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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 188 KB, 925x1021, 1291868215145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2215356 No.2215356 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I don't get it. You can get with chicks like this. They're really not out of your league, why not just go for it?

Seems like a decent girl to hangout with, too.

Why not just go for it?

>> No.2215378

I would guess she is out of the league for most of us. Including me. Also, I don't really care for it. Also sage.

>> No.2215432

because, i'd rather enjoy my free time. i like to play vidya, read books and do my codan in peace

i don't need to waste time and money driving some bitch around, taking her places. neither do i need my time listening to her vapid rants about the mindless bullshit that women care about just so i can get laid. and the stupid bitch will just lay there and starfish. then after the relationship settles she'll let herself go and slowly balloon, but god forbid you say anything about it

yeah i guess that's why i just don't go for it

>> No.2215436
File: 19 KB, 285x243, 1286326894346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't need to waste time and money driving some bitch around, taking her places. neither do i need my time listening to her vapid rants about the mindless bullshit that women care about just so i can get laid. and the stupid bitch will just lay there and starfish. then after the relationship settles she'll let herself go and slowly balloon, but god forbid you say anything about it
This, this, oh god so many times this.

>> No.2215442


>> No.2215452

But you know some girls actually aren't like that. Very few, but some aren't.

>> No.2215456

I think we'd all rather not take the chances.
That's how very few there are.

>> No.2215462
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1272141482688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2215452 what >>2215456 said.
I have more chance of winning $10,000 on Instant Scratchies than picking up my dream girl. And it's not because I'm unattractive either.

>> No.2215472

I'm sorry. Truly I am. I cannot speak for my gender's idiocy and mindless trivialities they tend to dwell on. I hate 99% of women too.

>> No.2215476

And if I, a guy that constantly gets called 'hot',' cute' and 'sexy' by the majority of females believes the exact same thing, what chance does anybody have really? That question is rhetorical.

It's not worth it.

This is also a troll thread.

>> No.2215481

some girls have the 'ill let you fuck me if you buy me things' written in their faces, dont go near those

>> No.2215486


YEAH MAN. find a cute nerdy girl cause she's different from the normal self-absorbed superficial dumb bitch. date that slut. find she has a world of warcraft addiction. and a social anxiety disorder. she talks about WoW nonstop (only after you start dating, FUCK), then after you have enough of her shit you tell her to shut the fuck up and she then stops talking to you pretty much altogether because she has nothing else to talk about and is too scared you'll hate what she has to say.

not to mention the fact that she is horrible in the bedroom and can't even climax no matter how hard you try due to being too anxious. awkwardness is pervasive throughout the entire relationship. 8 months of your life wasted.

yep. good job buddy.

>> No.2215487

this thread
>implying as soon as you want a girl to fuck you have to play their game, do their shit, listen to their nonsense

sure is beta in this thread

>> No.2215495

Maybe, someday, you and I will meet in a dome on Mars, and my robotic joints will look pretty damn good, and then we can talk about the good ol' days on /sci/ when we were fleshies, and how great it is to live in the world of the future. But, of course, our society will have transcended useless social rituals like marriage and courtship, so it will be a moot point.

>> No.2215497
File: 27 KB, 429x410, 1286630889578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done it before several times bro. Isn't worth it.

>> No.2215499

because she has whiskers and it isn't Caturday just yet.
Oh and AIDS

>> No.2215500

didn't do it right

do it right and there is no downside for the guy

>> No.2215498


cool generalization bro, so the only alternative to superficial girls are nerdy girls that play games? are you retared or just trolling?

>> No.2215503

Sorry to /b/ it up, but...
>Implying I would want to ever meet you.

I'm sure our society will transcend the boundaries of sexual requirements gender, too.

>> No.2215507
File: 3 KB, 207x208, 1292499676987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2215509

Obviously I was just being a faggot.

>> No.2215511

are you guys all americunts in this thread? and maybe britfags too?

i swear your countries are so fucked up about boys and girls.

do they teach you at school that you are alien species to each other?

>> No.2215513

Retared? I think you're on the wrong board.

That's called an example. It is trying to simplify the reality in all possible cases (not accounting for the small exception): There has to be a 'fine line' where these traits will either come in to play or manifest differently. Such is the curse of humans that bleed from their genitals.

>> No.2215514


>> No.2215519
File: 17 KB, 429x410, 1258733191026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfailia has it too. Though we drink a lot of beer so if you go to a party you have a pretty good chance of getting laid.

>> No.2215521

Unfortunately yes, but this statement:
>do they teach you at school that you are alien species to each other?
Albeit true, is irrelevant.

>> No.2215533

of course it's relevant

if you were same species you would fuck like every other animal does without too much care

same species is basically defined as ability to sexually reproduce. which you guys don't.

i think in america you have some kind of ring species going on with /sci/tards at one almost exclusively male end of the ring

>> No.2215542
File: 90 KB, 504x1005, 20100516[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2215555

horde of fat butthurt males incoming

>> No.2215556

this is only slightly relevant.

such differentiation need not be a major issue to relating.

i think more status obsessed countries tend to be those that get this all wrong

sex becomes a measure and currency for status

>> No.2215558


No, it's not relevant. Please leave /sci/, you are just embarrassing yourself.

