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2215453 No.2215453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm gonna meet an internet friend in real life.

He claims to be 6'3. I'm 6'1.5.

That faggot wears boots, has a cowlick that probably gives him a few inches, and is insecure and wants to grow taller, he's about 22. He claims he can make himself look 7'2. He also always teases me that he is gonna grow taller, which I think he might. Now obviously he doesn't appear 7'2, but I don't know what a 6'3 person would look like if they wore my sneakers and had no hair. Well I want to have that look against that asshole. This is one of those kinds of people that is really insecure about his height.

I just turned 18. I'm 6'1.5 and I know when I wake up in the morning I'm his height, 6'3. I know at night time, in my sneakers I also measure to 6'3. I also have tall hair, naturally, and it measures from 6'3-6'6.

Anyway, he has a high pitched voice, it doesn't sound that bad, but he is teased for it.

I have a deep voice and he doesn't believe it's my real voice, so I'm gonna prove it to him.

* he proved a lot of these things, I know he's not gonna bludgeon me over the head,

>> No.2215457
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>implying i care

>> No.2215459

Anyway, we are in constant competition. My real life friends are all really short. Since I know a lot of races, I remember I was one of the tallest people in my high school. The tallest being a 6'7 white guy, another 6'4 white guy, another 6'4 Ethiopian guy, and then 6'1.5 me, then 6'1 black guy, then 6'0 fat white guy, then the rare 5'11 - 6'0, but most males probably around 5'4 and females 5'0.

my male friends are generally 5'0-5'7, I knew one white guy who is probably 6'0 and I was always insecure abuot being around him since he looks as big as me, but looking in the mirror I realize I'm taller. THANK GOD, But people 6'0 are above my eye level so I think they are taller. I feel dwarfed by 6'0 people sometimes because I dont realize the top of my head is above them.

Also when I walk down the street I get upset when that rare tall guy walks by him, I always wonder if he was taller or shorter or the same height. GOD DAMN IT I WANT TO DOMINATE WHEN I WALK.

Anyway, this 6'3 guy also weighs 160-180 I don't remember, I'm guessing. He's pretty lean.

I at 6'1.5 weigh between 150-160.

We are gonna have a drink off, but I'm afraid he can probably handle more he claims to ahve drunk 2 fortys.

I don't know I never calculate but people tell me I can handle a lot. So, how do I OUT DO TIS GUY.

Also this guy is a womanizer, but I've only had a few girlfriends.

But he gives me the advice to not do what he did, he said only date the most attractive possible, it rined his reputation and shit.

>> No.2215465

What the fuck?

>> No.2215466

lul wat

>> No.2215475

why compete OP?

pretty pointless

you sound like an animal that cannot help but follow their instinct to compete with any other males around

save it for when it matters

>> No.2215485

you should care. Why don't you care? Oh, oh...I know...YOU FAIL AT LIFE. Enjoy being the biggest faggot to ever exist on the face of the earth. Just fucking kill yourself already!

Back to my story:

Also this guy is androgynous looking, but i don't know if I'm better looking than him or not. Because I'm not androgynous looking. FUCK I MUST BEAT HIM. I MUST BEAT HIM IN GAMING, IN HEIGHT, IN LOOKS, IN GIRLS, IN LIFE.

I competed with him on who could become more physically fit. But its good this guy doesnt know shit, while I did squats and oats. He did push ups and 25 dumbbell shit.

But too bad I quit for about 3 months now, muscle atrophy, basement dwellery. BUT I STLIL TAKE GOOD CARE OF MY BODY in other ways.




I know he is more well spoken. He is studying english and shit. If he wrote something like this he would proofread it and write it properly. But I just write it like a piece of shit.


Mother fucker. At least I got a soothing voice and anything I say just sounds better.

But he is just good, better at english than me, that mother fucker.

He is also more educated than me in a lot of things like history, I believe.

I feel like inviting him to my parties and shit, HE MAY just fuck all my women, because I know how he is.

>> No.2215496

hang around with guys that make you feel good about yourself. not vice versa

>> No.2215520

not vidya

>> No.2215528

Either this is a troll or I've encountered my anti-self.

>> No.2215532

Dude you just posted this on /x/ too...

>> No.2215537

this sounds like kinky shit
op, are going to fuck him in the ass or is he going to fuck you in the ass?

>> No.2215539

Ahh, so confirmed troll.

OP, this is a fine example of the game theory where trolling the same thing in multiple boards may increase your chance of trolling but ultimately lead to your exposure.

Stick to one at a time till you're more experienced.

>> No.2215538

All in a days work.

>> No.2215545

I'm not a good troll?

I like to think of myself as a good troll.

You responded to my thread which means you got TROLLED!

>> No.2215548
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>> No.2215549

he should stick to beginner trolling(trolling retard atheists that reply to anything that contradicts their beliefs).

>> No.2215554

it wasnt an angry response.
it was more of a 'hey, kid, heres my towel, you'll be as good as me someday' post

>> No.2215550

Trolling atheists? That's so 2008-2009.

>> No.2215551
File: 73 KB, 755x1255, 5484535634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is OP

>> No.2215553

lololo i trol u