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File: 13 KB, 434x242, yeahyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2218549 No.2218549 [Reply] [Original]

I never realized that being tall was so attractive. I was always tall but felt awkward being with my friends because I am so much taller than them.

I lived in a very multicultural area my whole life and this means I was discriminated for being white. I was actually insecure because I was white.

But going on 4chan apparently being white and tall is better than being asian, middle eastern, black, latino, etc.

Most of my male friends are of asian, white, black, middle eastern, latino, indian, native american, european, caribbean, and filipino decent.

Most of the people I've ever met in my life or have befriend are between 5'0-5'6.

So, I didn't know girls found being tall sexy. I had such low self esteem. I'm 6'2. Whenever shorter friends told me I was lucky, I never understood what was so bad about being short.

Now you might think. Wow this guy is retarded. But I just turned 18 and I'm new to life.

You know what's new to me. Finding people unattractive or ugly. Before I wouldn't pay attention to peoples faces. But when I started hanging out with shallow girls and guys or the popular kids during the late years of my high school days, I learned a lot.

I used to find black girls more physically attractive. But now I mostly find white girls more attractive.

I don't know if I will change my thinking again. Can you guys tell me more about life? I don't want to change my thinking when I'm 25 and think of myself as being ignorant or stupid in the past.

Because of this new knowledge, I actually care about my looks. In fact I don't go outside anymore because of my looks because I realize how important looks are. I don't know if I acquired a body dismorphic disorder or OCD. But if I don't look perfect, I don't want to go outside.

>> No.2218556

you should probably go fuck yourself with a rake

>> No.2218561

I sometimes think my head is too big, then sometimes I think my head is too small for my body. Sometimes I think my forehead is too big, sometimes I feel it is too small. Sometimes I believe I am ugly, sometimes I believe I'm good looking.

I don't go outside unless my blackheads are clear. But on half of the days my blackheads are bad, but I use products to make them clear and I'm okay for a few days until they comeback.

Is this what life is all about? Are good looks really what it's all about. Do people care about you more if you're good looking?

Do I have to use creams to keep my skin clear for the rest of my life?

Do I have to look in the mirror every few minutes to check if I'm still good looking? To see if my shoulders are broad enough, to measure myself to see if I'm tall enough, to see if my face is golden ratio.

Whenever I see a good looking person on TV, I have to look in the mirror to see if I have the same dimensions. If I ever look at ugly people for too long, like deformed people and stuff or people with really bad disgusting acne. I look in the mirror and make sure I do not look like that. Most of the time I'm glad that I look in the mirror and find myself attractive.

>> No.2218569

I have become sedentary and stopped working out, my parents mock me saying I'm choosing to be handicapt. But I play games all day to escape life, I used to do drugs, but not the hard kind. I went from being ottermode to skinnyfat. I feel like my thighs are too huge now and that my butt has become too big. I probably have a size 31 waist and size 36 ass. But I'm glad I'm not that much of a pearmode.

Listening to people talk about pearmode and stuff like that makes me want to check myself in the mirror. Whenever I see a skinnyfat person here who has man tits post here I have to look in the mirror to see if my body is that bad. Thank god, I'm not.

If I'm walking on the sidewalk and someone is like 6'0 (above my eye level), I start to think they are taller since I have to look up to see the top of their head.

What's wrong with me?

>> No.2218635

I just came to this realization after going out with a 5'11'' girl for 6 months. She made some crack to her friends about being the only girl who would be going to prom without high heels. I'm 5'10.5'' btw. Apparently she was insecure going out with me due to this.

Before then, I didn't think girls really cared about height. But from her, I learned that for most, its the most important thing, at least until age 25+, when that becomes money.

I remember hearing some girls say this about some Mexican, rather handsome: "He's so short!". I didn't realize that they weren't just pointing out the fact that he was shorter than average, but that this was something that made him ugly to them.

This realization sucked.


>> No.2218672

Being tall is perfect. I have a normal stature but here everyone is taller than me and it seems that girls like that more.

You're pretty lucky and I wish be a bit taller than I actually am.

If you actually were ignorant or stupid in the past, and you don't want to change your mind then you will be an ignorant or stupid forever. If you know that maybe you were ignorant then try to not be it.

>> No.2218674


>> No.2218714


I want to go outside for a walk at night time right now. But I'm afraid since I'm 156 lbs and 6'2. I'd get my ass kicked or something. I'm afraid of getting killed or mugged.

I'm too afraid to go outside. I feel if I was 200 lbs and was really well groomed or stunning looking for some reason people wouldn't want to kick my ass or something.

I remember when I was 11 I got mugged twice by a group of black thugs in broad daylight

>> No.2218738

Its okay OP, I'm black and hate black people too. I can fight, but I just don't like dealing with them, and thats how I ended up becoming antisocial.

>> No.2218741

wait wut

>> No.2218751


>> No.2218765

Not science, and OP is a retard.

Sage for failure.

>> No.2218774

>Is this what life is all about? Are good looks really what it's all about. Do people care about you more if you're good looking?

Welcome to shallo- I mean modern society.

>> No.2218801


come at me bro

>> No.2219001


>> No.2219007
File: 415 KB, 584x497, 1292562920168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Shortfags with no future rage.

>> No.2220246

5'9 asianfag here.
I feel like a mouse amongst giants.

>> No.2220252

13' 7" here

Love being a tree.

>> No.2220285
File: 355 KB, 346x609, dersd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'4" reporting in.