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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 500x400, shepherd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2217306 No.2217306 [Reply] [Original]

Hey sci/

Basically, I'm destined to be the next Einstein. It stresses me everyday. Like everytime I try to sleep it's their.

I'm second year Maths student at Manchester university. Going to get a first easy. Try to get a PhD in say Oxford and Cambridge when I'm in the fourth year, I hope.

However, I need to study 20 hours a day. But, that means no friends or anything else.

I've decided to give up computer, so can't access it at uni. That means, no porn, no music and no talking social network sites. I can then go to the library and study until that shuts.

But, yeah it's like I need to work out how the universe is. But, I'm an idiot. My Maths skills are weak, my Physics skills are based on Maths skills.

The point is I basically have to become like Sheldon out of big bang theory. The episode where he had a girl obsessing over him and basically did everything for him and shielded him from distraction.

Like I've decided to socialist little with friends, shut out all distractions.

The first thing I have to do is get rid of laptop. But, yeah.

Life sucks. If I'm normal I'm stressed as hell. It's a feeling that killing me. Something that says you are stupid, why aren't you studying. Note, I have OCD.

>> No.2217315

have fun combating scuicide alone....

>> No.2217317


Sorry that my spelling is so bad.

>> No.2217325

The next Einstein wouldn't make so many grammatical and logical errors.

Troll thread.

>> No.2217322

> next einstein
> not already at oxford or cambridge
> mfw
> mfw i have no face

>> No.2217329


The thing is, when I had no access to internet. Just went to the library I was stress free.

However, now that I play video games, have fun with friends and other stuff. I'm stressed as hell.

>> No.2217338

Dear OP.

We don't really care about you or your OCD, and there is nothing we can do about your problems anyway.

Sincerely, /sci/.

>> No.2217339

>Basically, I'm destined to be the next Einstein.
It's like I am really being trolled.

>> No.2217340


Einstein had trouble at uni. He was hated by the staff and didn't get great grades.


Einstein had speech problems. So say he is dyslexic. I couldn't speak until I was four like Einstein.

>> No.2217337


You're pretty fucked up.

>> No.2217345

Einstein had bad teeth. That means if I don't brush mine, I will win nobel prize.

>> No.2217355


Pretty much. I suppressed my emotions when I did have no internet. As I was constantly bored. Then, suddenly I felt nothing. It was really peaceful. Now that I have fun and stuff, I feel stressed. Like something is eating away at me.


Are you saying there aren't people who think they are going to be next Einstein. Yes, I will admit I'm a bit of crank.

>> No.2217365


No I'm just saying you can't use that against me.

>> No.2217372

It's getting to the point that someone starts a thread about them being 'the next einstein' or something to that effect every fucking day now.

It's great that you're enthusiastic and all, but no. Just no. Studying 20 hours a day will not make you clever. If anything the lack of sleep will make your mind less efficient, but that's not even the point, the point is pull your head out your ass and realise you are not a unique snowflake and you are not 'destined' to unlock the secrets of the universe.

Aiming to be like Sheldon out of the big bang theory? Really?

And yeah, herp derp, in some ways I am similar to Einstein, therefore I must be a genius.

Yeah and in some ways i'm similar to my mum, but as far as i'm aware i don't have fucking d cups.

>> No.2217377



>> No.2217378

>Next Einstein
>Trolling 4chan

The next Einstein wouldn't be wasting his friday night on 4chan.

Enjoy your mediocrity and inevitable suicide op

>> No.2217381
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>The point is I basically have to become like Sheldon out of big bang theory

>> No.2217384

Well yeah, I kinda can.

All students who come to Oxford to do a masters from other unis usually end up at the bottom of the pile getting the lowest marks. I'm not lying or exaggerating, it's a fact.

>> No.2217382

I hear voices in my head, I think I'm the next Jesus

>> No.2217394

OP, there's nothing wrong with ambitions. We all had them when we were young and naive. Just don't set yourself up. Enjoy life. If enjoying life is studying like crazy, then by all means do it. But this sounds like a cry for help.

>> No.2217395

>Basically, I'm destined to be the next Einstein.
>I need to study 20 hours a day.
>The point is I basically have to become like Sheldon out of big bang theory.
>I have OCD.
>posting on /sci/

trolliest troll I've ever trollin' seen.

>> No.2217454


I sort of dumb it down for sci/

Basically, I'm not trying to become a Einstein. My first year lecturer said to not try and copy someone. Nor do I have a romantic idea.

However, I suppose writing something like by studying 20 hours a day for 15 years I want to prove the Riemann Hypothesis would get little attention.

