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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 196 KB, 587x588, pentagon-aerial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2209529 No.2209529 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone wanna start a I call bullshit on 9/1/1 day?

Pic Related.

>> No.2209538

Where's the plane?

>> No.2209543

nanothermite in the rubble?

>> No.2209545


Who said a plane hit it? oh the media... You believe those guys?

>> No.2209552


Nanothermite was discovered in the WTC from dust samples collected in the vicinity. Where did you hear about nanothermite at the pentagon?

>> No.2209553

what is 9/1/1?

September 1st of 1 A.D.? What are you calling bullshit on? The whole babby Jesus thing?

>> No.2209556

Couldn't they get a scarp to make it look more authentic?

>> No.2209561

>Who said a plane hit it? oh the media... You believe those guys?

trot on back to /new/ bitch

>> No.2209562
File: 139 KB, 545x677, 1291125278564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9/11 includes the twin towers

>> No.2209579

not nanothermite
paint chips

try reading the fucking paper instead of repeating the same bullshit conspiracy videos repeat

If you just repeat conspiracy video talking points, are you doing any better than someone who's repeating the government's story blindly?

>> No.2209580


Whats your problem? not enough fiber?

>> No.2209583

9/11 never happened

>> No.2209587



>> No.2209592
File: 432 KB, 360x320, wtc-7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could've been the other towers collapsing that damaged the infrastructure. Though its more likely that it was all an inside job. The US government needed more leverage over the citizens to sell unconstitutional legislation and start 2 wars. Though I would've supported Iraq if they atleast were honest enough to admit that it was all for oil. More of any resource is a beneficial for a nation.

>> No.2209595


OK so nanothermite was found ON PAINT CHIPS...


>> No.2209615

You can't trust the "investigative" reports on ground zero. They could've planted or removed any evidence to fit their story. Its impossible to have any certainty on this event. Though if you look at the events that followed there is some indication that the US government benefited from 9/11. They mobilized troops without much resistance from citizens. They imposed unconstitutional legislation and the Feds coined a new definition for their Newspeak dictionary - Terrorist: anyone that opposes the government. ei Assange.

>> No.2209616

Try using some of the other pictures of WTC7, where you can see the huge gash caused chunks of I and II landing on it. And the massive fire that was burning for hours.

I don't know about you, but when I rig WTC7 for explosives, I think I would avoid crashingplanes/blowingup WTC 1 and 2 before it. Could cause problems? I think crashing planes into buildings rigged to blow would maybe not be the best idea. Or, demo-ing them at differnt times.

Also - controlled demos blow out windows of surrounding buildings for a decent distance - didn't happen

Also thermite has never been used for any other demo, nor is there any evidence that it has even been tested for similar use.

As an anarchist it pains me to defend the US gov EVER. Fucking hell. I feel sick now. But I have a strong commitment to things like facts and evidence.

Whatever caused the buildings to fall, it was certainly not ContDemo. Maybe it was arab hijackers. Maybe it was american hijackers, maybe it was microwave photon motherfuckers from outspace.

But it was not fucking CD or thermite.

>> No.2209622


Its just such a big spoonful of shit we were fed as Americans, all this fucked up shit happens and all the evidence surrounding the incidents are destroyed with no analysis being done AT ALL? not to mention all the surrounding SEC issues revolving United and American Airlines days before and all the companies holding securities with WTC got huge check from insurance policies filed that very year...

Its extremely disturbing.

>> No.2209625
File: 10 KB, 232x194, 1292471705093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Though its more likely that it was all an inside job.

>It's more likely that it was all an extremely complex conspiracy to murder thousands of our own citizens planned by our government and carried out with surgical precision, and none of the hundreds of conspirators involved have let any information of the plan slip... than a dozen muslims pissed off about America's foreign policy flying planes into buildings.

Get the fuck off /sci/ and don't come back until you have a basic comprehension of Occam's Razor

>> No.2209627

No. You didn't understand the paper that talked of thermite. Thermite is not a demolition tool. Thermite was not found at the site.

Paint chips were found at the site, and mistaken for thermite. Read the paper you think you are getting this thermite business from.

And making up excuses for why you don't have evidence of inside job, is not the same as having evidence for inside job. Yes the US is evil, yes they used it to justify illegal wars. that's uncontroversially true.

But we're talking physics chemistry and engineering here.

>> No.2209628

>Occam's Razor
Doesn't apply to everything, you should go hit the books for a while.

>> No.2209638

>implying evidence can't be planted or removed.
You can't trust the investigative reports for shit, its like doing a analysis on a contaminated sample.

>> No.2209641


Brains are complex, it would be more simple for OP to not have a brain. Occam's Razor, OP doesn't have a brain.

>> No.2209649

Occham doesn't apply to everything, but you still need to get around it. You don't even get close to being parsimonious enough to be taken seriously.

