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2219773 No.2219773 [Reply] [Original]

got my first telescope today, but seeing is appalling tonight..

can anyone suggest some inspiring sci fi, that isnt contact (the best movie of all time)

>> No.2219776


>> No.2219779

>contact (the best movie of all time)
Have you read the book?

>> No.2219781
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They should've sent... a poet...

>> No.2219782

>inspiring sci fi
Bump for interest.

And by inspiring, do you mean thought-provoking, emotionally uplifting, or inspiring hope for the future of humanity?

Actually, come to think of it, I liked Star Trek: TNG for some of those basic reasons.

>> No.2219787

Independence Day

>> No.2219791

many thanks

its sitting on my bookshelf!
the next book i read
how much better then the movie can i expect it to be?

i meant thought provoking and inspiring for the future of humanity (contact)

>> No.2219795

Bio-dome has some out-there oddball humor, probably more for biology students tho

>> No.2219797

>how much better then the movie can i expect it to be?
It's been a while, but I enjoyed it. All books are better than the movies based on them (with the possible exception of the Princess Bride), but Contact was a good movie too, so the disparity thankfully isn't as huge as it might be.

This might sound weird, but Gurren Lagann is a great "Fuck yeah humanity" anime.

>> No.2219799

Also, Gunbuster and Diebuster.

>> No.2219801

The Pauly Shore movie?

>> No.2219812

Gunbuster has the best in-fiction use of relativity and time dilation I've ever seen on a screen, much less in animation.

>> No.2219814

as in humor that only someone learned in biology will understand?

>> No.2219826

Not the guy who suggested the movie, but I've seen it and it's a Pauly Shore movie. Not exactly the realm of high-brow inside jokes. But I'm not a biology student, so what do I know.

>> No.2219838

it will be something new to me because i usually read pop-physics/maths books. but i love anything Sagan so im looking forward to it!

also i will check out those movies too

>> No.2219846

If you want a blow-your-mind scifi, there's The Quiet Earth. Haven't seen it myself though. You can look up a synopsis.

>> No.2219861

congratulations, you just found my movie of the nigh
many thanks

>> No.2219866
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>thought provoking and inspiring for the future of humanity
Read books.

Really. Read books.
Greg Bear
-Blood Music
-The Way saga
-The Forge of God & Anvil of Stars

Stephen Baxter
-Xeelee Sequence

Gregory Benford
-Galactic Center saga

Robert Reed
-Marrow & The Well of Stars
-all short stories

And of course Asimov, Clarke, Verne...

>> No.2219881

interesting, i assume that these are all science fiction?

can you suggest one to start on?

>> No.2219907

Depends on what you like.
-Marrow has an intergalactic starship (apparently) as old as the universe, no FTL and almost totally immortal people. The action gets REALLY grisly at points.
-Blood Music is hard define without giving away any plot points. Let's just say that humanity is fucked, or is it?
-Xeelee Sequence books are part "humanity, fuck yeah!" and part "humanity, what the hell!", Vacuum Diagrams should be read last, as it gives a glimmer of hope
-Galactic Center saga is genocide, hopelessness and engineering with black holes
-The Way saga is engineering with spacetime, and different spacetimes. And also a nuclear apocalypse.
-The Forge of God is about aliens meddling with humans. The Anvil of Stars is humans meddling right back.

Most of this is hard sci-fi, so no FTL except in Xeelee sequence, but that has a lot of other redeeming qualities.

>> No.2219929
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time to make some purchases on amazon

>> No.2219941

Hope you like them.

>> No.2219945

+1 for the Xeelee Sequence. Hard sci-fi on the grandest of scales.

>> No.2219948

Kin-Dza-Dza and Sexmission

>> No.2219957

Dan Simmons - Hyperion Cantos


The Dune Saga

if you want a good few months of centuries-spanning scifi

>> No.2219968
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Thank you.

After reading a whole lot of books and playing some really interesting games, no film can compare to the vistas those authors can paint in my imagination.

The most fantastic parts of Avatar seem like an oft-traveled road in comparison to something like the Rooms in Feersum Endjinn.

>> No.2219976
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>Pauly Shore movie

>> No.2219990

Battlestar Galactica for soft sci-fi

For some reason, I find Supernova endearing.

>> No.2219997

BSG is alright
its not good enough for me to sit down and watch 2 episodes in a row but is a good casual thing

>> No.2219999

primer is pretty good sci fi

i like solaris, both versions

>> No.2220007

+1 for Battlestar Galactica. Mind-blowingly good for a show that is meant to be a remake of some tragic horseshit from the 80s.

>> No.2220011

-2 for both comments

>> No.2220022

Primer, Cube 2 (funny but not exactly accurate..), π (math-centered psychological thriller).

>> No.2220034
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confirmed for 2 deep.

>> No.2220057

Two episodes from Dr. Who: The Impossible plant/The Satan Pit.

Alien-style sci-fi thriller. Amazing environment of an industrial mining base, great creature design (the Ood) and cool plot.

>> No.2220061

Aww yeah, BSG fans up in this bitch.
Fucking love that show, bro