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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2216567 No.2216567 [Reply] [Original]

What color is matter when no light is present?

If there is no color, how does matter appear?

>> No.2216575

What you perceive as "Colors" is nothing more than what remains of light fater it was absorbed by matter.

>> No.2216579

the same color it always is.

fuck this 'IF A TREE FALLS IN THE FOREST' bullshit.

reality does not require observation to exist. there i said it

>> No.2216610


How does matter appear when no light is present?

>> No.2216615



>> No.2216622


What is matter when it is dark?

>> No.2216630


dark matte-


>> No.2216633
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it turns into water.

>> No.2217005
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Jean Paul Sartre and Fredrick Neitche disagree.
Stare LOOOOONG into the abyss, so it will stare into you.

>> No.2217010

>Fredrick Neitche
Jesus fuck..

>> No.2217019
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ITT: Templars and (Curious) Templar Initiates

>Soon to be not 'Curious'
Don't let them steal you desires! Keep questioning these fools.

>> No.2218792

If I couldn't see matter I wouldn't know what it looks like.

Conceptually it wouldn't appear to be anything since you can't see it or anything else for that matter

>> No.2218799
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Matter doesn't HAVE a color, only light has a color. Matter has properties that determine what wavelengths of light are absorbed and reflected, but it is the photons themselves that are interpreted by our brains as color.

>> No.2218813
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dear op
When no light is present, the colour of a body if defined only by its temperature. It emits light spectrum, with a maximum intensity at a certain wavelength (pic related)
Most of the everyday stuff is in the infra red, so you can't see it.

>> No.2218825

Temperature is merely a measure of how much the PEARTICLES move inside the body
As the electrons accelerate (I believe decelerate), they emit a photon, with energy equal to the difference between the electron's initial and final energy
To have "no color", you'd need to be at the absolute zero, where nothing moves

>> No.2218839

Light is simply the fastest thing we can see. Even if there was no light, matter would still exist.

Example: Walking through a pitch black room and bumping into shit.

The universe is not limited to the speed of light and we live in the 4th dimension.

>> No.2218861

The color is eigengrau. Look it up.

>> No.2218897

here try this expariment at home
close eyes walk into wall if the presence of matter depends on light you should be able to walk through walls like in that old DOOM game

if you live in the real world you will interact with matter in a new and interesting way

btw post your results on youtube for ust to watch

>> No.2218914

Read a really cool story bro about a guy who got in an accident or something and couldn't see colors anymore. He got really depressed because all of his loved ones looked like lifeless statues, food looked nasty, everything just looked so much different than what it used to. It was like reading an real life creepypasta

>> No.2218921


This guy!

>> No.2218929

okay okay...matter can only exists if its temperature is above absolute zero. That means its going to radiate light, white light I suppose...but idk.

>> No.2218930

something to do with this?
