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File: 83 KB, 481x800, inception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2226121 No.2226121 [Reply] [Original]

I find that Inception, the movie, is a crock of foul smelling vomit sprayed on ones face. Why did it get such high ratings?

>> No.2226133


>> No.2226146

Because the unwashed masses are easily wowed by simple theatrics.

>> No.2226158

you know what, youre right, better go see Skyline instead. that was awesome

>> No.2226165


i love the way you speak

>> No.2226183

I just watched it this last week, rented from Amazon On Demand via TiVo. It was an "ok" movie, glad I didn't pay to see it in the theatre though.

>> No.2226186
File: 215 KB, 464x388, 1288893258693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's picture is technically inaccurate, the idea behind the totem isn't that it would be constantly spinning if Leonardo's character was still in a dream, but that only he knows the exact properties that the spinning top possesses so if the top doesn't fall in a certain way then he must be in a dream.

>> No.2226187


>> No.2226208
File: 28 KB, 409x350, igotthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid people exist in far greater numbers than intelligent people thus they controll the ratings

Stupid people dont notice the predictable main plot and choose to ignore the superfluous complications because they are used to everything being way over their heads

>> No.2226266

Not true. You can do "reality checks" in dreams like that.

Looking at a clock, looking away, and then looking again. The numbers will change if you're dreaming.

Or, go to a light switch, turn it off, turn it on. Nothing will happen. That's another way.

Both of these things are actually how you practice lucid dreaming.

The totem spinning is accurate. Otherwise, you could argue that we're all omniscient solipsists and that everything only happens the way it does because we will it.

>> No.2226279

> lucid dreaming

>> No.2226606

I fucking hated Inception. I was bored within 15 minutes.

Just because a movie is drawn out and confusing does NOT make it a good movie. WTF, the baseline is this:

Chinaman:"There's this other corporation I want to destroy so that I can have more market share"
Leonardo:"I married an unstable bitch but I miss my kids, and I have this really useless but impressive looking skill. However can I fix this?"
Chinaman:"lets roll!"

>> No.2226619

Your to dumb to understand it.

>> No.2226628


You're the type of people who defend religion with "Jesus is real because it says so in the Bible!"

>> No.2226646

>Read through thread
>Typical /tv/ shit troll thread
>Remember I'm on /sci/
>Realise OP somehow concentrated on an issue that has nothing to do with /sci/ence

>> No.2226652

It's a good action movie which combines the properties of a good heist film with the properties of a really good con film with a luring "not-to-distant" sci-fi setting. I love it for those reasons.

I mean sure I think the whole dream thing logic made no sense at all. First of all, dreams within dream? Sure, I can understand how it might work. Basically you can just make youself believe that you're dreaming and thus you'll change the dream around you, meaning you'd basically just have a seperate dream from the other people. However I don't fucking understand this "Evertyhing happens 20 times faster the deeper you go.". That shit doesn't make sense, especially when you go to the dream-within-dream and of course the dream within that dream.

Basically, the story itself I think is awesome, but the sci-fi elements should just be taken as "lol magic".

>> No.2226669

Fuck the haters, film was amazing

Also, feasibility of the totem aside, it's necessary as a plot device.

>> No.2226675

it's a fucking movie bro. it has good acting. the story is pretty cool, and so is the action.

>> No.2226679
File: 52 KB, 385x640, 44e512d5_4bf7_a888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dreams are not like bond movies, they are way more interesting

>> No.2226689


Dreams within dreams are possible... The POV may just differ... I recall once fucking up a lucid nightmare to wake up screaming only to have a WTF moment when no one reacted to the shriek... And then I woke up for reals

>> No.2226695

How was it confusing. They tell you what they're going to do then do exactly that. That's my biggest peeve with the movie.
You know when a movie/show has someone talking about the plan and while he is it shows it being implemented. It was like that, only after that they did it again.

>> No.2226754

Hype sold the movie, same goes with most major blockbusters these days. Add to that a message that if you don't like the movie that you just didn't understand it and the people will defend their investment even more.

Also, do as I do, if you're deciding to see a movie and you're not sure of whether the hype is deserved look at the lowest rated reviews on a site like imdb, sure you might not agree with most of them, but it will give you a more honest impression of what is in the movie after you've read most of them.

>> No.2226816

I'm guessing you like Tosh.0 or South Park enough that you let them ruin perfectly good movies for you.

If you didn't like the movie, ask yourself: Did you watch it before or after everyone started talking about it? Chances are, you're an anti-bandwagoner, which makes you a colossal faggot.

How does that not make sense? Haven't you ever had a dream that seemed to last a whole day but you only slept for a few hours?

>> No.2226835

There wasn't much hype besides reviews and people telling their friends to see the movie. Everyone heard the movie was good, so everyone watched it. That's the most pure way to get an audience that there ever was.