About sleep thing. I don't sleep a lot. Mostly because of stress.

To be fair, I don't like Einstein that much. His views on Quantum Mechanics are wrong i.e. EPR. Grothendieck is much better. However, no one on here probably knows who he is.

How to get rid of stress, without suppressing emotions because I'm not using my full potential. Should really have put that instead of next Einstein thing.

>> No.2217461

OP is confirmed retard.

Enjoy permavirgin status and failure.

>> No.2217472


I don't enjoy life. I'm stressed as fuck. Like if I just study, I can constantly suppress my emotions. Everything will become simpler. Like Heroes. When Peter only saves people and like doesn't speak to his family e.t.c.

>> No.2217484

einstein got it right. quantum mechanics is faggotry.
we do indeed live in a deterministic universe. Enjoy your quantum unicorn souls wishful thinking faggots

>> No.2217497


Idiot savants and rainmen have tried to solve Riemann's. Besides that, Riemann is one of the most popular mathematical conjectures and is widely known to the general public.

Obviously, I have my doubts.

>> No.2217498


I think I will surpass everyone at Oxford and Cambridge in two years.

I'm probably going to go to Sheffield as they have a category group. Want to go into n categories when older.

>> No.2217506


If it's deterministic then chances are we will never know given the properties of the world on a quantum level.

>> No.2217514


You aren't going to be the next Einstein until you realize Autodidacticism > everything else.

>> No.2217528

I was much the same, all work and no play I thought it was the only way to be "great". Then I finished uni (waste of time imo) started developing signs of psychosis spent 1 year on trying to build a atomic bomb due to a delusion. Finally parents sent me to hospital after I become mute. My point is this feeling like you want to do something important is good, but NEEDING to is possibly a early sign of a serious mental illness, SEE A DOCTOR..

>> No.2217531


I know that already. Only about 5% of my study is actual uni work, most of it is stuff like category theory or algebra. Like reading Serg Lang Algebra.

Self learning isn't that good. You don't want to re invent the wheel over and over again. Standing on the shoulders of giants and all that.

>> No.2217533


>Claiming he will be the next einstein
>Aspire to be like fictional characters on tv shows.

Dear fucking christ.

>> No.2217536

What paint are you huffing? Oh wait, must be a troll.

>> No.2217537

OP, you sort of remind me of myself...

First of all, dont be insanely hard on yourself, it will lead to procrastination.

you can also teach yourself (http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/chemistry/).).

Also download a shit load of audio books on physics, then go to the gym and work out while you listen, its good to keep your body in shape. (I got halfway through "the social contract" by taking a 3hour bike ride).

Try not to avoid other people, social interaction will help relive stress and thus help you concentrate better.

And drop all your working on, focus only on finding a cure to aging, then you will no longer need to spend lots of time working on learning as you now no longer have a "deadline".

>> No.2217541

1. the education system is shit.
2. education shouldn't cost money, but our society is shit and we will have to have a revolution to fix everything
3. our wheel is broken, it needs to be reinvented to perfection

>> No.2217545


>> No.2217561


I went to doctors about throat. Like thought I was dying, still do. He made me see a psychiatrist, he taught me how to do CBT. The problem was that I knew all that. Basically, it didn't work.

I can take pills, however they will shorten my life. Also, it sort of against my religion, Buddhist so don't believe mind altering drugs.

>> No.2217574

If you're mediocre at math, then you're no Einstein. He naturally styled on math. Him flunking it was a myth. If you suck at math, and rely on that suck to do physics, then you're the next Tyrome Biggums on the street corner.

>> No.2217612

>Next Einstein
>Suck at math

Einstein was amazing at math you fuckhead, he just hated it.

>> No.2217659

Enjoy pumping gas, OP, because that's what you're truly destined for.

>> No.2217683


I hate sci/ this going to be last post.

Fuck you guys. Stressed as hell. Only solution I know is this.

I'm going to be a genius. You are going to be forgotten. Going to figure out how the universe works.

>> No.2217709

>claim to be einstein
>go to manchester universityt
>did not get into oxbridge first time round

>> No.2217716

Oh shit hivemind. haha although I was a bit slower

>> No.2217718

Einstein had master calculus by the age of 15.
You ain't no Einstein, OP.
You're just delusional, perhaps high on ritalin or something.

>> No.2217720

Hey OP, Im hoping you see this and stay on.
Because I feel the same as you and would like to talk.

>> No.2217730 [DELETED] 

>I hate other people because they make me realized I'm a deluded fool.