All evidence is consistent with A: some muslims crashed planes

All evidence is consistent with B: the seemingly incompetent us government secretly isn't incompetent, or are run by a hypercompetent Kabal, that surgically struck.

B is unfalsifiable.

Why would the Kabal attack a center of finance? Isn't that their own people, the rich and elite? Why would they crash planes into their building rigged for Cdemo? Why not just crash planes into it? Why not just blow it up? Why not ignore that WTC shit and just start the war? They're practically omnipotent, just start the fecking war.

Why make a backstory that doesn't point to iraq when that's where you wanna go? Why not do a better job fabricating the weapons of mass destruction?

Hanlon's razor is useful too guyz

>> No.2209662

Basically nothing you said is true. Pieces of the buildings were thrown hundreds of feet away into other buildings... so yes, windows were blown out in surrounding buildings (lol). Thermite hasn't been tested for use in demolitions? What? It's chiefly used for exactly that.

Also, I don't even understand your point about the planes hitting. Are you saying they WOULDN'T have had planes crash into the buildings if they're going to controlled demolition anyway? Have you never heard of a... scape goat?

It's more likely that some people from the middle east hates our freedoms, carried out precise strikes on difficult targets, and physically impossibly caused buildings to collapse... especially tower 7... and there's thermite in the rubble because of magical fairies...

That's more likely than powerful people in our own government (makes it easier for them, ie. more likely) who destroyed some buildings to get the support they needed to go to war and pass restrictive laws?

Shit you're delusional. You're one of those people who will "never believe that our OWN GOVERNMENT would MURDER!!(!!!!) its own citizens!!!!"

You're using emotion instead of actual logical reasoning.

>> No.2209665

Now you are picking and choosing. By accepting the thermite findings found at the site (even though you have no idea what the papper that makes the claim actually says)

and rejecting the paint chips finding at the same (it's actually the same finding, the same paper, but whatev)

You are commiting special pleading fallacy. Enjoy your fail.

>> No.2209667


So... You really believe, 2 planes crashed into the WTC and brought them down nearly seamlessly ONTO each other...

The most likely even would have been a column severance from the points of impact upwards. The main structure would never have compounded on itself like that given it was designed to take multiple hits from Boeing 707's is going to come crashing down by similarly sized cousin a 757?

Get real dude.

>> No.2209673

>Occham doesn't apply to everything, but you still need to get around it.
Not when it isn't applicable
>Why would the Kabal attack a center of finance?
So people would doubt its them, just like you did with that question.
>Isn't that their own people, the rich and elite?
Less competition for those that are part of the Cabal.
>They're practically omnipotent, just start the fecking war.
They still need to convince the public. This is democracy after all.
>Why make a backstory that doesn't point to iraq when that's where you wanna go?
Get the troops geared and ready or do the classic Orwellian thing where you switch enemies to confuse the public.
>Why not do a better job fabricating the weapons of mass destruction?
By this point the public was already powerless, no need to do any convincing -patriot act was long passed.
>Hanlon's razor is useful too guyz
Yes it is but doesn't apply to every situation.

>> No.2209679

What do yall think of this..

>> No.2209681

All things being equal, the theory which requires the least amount of modification/expansion in order to explain the observed facts is most likely the correct explanation.

Theory 1: A bunch of pissed off Muslims flew planes into a couple of buildings.

Theory 2: The planes were actually remote controlled, or possible cruise missiles disguised as planes, or maybe holograms, or the buildings were destroyed with hundreds of pounds of explosives smuggled into the building somehow, and it wasn't pissed off Muslims, it was a sinister shadow government led by power-hungry businessmen and possibly the lizard people in order to convince the American public to go to war with Iraq by blowing up the World Trade Center towers, a random building nearby that no one outside of the city had ever heard of before the attacks, the Pentagon, and a random field in Pennsylvania, and blaming it on a bunch of Saudis operating out of Afghanistan.

>> No.2209685

you clealy don't understand how they fell. They didn't fall into their footprints. You can check this. They fell all over the fucking place. You can check this. With your own eyes and shit. The "they fell in their footprint" myth is one of the easier ones to debunk.

So what the fuck was the plan then? the plan was NOT to cause destruction and chaos? "lets be really careful while we blow up this center of world finance, because we don't want to hurt new york?

the vowince

>> No.2209688

Illogical and not worth refuting.

>> No.2209695

Theory 3, Theory 4, Theory 5... etc
And fuck off with that lizard people thing. Its quite possible that this was a government ploy. How or if it was executed we won't know thanks to the lack of transparency. You believing in theory 1 is as credible as the lizard people at this point.

>> No.2209698

>from the guys arguing that logical fallacies can't be applied to their logically faulty arguments 'because they said so! so there!'

>> No.2209704

>implying your Muslim argument isn't faulty.
>implying you have any credible evidence behind your arguments.
>Oh look the Feds gave this report out on what happened. I'm a gullible little shit so I'm gonna believe whatever they say and fuck the terrorists.

