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2210247 No.2210247 [Reply] [Original]

I've got Hydrocephalus with a VP Shunt in my left frontal lobe, as well as epilepsy

I take 2 100mg Lamictal a day (1 in AM one in PM) Same with 500mg Depakote (1 in AM 1 in PM).

25mg beta blocker for blood pressure (metoprolol).

What i'm curious about is the adverse effects of smoking marijuana? I don't, but i've been wanting to try it recently. Reason I post here in /sci/ is because science also includes medicine. Discuss.

>> No.2210262

It's officially safer than any of those other drugs you're taking.

>> No.2210337


Most likely not. Although the drugs you are taking are keeping you in a healthy state of mind (>>2210262), epilepsy is not typically associated with neurochemical receptors (rather with increased, excitatory neural activity), which is what marijuana acts on.
Pot acts on the cannabinoid receptors in the brain, which are not associated with your excess cerebral fluid as far as I know.

>> No.2210353


Thank you. It's congenital hydrocephalus not caused by anything as far as they know, I was also born with an Encephalocele on the back of my head but they removed that, obviously. They knew it was there so i was born 3 weeks early, C-Section. I'm a fairly smart person, would a different strain of marijuana (Indica vs. Sativa) matter?

>> No.2210362


one more thing. what are your credentials ( assuming you have them )

I'm not saying you don't know what you're talking about, (you wouldn't have responded in such a timely and honest manner if you didnt) but just better safe than sorry in my opinion.

captcha - ningdown cottie.

>> No.2210365
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Watch The Union.

>> No.2210369


OP here.

Downloading torrent.

Imust say, these timely responses are awesome. Time for me to stop spending so much time in /b/ , /gif/ and /wg/ . amirite?

>> No.2210376

/sci/ tends to be fairly good at nighttime in Australia.

>> No.2210382


>> No.2210383

that's good to hear.

>> No.2210388


Not so coincidentally when I sleep.

>> No.2210395
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>> No.2210399


>> No.2210406


OP concurs.

>> No.2210418
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>> No.2210421

I am interested in OP's question, too. Any more input here? I haven't ever smoked pot, but I think I am old enough and responsible enough to try it, if that even makes sense.

>> No.2210432

Frequent pot smoker here;
The only negative side effects from frequently smoking marijuana multiple times erry day) is that you get more pronounced bags under your eyes and for the first couple of days after smoking your short term memory will be a little off. Nothing permanent that I have noticed so far.
However if your family has a long history of schizophrenia then I would discourage it because cannabis can bring out underlying schizophrenia. NOTE: IT CAN BRING OUT UNDERLYING SCHIZOPHRENIA, NOT CREATE IT.
It's improved my life in many ways, everything from rekindling my interest in science and philosophy to better eating and sleeping habits. I've become more patient and everyone I know has noticed an improvement in my attitude.
I'm even high now as I type this.

tl;dr smoke weed erry day

>> No.2210444
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OP here.

Did someone say baggy eyes?

>> No.2210460


you're quite the image banshee.

>> No.2210476

Regarding >>2210337 in response to >>2210362

I'm not a doctor

>> No.2210480
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Ahaaha, okay then you basically have nothing stopping you smoking cannabis.

Unless you have a job that requires drug testing or something, go for it.

>> No.2210495


I'm on disability (SSI) because of the Hydrocephalus. Who knows, it might even help with the excess CSF.

>> No.2210500

okay, but since this is a science board, I was hoping for something other than anecdotal evidence, not that I disbelieve what you say.

>> No.2210506
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That's why I was suggesting watching The Union.
Have a pro-weed poster I made a while back. Lots of links in the background.

>> No.2210525


Bob fucking Dylan.

OP respects the shit out of you.

>> No.2210552


Either way, thank you for your input.

>> No.2210577


What are the chemical changes that marijuana well...changes?