>> No.2217745
File: 52 KB, 450x314, harder-faster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and the rest of the superior race have fun.

>> No.2217747


No I hate it because all you are doing is saying crap like you didn't get into Oxbridge.

Like what uni you go to matters. Einstein didn't even do that good during uni, he got crappy grades and was going to get kicked out. Like Smale was going to get kicked out of uni.

>> No.2217761
File: 60 KB, 550x734, 1292406443819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurkmore stupid urbandic user

>> No.2217784

He was only getting crappy grades because he didn't give two shits about what he was taught, his professor, Heinrich Weber, didn't teach contemporary physics, which einstein was interested in.

>> No.2217791
File: 93 KB, 898x545, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, quick prove your legit, and answer this question<<<<

>> No.2217809


So, he still got crappy grades.

PAM Dirac, he didn't go to Oxbridge first time round, however he is probably the second greatest Physicist alive.

So the idea that I will do crap because I didn't go to Oxbridge first time round is stupid. Like if PAM Dirac was posting here, everyone would be telling him the exact same advice everyone telling me.

Then we would have no QED.

>> No.2217822

ouch. that was such a stupid post that it hurt me a little to read it

>> No.2217839


It is the truth. If I posted saying I'm studying Electrical engineering at undergrad and that I'm going to become a great Physicist. Everyone would say you aren't at Oxbridge, you aren't studying Physics.

However, they would be proved wrong.

>> No.2217859

You sir, have an overinflated sense of self-worth, possibly stemming from your own lack of knowledge, re: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect

>> No.2217897

That's it I'm not posting here ever again.

You guys are shit help.

I'm going to become the greatest Mathematician alive. Prove the Riemann Hypothesis.

All I have to do is sacrifice everything. Friends, family and emotions.

Don't bother replying to this. I suppose I need to do this. Like how Hawkings being disabled forced him to be a genius, my OCD is forcing me to be a genius. So bye sci/

>> No.2217905

is that you simplicity?

>> No.2217916

Lol, egomania is a crazy bitch.

Enjoy your hellish spiral into loneliness, depression, and failure.

>> No.2217919

>He thinks hard work => success

I wish I could see this man when he's living out of a dumpster 10 years from now.

>> No.2217927
File: 97 KB, 500x500, forever alone 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basically, I'm destined to be the next Einstein. It stresses me everyday.
>However, I need to study 20 hours a day. But, that means no friends or anything else.
>But, I'm an idiot. My Maths skills are weak, my Physics skills are based on Maths skills.

Op, your expectations are too high and your skills are too low to actually accomplish this unreasonable goal. You're going to stress yourself to the point health issues, and you will die alone if you isolate yourself just to chase after a fruitless task.

Just do the best you can at school,studying something you're good at, and stop overworking yourself

>> No.2217941
File: 569 KB, 584x497, 1292562920168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.2217943

>Just do the best you can at school,studying something you're good at, and stop overworking yourself

says the failure.

I'm not going to be like you failure.

>> No.2217950

cool apple bro

>> No.2217954

This thread is AWESOEM

>> No.2217957
File: 29 KB, 354x365, 0_einstein_laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I graduated summa cum laude without ever studying

>> No.2217960

>be the next Einstein
>watches The Big Bang Theory


>> No.2217979

A genius doesn't need to study 20 hours a day.

>> No.2217993
File: 49 KB, 450x571, butthurt 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U mad?

Last post, because I'm not an insecure,arrogant,lowly skilled faggot like yourself

>> No.2218010

OP, you are not special. You are intelligent because you work fucking hard and study a lot, but you don't have the natural gifted intelligence that Einstein had. Sorry to let you know, but you are just an average person who just decided to spend more time learning.

>> No.2218062

Answer's B

X--> O --> Triangle

>> No.2218083

nice job.

>> No.2218101

>>Implying people are born knowing more than others.

>> No.2219822

Bump because I want to know what /sci/ thinks of my genius.

>> No.2219870

How about stop comparing yourself to Einstein and get some sleep.

I mean this in a sincere way. Stop god damn comparing. STOP IT.

>> No.2219879

Stop being a narcissistic cunt you piece of shit.

Sure, prove the Riemann hypothesis. But get some fucking help along the way god damn.

>> No.2219944

Basically, I'm destined to be the next Einstein. It stresses me everyday. Like everytime I try to sleep it's their [NOUN?]. (Incomplete sentence: It's their what, exactly?)