>> No.2209708


Really? you'd expect towers crumpling down to go a lot farther. Im sorry but there were over 100 floors of material there that should have bended and collapsed to the side more... It didnt fall directly on its foot print. You're right.

But this thing is about 4-5 city blocks long. The upper 5th's of the towers were struck. If they were gonna come down it the bottom half should have collapsed sideways or should have maintained its integrity.

>> No.2209710
File: 23 KB, 450x299, missle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys who think the planes could bring down the towers are missing some key information here.

The 9/11 Commission Report states the the buildings fell due to FIRE. They are the
Also, Building #7, the third building to collapse that day, was never hit by a plane, it also fell due to fire, and it isn't even included in the 9/11 commission report.

The report itself ends by saying that there is no strong evidence to support their conclusions, but it's the best they could come up with (in so many words).

Seriously, just watch any video of the buildings actually "collapsing" and you'll see them throwing debris out in all directions, and fall at near free-fall speed.

Anyone who still thinks that these buildings fell only because of the acts of some terrorists is either retarded, or has simply NEVER LOOKED AT ANY OF THE CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCE (FOR WHICH THERE ARE TONS).

>> No.2209717

I think the fundamental different between conspiracy people and skeptics is this.

Conspriracy people beleive in the conspiracy. Skeptics beleive in the evidence. There is a third group called the patrioticfags who believe the "official story" becase it's offical.

Something is not wrong because the government says it. Sometimes the government happens to tell the truth. Or happens to tell something that is kinda close to the truth.

By saying I "beleive the official story" because the federalis told me to makes no sense. I don't beleive any story. I'm not interested in who did what why. I'm talking about mawfuckin paint chips.

>> No.2209726
File: 44 KB, 250x405, 250px-Caridans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2209729

True skeptics are skeptical of what is labeled as evidence.

>> No.2209735

Well the term "conspiracy theorist" has an extremely strong negative connotation. The official story is a conspiracy theory, a conspiracy of sand people. The problem is that the blast points were clearly too accurate. So any reasonable person will be a skeptic of the "official" story.

>> No.2209740

Is that what you believe in? Must be if you believe in whatever the feds tell you. Is this their new tale for the public?

>> No.2209745

In 1993, there was a fire at the Kader Toy Factory in Thailand (a modern, steel structured building). The fire weakened the steel supports and the building collapsed, killing 188 people and injuring over 500 more. To date it is the worst industrial fire in history.

>> No.2209750


No, the word your looking for in that situation is 'idiots' not skeptics.

>> No.2209754

No, that defines you. Sorry try again. Go back to your lizard people and tales from the Feds.

>> No.2209755

/sci/ I am disappoint. You fell for a troll, that wasn't about baby jeebus.

The simple fact of the matter is that the people spouting the conspiracy crap don't understand how controlled demo works, nor do they actually ready and reports from people that know wtf actually happened.

And btw, the buildings were not designed to be struck "multiple times by 707's". They were designed to take a single strike by a 707 with little fuel left. What they actually got hit by was the larger 757, with a full tank of fuel.

The impact blew off the fire protecting from the metal and severely damaged the central load bearing core. The jet fuel, paper, bodies, furniture, ect then burned hot enough to get the girders pliable.

What then happened is that the girders bent just enough that the bolts and whatnot holding them to the already comprised central core that the floors above and below the impact began to fall, creating a cascade of failure, because as the weight of the upper floors slammed into those below them, they also failed.

The floors and exterior walls of buildings 1 and 2 were never designed to carry the majority of the load, and as a result failed when the load was shifted completely to them.

I'm so tired of "truthers" spouting shit they don't have the faintest concept of. Go ask a structural engineer about a cascading collapse, and stop being ignorant.

>> No.2209756


No I dont believe everything they tell me... On the contrary I was starkly against them destroying all the evidence. Those two drawings are Aliens... Things the FBI covers up all the time =P

>> No.2209759

How do you know how it should have fell? We've never had a steel structure like this fall from fire before. And never from planecrashy fire. Your armchair speculation about falling is meaningless.

And it did not fall at anything close to freefall speed. You can time it yourself. Even building seven (you have to time it when the penthouse goes, because that implies shit on the inside of the building is going).

All CD's fall at freefall speed or within maybe +-5%. This fell close to freefall-50%. And no windows were blown out nearby. Maybe you beleive that the new world order installed magic lizard windows in every building nearby over the course of 20 years?

Give me some contradicting evidence nigga? I've watched at least 10 movies, read websites, met with truther clubs, met with "experts" the truther clubs bring in for lectures...

I've looked for the evidence, and there isn't enough in the conspiracy theory. And I have no friendliness to Amerikkka. I'm not a citizen and I would prefer a classless stateless society. I go out looking FOR evidence of a conspiracy in this case.