>> No.2210591


Carl Sagan is the only person worth admiring on this poster. JFK, Lennon, and Dylan are 'meh' tier. Jobs and Turner are dipshits.

>> No.2210595


>Putting ted turner amongst all those other people

>Stupid fucking ausfag

>> No.2210599

JFK was probably the last great president of the United States. Ordering man on moon within the decade, that wins massive bro points with me. Bob Dylan is pretty coo' too.
He's successful and smokes weed. That's the only reason I put him on.

>> No.2210608


Bob Dylan is the poor man's Phil Ochs.

>> No.2210613


Also, I don't think there's been a great president in this country since at least Teddy Roosevelty.

>> No.2210616


yes typo

>> No.2210620

I have no idea what that means to be honest.
You're entitled to your opinion.

>> No.2210624


>JFK Last great president

>Implying Lyndon Johnson wasn't 10 times better

>> No.2210628


It means Phil Ochs was a better musician than Bob Dylan.

>> No.2210634

OP Here

No other input about original topic? Although, Obama has been the best president within a half century..........ok just joking.

>> No.2210636
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Wow fuck, I didn't even know this guy existed.

>> No.2210640


None of us are experts. Feel lucky you got the amount of input you did, even though it's all worthless anyway.

Try asking your doctor. It's not like s/he'll call the cops on you.

>> No.2210646 [DELETED] 

get out of here

go back to noob galore and play some cs:s

>> No.2210648


Not to mention, it is 5:18 AM and not many people post at this hour. I am grateful for the input, thank you guys.

>> No.2210652


Kennedy was a clusterfuck. He got us into Vietnam when he damn well knew we had no business there.

He nearly caused a nuclear war with the commies because of his faggotry.

He also failed to push civil rights legislation.

Nixon and Johnson were far better presidents. Yes Nixon.

>> No.2210654

Didn't i show you that picture?

>> No.2210655


I will post your contact information.

>> No.2210661

I'll do something worse

>> No.2210660
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>> No.2210665


only joking, and yes, you did.

On another note, what do you guys think of Assange?

>> No.2210669
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Greatest moment in history.

>> No.2210670
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>> No.2210673

He's cool, I'm glad he leaked that info.

He just got granted bail, btw.

>> No.2210686
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image brought to you by OP and extreme boredom.

>> No.2210692



>> No.2210701

Yep. He's staying at this guy's place.

>> No.2210707

inb4: military excersize goes awfully wrong both killed by rogue smart bomb

>> No.2210788

Marijuana has been evidenced to upregulate some neuroprotective elements, so it's more likely to help your epilepsy, than worsen it. Also, for MOST people, marijuana calms them down, so if your epilepsy is affected by anxiety, then that could help too.

Of course light marijuana use has a small rebound effect, mainly psychologocal, i.e. it replaces a different calming activity, so when someone stops, they need to find a replacement or they can get agitated.

>> No.2210798


I think i'll be okay then.

I drink, socially, not too much. I'm curious about how I should start/try it. joint, pipe, etc.

As we all know, different ways of hitting it amounts to different quantities consumed.

>> No.2210817

Always start with a low amount, and never trust your own judgement.

For a longer-term effect, you can try involving marijuana in food, like cookies. My story is my grandfather was in a car accident and had a neck injury, and permanent pain. We cooked up his marijuana prescription into a batch of about 30 cookies or so, and 2-4 cookies worked wonders for the pain, but like 4+ started getting him high enough to become more joyous and slightly obnoxious. The marijuana was an amount that could mostly fill a maybe 6 or 8 oz prescription bottle, when it wasn't ground. Splitting that into 30-40 cookies sounds like it's only a little bit of marijuana, but that's all it took for a mind-altering effect. Another reason to use only a little bit starting, and maybe lock up the rest, is because there's vastly different THC concentrations, like compared to stuff 30 years ago is something like 10-20x I think, so you really don't need that much to chill out, though more often the difference is only 2-10x depending on the cultivar.