My reasoning is this: You responded as if you had misinterpreted what I had posted.
It is irrelevant in that regardless of what culture you come from, the differences between males and females are still there and still impact enough to promote the factors described in >>2215542 and all throughout this thread.

It's irrelevant in that even if you live in the most third-word of third-world countries, the alienation (despite not being taught in school) will exist.

Anyway, having read my post, here's a shortcut for you:

>> No.2215561

Alternatively, >>>/adv/
I hear that's where all the underage kids flock to.

>> No.2215565
File: 137 KB, 768x576, 100_0430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww the people of /sci/ are so cool. and you guys aren't nearly as bitchy and butthurt as the folks over on /x/ where i'm from. can i hang out with you guys? i brought ribs

>> No.2215566

As long as you bring a skeptical mind, and a willingness to respond to every damn troll thread ever.

>> No.2215580

both mad and stupid?

differences between men and women are both inate and cultural. agreed?

it follows in different cultures the latter differences may be, well, different.

some of these differences will be conducive to people getting laid, others will not.

but you are basically saying it's the same the world over, because alienation is a yes/no, and not something that can be more or less.

even though studies on sexual activity in young people show differences between, say, sweden and america.

you are obviously full of herp derp

>> No.2215584
File: 73 KB, 251x244, 1285960923945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha i'm from /x/. of course i can handle the trolls. i'm no hand at math. probably because i'm a woman. but science can be pretty interesting to me. if nothing else i can handle your trolls for you without getting mad.

>> No.2215585

Because I'm out of her league, that's why.

>> No.2215586

i spent two years in germany when i was 14 - 16. totally different vibe going on.

>> No.2215589


just cause you can't make her climax or feel comfortable its her fault? the fact that you've forced her into being scared to talk because she thinks you'll get mad is her fault?

your shit seems fucked up man. a girl who talks about wow isn't bad, just nicely tell her you want to get to know her more than a video game and move with that. you can't expect her to feel comfortable just because she likes you, that needs to happen within the relationship.

you seem like an ass who, if your story is real, seriously hurt a nice girl.

>> No.2215592

just get a dumb bitch that likes to fuck

get in, get out

>> No.2215596
File: 163 KB, 600x836, 1292507792227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the ideal woman

>> No.2215598

And you're wasting your time in a board that laughs at the mere sight of your blockquote.

>> No.2215599

i'd like to think /sci/ is alot smarter than thinking that

>> No.2215606
File: 87 KB, 518x774, kip5fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you guys are arguing to much. while the arguing is better than on /x/ i'll have to intervene with this

>> No.2215610

we are smart enough to know that women are just objects to put your penis in

>> No.2215612

haha wow

good luck trying to be smart with your dick

>> No.2215615

protip: shemales

>> No.2215628
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 149843_165080916862592_100000820546905_277903_8109138_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have a dick darling. i am pic related

>> No.2215626

Madam, that fine rendition of a female Mudkip is rather ensnaring to the senses if I do say so myself. I rather desire the artistic expressions abound in the visual aspect the image. Perhaps I would enjoy a form of intercourse with this female while the visual aspect is as such.

TL;DR: Thank you for image.

>> No.2215625


I'll be honest I thought the exact same thing reading his example. Sounds like he found a meek albeit socially awkward girl and abused her until she was entirely reclusive because she didn't understand how to feed his massive ego complex.

>> No.2215630


>> No.2215633
File: 93 KB, 518x774, kip9fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats me. sure i'm not the first mudkip girl. she had black hair and a bad attitude. but i assure you these are pictures of me. don't believe me? ask /x/

>> No.2215634

do you have a piercing in your sternum?

>> No.2215637
File: 102 KB, 774x518, kip8fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does /sci/ hate jello pudding?

>> No.2215638

Seems appropriate:


>> No.2215640

Yes, I am aware that is you. However, now that you have been branded an attention whore, I no longer have the desire to bare my eyes with your imagery. Good day.

>> No.2215642
File: 236 KB, 1200x1600, 1113102303-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sir. i don't really know. i just kind of decided to do it. its really fresh too. thats why you see it in some pictures and not in others

>> No.2215649
File: 74 KB, 518x774, kip2fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well thats fine. at least you were nice about it. have a nice day mister!

>> No.2215651


Surface piercings are lame, as are attention whores.

>> No.2215652

fucking whore taking over threads about whores

>> No.2215660
File: 23 KB, 318x239, lol umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats just like. your opinion man.
it seems i have angered /sci/

>> No.2215658

tattoos and unconventional piercings are very unattractive.

>> No.2215665


>it seems I have angered /sci/

Then you're winning.