Like there is evidence for the US orchestrating coups on democratically elected south american leaders who are lefists
and genoicides
and war profittering
native oppression
support for israel
a whole bunch of other evil shit
IT'S NOT THAT I'M GO GO AMERICA. It' not that i would find america murdering people too scary to beleive it.

its' just that there isn't enough darned evidence. Seriously. Go talk to a dozen or so self identified skeptics. You know, people who think extrodinairy claims require extrodinariy explainations. I'm willing to bet none are into this specific conspiracy. At least none are into controlled demo.

>> No.2209761
File: 66 KB, 599x389, Pentagon_Lamppost_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cruise missiles don't take down lamp posts.

For those of you troofers that think they have a response for this. Lamp posts, and most things that line the side of the road are designed to break away cleanly when struck for the safety of the driver and to make it more likely they can be reused.

Also none of those drivers witnessing the plane from the highway said it was a cruise missile, some of them said "The plane sounded like a missile" Why would they say that?


Because high speed passes by jets sound like you think a missile would sound.

Of course as I am arguing with truthers, you will come back with some bullshit theory someone came up with in their parents basement. But I really do like you guys, after all there's no quicker way to tell that nothing someone says is worth listening to than to hear them spout some bullshit from Lose Change.

Muslims did WTC, grow up and fucking deal with it.

>> No.2209764

>Muslims did WTC, grow up and fucking deal with it.
Who financed them? Sand castles don't go for much nowadays.

>> No.2209770

skeptics are skeptical of the official story

They don't give a shit about the official story

You're making a false dichotomy

either I beleive Alex Jones or I beleive Bush.

I lump those two assholes together as far right loonies. I'm not taking anybodies word on any of this shit. I'm not taking the conspiracy story or the offical story. I'm taking the evidences' story.

>> No.2209773

You present no evidence that this was what actually occurred. Do you have any evidence that the fires could have burned hot enough to compromise the integrity of the steel? Do you have any evidence that key supports were damaged? Or that they were damaged enough to actually allow a collapse?


Go ask an architect or engineer and learn something.

>> No.2209778


financed how? Travel, flight school and a one way airline ticket? Maybe some nice american hillfiger jackets and boxcutters?

>> No.2209779


Two hour lecture by an architectural engineer on why the tower 'collapse' was a controlled demolition:

From this site:

>> No.2209781

>implying evidence can't be planted or removed.

>> No.2209782


Wealthy Saudi Arabians, mostly

>> No.2209783


Thats funny... I really wish I was rich enough to build 2 WTC's and have 2 planes crash into them again just to shut your dumb ass up. The fact that you believe that drivel is astonishing.

If the heat was too much for any part of the structure to bare, it would have collapsed on that central POINT. Not in its entirety, Buildings aren't built like a house of cards you imbecile.

>> No.2209788

should not have added that...

>> No.2209790

Funny how you present questionable evidence like "cruise missiles can't knock down lamp posts", yet you don't dare challenge the elephant in the room: There's no fucking evidence a plane ever hit the building.

Say the entire thing vaporized. Go on. Give your retarded explanation that everyone knows isn't backed by science.

>> No.2209793


Pretty interesting how we are supposed to believe... the very same planes crashed into all 3 buildings. Yet 2 of these planes brought down SKYSCRAPERS... and a building ADJACENT that had nothing to do with the planes themselves...

However this 3rd plane miraculously funnels itself into a <50ft whole leaving virtually NO debris for an aircraft of this magnitude.

Why dont you deal with it kid, You've had the wool pulled over your eyes. Its time to wake up, the alarm is buzzing.

>> No.2209796

What percentage of AE for truth are actually architects and engineers?

What percent of AE's around the world think this is total bullshit?

And the steel temperature game is a game for dullards. Look up jet fuel temps. Look up structural steel temperature charts. Note that you don't need to completely melt a chunk of steel into liquid to make buildings fall down.

Sorry. Burden of proof is on the truthers. At least we do know that there were mawfukin planes in the mawfukin snakes' offices.

You not understanding much about planes or buildings doesn't mean you can fabricate your own explaination. That's the argument from ignorance fallacy.

We don't know what caused X, so Y did it!

More specifically.

I don't understand how X happened, so Y did it!

The reality of buildings and planes n shit doesn't depend on your ability to understand it.

>> No.2209797

>There's no fucking evidence a plane ever hit the building.

that you know of...

are you the sort of person who would be allowed to inspect the crash site, or read confidential reports on the evidence?

>> No.2209801

show me the plane that hit the building

matter doesn't just disappear

there should have been huge pieces of plane lying around in the rubble

>> No.2209804

lololol noplaners

We have chunks of the plane. we have photographs of the chunks of the plane, speicifally then engine block, lying there

btw have you seen that one video of a jet hitting a brick wall in testing? the whole thing vaporizes. IT's neato

Again. Burden of proof is on you. Because you don't understand what happens when planes hit walls, it must be a cruise missle.

