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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2214127 No.2214127 [Reply] [Original]

For there to be good, there must be evil.
For there to be light, there must be darkness.
For there to be reality, there must be unreality.
For there to be science, there must be god

>> No.2214133

subjective false dichotomy much?

>> No.2214139

admit it your mind was blown
man this shit that ive been smoking is amazing

>> No.2214145

I'm actually dumber for having read your thoughts.

Please contain yourself before someone gets hurt.

>> No.2214148

I think you were going for
> For there to be science there must be un-science.

>> No.2214154

but isn't un-science god? pure faith. nothing scientific about it at all

>> No.2214172

For there to be dicks, there must be pizza.

your mind is blown

>> No.2214180

pizza isn't the opposite of dicks, learn some fucking logic

>> No.2214189

No. There are all kinds of things that are neither science nor god. For example, pornography. Unless you're saying pornography is god, you need to rethink your logic.

>> No.2214191

Somebody's mad.

Remember, serious business

>> No.2214196

ok, correction -> for science to exist there must be faith

faith leads to faith in multiple things, which obviously includes god

>> No.2214198

OP is a faggot, from the very start. He's saying that good only matters because people also do evil.

You're shitting me. You mean if we eliminated suffering, you'd think that would get rid of good?

Go fucking die.

>> No.2214200

So, the opposite of science is insanity.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein.

>> No.2214203

But does the existence of faith in a thing say anything about the existence of that thing?

>> No.2214207

For there to be a possible answer to this question, there must an an unpossible answer to this question?

>> No.2214211

Combined with Einstein's skepticism about the statistical nature of quantum mechanics, that quote is hilarious.

>> No.2214218

For there to have been a theist Aquinas, there must have been an atheist Aquinas.

>> No.2214221

Yes, but hopefully you understand what he's getting at. He's just saying that one should believe in evidence. If that evidence says that the outcome is random - such as for flipping a coin, then it's insane to expect that it'll always be heads.

>> No.2214232

Congrats on completing your first philosophy class op.

Too bad they didn't teach you what false dichotomy was.

>> No.2214274

You can sort of replace science with knowledge and god with ignorance?

>> No.2214306

Thank you captain obvious.

>> No.2214315
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For there need to be a useless Philosophy Major, there must be a Poli sci/Econ.


>> No.2214341

Well, even ignoring that science and God are not opposites, whence comes the notion that everything must have an opposite? What is the opposite of regular dodecahedron? What is the opposite of the planet Jupiter?

I believe in God, but your argument is stupid.

>> No.2214363

>For there to be good, there must be evil.
>For there to be light, there must be darkness.
>For there to be reality, there must be unreality.
>For there to be science, there must be satan
Fixed for you

>> No.2214366
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For every polyhedron with a vertices, b faces, and c edges, there exists its "dual", a polyhedron with b vertices, a faces, and c edges. The dual of the dodecahedron is the icosahedron.

>> No.2214378

Clever, but it's not intuitively obvious that fits the definition of opposite. After all, it's still a polyhedron. Furthermore, some polyhedra (like the tetrahedron) are self-dual. Adopting that to be the opposite would therefore actually *defeat* his argument.

>> No.2214387

No argument here. OP is full of bull crap. I just thought it would be fun to bring up the mathematical concept of duality.

>> No.2214391

>For there to exist the concept of good, there must exist the concept of evil.
>For there to exist the concept of light, there must exist the concept of darkness.
>For there exist the concept of reality, there must exist the concept of unreality.
>For there to exist the concept of science, there must exist the concept of god

The concept of a thing automatically necessitates the existence of the opposite concept, yet in a closed system, nothing requires both to actual exist. The world could contain pure evil and only evil. And while the concept of good would exist (as one of the only ways to understand what evil really is), evil could keep on trucking and not give a fuck.