Laugh hard, it's a long way to the bank.

>> No.2215667

ITT: bitches and whores mutated to pictures and holes

>> No.2215669
File: 25 KB, 320x240, ooh yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh oh now tell me about how dumb you think my hair is because i sure wasn't born with blue hair huh?

>> No.2215678

I'd hit it

>> No.2215682


>> No.2215683

I like your hair actually, even though it screams "please look at me, I'm an attention whore".

>> No.2215685
File: 24 KB, 322x241, sounds good to me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like you guys. i might come help you out some time when the trolls come after you.

>> No.2215695
File: 25 KB, 322x241, trololoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if thats how you see it thats fine. some girls go blonde, some red, some go crazy and shave all their hair off. i decided blue was nice

>> No.2215703

I don't get /x/? really, what's it about?

>> No.2215720

Retards who really believe they have special powers, and some people that just like spooky stories.

>> No.2215719


I'm not an /x/-er, but here's my impression.

25% of posters are curious trolls and skeptics.
50% are people who just like scary stories and horror movies.
25% are batshit insane, and believe that they are being spied on by the Illuminati, or have capture a ghost in a jar, or can use ESP to control the randomness of their iPod Shuffle, etc., etc.

>> No.2215729
File: 928 KB, 1919x1040, skelington popped out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well we've had alot of troll trouble lately. and we don't have any mods now. but what its supposed to be about is paranormal things. creepy pasta, creepy pictures, videos, movies, slenderman stuff, magic. unfortunately it all usually boils down to worn out jokes and trolls pic related

>> No.2215733
File: 20 KB, 275x338, 1238561028087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread is posted on all the 'intellectual' 4chan boards and possibly r9k and adv but i cant be assed to check.

>> No.2215737

Snacky can I fuck you?

>> No.2215738

Last time I visited /x/ there was a long thread about summoning demons.
Every single person seemed to take it completely seriously and actually seemed to believe demons exist and that you can summon them by drawing pretty pictures on the floor.
Wtf is up with that?

>> No.2215739
File: 253 KB, 1605x697, Problem Trololol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually about right. i think we have more people who just like the pics, stories, and movies though than anything else. at least thats what i hang around for. and theres an ok community there too if you can weed past the trolls

>> No.2215744

What's that white material? I only just started minecraft. The black is obsidian, I presume.

>> No.2215745

those guys actually believe in that shit.
I'm just there for creepy stories and trolling conspiracy- and magick-/religion-/spirituality-fags

>> No.2215748


Yeah, it's not even useful arguing with /x/ about that kind of thing, because some of them will say something epiphenomenal about how the demons are just metaphorical, and the other half are so shit-crazy that they're beyond help.

>> No.2215753

Oh, and how long until someone cross-posts this and starts a cross-forum war?

>> No.2215757
File: 103 KB, 604x548, 1282930757060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably can't. i'm sorry
like i said. half are trolling and half are serious. no one has come back with proof so its more of a hopeless pipe dream and seeing who has the balls to do these "rituals". theres a few ones that are supposed to be scary such as "the midnight man" which you invite a bad spirit into your house and play tag with it pretty much. i think its the curiosity that makes people want to read or try these things.

>> No.2215767

I just went to checkout Reddit /r/creepy top story, the first one was pretty weird


>> No.2215775

but why can't I? :(

>> No.2215778
File: 122 KB, 450x600, 1290161351842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cotton actually. minecraft got boring really fast for me
you're right. they can't have a civilized debate without having a girly slap fight about things with the exception of a few smart people we have around too keep things sane.
thats why i think /sci/ is so nice. because even though i may have just annoyed the living hell out of you i didn't hear the same shit teir trolling and herp derp aliums that i would have over on /x/.

as a representative of /x/ i'm going to say /x/ has a crush on /sci/. then i'm going to commission someone to draw a comic about it

>> No.2215779

Just because she's a whore doesn't mean she has no standards.

>> No.2215780


Because she's attention-seeking and reasonably attractive. I'm sure she can get laid on command.

>> No.2215786


You know, you're pretty nice for a good-for-nothing camwhore.

Would be trolled by again.

>> No.2215788
File: 38 KB, 300x400, boys-haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find the answer within yourself. unless you happen to look like this. then you're in. (random picture of some kid i dont know)

>> No.2215789

Is it acceptable to straight up ask a girl if she wants to fuck? You have a pussy, I have a dick-uh, so what's the problem?

>> No.2215793
File: 34 KB, 450x340, 1286571813308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, i think
yes but also i'm very picky.
well thank you. like i said. i'll come visit from time to time. i promise not to cause too much trouble

>> No.2215799

I don't see why I should be wasting my valuable time on women.

I have plenty of other, more entertaining things to waste it on.

>> No.2215826

haha thats one emasculated fellow

>> No.2215828

nah op, i can't attract any women. i'm introverted and have no money. welfare barely pays for my food.