Why the fuck are they shooting a cruise missle at the pent anyway? Isn't that place full of THEIR people? And it did such a shitty job, it bumped the ground on the way there... Didn't hurt much people or property wise... What sorta shitty omnipotent Kabal is this?

You're theory is unfalsifiable you poopoo head.

>> No.2209805

never seen an actual airplane crash site I take it?

>> No.2209811

The "steel doesn't need to melt" shit is a strawman argument. Everyone knows the steel just needs to get hot enough to weaken enough to compromise the integrity of the structure.

Problem is, the evidence shows that couldn't have happened due the the burning temperature of jet fuel.

Basically, this is where you say "well then I don't know what caused that, therefore the impact of the plane knocked out core support beams or something".

>> No.2209814


So you think an aluminum plane crashing into a reinforced building will leave a comically plane shaped hole in it? Did you ever stop to think that those wings are pretty thin and flimsy compared to the rest of the plane? and that maybe they would break off and tuck into the body of the plane?

>Why dont you deal with it kid, You've had the wool pulled over your eyes. Its time to wake up, the alarm is buzzing.

Ah, I see you're being a bit clever with that sheeple insult you troofers inevitably use when you don't have a response. At least I can pull the wool of crackpot conspiracy theorists off my head, its much harder for their blind and stupid followers.

>> No.2209817

I'm pretty shocked most of you sci guys are atheist - or at least the majority are against Religion. But when it seems to be something that introduces common sense some of you buckle and reject what is clearly in front of you. Just compare and contrast the 2 crash sites. Pentagon and WTC. Both struck by the same aircraft, but there are REMARKABLE differences in crash sites. If you're too dense to see the differences just take a nap or something. Don't hurt yourself.

>> No.2209819

Fuck the muslims.

not for flying planes into buildings, they couldn't help that.

fuck them all for denying muslims did it instead of just condemning the act like sane people would. fuck them right in the ear.

9/11 was no excuse to hate muslims. this muslim truther crap is a great reason though.

>> No.2209821



Yep, all plane crashes leave big pieces.

Commencing dump of high speed impact plane crashes.

>> No.2209822

>btw have you seen that one video of a jet hitting a brick wall in testing? the whole thing vaporizes. IT's neato

Hilarious that you'd bring this up. I know the exact video you are talking about, and you're a fucking moron. That is NOT a brick wall. That is a NUCLEAR POWER PLANT'S PROTECTIVE WALLS.


I take it you don't know the difference between solid 10 feet of steel reinforced concrete, and a brick wall.

>> No.2209826

Sounds like you're complaining because YOU don't know the temperature required for steel to lose it's integrity, how hot the jet fuel burns, or how FAST it burns up for that matter. Just because you know nothing of planes and buildings doesn't mean you should ignore people when they give you solid facts to support a claim.

Just watch a video of one of the first building coming down. Smoke in all directions as it goes down, the top of the building (above the impact area) falls down into the smoke, and encounters no resistance before hitting the ground.

Watching the top of the building until it's completely obscured by smoke, you can see it falling at near free-fall speed. Which means that the support under it, the building itself, was dismantled.

Basic visual evidence supports demolition, burden of proof lies with those who contradict this claim.

>> No.2209828


Because there's a huge fucking difference between engineering a sky scraper and a low rise office building.

>> No.2209832


How do you just flat out ignore the other event and fail to make a distinction between the two.... Its asinine... I'm surprised you are intelligible in any sense man honestly.

>> No.2209836

How big is this conspiracy getting?

The us gov - all the big shots and tons of the little henchment type mother fuckers
All the allied countries govs - bigshots and cronies
neutral countires bigshots
Even rival countries. Why hasn't rival china, called US on this?

It gets better. Big finanace is in on it, because they control the govs (i'm not disputing this)

mainstream engineering - all accross the world
mainstream skeptics - all accross the world
demolitons experts - all accross the world
the arab groups claiming responsibility
the arab groups applauding the group that cliams responsibility

So who's not in on this conpsiracy? Just you and a handful of internet personalities?

Seriously, a bit of fact checking goes a long way. You wouldn't listen to a used car salesman, you wouldn't listen to a government asshole, yet you listen to a texas radio host?

And I guess Assange is in on it because there's evidence of tons of evil us coverupmotherfucking shit in there, and a lot of international bigshot gossip - yet nothing vindicating truthtards

>> No.2209840

I'm shocked that you think the planes that hit the WTC where of the same type that hit the pentagon, or that you think the WTC and the pentagon where even remotely similar in construction.

>> No.2209843

I think the same people who are saying that building 7 wasn't a controlled demolition are also saying that the walls of the pentagon are equivalent to 10 foot thick walls of concrete in nuclear stations.