>> No.2214389

<span class="math">dodecahedron^{-1}[/spoiler]

>> No.2214394

<span class="math">Jupiter^{-1}[/spoiler]

>> No.2214396

The point being that one could argue that the "opposite" of such things is the set composed of elements that are *not* of each set you mention, i.e., not-dodecahedron and not-Jupiter.

>> No.2214398
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For there to be a concept of an easily recognizable pattern of duality there must beioh]tpofa,,iqhtphiathpathghaggrh[ahgat[th30wt93r902r1r190rfahaf,m,afaa.

>> No.2214403


Don't you mean -Jupiter?

>> No.2214409

pure genius you adulterated idiot

>> No.2214414

On that point, what is the difference between inverse and negative? I never quite got that.

>> No.2214419

nigs be so mad up in this thread lol

>> No.2214420


A number cancels to zero (additive identity) when added to its negative

A number cancels to one (multiplicative identity) when multiplied by its inverse

>> No.2214423 [DELETED] 

Negative is just one kind of inverse, the additive kind.

<span class="math"> a^{-1} = \frac{1}{x} [\math] is the multiplicative inveerse of <span class="math"> a [\math]. It is by analogy with this kind of inverse that we use exponent -1 to mean any other kind of inverse, such as functions or matrices.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.2214429

Negative is just one kind of inverse, the additive kind.

<span class="math"> a^{-1} = \frac{1}{x} [/spoiler] is the multiplicative inveerse of <span class="math"> a [/spoiler]. It is by analogy with this kind of inverse that we use exponent -1 to mean any other kind of inverse, such as functions or matrices.

>> No.2214442

Well, then the statement becomes a trivial tautology. There is no restriction in logic onstatements to which negation can be applied. Furthermore, it's not in line with what OP actually said.

>For there to be good, there must be evil.
is not the same as "For there to be good, there must be ~good."

If we consider objects and events that have the property of being good or evil, clearly there are some members of the complement of the union.

Neither "tossing a ball" nor "potato" are good, but they aren't evil either. They're moral non-entities.

>> No.2214447

that should be [math\ a^-1 = \frac{1}{a} [/math]. But you all probably figured that out.

>> No.2214673 [DELETED] 

See, that's what I thought!!!

<span class="math">dodecahedron^{-1}[\math]
<span class="math">Jupiter^{-1}[\math]

YOU LOSE[/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.2214704

There has to Spock AND Evil Spock

>> No.2215257

Well, maybe science exists in this dimension and God exists in another.

Problem solved.

>> No.2215273
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>> No.2215278

opposite of good is "not good", not evil.
darkness is only the absence of light, not the "opposite" of it
reality/unreality is semantic metaphysical nonsense
religion troll thread hurr sage

>> No.2215370

You fail at logic. Hard. (Just like any good Christian I guess)
Here's the thing, some things are mutually opposed and therefore are defined as being the opposite of one to the other. And some things are not. For this argument to work there must only be 2 of those things. Your two first line were correct, the two last however, not. Because there is no such thing as unreality and the concept of God is not opposed to Science.

>> No.2215402
File: 60 KB, 450x557, rei-cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me fix it for you OP

>For there to be good, there must be evil.
>For there to be light, there must be darkness.
>For there to be reality, there must be unreality.
For there to be science, there must be theory.
For theory there must be believe.
For a believe there must be some kind of evidence.

yeah i fixed it ^_^

>> No.2215409

Faith =/= a god exists

Wow, just wow.

>> No.2215431

for there to be clocks, there must be a invisible time dimension

>> No.2215438


>implying science and God are opposites.

>> No.2215469


Without faith scientific advancement would stop, ever scientist trying to reinvent the wheel. And since we are way past the Age of Generalists such is not feasible.

>> No.2215488
File: 49 KB, 450x349, mymindisfulloffuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without faith scientific advancement would stop

>> No.2215597

>For there to be reality, there must be unreality.


Reality exists whether or not we think about that which is not reality.

>> No.2215603


I hate dualistic people like you.

If the universe was created by a supreme being who made it dualistic.
It's a retard.

>> No.2215624
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