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2220519 No.2220519 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you have quit your university course / switched course half way through / taken a pause from studying for a year or more before returning? How many of you really, thoroughly enjoyed your major? How many of you stuck through with the degree even if you did not like it, and why did you do so?

A physicsfag with doubts here.

pic unrelated

>> No.2220530

Had good grades in Physics but I ended up switching because I didn't really like it. Doing Computer Science now and loving it. I quite enjoy codan.

>> No.2220540

I took off one semester and was part time the next when my mom got diagnosed with cancer and had surgery. It wasn't to rethink my major or for a vacation.

I still graduated on time because I did summer courses when I started back.

I majored in exercise science and I loved it. It was essentially a biology degree focusing on humans instead of animals and we are required to take all the physics, chemistry, and calc classes.

If you have any doubt about your major I suggest you either take a semester off to decide

You should also go do some volunteer work in the job you think you want right now.

If you pick something you don't enjoy then you are just wasting time and money and will be miserable later in life.

>> No.2220542


How many semesters into your course did you switch? Did you stay in the same institution?

>> No.2220544


I switched after 3 semesters, and yes, stayed at the same institution.

>> No.2220545

26 years old, been in college for 6 years, and still a senior. Switched from econ to business to chem and now IT. Damn I love college.

>> No.2220572

it took me a semester of physics to realize that i suck badly at maths, so to get better in it, i switched to maths

faultiest reasoning evar

>> No.2220576


A semester off would mean taking a year off, as the required courses at my institution run once a year. I'm afraid I would just do nothing for the whole year if I did that. And in terms of work, I have no clue what it is that I would like to do. I worked this summer for a biomedical software company and all I realized was that I do not want a job for which I need to sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day.


That's interesting, I haven't met anyone here who has switched that much. Makes the idea of switching course a little more acceptable. Was there a common reason between those switches or were they all differently motivated?

>> No.2220578

Classic example of so crazy that it might work.

>> No.2220581


You have continued studying mathematics then? What keeps you from changing?

>> No.2220582

this could work
you will suck hard in your new course but if you switch back everything will seem much easier

>> No.2220588

started out with econ because I wanted to be rich, then realized money doesnt mean shit so I switched to chem because of my love for science, then switched again because I got C's in my first year of chem and realized it would not get any easier, now doing IT cuz I'm a huge nerd. Throw in a couple years wasted away on MMOs and weed; hence the 6 years in college.

>> No.2220593

Started in geochemistry and never switched because I love everything about it and knew for a fact that it it was what I would be happiest doing.

You could continue with your physics major for now while taking courses related to other areas to see if you like them more. Also, like someone else said, and like you should be doing anyway, volunteer/intern at a physics lab or something.

>> No.2220627

Was studying Classics back in '08. Took a year out to recover from chronic illness, but that didn't get better. Instead, I switched to a former polytechnic 10 minutes down the road to study English. Passed first year and transferred out to a Russell group Uni, where I'm now halfway through my first (second overall) year here.

>> No.2220671

I started out as a comp sci major, and then dropped out to join the military. then i realized the military sucks, finished up and returned to school. I just started taking classes and found that I loved math, so no, mathematics major, BAM

>> No.2220691

Physicsfag here too. I am used to doing nothing (highschool did that for me), and I went into my first semester of physics thinking I could start working normally.

It's been 3 month at best and I'm already thinking of not studying during the next semester and get a job (and quit videogames).

Maybe then I'll be ready.

>> No.2220695

never switched, truly and utterly love mathematics. I would never even consider something else.

>> No.2220698

Switched to physics after doing half a year of ME, because ME just didn't go far enough into theoretics in a lot of fields I was interested in. ME also went pretty slow compared to physics.

tl;dr Physics is way better for theory than ME is.

>> No.2220775

Entered college thinking mechanical engineering, but from day one I knew that's not what I was doing. It was all too much part of the rat race. Switched to physics because particle accelerators, but I unfortunately had to drop my physics course at the time for financial reasons (Needed that time to work). With that, I continued on as if I was a CS major, but then realized that a job where I spend 8 hours a day in front of a computer will drive me insane.

Now at the time I was in calc 2, and as everything in that class blew my mind because it was so cool (I never took a calculus class in high school), I am now a mathematics major and I think that it's the best decision ever.

Going for a PhD when I finish, not for
>$300,000 starting
but because it's that damn awesome.

>> No.2222497
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