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2219404 No.2219404 [Reply] [Original]

The first humans were apparently in africa, then travelled north to cooler continents or some bullshit. Considering every race looks pretty much the same apart from black people, is it safe to assume that the first humans were of caucasoid/mongoloid race? That would explain why they look so out of place.

>> No.2219409

Wait, what?
What makes you think that ANY race looks like the original hominids anymore?

>> No.2219423
File: 64 KB, 446x354, fail~1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first "race" was "negroid", you fucking retard!
Aka. the first people were black. This is a well known fact. Have you never taken a course in world history?

>> No.2219434

Actually, how do you know this?
Sure, the first hominids were in Africa, but how do you know their skin color? From environmental arguments it's likely that you're right, but it shouldn't be taken as a given.

>> No.2219443


>how do you know the skin color of Africans

poor troll, just stop

>> No.2219460
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>Actually, how do you know this?

Cause, Its a fucking fact you moron. How fucking old are you? Seriously, just take a world history course and they will present you with all the evidence.

They use all sort of genetic shit as well as historical evidence, to trace the orgins, and charactersistic of early man. The first "people" were black.....DURRRR. Go read a fucking book.

>> No.2219462

You don't even see the fallacy, do you?
How do you know that Africans today look the same as Africans 100,000 years ago, or whenever the other races diverged?

You might as well be asking why there aren't any dinosaurs anymore. The ones that didn't die turned into birds.

>> No.2219465

LOL you poor, sad morons. Go read the textbook again. All we know is that they were in Africa.

But I agree that it's likely that they had dark skin.

>> No.2219466
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So you never heard of genetics? LMAO

How about you stop being racist, and grow the fuck up. Educate yourself.

>> No.2219473

You didn't even read my post to the end, did you?
>From environmental arguments it's likely that you're right

>> No.2219485

Actually, HAVE they extracted good genetic samples from early African hominid fossils?

>> No.2219486

White skin only developed in northern Europe after the cultivation of cereals became common just a few thousand years ago.

>> No.2219488
File: 26 KB, 310x475, 0801846749_01_LZZZZZZZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me introduct you to the science known as genetics. It is a subfield of biology, and proves that the first humnas had dark skin (high concentrations of melanin). Read up little buddies.

>> No.2219501


I know this is /sci/, but you guys are imagining a LOT more trolling than is really going on here. I'm just being a little rigorous. DO we really know this? Do we have genetic samples that conclusively demonstrate that they would have generated high melanin levels in the skin?

>> No.2219502

The white man received his superior skin color by fucking Neanderthals, its also where we got our larger cranial capacity.

>> No.2219508
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>> No.2219509

Not only genetics, but skeletal structure too.

>> No.2219512

So now there's a direct one-to-one link between skeletal structure and skin color?

>> No.2219516
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>> No.2219514

Nope, but look at the face of a black person, then look at a white person. Features of a black persons face/body build+ DNA of a black person=white?

Go take your Christian BELIEFS elsewhere and leave science to the people with more than half a brain.

>> No.2219515

I found a link! I'll look for it.

>> No.2219519

Uh, none of the chapters seem relevant. Sure, it's all genetics and molecular biology, but I don't see where there would be commentary on human ancestry.

>> No.2219520

Not so fast.

>> No.2219522
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>Genetics not related to ancestry

>> No.2219526

That's not what I said.
Help me find the chapter that talks about analysis of African hominid DNA.

Or admit you were being an asshat and recommended a book that doesn't even answer my question.

>> No.2219531
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IIT: OP presented with resouces that prove the first "people" had dark skin, and were from africa. Yet OP refuses believe his ancestors were black.


Saging and reporting for rule violation

>> No.2219541

1. Go to the link contained here
2. Read references
3. Profit

(I was even kind enough to fill in step 2 for you.)

>> No.2219550

So did you expect another humanoid race to pop up out of nowhere, starting from a tiny multi-celled organism and catch up with the first one that was already there? Major denial in here. Do you even know how to critical think?

>> No.2219553
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Thank you for this post!

>> No.2219557


Wait.. wait.. hold up. Cereal makes you white?!

>> No.2219559
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The sources in article provide a shitton of proof that the "first people" had dark skin

>> No.2219561


Seriously, everyone is imagining trolls where there are none. I freely admit that early hominids were in Africa, and likely had dark skin, and probably the principal ancestors of modern Africans.

I just want to know if there's evidence *from ancient genetic samples* that the early African hominids actually had dark skin.

And yes, those essays are great, but don't seem to answer this very specific question so far.

>> No.2219565
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>> No.2219566

>Considering every race looks pretty much the same apart from black people
What? Perception fail.

>> No.2219569

>Evidence suggests that early modern humans had a medium complexion, like that of today’s Khoisan or Ethiopians. The very dark complexion of central Africans also seems to be a recent adaptation (Semino and others 2002).

YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS. EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN ONE OF YOU. You raged and raged and called me a moron, and I was fucking right!

>> No.2219570

Nope, but it allowed people with lighter skin to survive somehow. In Africa, people thought that those with light skin were cursed, so they removed them from the rest of the group. Those with the same genes for lighter skin mated as their only choice. So and so forth. There were probably other variables in there but, this is all that I can think up of on the top of my head.

>> No.2219579

>In Africa, people thought that those with light skin were cursed, so they removed them from the rest of the group. Those with the same genes for lighter skin mated as their only choice.
The only argument I've ever heard is average sun exposure in the region.

>> No.2219591
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>medium complexion

That means "light black" you fucking retard. Like Halley Berry or Beyonce. IT IS STILL BLACK THOUGH. Have you never seen an Ethopian?

