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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2225065 No.2225065 [Reply] [Original]

Who is smarter an Engineer or a Doctor?

Who is smarter a Chemist or a Physicist?

>> No.2225071

Which engineer and which doctor?

Which chemist and which physicist?

>> No.2225068



>> No.2225074

On average medical doctors have higher IQ's than engineers.

Not sure about chemists and physicists, but as a general rule research scientists have higher IQ's than medical doctors...

>> No.2225076

Between the Doctor and Engiqueer I have to say the Doctor wins by a long shot

Chemistry and Physics are closely related so I say they are about the same

>> No.2225087

I'm smarter then all those faggots

>> No.2225095

Doctor is smarter.

Does that make him a better person or just a very, very useful person? Did you know smart people can be unhappy too? Thinking about all this, does it still seem like happiness in life is measured by intelligence?

Also, comparing different fields is like comparing the tires and the engine parts of a car. "Which one is the best?" you ask. I don't even need to answer, we just take a short look at the big picture: the car isn't going anywhere if even one part is missing.

>> No.2225101

>implying IQ measures intellingence
>implying Medical School isn't just memorization and regurgitation
>implying Engineering is easy

>> No.2225123


Question isn't who's smarter, question is who honestly gives a fuck apart from that little handful.

>> No.2225129
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Physicist have the highest IQ's


>> No.2225135

We know next to knowing about the brain processes information, but we know 100% how to measurement intelligence. /Thread

>> No.2225136


Fucking this, I don't see the reason why doctors are considered very smart, their stuff is just basic memorization, nothing near as abstract as high level mathematics which physicists, mathematicians and engineers have to understand.

>> No.2225138

The doctor is smarter than the engineer when it comes to the human body.
The engineer is smarter than the doctor when it comes to engineering.

The chemist is smarter than the physicist when it comes to chemistry.
The physicist is smarter than the chemist when it comes to physics.


>> No.2225144
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ffs nerds

>> No.2225145

given that medicine pays on average twice what engineering does, it would seem that capacity is a factor in preventing most engineers from practicing medicine.

you can diminish what you don't understand all you like, but that doesn't actually make it less complex.

>> No.2225160


Medical doctors have possibly the shittiest job of all. Not only that, years studying spent mostly memorizing shit.

>> No.2225161

Medicine is mostly memory with some analysis.
Engineering and science is mostly analysis with some memory.

Different people have different strengths and weaknesses.


>> No.2225174

>Medical doctors have possibly the shittiest job of all.

medical doctors would probably agree with that.

>Not only that, years studying spent mostly memorizing shit.

has it occurred to you that if it takes six years just to learn the language, perhaps they're dealing with ideas too complex and too broad for you to comprehend?

I don't understand math, should I be trusted if I say it's all just memorization and regurgitation?

>> No.2225175


>it would seem that capacity is a factor in preventing most engineers from practicing medicine.

Engineering: 3 years minimum
Medicine: 6 years minimum (+ specialization), about 10 years of education

It is more about effort, dedication and money than capacity.

>> No.2225178

You want to why calculus 2 is notorious for being hard? because of premed faggots who complain about it being hard

>> No.2225179

yet medical doctors have on average a measurably higher IQ than engineers... how do we explain this?

discount IQ tests? they seem predictive.

>> No.2225184


this. A proper IQ test will consist of memory and analytical sections.

However, most of you niggers have never taken an IQ test, so you wouldn't know about that.

>> No.2225185
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>medical school
>too complex for me to comprehend

>> No.2225197

I bet all engineers could be doctors and vice versa.

Same with physicists and chemists.


(engineerfag here)

>> No.2225198


this SO HARD.

fucking premeds can't do math for shit.

the only thing they're good at is putting in hours of effort and hard work. Which isn't a bad thing by any means.

Also remember that premed has a HUGE attrition rate, so it's like there's natural selection there.