Kinda makes this whole thing seem like a waste of time :3.

>> No.2209846

The pentagon one bounced off the lawn at moderate speed.

the wtc ones hit dead on at decent speed

and even still
If there are thre plane building things, and they aren't all the same, it's still an argument from ignorance to say that it's proof of a conspiracy

Why can this conspiracy leave no fecking evidence, yet not even do real damage?

>> No.2209848


Yeah youre very right. A sky scraper is FAR more complex in structural integrity than a Low Rise... Now that you have made that distinction... Why does a 757 bring down a skyscraper but lack the power to cause any significant damage to a low rise?

>> No.2209852

This is nonsense. No one is claiming the conspiracy reaches so far.

Btw, look at the video of "Osama Bin Laden" taking blame for the attacks. Fucking lol'd. It's a black guy dressed up. Seriously, go look, it's hilarious.

>> No.2209854
File: 73 KB, 795x410, Bijlmerramp2_without_link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El Al Flight 1862
October, 4 1992
Boeing 747-258F
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Engine 3 separated from the plane and damaged most of the wings control surfaces, struck engine 4 which also fell off. The aircraft rolled right and struck an apartment building at high speed and a 90 degree angle. Very few large pieces were found, in fact the cockpit voice recorder disintegrated in the crash.

>> No.2209859
File: 42 KB, 800x302, Pentagon911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exactly what part of THIS lawn did a airplane make contact with?

Take the spoon out of your moth kiddo, there's still shit on it.

>> No.2209861


>> No.2209868


The supports destroyed in the WTC crash were holding up a lot more than a few floors. Did you really expect the entire Pentagon to collapse like dominoes from a hit on such a small cross section of the building? The hit on WTC damaged almost the entire vertical cross section of the building. In addition where firefighting begun almost immediately at the Pentagon no water or foam was ever put on the WTC fires. Not only that but the outer ring of the Pentagon (It being a military building) was hardened against attack.

>> No.2209871


>> No.2209879
File: 26 KB, 324x216, El Al1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Few large pieces were found... Key word. FEW. There were still noticeably large pieces in the wreckage. Clever of you to show the larger pieces hat were cleaned up.

>> No.2209882
File: 92 KB, 679x516, disagreement-hierarchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of people who actually did the least bit of research on the subject and found that the official story doesn't add up.


Faggots who attack wild conspiracy theories as if those conspiracy theories have ANYTHING to do with the rebuttal of the official story/examination of evidence.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I don't theorize any conspiracy. I'm a scientist, I do research and come to conclusions based off of evidence. Evidence says that the buildings did NOT collapse due to structural damage from plane crashes and fire. Evidence SUGGESTS (note, SUGGESTS, not proves), that the buildings were brought down in a manner similar to controlled demolition. Why this was done, and by whom, is NOT part of the discussion at this time, as these questions can't be answered until the basics (how the towers really fell, what really caused the damage to the pentagon, why building 7 fell without being damage, etc.) are fully understood.

Now you are free to make your own conclusions, but everyone should really cut out the "conspiracy theory" bullshit, especially those who are closing their minds to the truth because of the stereotypes around conspiracy theorists (WHO AREN'T EVEN INVOLVED IN THE DISCUSSION MOST OF THE TIME).

>> No.2209883
File: 23 KB, 300x180, el-al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1 more photo for you.

See those big fucking tooooooobs. Thats not filafel dude thats a fucking 747. Dont confuse yourself too much, swelling of the brain might occur.

>> No.2209891

This implies that Bush wasn't supposed to take the fall in preparation for having Obama seem like a savior.

Everyone already hates Obama. Soon as he's spent up, a false dichotomy counter part of him will show up to be his replacement on the right, and look like a savior from that end. Then it'll reverse again.

Don't tell me you believe the two party political system works...

>> No.2209897

>This implies that Bush wasn't supposed to take the fall in preparation for having Obama seem like a savior.
>Everyone already hates Obama.
I wish this was true.

>> No.2209903


His approval ratings dropped faster than any other president in US history.

>> No.2209907

The only thing I see are bunch of swollen headed idiots. Who think because what they were told has to be the truth they gotta go with it. The pentagon isn't the facility you believe it is. I used to work there. Its extremely guarded, but it isn't going to take a god damn 757 to the face.

FURTHERMORE, A nice person wanted to mention the El Al flight as if it was a godsend, Notice this is a slightly smaller variant, but managed to take out ALL adjacent floors of the building in consistency with the planes mass and width. This is NOT congruent with the pentagon photos displayed.

In stark contrast we see a very small hole that penetrated even the INNER layers of the concentric ring design of the pentagon with virtually NO debris in sight. The El Al flight can also show you... Despite the fact that there aren't as many large pieces as one would expect, there are a PLETHORA of pieces everywhere in this crash site. The same cannot be said about the Pentagon.