>> No.2210827
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One small pinch of good bud with a bong, Wait 10 minutes and if it's not enough do another one. Repeat until desired high.

>> No.2210858
File: 308 KB, 498x283, wizhairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again.

Any particular strain I should try first? Indica, Sativa, Ruderalis? (i joke) .hybrid of more of one than the other, 50/50?

fucking curiousity, i swear.

>> No.2210866

It's more a matter of personal taste on strains. Technically strains have different THC contents, and their are likely other mind-altering chemicals in different amounts, but if all you're going for is to alter your mind, then it doesn't really matter. Over time you might like the feel of one over others, as they can have different effects from burning, like one might irritate your throat, another might cause a bad aftertaste, etc.

>> No.2210867

Indica is generally more mellow and for easing the pain. Also it tends to be far easier to find than straight sativa. Warning, if it's not a hybrid you are not going to want to do anything but sit on your ass.

>> No.2210879


What effect does pot have on beta blockers? Would you know?

>> No.2210900

It shouldn't have any. Although in practice, weed use either decreases anxiety or increases it, anxiety is driven by norepinephrine. Since beta blockers block norepinephrine, there'd be no expected change, though in principle, if the beta-blockers didn't block 100%, then you could get very slightly less anxious or very slightly more anxious.

>> No.2210929


Now I can finally get some sleep

(fucking insomniac here)

>> No.2211234


Wouldn't change much.. Still havent slept.

>> No.2211258

srsly ask your doctor. they don't want to get you in trouble, just be honest with them. srsly. srsly

>> No.2212924

Bumping for more input

>> No.2214945


So would I or would I not feel "Stoned"

>> No.2214986

If you're taking Lamictal, Depakote, and a beta blocker (metoprolol) daily, I would STRONGLY advise you do not use marijuana while on those drugs.

The problem with stoners is that most of them have never heard of drug interactions or contraindications.

Dronabinol is THC. Marijuana contains THC. Before taking dronabinol, patients should tell their doctor if they are taking propranolol, a non-selective beta blocker. Since metoprolol is also a beta blocker, I would advise against using marijuaan on metoprolol.

Divalproex sodium is found in Depakote, which is one of the over 460 drugs that interact with THC. It has a moderate interaction, but not a major interaction.

Lamotrigine is found in Lamictal, another one of the over 460 drugs that interact with THC.

More info here:

>> No.2214996

Many anti-convulsants (used to treat epilepsy) are CYP2C19 inhibitors.

THC is a substrate of CYP2C19 (meaning, the CYP2C19 enzyme metabolizes THC). Although other CYP enzymes also metabolize THC.

Prozac is also a CYP2C19 inhibitor.

The first time I smoked marijuana I was on Prozac and I was high for 3 days. Don't think "Oh! That must have been awesome!" It wasn't. It was a horrible experience.

>> No.2214999

Ask your doctor. He will tell you the same thing I'm telling you.

Do not mix marijuana with the drugs you are taking right now.

There's a strong likelihood you'll be intoxicated for an extended period of time and experience psychosis. This is also known as a "bad trip." You may wonder if it's ever going to end.

And the effects on your brain may not be temporary. Depending on your age, it can seriously mess up your brain chemistry.

>> No.2215004

i have to constantly smoke to be high for 3 days. i try to always be high. so yeah it would be a good experience to some

>> No.2215043


23 years old. Thank you.

>> No.2215063

>so yeah it would be a good experience to some

If if was someone's first time, I doubt it.

While I certainly enjoyed the first few hours, the next fews days were not good at all. Then there's the fear of not knowing if/when it will ever end.

>> No.2215080


If you insist on trying marijuana while on those drugs, I believe you'd be better off with an Indica strain, high in CBD.

THC has psychotic properties and CBD has anti-psychotic properties.

Strains high in CBD include True Blueberry, Harlequin, Romulan, Rx, Jamaican Lion, Stinky Purple.

