600, at-first-but-then.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol nice trollin OP
i wasted like 5 minutes till i see that everything is correct in the picture and pi was just a lucky variable (it's not the pi that refers to circles)

>> No.2230422

please kill yourself,

>> No.2230459
File: 100 KB, 441x408, 1274812179874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen a convincing one yet. It's always some 3rd grader error which extremely easy to spot.

>> No.2230472

>implying that most people learn about pi and factoring and FOILing before 7th/8th grade

>> No.2230485

Actually had to look that up. Lulz, you Americans feel the need to give this task an extra name?
Fucking inbred niggers. It follows directly from the distributive law which works in every ring. Jesus Christ..

>> No.2230487

I hate this fucking board.

>> No.2230502

Pi is not a variable.
Troll score: 0/10
Idiot score: 10/10

>> No.2230526

All of the UK uses it too.

>> No.2230532
File: 101 KB, 517x500, audrey-tautou1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2230553

π = 2*x-3

>> No.2230611

True. Whether OP factored the quadratic as (x-3)(x-3) or (3-x)(3-x) doesn't matter, because when foiled, they both come out as x^2-6x+9

>> No.2230663
File: 11 KB, 313x483, 1292865173255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2230693

>impling that <span class="math">a^2=b^2[/spoiler] implies a=b

>> No.2230702

What the shit is it with you idiots? Fucking "FOIL".. Never heard of that shit. It's called the distributive law, why do you need to have a stupid method which says exactly in what order to do what? It's fucking retarded.

(x+y)(a+b) = x(a+b) + y(a+b) = xa + xb + ya + yb
or equivalently with the right-distributive law:
(x+y)(a+b) = (x+y)a + (x+y)b = xa + ya + xb + yb

It's the distributive law used two times. What, too hard for you to use it MORE THAN ONCE?
Fucking idiots.

>> No.2231017

OP here
Or I could just use a simple visual trick to do most of the work in my head. That's what FOIL is.
Also, teaching 13 year olds about distributing entire quanities is harder than teaching FOIL, I've tried it.
Anyways, my buddy from work posted this on my Facebook wall to see if I could come up with a reason for why it doesn't work. The best I could do is that (3-x) = -(pi-x) and (3-x) != (pi-x). But what he and I are confused about is why the negative case works and the positive one becomes a contradiction. (Actually, I think he knows why, I just don't want to ask him yet since I'm the one being challenged).

>> No.2231046

never heard of foil, is it some nigger math taught in nigger africa?

>> No.2231052

because not all shit works when you bring roots into the equation. solve for x and you'll see

>> No.2231061

the square root of 3-x (which you do in one of the last steps) is imaginary, so shit gets fucked.

>> No.2231076
File: 14 KB, 481x456, claw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good troll OP

plenty of distractions to hide the fallacy. like "pi isn't a variable". FOIL hurrdurr

when real troll is a^2 = b^2 => a = b

which is obviously not case when one of a or b is negative

>> No.2231080


This. it is given in the start that x > 3, so taking the square root from thirds last to last is wrong.
Otherwise it doesnt matter. subitute 3.1 for pi and it still "works". no one says its a variable.

>> No.2231106


nowhere is this square root taken. see posts

>> No.2231126


a^2 = b^2 implies a = b if a,b>0
which is exactly why this fails. faggot.

>> No.2231143

not sure why you are quoting me, as i agree entirely and posted as such

lrn2 read perhaps

>> No.2231151

It's implied that it is.

And if the idiot who made the "proof" was logically implying that the two were equal, then he should have.

>> No.2231153

earlier, you multiply both sides by pi - 3. If pi = 3, you are dividing by 0.

>> No.2231186

Oh god I laughed so fucking hard at the FOIL thing.

>> No.2231189

there are four possible outcomes from this point on, but only 2 different answers, pi1 = 2x-3 and pi2 = 3

the third line in the image
2x(pi-3) = (pi+3)(pi-3)
you multiply both sides by a number
now look what happens if the numbers happens to be 0
the whole operation downwards looses sense, so we define that pi must be different from 3 to have a solution that makes sense

the main thing to note is that x is not the variable
pi is our variable and we use it to multiply on the 3rd line so we have to make sure that pi-3 != 0

>> No.2231208 [DELETED] 

It doesn't equal 3, it equals pi.
Define "x" as (3.14159... +3)/2 or 3.0708
therefore, 2x = pi + 3
2x((pi-3) = (pi+3)(pi-3) and so forth.

Any mistake that leads to the contradiction is purely algebraic, and not a logical fallacy. It works for one case after the square root, but not the other, and the proof happens to use THAT one.

This would make loads of sense.

>> No.2231205


sqrt(3-x) or sqrt(pi-x) does not occur in proof and their is no need to say "imaginary numbers herp derp" as in >>2231061

what is implied, and is incorrect, is that sqrt[(3-x)^2] = 3-x and sqrt[(pi-x)^2] = pi-x. related but different

>> No.2231209

<div class="math">a^2 = b^2 \Rightarrow |a| = |b|.</div>
Stop this other bullshit.

>> No.2231394


LOL yes, idiot score 10 for your post. So ownt. Bet now you're embarrassed of your post.
what these guys said:



>> No.2231450

Why would I be embarrassed? I posted it to see what you guys said.