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File: 92 KB, 752x1063, forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2212981 No.2212981 [Reply] [Original]

>forever young


>> No.2213016

Enjoy your cancer.

>> No.2213021


>> No.2213023
File: 136 KB, 468x1840, The media.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2213028

Do you really want to live forever, forever, and ever?

>> No.2213031


>DePinho said none of Harvard's mice developed cancer after the treatment.

Your move.

>> No.2213050


>DePinho said the treatment might be safe in humans if it were given periodically and only to younger people who do not have tiny clumps of cancer cells already living, unnoticed, in their bodies.

Look on the bright side. Your kids will be forever young.

>> No.2213052

That's because they all developed double cancer, which is technically different.

>> No.2213056

>implying the mice would have gotten into Harvard if they had cancer
Picky bastards.

>> No.2213059

Yes. Disregard all of the portrals of immortals in fiction where they're like "I've lived long enough, I'm tired". We don't know what living for a very long time would feel like psychologically, especially if said person was insatiable when it came to knowledge and technology.

>> No.2213081

>implying human are capable of being insatiable when it comes to knowledge
>implying unwillingness to learn comes from aging

>> No.2213086

>implying humans aren't capable of wanting to pursue new knowledge until the day they die

>> No.2213093

>implying their won't be socioeconomic consequences as a result of everyone being a biologist, chemist, physicist, astronomer, doctor, lawyer, priest, engineer, etc.

>> No.2213096




>> No.2213100

>implying everyone is interested in scientific knowledge
>implying people won't be like "I just wanna live a good 'onest life" and do the same shit people have been doing for milennia

>> No.2213104

I like that Jay-Z song too.

>> No.2213110

>implying that it's possible to live forever while not learning a thing
>implying the free market won't destroy those without multiple ph.d level intelligence

>> No.2213114



you brought slimer !


>> No.2213123

It's Alphaville, you uncultured swine.

>> No.2213144

No, I've heard the song on TV, it's part of a Jay-Z song, towards the beginning, before good part starts when Jay-Z starts rapping.

>> No.2213190

With nuclear fusion around the corner (lol) it could be feasible to live forever in comfort with an undying population, however everyone would need to sit down and shut the fuck up for a few minutes to discuss the huge implications it would have on humanity.

Everyone will start killing each other but I'm an engineer so I will have a fallout bunker with rockets and robots and shit while the rest of you science fags jerk each other off over a proton as the zombies fucking eat you.

>> No.2213195

>but I'm an engineer
Stoppe reading there.

>> No.2213210

bitches don't know bout my robots

>> No.2213220

They accept your kind.

>> No.2213222

They were telomerase-deficient. The mice had the gene knocked off, so they produced generations of offspring which were also telomerase-deficient, which made them age faster. After restoring the gene in these late-generation fast-degenerating mice, they made them regain function in their organs and reversed the aging effect that they themselves created, in the first place.

It's like me stealing a tire from you car, so you can barely make it move a bit, but then come back and say, hey here's a tire, don't mention it, it's a present. This is what they did with the mice. They first made handicapped them of the normal telomerase production and then they reversed the handincap and called it age reversal. whatsciencecando.aes256

>> No.2213244


Fuck cosplay, I'll be able to make real cool robots with railguns and lasers and rocket boosters and you'll have shit all.

>> No.2213247


to prove that telomerase can indeed reverse the effects of aging.


>> No.2213254
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>but I'm an engineer so I will have a fallout bunker

don't forget also to stock up food and not just lube and dildoes

>> No.2213266


Now now, give him credit. He knows well enough the most efficient choice is bananas.

>> No.2213287

>>2213266 Fail troll

A banana won't last 6 months, a dildo will last forever.

>> No.2213302

cucumbers are better, and they keep longer. Actually I think pickling large cucumbers might work the best of all. You don't even need refrigeration. They wouldn't have that much nutritive value so you'd need to have something else. It's so complicated. Maybe dildos and energy bars would be a good choice.

>> No.2213325 [DELETED] 

Reminds me of this Franken Fran story.


>> No.2213329

Reminds me of this Franken Fran story.


>> No.2213356

Lol, look at the retarded kid. What part of the mice being telomerase-deficient did you not understand? The scientists knocked off a gene to create this effect, they first created extreme telomerase-defficiency in the mice and then they treated the later generations carrying the gene by restoring the normal functioning of the gene. So they did not made normal mice to produce more telomerase and so reverse aging in normal mice, they reverse aging in mice which were aging too fast because of induced telomerase defficiency.

I'm not gonna explain more than that for retards. Read the fucking study for yourself:

>Telomerase-deficient mice have served as a model system to study the adverse cellular and organismal consequences of wide-spread endogenous DNA damage signalling activation in vivo1. Telomere loss and uncapping provokes progressive tissue atrophy, stem cell depletion, organ system failure and impaired tissue injury responses1. Here, we sought to determine whether entrenched multi-system degeneration in adult mice with severe telomere dysfunction can be halted or possibly reversed by reactivation of endogenous telomerase activity. To this end, we engineered a knock-in allele encoding a 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT)-inducible telomerase reverse transcriptase-oestrogen receptor (TERT-ER) under transcriptional control of the endogenous TERT promoter. Homozygous TERT-ER mice have short dysfunctional telomeres and sustain increased DNA damage signalling and classical degenerative phenotypes upon successive generational matings and advancing age. Telomerase reactivation in such late generation TERT-ER mice extends telomeres, reduces DNA damage signalling and associated cellular checkpoint responses, allows resumption of proliferation in quiescent cultures, and eliminates degenerative phenotypes across multiple organs including testes, spleens and intestines.
