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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2219646 No.2219646 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is /sci/ but this is by far the most intellectual board on 4chan so i bequest your historical knowledge.

I'm a math major and have locked up As in all my actual math classes after having taken final... but

my Gen Ed history final is next week.

My roommate is majoring in Computer Science and somehow he was able to get my history final off of my professors computer.

It's 152 questions just like he said and has many of the questions he has hinted at.

I really need to get an A on this final because it accounts for 45% of your grade and I currently have a 80% and this class is the only thing holding me back from a 4.0 GPA.

Please /sci/, I'm going to post some questions and if you know the right answer please tell me.

In return, nudes of this girl or I will help you in any math/physics question up to Math Analysis (Real/Linear Algebra).

Also, of course I'll answer anything from single variable to multiple variable Calculus questions

>> No.2219663

History classes are pretty much all memorization. I can't imagine what you would need our help for.

Now, about those nude pics...

>> No.2219660

History is easy, go on.

>> No.2219669

Man it's called google. You can google the fuck out of history questions. Please use it

>> No.2219670

4) In Puritan New England the state supported the Congregational church by all of the following means except (A) selecting clergymen (B) expelling dissidents (C) enforcing compulsory attendance at services (D) taxing residents to finance churches (E) establishing colleges to train ministers.

5) Which of the following was an important result of Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia? (A) increased power for the House of Burgesses (B) more representation for the western counties of Virginia in the House of Burgesses (C) the restriction of white settlement west of the Appalachian mountains (D) Parliamentary taxation of tobacco exports (E) the negotiation of a new Indian treaty that opened up more western land for whites.

6) In the thirteen colonies prior to 1763, a major source of political tensions was the conflict between (A) the governors and the leaders of the assemblies (B) the governors and their councils (C) the leaders of the assemblies and British customs agents (D) the leaders of local governments and the leaders of the assemblies (E) between the governors and the leaders of local governments.

7) During the early years of the Pennsylvania colony William Penn did all of the following except (A) obtain a charter that gave the King of England the right to veto the colony’s laws (B) negotiate the purchase of land from the Delaware Indians (C) design a plan for the city of Philadelphia (D) proclaim a doctrine of religious toleration for all who professed belief in “One almighty God” (E) establish a policy of free trade between Pennsylvania and the rest of the British Empire.

8) Which of the following was an important result of British mercantilist policy? (A) the growth of North American manufacturing (B) a surplus of imports over exports for the empire as a whole (C) improvement in the standard of living in the colonies (D) the stifling of urban growth in the colonies (E) the reduction of trade restrictions with European nations.

>> No.2219671

i'd like to shake your roomie's hand

>> No.2219677

9) Which of the following were important consequences of the Great Awakening of the 1740s?
I. an increase in church membership in all regions
II. an increase in religious toleration and freedom
III. the founding of Harvard and Yale
IV. the division of the Congregational and Presbyterian churches into rival factions
V. a renewed interest in the conversion and more humane treatment of Indians and blacks
(A) I, II, III, and V only (B) I, III, IV, and IV only (C) I, II, III, and IV only (D) I, II, IV, and V only (E) all of the above.

10) All of the following groups were part of the coalition that constituted the Jacksonian Democratic party except: A) economically marginal northern farmers (B) self-employed artisans (C) hired workers (D) urban Catholic immigrants (E) rural Protestant slaveholders.

11) The purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas was (A) to divide the non-European world between Spain and Portugal (B) to specify which parts of North America should be French and which parts Spanish (C) to create an alliance of France, Holland, and England against Spanish designs in the New World (D) to divide the New World between France and Spain (E) to exclude any Portuguese colonization from the Western hemisphere.

12) The main reason for the British colonial authorities’ preference for royal colonies over those with other types of government was (A) the desire to exercise closer control over the colonies (B) the desire to prevent corruption within colonial governments (C) the desire to assure that the rights of the colonists were not infringed by greedy proprietors (D) the need to reduce the size of the colonial bureaucracy (E) the desire to increase colonial prosperity.

>> No.2219678

You didn't take any notes, did you? Because if you did you wouldn't be doing this shit.

>> No.2219685

Derp, read the textbook

seriously, are you all retarded?

>> No.2219687

I know history is easy for a lot of people but not for me. I'm phenomenal at Physics, Math, and I'm a decent rhetorician; however, I just can't apply myself to history...it seems so trivial.