>> No.2209908

It made my day but he still has support.

>> No.2209910

It's also worth mentioning that, although it's hard to find any large, easily identifiable pieces of a plane, there is also a large pile of debris opposite the side of impact, in which pieces of plane might line.

There is no such pile of debris in the pentagon crash. Just a hole and little bits of debris, basically.

>> No.2209920

So there were no photographs of chunks from that plane at the Pentagon?

>> No.2209927
File: 12 KB, 436x435, 1276314213051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims everyone who disagrees with hokum is just believing what they are told, repeats standard conspiracy hokum he was told to believe.

>> No.2209929

If the US government isn't competent enough to keep secure diplomatic cables or top secret Iraq war documents or Apache gun cam footage secret, what makes you think they could keep the reams of data on this 9/11 inside job secure. Hell what makes you guys think an organization as corrupt and incompetent as the US government could pull 9/11 off without a huge fuck up.

What the fuck is the motive for the US killing nearly 3,000 of its citizens? War? If Bush wanted war he could have used the USS Cole bombing and human rights atrocities in Afghanistan as a reason. Hell it would have been a lot easier to just fabricate loads of evidence that Al Queda was planning the 9/11 attacks and used that as fuel for war. Or I don't know, claim Al Queda was developing weapons of mass destruction?

>> No.2209937


This was most likely torn off when the PLANE struck the lamp posts.


Probably because that pile of debris is in the other rings of the building. The Pentagon is a much thicker building that the one El Al struck and there are open air spaces in between them.

>> No.2209939
File: 114 KB, 656x510, Pentagon091110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot picture

>> No.2209940


I'd love to give you a background on the information, but It seems highly unnecessary considering you just want to banter. Crack jokes if you want, I see the hilarity but at the same time you lack the depth to really see what happened. The entire wreckage of that aircraft was carried away in a small box carried by 3 or 4 men. A box that could easily fit into the bed of a pickup truck.

The El Al crash site had massive amounts of debris man... No matter how you add it up it doesn't make sense. If you're comfortable making the math worth in your head knowing there are flaws, that is on you.

>> No.2209946

I will stop this argument

Tell me, 9/11 truthers, who bombed the world trade center in 1993?

Thank you very much for playing, you're all retarded.

>> No.2209948

of the few trooffers I've ever bothered to debate, I find that most don't believe our government did it...

they usually point to the Jews as perpetrators. You know, that vague and shadowy government that no Jew-hater can actually identify, but all are sure is out there.

it's an islamofascist thing.

>> No.2209959
File: 72 KB, 550x400, 15b5d58f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep, 3 or 4 guys could load all of this in the bed of a pick up and drive away.

The El AL plane crashed into a much smaller, much weaker building and was a much larger plane. In fact the 620 pound Depleted Uranium ballast present in all 747s at the time was more debris that you claim came out of the pentagon.

>> No.2209970
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1282761239052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at pictures on the internet makes me a crash inves-i-gator!
I do have some background with crash investigation, so after reading your bullshit I’m confidant you are a narcissistic retard. a retard for believing that shit and narcissist for trying to claim it as something you came up on your own.
die in a fire.

>> No.2209979

>If the US government isn't competent enough to keep secure diplomatic cables or top secret Iraq war documents or Apache gun cam footage secret, what makes you think they could keep the reams of data on this 9/11 inside job secure.
They leak odd bits here and there of an actual event. I don't doubt the validity of the video itself. But its there to provide the illusion of being informed through every scope. This video in actuality wouldn't be a big deal for any global cabal scenario. Also if we're going to take scientific journalism seriously we have to recognize that there are a lot of things we the people still don't know. For all we know Assange might've lied so he can still alive.

>> No.2209986

No top secret document has been released yet.

>> No.2209989

You will answer my question
Or you will be admitting that you're wrong.

I have you by the balls both ways by the way which is why you're not answering. If you answer I will prove you wrong, if you don't answer you're admitting you're wrong.

>> No.2209991

I don't see any plane bits, just a lot of housing debris. A lamp post and either branches or steel cables.

>> No.2209994


More likely Assange is an egotistical drama queen who sees him self as a freedom fighter and the only person in the world who can make a difference. If he had the covers of every CIA agent in the world he would release them after hyping it up as the biggest most groundbreaking thing that has ever happened on earth ever.

>> No.2210000


You missed the giant fucking high pressure compressor stage. Believe it or not the big fan at the front of a turbofan engine isn't the only one in the engine and they don't all look like that.

>> No.2210003


>> No.2210005

I won't wait up for responses that won't come. I'm going to bed.

In 1993 Al Queda tried to destroy the world trade center by detonating a car bomb in the parking garage.

It failed to destroy the building.

In 2001 they tried again by ramming 2 jet fuel loaded 757s into both buildings.

They succeeded in destroying both buildings.