I'm [a] second year Maths student at Manchester university. [I'm] going to get a first easy. [This sentence is unintelligible. "first easy" is not a noun]. [I intent to] try to get a PhD in[,] say[,] Oxford [or] Cambridge when I'm in the fourth year, I hope. ["I hope" is redundant/unnecessary]

However, I need to study 20 hours a day. But, that means no friends or anything else.

I've decided to give up computer [use;] so [I] can't access it at uni. That means[:] no porn, no music and no talking [on] social network sites. I can then go to the library and study until [it] shuts.

But, yeah[,] it's like I need to work out how the universe is. But, I'm an idiot. My Maths skills are weak, my Physics skills are based on Maths skills.

The point is I basically have to become like Sheldon out of [B]ig [B]ang [T]heory. [For example,] the episode where he had a girl obsessing over him and basically did everything for him and shielded him from distraction.

Like I've decided to socialist little with friends [and] shut out all distractions. ["Like" is redundant]

The first thing I have to do is get rid of [my] laptop. But, yeah. ["But, yeah." is unintelligible and redundant.]

Life sucks. If I'm normal[,] I'm stressed as hell. It's a feeling that [is] killing me. Something [this feeling] says ["]you are stupid[" and "]why aren't you studying[?"]. Note[:] I have OCD.

>The next Einstein
>Failure to construct even simple sentences properly.

>> No.2219961


>> No.2219992

lol youre pathetic. New einstein without any knowledge of computer games wouldnt know shepherd from ME. Made my day

>> No.2220000

Well, OP I wanted to give you 0/10. But then I saw "71 replies" so yeah, you trolled them good.
Final mark 6/10, you earned it. But be more original next time, this looks like it was spawned from /b/ or something like that.

>> No.2220015


I would love some more elaboration on this.

>> No.2220048

nice get

>> No.2220051

Easier to troll than /new/.
I am disappointed, guys.

>> No.2220071
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>study 20 hours a day
well good luck with your death i guess

>> No.2220096
File: 7 KB, 273x185, nerd..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm destined to be the next Einstein because I do well in formal education settings.
>Has no idea of the history of Einstein.
>Understands nothing about the general nature of innovators in any field, and thinks an easy PhD necessitates a glamorous future of changing the world.

Well, I'm not smart enough to have had an easy path to a PhD, so I can't really contradict you. Good luck, my friend.

>> No.2220105

IQfags can't triforce, obviously.

>> No.2220128

i'm not saying this for OP's benefit, who, let's be honest, is probably a troll, but seriously guys, he has a point that whatever his education etc., he could still grow up to be an amazing scientist or whatever. Making ad hominem attacks and saying that he can't be the next Einstein while never supporting the claim with valid facts is stupid. That said, the chances that he will amount to anything are so miniscule that any self respecting statistician would agree it's probably not best to hedge you bets on becoming world famous, OP. also, you come across as a troll/cunt (still can't decide).

>> No.2220141

It's a pity that gifted neuro-atypical people like OP (in the sense that they at least have the drive required to succeed) without fail focus on areas that have already been explored and thus don't contribute much to society.

OP, if you had instead chosen neuroscience or genetics (two currently rapidly advancing fields) and put in half the effort that you do in maths, who knows you could have actually achieved something tangible. Maybe your name would have lived on through history. Instead you're destined for a mental breakdown. Pity.

Also, a high capacity for original thinking and an ability to see both the fine details AND the big picture are far more important for success than intelligence.

Most people who achieve scientific success have iqs between 115 and 130. Genius 170s tend not to have the same broad spectrum of cognitive skills.

>> No.2220145

Have fun living a miserable life and regretting everything on your death bed.

>> No.2220163

you sound like a giant sperg OP

>> No.2220175


>also, you come across as a troll/cunt (still can't decide).

you do realize the two are not mutually exclusive?

>> No.2220194

At the first post I called troll. Now I just don't know.

14 year old, maybe? I can see myself posting something this stupid when I was that age. But then again, I'm not exactly Sheldon out of Big Bang theory.

>> No.2220212

Oh wow, I used to be like you too, OP. When I was fucking TWELVE. Thankfully I grew out of it by high school, but not without crashing hard, which is going to be even worse for you since you're in so deep already.

>> No.2220226

My family keeps telling me that I am like Sheldon...

Watched the show with my fiancee to test it and then she told me that if I am working on something then I am like Sheldon :(

Anyways, OP, you are not destined to be anything. From what I have seen, you have expressed encyclopedic knowledge with no ability to actually use it.

>> No.2220253

To be the next Einstein, you need
A) Nationalism
B) A paper
C) Publicity

That's all you need.

>> No.2220262

>I'm destined to be the next Einstein
>My Math skills are weak

moving on.