If you don't know which strain you're smoking, I would highly suggest you don't mix marijuana with your current medications.

If you're not comfortable asking your doctor about it, ask a pharmacist.

>> No.2215091


Insisting on trying something that others are telling me is bad for me, isn't something I do. Thanks for the heads up, again. Also thanks for the strains...you know, just in case.

captcha religious lingerty

>> No.2215112

Many patients smoke marijuana to deal with glaucoma.

"Glaucoma is a disease where fluid pressure inside the eye increases causing irreversible damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision. It is often, but not always, associated with increased pressure of the fluid in the eye."

Hydrocephalus is associated with "increased intracranial pressure inside the skull and progressive enlargement of the head, convulsion, and mental disability."

I am not a doctor, but I suppose marijuana might also help with pain releif associated with intracranial pressure -- but it sounds like your shunt deals with that.

I would google "hydrocephalus marijuana" if I were you.

Marijuana use can sometimes lead to an increased heart rate. High THC content can lead to panic attacks. That may not be good for someone with hydrocephalus. But a strain like Romulan would probably be safer than a Sativa.

>> No.2215118


I have an increased heart rate already, hence metoprolol

>> No.2215127

also, i'm not sure you guys believe in a "contact" high, but i've had a few buddies blow some pot in my face and have felt different, but im assuming thats just a small taste of what an actual rip would feel like, kind of like sipping a red wine doesn't compare to taking a double shot of tequila.

>> No.2215147


OP adding onto his last statement

I drink socially. Hard liquor mostly. Which would be worse?

>> No.2215157


AFAIK, to get a "contact high" you just have to be around someone who's high, or a lot of high people. You don't have to be around secondhand pot smoke.

The consensus reality changes, or the perception of it changes.

>> No.2215194


My first reaction would be "Well, if he's drinking hard liquor on those drugs, I'm sure pot wouldn't be any worse."

But on further thought, ethanol is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase, not CYP enzymes.

Alcohol leaves the body at a constant rate. But drugs often have a specific half-life. The elimination half-life of a drug is the time it takes for the drug to lose half of its pharmacologic or physiologic activity.

THC has a half-life of 1.6 to 59 hours. The point is, the CYP enzymes that metabolize the medications you're taking will not be able to metabolize THC as fast as they could if you were not on any medications.

Now, you might try pot on those drugs and you might be just fine. You might have a good time, and be sober again after 3 hours.

Or you might be intoxicated for a few days. As some people here have said, that's something they would like. Or forget to take your daily medications. Or who knows.

The people I was with, nobody had ever seen anything like it. And I myself didn't learn why I was high for so long until about 9 years later, through my own research.

If you already have an increased heart rate, ASK YOUR DOCTOR, NOT ANONS ON 4CHAN.

If you were not on any medications, there's a chance a doctor might even recommend marijuana for pain relief, or insomnia, etc. But I don't know, I'm not a doctor.

>> No.2215197


lol @ cap'd section

I appreciate your advice.

>> No.2215241

If I were you, I would Google:

lamictal marijuana
lamotrigine marijuana

depakote marijuana
divalproex sodium marijuana

metoprolol marijuana
(drugs.com doesn't list metoprolol interacting with dronabinol)

hydrocephalus marijuana

Valproic acid, found in Depakote, is a strong CYP2C9 inhibitor. That alone right there is big warning sign to me.

I don't say any of this to scare you. Being scared of having a bad trip can lead to a bad trip in and of itself. But knowledge is power.

The advice of someone who HAS smoked marijuana on any of those drugs, is much better than the advice of someone who never has. But then again, everyone's metabolism is different.

Get educated. Know your dose, know your limits, know the drug interactions. Then you can experiment. And I'm out.

>> No.2215251

One more thing, look for trip reports online:
Google erowid marijuana x (x being the drug interaction you're looking for)

Here's one for cannabis and depakote called "An Adverse Reaction"

>> No.2215297
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