Either you support the idea that Bill Clinton started the conspiracy to destroy the World Trade Center in 1993 and later turned it over to George Bush Jr to finish off during his presidency in 2001 or you admit that the same highly funded middle east terrorist organization committed both acts.

The end.

>> No.2210011

Why would the two events have to be done by the same people ?
What makes you think that a conspiracy would rule out the involvement of al qaida ?

>> No.2210012

So I guess the evidence that supports all you conspiracy theorists is the same evidence that led the vast majority of scientists qualified in the relevant fields to reject all of your claims.

By the way, if you think this is an appeal to authority, then I guess you reject evolution by natural selection, heliocentric models of our solar system, and gravity theory. Because the same people tell us these things are true and I guess we're all just blind lemmings for accepting it.

>> No.2210016

Simple, this

The 9/11 truthers like to ignore the 1993 world trade center bombing because it destroys their arguments about a middle east conspiracy.

I was calling them out on it but nobody was responding because they have no response and any response they can come up with admits the flaws in their arguments.

The only way they can win is by ignoring 1993 ever happened. Bringing it up destroys them.

End of line.

>> No.2210020


Naturally its first one, after all every politician is a part of the massive shadow government run by the Jews and Reptilians under the cover of the Church and Stone Masons. I mean you would have to be a dumb ass to actually believe in god right? Everybody's in on it me and my Forum group are the only ones who aren't part of the conspiracy, you're all just pawns in the game (that you just lost).

>> No.2210022

>Either you support the idea that Bill Clinton started the conspiracy to destroy the World Trade Center in 1993 and later turned it over to George Bush Jr to finish off during his presidency in 2001 or you admit that the same highly funded middle east terrorist organization committed both acts.
Why would it be impossible for the 1993 to be legitimate and to give the idea of hitting the WTC again by Bush? Also why would it have to be Clinton or Bush issuing those orders? It doubtful that the Cabal tells them everything. They are pawns like Obama. Just a new face of big brother.

>> No.2210023

Easy, it proves that Al Queda has the motivation and the means to destroy the world trade center.

What about that don't you get?

>> No.2210024

Al Queda is just another pawn of the global jewish cabal. those jews are so sneaky their puppets don't even know they're puppets.

>> No.2210030


Muslims are so stupid they don't even know that they're playing right into Israels hand.

>> No.2210035

1993 could've been set up by the Cabal separately from the Feds. Simply by paying foreigners off to slowly introduce people to the idea of terrorism.

>> No.2210038

The motivation, yeah. The means, no. We can't predict that hijacked planes would totally destroy the WTC just because a regular bomb didn't do the job.

>What makes you think that a conspiracy would rule out the involvement of al qaida ?

>> No.2210043

And also still
>Why would the two events have to be done by the same people ?
Just because al qaida could does not mean that it did.

>> No.2210050

jews, jews everywhere running my world, it's the jews I tell you, jews, damn sneaky superjews. reality is one big show put on by jews to keep us subjugated and stupid and supporting the master race jews.


>> No.2210061

Just playing devils advocate but it also could be viewed as giving the government a scapegoat 9/11 since they could claim since they have already attempted it once before they would do it again and the average person wouldn't look to much further into it.

>> No.2210074

wow I'm tired, ignore the many gramatical errors in that post.

>> No.2210080

Pictures and descriptions of aircraft wreckage found inside the pentagon

>> No.2210691

Why is there no evidence a plane hit the Pentagon?
>There is, the wings knocked down several light posts and there was plane wreckage all over the place.
>Oh please! That evidence was all planted.

When the basis of your theory is that all of the evidence that contradicts your theory is fake... it's time to come up with a new theory.

>> No.2210733

a whole day? there's not enough tin foil in the world..

>> No.2210749

No stupid that's January 1st 01!

It is baby Jesus's birthday!

>> No.2210762 [DELETED] 

develop independent anti-missile technology and use it to stop wars


>> No.2210764

yeah "defensive" budget for counter-measures were always good in stopping wars <sigh>

>> No.2210831

You all suck, honestly, you're terrible.
You're both wrong, and both right.
Al Queda hijacked and flew 2 fully loaded Boeing 757's into the world trade center buildings, there are videos from the ground that show the planes lodged in the fucking buildings, the sheer force of the plane and the heat produced from the burning fuel however, was NOT enough to destroy the buildings.
The reason they collapsed so spectacularly was that the US government was secretly planting explosives in the building to level it and claim a terrorist attack at a later date. The only reason they hadn't dont this already was because they had to take everything very slowly lest they be spotted, and didn't have the adequate amount of explosive in the buildings to level them.
BUT, siezing their opportunity, they detonated the buildings shortly after the planes collided!

True story.
Everyone shut up.

>> No.2210851

Neil Armstrong did 9/11

>> No.2210868

It was obviously a shuttle.