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File: 116 KB, 921x1184, science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2219162 No.2219162 [Reply] [Original]

So, the american government might put into action a program where the average citizen can suggest programs and projects to cut funding from. One of the first is the NSF.

Your thoughts, /sci/?


>> No.2219181


how adult and insightful of you

>> No.2219174

Find out what programs Republican's are backing.

>> No.2219183

”Even in the middle of a war, university academics in Chicago are spending taxpayer dollars in a quixotic attempt to smash teeny-tiny uranium atoms underneath a football field…”

>> No.2219188

Well, I guess that means the government should just stop funding that football field then.

>> No.2219192




>> No.2219194

what do you think, you're giving the power to control scientific experiments, to every joe, dick, harry, and *shudder* laquisha. If they don't understand something don't let them have the chance to fuck something truly important up

>> No.2219199
File: 34 KB, 348x425, obama-nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the first is the NSF.

not cool, man.

absolutely not cool.

>> No.2219207
File: 279 KB, 2132x2263, 1290802512434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post pic of Obama

>> No.2219210


>> No.2219220

where did you find this? and where did OP find that the NSF is the first to go? the website is confusing me

>> No.2219234

>implying he's not responsible for the Republican takeover

because you can't point out a single significant difference between Bush's second term and Oabam's first.
In fact Obama is much better at implementing destructive conservative policies like tax cuts for the rich and war escalations
("hurrr women liberation fairpay" act etc don't count )

>> No.2219236

Agriculture subsidies. If farms can't support themselves, then tough luck. That's the free market for you.

>> No.2219246


The last time university academics played with uranium during a war, it won said war.

>> No.2219263

I went there and suggested that they cut military spending. Feels good man.

>> No.2219271


OP here.
It's further down the page under the heading of YouCut citizen review. It's not that they're going to cut funding from the whole NSF (at least officially), rather they would cut the funding from projects that the "average citizen" decided was "wasteful" (no real definition there).

Some argue that since citizens pay for it with tax money, they should get to decide what gets funded.

>> No.2219282

America has a strong liking of science and technological advancement

Look it up

How else would be be the most advanced nation on the planet

maybe we can use this to get more funds for NASA and other science agencies

>> No.2219289
File: 98 KB, 580x809, AmericaNo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most advanced nation on the planet

Japan, Germany, France etc are far more advanced, IMO

>> No.2219294

That's silly. We elect officials to make those decision, because your average citizen doesn't have the time or expertise to make them. Although to be fair, most Congressmen are blithering morons as well.

>> No.2219295

But they hate the NSF for some reason

NASA is the real issue anyways

>> No.2219297

I'm still not finding that quote

>> No.2219301


Republicans like war

War funding is the one of the biggest contributors to scientific and technological development

>> No.2219304

Hey, if that's what it takes.

How about not cutting science funding, Democrats?

>> No.2219306

not as big of a contributor as NSF funded research

>> No.2219308

I was talking about technology

name another country that has

created life, devolving NEW space technology for manned space exploration, wins more Science noble prizes then anyone else

We have the best Tech

Deal with it

>> No.2219316
File: 649 KB, 2340x2349, Astronaut_Harrison_'Jack'_Schmitt,_American_Flag,_and_Earth_(Apollo_17_EVA-1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so tim

>> No.2219322

>War funding is the one of the biggest contributors to scientific and technological development
it's an incredibly wasteful "contributor," most of it is manufacturing redundant stupid shit and shipping it allover the place

also, supporting over 700 major military bases around the world LOL

>> No.2219323

It's very sad how the republicans (thanks to orwellian douchebags like Frank Luntz) will so shamelessly politicize anything that they think will make people the tiniest bit angry.

Things like the NSF, NASA, and other research that is done by the federal government is such a small fraction of the federal budget, and it pays off hugely in the long run.

>> No.2219329

good thing the private sector is starting to take over spaceflight

no funding fluctuation and bullshit space plans made by politicians

Just cheap spaceflight

Free enterprise fuck yeah

>> No.2219333

Can't we dedicate that money to stem cell research? We could solve a bunch of problems with that, and war is stupid.

>> No.2219342

The ENTIRE economy has come directly from basic research, and yet we threaten to cut the already piss-poor funding, while giving hundreds of billions to bankers.

Really, think about it: basic research has given us our entire economy. Integrated circuits and lasers alone revolutionized the world.

>> No.2219343

The idea of any government agency being forced to rely on the private sector scares the shit out of me. Companies can't be trusted to have any integrity without serious outside oversight. Hopefully NASA will get their own space flight program up and running soon.

>> No.2219344

Then why are LHC and ITER in Europe, and why is it called ISS?

The American economy is pretty big and major universities can still attract international talent, but it's gonna change in Sarah Palin's America, youbetcha'

>> No.2219345

#3 in RAPE


>> No.2219354

not to mention vaccines, syringes and the motherfucking human genome project

>> No.2219356

I wonder which of those are per capita, and which aren't.

>> No.2219358


Go to www.physorg.com, it is a great website for cutting edge developments in all fields of science.

Now read some articles, look at who are making the breakthrough discoveries. many are happening at American institutions, but by Americans? I think not.

>> No.2219383

this is why pure democracy is utter nonsense

the average idiot - that includes myself and most other people - isn't qualified to decide what is and isn't an important government expendature outside of their own field of expertise, if they have one at all

>> No.2219387

Don't worry, the "votes" here are even less binding than campaign promises.

>> No.2219393
File: 51 KB, 313x400, oldman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I kicked some serious ass back in the 60's, you punk

>> No.2219403

Whichever one causes the US to look worse, probably.

>> No.2219402

Wow, I though you were fucking joking. Republicans are way more fucking retarded then I hard realized.

>> No.2219396

Neither are members of Congress. That's why we should have a technocracy.

>> No.2219408

It's worse than that.

Corporations are powerful enough now that the profit they earn in a year exceeds the GDP of entire countries.

Exxon Mobil Revenue /2008 - ~300 billion
Finland GDP /2009 - ~238 billion

Exxon Mobil Net Income /2008 - ~20 billion
Estonia GDP /2009 - ~19 billion

>> No.2219412
File: 50 KB, 428x510, tralll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, you build the infrastructure and legal basis to accumulate the power and then Sarah Palin takes over ....

>> No.2219428


Food for thought:

A little over a year ago when the Czech Republic was President of the EU, they had a vote of no confidence in their own government, the government in power lost the vote which effective dissolved the current government. Because of the EU presidency they needed government immediately and could not wait for an election and campaigning to happen. So what did they do?

They took the citizens from the top of their fields in certain areas (doctors, lawyers, financial planners, etc etc.) and created a governing body out of these everyday people at the top of their field.

How did they preform? Many people agree that it was the best government the Czech Republic has ever seen.

>> No.2219429

that stung man, that really stung

>> No.2219437

yeah, and now they're all blathering politicians

>> No.2219444


Clearly you know nothing about this, go play with your toys, the adults are talking.

>> No.2219450

sigh, I was implying the age old concept of "power corrupts"

>> No.2219453


Do a little research, you will find it was not such a case here.

>> No.2219458

yeah, after a year, sure

>> No.2219705

that's nice but to fundamentally transform the system you need to take over more than just the executive branch of government

>> No.2219721
File: 33 KB, 512x332, teabagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great idea. NPR, PBS, Department of Education(created by Jimmy Carter to fund and spread marxism,) EPA, Department of No Energy......I'm sure there is much more. These are all unconstitutional agencies to bully people. NO MORE!
>aprilnovember811 1 month ago

>> No.2219750

Cut NSF?
But that means no Bill Nye the Science Guy!