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2228299 No.2228299 [Reply] [Original]

God... Ever been in any unnerving/scary situations with people?

A friend and I decided to head off to Walmart/7-11/Taco bell last night at about 1:00 AM or so as we were bored. The were all in the same general location.

As we left the safe suburbs and went out into road that led us where we wanted to head off to. As we were walking down the road (sidewalk on the side of the road, by the way) we heard a succession of gun shots out in the distance to the left, so i was i like 'oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit....uhh....just keep walking I guess...'

Everything was fine until we got to Walmart, where we met this really ugly, fat, scary looking girl who kept harassing us at the walmart front door, as we were about to enter the building. She was talking about how her boyfriend kicked her out of her house and she needs money, amongst her bullshit. My friend eventually gave her 5 bucks and she immediately turned around and ran off once she got the money.

After buying Demon's Souls we took off to Taco Bell, then 7-11.

After getting our slurpee and candy for the night (party favors for Demon's Souls) we left this building and met up with this meth head looking lady. She was talking about how her abusive boyfriend kicked her out, and how she needed money. After giving her a few dollars she begged us to follow her to a certain location, as it was late at night (this was about 3:30 AM or so). The location was on our way back home so we stupidly decided to go along with her. But about 20 meters out I got incredibly bad vibes off her - she was overtly trying to make us feel sorry for her, and how we should turn left into a sector of town I was unfamiliar with.

>> No.2228302

Not /sci/.

Take it to /b/

>> No.2228300

I told my friend I'm going back to walmart and jogged back, hoping he wouldn't be dumb enough to stick with her. I figured she could have some some partner that works with her in a potential scheme or something. You know she plays the sympathy card, we feel sorry for her, she lures out in an area and her partner intercepts with us. That sort of thing.

My friend eventually smartened up and ditched her, jogging back with me to walmart. As I was jogging to walmart her apparent boyfriend asked us if she saw a blond haired lady. So it turns out that she wasn't bullshitting. I told him the direction that she headed off to and he stormed on after her.

I felt like walking back home but didn't want to be caught up in their bullshit, as the location that she was heading off to was on the pathway to my house.

So my friend and I took off to Walmart for a bit, eating at subway.

As fate would have it my friend was particularly horny that night, as was the cute chick at Subway. They were flirting with each other like mad, wasting about 20 minutes or, just hardcore flirting. When we finished up with the meal we headed back to my house.

As we passed the location that the meth head chick wanted to meet us at we spotted about 5 police cars and 2 ambulances at that fucking location.

I'm thinking if my friend and the subway chick weren't horny, we would probably have left the walmart earlier on, witnessing whatever the fuck happened there. I'm guessing it was a shooting or something.

Never have I been so glad to go home.

>> No.2228312

On second thought, take this to /x/. They'll eat this up.

>> No.2228314
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>Giving people on the street money

>> No.2228319

>A friend and I decided to head off to Walmart/7-11/Taco bell last night at about 1:00 AM

cool story trailer trash bro

>> No.2228340

What other store would be open at that time of the night? I needed my demon's souls fix, damnit.

>> No.2228365

That was fucking retarded, I can't believe I read that whole thing. And I hate the way you use commas. Kindly fuck yourself.

>> No.2228410

I, just, read, somthing/this/what... exactly(why) ?

Never have I been so glad to go finish a wall of text.

>> No.2228430

Eh, I was finishing a CS problem set as I was typing this out. I didn't really care about how cohesive it was. You got the gist of it, though.

>> No.2228443


thats why you don't go to trailer-trash stores in the ghetto at 1am.

>> No.2228467

/sci/ - /x/

>> No.2228474

i was once walking home with a friend from target in a brand new, suburbish (my city doesn't have actual suburbs) area. a small pos car full of a bunch of nasty smelly niggers drove by and i happened to laugh in the wrong direction (toward them). they then pulled over, knocked me the fuck out in one punch, took my wallet and my friends wallet, and left.

i guess im pretty lucky i didn't get the fucking shit beat out of me. the location was pretty fucking out sight and no one would have been able to see anything going on

>> No.2228497

So it was like 3 in the morning and me and my friend went to 711 ate there, saw a crazy lady then went to mcdonalds ate there talked to a crack head then went to taco bell ate there and was threatened by a homeless man then we went to applebees then picked up chinese food and went home

>> No.2228501

>Kindly fuck yourself.
I lol'd
idk why.

>> No.2228516

Wherever you live, it's not nearly safe enough it's time to either move or start exercising you right to carry.
If you choose to protect yourself, do it properly; study and practice.

>> No.2228545

yea give the pleb a gun that'll make it better

>> No.2228561

oh hai me again. that happened a few years ago. and ive moved to the area it happened to since (my friend lived there) i also have a few firearms as well. working on a getting my ccw for my pistol

>> No.2228577

You're a moron. You do not belong on /sci/.
Go ask /k/ how guns can be useful as a self-defense tool.
Or look it up on Google for a while.
I promise your conceptions about them will change.

The mere presence of a gun provides security and believe it or not, gang members tend to respect people that have them.
If merely laughing at the wrong time was enough to make anon a target for robbery and assault then he needs to do something.
I advocate moving.
If that is not possible, it's time to get and learn how you properly use a weapon.

>> No.2228584
File: 272 KB, 771x1080, god2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God... Ever been in any unnerving/scary situations with people?

Yeah, this one time I took human form and some guys nailed me to a cross.

>> No.2228605

Good to hear anon.
It's good you got away from there and great that you decided to be responsible for your own safety.
Your story is a classic anecdotal demonstration of why citizens need to be armed. The police clearly could have done nothing to help you there.

>> No.2228616

>moved to
To or away from?
either way, better that you are carrying now but if the former why move to such a dangerous place?

>> No.2228726

OP here.

I admit, I posted this on a couple other boards.

Here's some stories that were posted by other people on the following boards:









>> No.2228816

>hates the way he uses commas
he uses commas perfectly, so I guess you're just some kind of half-witted, molested child.