>> No.2219598 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 300x451, SAfricaKhoisan72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a modern Khoisan looks like moron!
THEY ARE BLACK! just light black, as opposed to alot of africans who are much darker.

>> No.2219604
File: 39 KB, 400x599, 400px-San_tribesman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the racist now?

Anyway, this is a Khosian, according to Wikipedia.

>> No.2219609
File: 164 KB, 500x388, Ethiopian_Music_Artist[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And these are Ethiopians.

>> No.2219614
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In contrast, THIS is a central african

>> No.2219619
File: 33 KB, 400x400, HalleBerryEPA_450x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light black
LOL whatever man. Halley Berry is light brown. She can be "black" as a race all she wants - it doesn't change her color.

And this thread was asking about SKIN COLOR of early Africans, not race, which is so obvious as to be a non-question.

>> No.2219620
File: 7 KB, 251x189, 1272208425513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The first people had skin color like

You think this is white???....LMAO

>> No.2219627
File: 68 KB, 400x695, beyonce-booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's Beyonce.

Again, "black" race I guess, but certainly not color.

>> No.2219628

recent adaptation and early modern humans sound very different in time frame, meaning black of darker color show up after the lighter ones

>> No.2219629

>You think this is white???....LMAO
Find the post where I suggested that. Really, go try it.

>> No.2219630

Her skin tone is quantitativly considered "black" you fucking retard.

>> No.2219635

Light black? What the fuck is light black?
You guys are so focused on race you forgot how to name skin colors.

>> No.2219637

>Her skin tone is quantitativly considered "black" you fucking retard.
Read what you said again, carefully, and ask yourself if that color is actually anything CLOSE to black. If she's "black", it's her race, not her color.

>> No.2219638

WTF? Her skin is dark. Do you not have fucking eyes? Is your perception really that fucked?

>> No.2219647

That's not dark. At ALL. Unless you want to call Indians "black" - they're darker than she is.
THIS is black. Your PR-related race education doesn't translate well to global race relations. It's apparently US-centric. Surprise, surprise.

>> No.2219650

The race is obvious, that they were african. What color/ skeletal structure did they have? Those of a black person.
Halley Berry is mixed you retard, so is Beyonce. Mixed blacks always look the best, but they have no place in race arguement about how homogenous a particular area was.

>> No.2219654

Am I being trolled ITT? Do you guys seriously think Halle Berry's skin color can actually be called black? I'm not talking about her race, mind you - just skin tone.

>> No.2219658

I didn't bring up Halley Berry and Beyonce. Talk to >>2219591
He equated their color with Ethiopians.

>> No.2219661

IIt can and is. My mom is lighter than she is, and she is half black and half some indian-mix.

>> No.2219667
File: 15 KB, 400x270, 400px-Felix_von_Luschan_Skin_Color_chart.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit. Read my post again. I'm NOT TALKING about RACE.

Here, maybe this pic will restore sanity. No confusing words on it.

>> No.2219674

From the reference to Khosians and Ethiopians in that article, it seems that they're saying early hominids would have been in the high twenties.

Not the thirties.

>> No.2219680

ITT: /sci/entists can't make the mental distinction between black the color and black the race.

>> No.2219686

Show me a black white person that wasn't burnt to a crisp. Tans aren't shown in genetics you retard.

>> No.2219694

So are you telling me that some white people can handle living in the desert without getting sun cancer? How the fuck would this work. Explain this bullshit.

>> No.2219695

>Show me a black white person that wasn't burnt to a crisp. Tans aren't shown in genetics you retard.
No one is claiming that any tanned white person can qualify as having black skin tone. The problem is retards who think that Halle Berry actually has *black colored skin* as opposed to be colloquially called "black" as a racial term. She's hardly even brown.

>> No.2219700

>white people
Who said anything about early hominids being white?
Not a single person in this thread has made this claim.
And I'm going off of the essay in >>2219486

>> No.2219709

Also, reposting the key part I'm referring to:
>Evidence suggests that early modern humans had a medium complexion, like that of today’s Khoisan or Ethiopians. The very dark complexion of central Africans also seems to be a recent adaptation (Semino and others 2002).

>> No.2219717

Another interesting site, this time about recent-history European skin color:

>> No.2219725

Oh this I agree, I used to think that my mother was white when I was younger, but that still doesn't change what race my mom is/ looks like. If everyone understands everything, then what is the point of this fucking thread? First people were black, deal with it.

>> No.2219728

>First people were black, deal with it.
Racially, perhaps. But I bet a lot of people would think that the early hominids were super-dark, like central Africans. Probably some kind of subtle racism, perceiving central Africans as the most primitive.

They weren't. Their skin tone was brown.

>> No.2219757
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Seriously, I was trying to troll with that thread, but you answered it so nicely. I don't know why.. but thank you, anon. Thank you for being nice.

>> No.2219771

>that ape grin

>> No.2219796

by "Black" I meant brown. No one is truly "BLACK" besides the africans that need to survive being in the sun 100% of the time besides night time.

>> No.2219804

For "black", see >>2219614

>> No.2219856

niggers are kinda strange, and so are ghost white humans. chimps and bonobos, the supposed nearest relatives, aren't stark black. i haven't learned enough about actual skin color, but current thinking postulates that early hominids arose in olduvai gorge, kenya, and radiated outwards. dark black niggers are subsaharan, sand niggers are further north, whites are in europe, and i haven't yet heard a good explanation for mongoloids.

>> No.2221987

You can't get genetic material from fossils.