On the other hand, all engineering faggots have to be at least somewhat decent in math, so most of them will stay in.

tl;dr; EVERYONE majors in premed, and only the smartest stay, only decent people major in engineering, and it's not anywhere near as scary, so nobody drops out.

thus, the people who become doctors are smarter than engineers, on average.

>> No.2225201


you're right, anybody can read books and become a doctor.

not everybody is good at math.

>> No.2225206


I bet engineers are amongst the top of all because we need so much maths and a lot of design abstraction to solve problems. And I'm not just saying that 'cause I am an engineer - I've discussed loads of topics with engineers, chemists, physicists and medifags and engineers are different from them all. Maybe not more intelligent...but definitely different.

>> No.2225211

that's a fair enough explanation.

I'm just arguing generalities. There are undoubtedly some extremely bright engineers out there, as well as a bunch that just barely made it that bring the average down.

medical doctors also vary, but group towards the higher end of the scale.

>> No.2225214


And how big is the difference between them? I'm guessing that it is between 5 and 15 points because I highly doubt that the it is >30.
And what does it mean that someone is 10 points smarter than you? Does he/she has a huge advantage over you or any advantage at all?

And yes, IQs shouldn't be taken seriously, they are only relevant in high extremes anyways(geniuses and retards)

>> No.2225216

The only reason I didn't go into medicine is because it's icky. So I went into engineering instead.

>> No.2225221
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>alot of maths

Sure bro, whatever let's you sleep at night

>> No.2225226
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You don't find gay secks icky?

>> No.2225229

I insist my partner uses a condom.

>> No.2225235
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>> No.2225245

you're correct, ~10 points is all.

Yes, that little 10 points at the top end of the scale translates to significant social and economic advantages.

>> No.2225528

Doctors are a bunch faggots who cant do math and science but want to pretend they can.

>> No.2225606
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Get over your insecurities you faggots. Do you see doctors ever bitch at physicists about 'all you ever do is plug and chug numbers'?
No, because both ideas are wrong but you people are too retarded to realize it.

/sci/ - high school dropouts and college freshmen

>> No.2225651

Doctors just memorize shit, so engineers.


>> No.2225661

how can i have test?

>> No.2225668

somewhat true, it's the breaking point where real intelligent kids (more of the nerds and social outcasts on average) do business as usual, and the preppy, rich, "herp-derp I'm gonna be an enginer cuz colledge is jes az eazy ass hi skool" can finally go their separate ways.

>> No.2225714


Because you need a 3.6 gpa plus to get into med school.

You just need a 3.0 to be employed at most places as an engineer(higher if at a lower tier school)

If engineers needed a 3.6 plus gpa to get hired, well then, doctors and engineers would be just as smart

>> No.2226085

> the preppy, rich, "herp-derp I'm gonna be an enginer cuz colledge is jes az eazy ass hi skool" can finally go their separate ways.

so then they become doctors rite?

>> No.2226110

cosmologist on premed students:

>> No.2226134 [DELETED] 

so I take your a high school drop out.

>> No.2226144

Implying your job has anything to do with your IQ,
There were kids in my class who should've been succesful but were poor as fuck so could't pay for school and shit.

>> No.2226178

ITT: 0 doctors, 1-2 engineers

>> No.2226202


>> No.2226226

>implying that engineering, physics and math classes are equal in difficulty to classes premeds take

>> No.2226260


>implying things that humans can make are more complex than things we cannot even begin to understand (the human body and its processes)

>> No.2226961

> implying doctors know everything there is to know about the human and not only limited to what scientists can understood.

>> No.2226983

>implying Communication and Education majors average 3 digit IQs


>> No.2227009

as a internal medicine doctor, I have to say that the curriculum for the mechanical engineering bachelors was more difficult in mathematical reasoning and conceptual complexity than my medical school courses, which were, actually, mostly of the same level and supported by extensive memorization ability, most of which is based on what you're born with

>> No.2227463