I breezed through my AP history classes in high school because it was all memorization and the teacher didn't even read my writings--I would use such loft diction she would just give me a 100% on everything written.

>> No.2219689

4. C

>> No.2219691

my textbook for this class is like 900 pages

>> No.2219701

13) The Molasses Act was intended to enforce England’s mercantilist policies by (A) forcing the colonists to export solely to Great Britain (B) forcing the colonists to buy sugar from other British colonies rather than from foreign producers (C) forbidding the colonists to engage in manufacturing activity in competition with British industries (D) providing a favorable market for the products of the British East India Company (E) creating an economic situation in which gold tended to flow from the colonies to the mother country.

14) The Albany Congress of 1754 was convened for the major purpose of (A) adding New York to the Dominion of New England (B) getting the colonies to form a “grand council” to coordinate their western expansion and their common defense against Indians (C) uniting the colonies under a “grand council” to resist British economic sanctions and coordinate activities against British tax officials (D) cooperating with the French in their efforts to rid western New York and southern Canada of raiding Indian tribes (E) writing a proclamation to be sent to King George III in protest of the Stamp Act.

15) Colonies such as the Carolinas were known as “restoration colonies” because (A) their creation was mainly due to the restoration of the Stuarts to the English throne (B) they were created as places to send criminals to restore them to civilized behavior and give them a chance to lead decent, honest lives (C) their creation was mainly due to an effort by the English government to restore a balance of power in the New World between the thriving English colonies in New England and the less successful English colonies in the South (D) their creation was mainly due to the restoration of the power of English Parliament over the king (E) their creation was an attempt to restore the supremacy of the Anglican church in the colonies.

>> No.2219702

Sucks to be you OP. Just because you don't like a class doesn't mean you shouldn't give it your best effort. Now fuck off.

>> No.2219703

>most intellectual board on 4chan
>a bunch of teenagers running around claiming they love science but dont know the very basics of science, crying about religion, etc.


>> No.2219710
File: 26 KB, 443x599, img.cgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you kind soul

>> No.2219711
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History just isn't my class..

>> No.2219724

My roommate is a great guy. We are total bros. I once stayed up 2 days straight doing the math required to help him finish one of his midterm CS projects.

I guess this is his way of repaying me.

>> No.2219742
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>> No.2219743


Can't you do anything yourself? You get your roommate to get the final exam, but noo that's not enough for you. You still have to ask /sci/ for the answers. Seriously? Do something by yourself

>> No.2219748
File: 24 KB, 297x214, aww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but... /sci/ is smarter than me

>> No.2219754
File: 18 KB, 546x622, boxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn that frown upside down!

>> No.2219766
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>> No.2219769


>> No.2219772

Reminds me of the American History class I took at a CC one summer. The prof gave us a pool of midterm and final questions. It turned out that the questions were all basically word-for-word from textbook passages. So the class amounted to finding the right phrases in the textbook, and then cramming like hell.

>> No.2219778


>> No.2219780

Maybe someday you'll get a roomate as chill a mine

>> No.2219785
File: 41 KB, 460x500, 1278609116571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why 'murricans learn their history while majoring in math...

>> No.2219788

Even if you got 100% on the final you would get <90% in the class.

>> No.2219817
File: 408 KB, 160x120, donut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, you know what's funny? I watched some OpenCourseWare video lectures on Principles of Chemistry and they only covered a bit more than my General Chemistry did, and it was nothing that an ambitious student couldn't look into on their own.

Fuckin right. This picture, it's every idiot who pays Uni prices to do their gen eds.

>> No.2219828

OP Here
I've decided not to do it and just confess, I'm gonna drop out of this shitty college by telling my professor how much of a worthless piece of shit I am.
Thanks you guys.

>> No.2219837
File: 453 KB, 600x1912, 1292573672856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ. Does fucking OP realize just how easy students today with Google? Motherfucker, try going trough college back when the internet was not easily accessible and you actually had to read your text books. Otherwise, you'd be fuck. Math major? Somehow I doubt it.

>> No.2219871

Seriously, JUST GOOGLE THIS SHIT. There is absolutely no benefit in asking us instead of looking this shit up on wikipedia. Part of being a mathematician is learning to find answers for yourself. Go practice.