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2224462 No.2224462 [Reply] [Original]

>Media drowning in global warming stories for the last ten years
>It's been cold and snowy as fuck the last few years

>> No.2224465

Its called climate change nowdays.
It can't be global cooling because they already had that fad in the 70's.

>> No.2224475

Because global warming will bring about an ice age.

Wait, what?

>> No.2224478

Climate is not temperature your dumb rotten asshole.

>> No.2224546

Global Warming is really a misnomer, and that's why they've shifted to Global Climate Change in recent years. What actually will happen is that temperatures will get more extreme.. yes, it will get hotter in some parts of the world, BUT it will also get colder in other parts. All in all neither is good for whatever local habitat is affected by the change. For example cooler temperate regions will promote non-native species to the area taking over, wiping out the original habitat, and of course warming up the poles has been for a long time known to be a bad thing. Within a few years the northern polar icecap will be gone, GONE, during summertime. In fact shipping routes are already being planned to take advantage of this new open ocean that used to be icelocked.

The caps are already like 2 or 3 feet thick in most parts during summer when they used to be dozens of feet thick all the time.

>> No.2224551

OP please tell me you're trolling. I thought that kind of stupid was extinct by now.

>> No.2224578

I wish hippies would quit getting so upset about climate change and extinction. It's fucking evolution deal with it.
The animals that can survive will survive and the ones that can't wont.