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2205760 No.2205760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is up with this myth that white people are shorter, have high pitched voices, and have smaller dicks than blacks.

I hate it when people think that blacks are taller than whites, because white people on average are taller in the United States. Also White People worldwide are the tallest on average.

Now I've never seen a legitimate study about black dicks. But it's just a myth that black people like to throw around. Whenever I look at pornography, I have to focus on dicks just to check the size.

I'm a white man that stands at 6'3, deep voice, mesomorphic and I have a big dick, I assume. But whenever I watch pornography I notice blacks on average do not have larger dicks, this is just anecdotal evidence though.

All races in the world have their own manly people.

But whites are the tallest and blacks are the second tallest.

PIC RELATED: It's proof that white people are manly

>> No.2205787

Many people feel threatened by blacks, often subconsciously. When you feel threatened by someone your mind plays tricks and you remember them as being more threatening: Taller, stronger, deeper voice, etc.

>> No.2205799

It's just reaction to racism. Just meant to kiss black people's asses by pretending they are sexier. No science there...

>> No.2205814

I'm black, 17, and 6'4. problem?

>> No.2205821

>implying that's large
your dick size is average bro

>> No.2205825

6'4 is too tall bitch

enjoy having limbs that are way too long to have any strength, enjoy being a freak

enjoy knowing that the best fighters in the world are between 6'0-6'3

>> No.2205832

18 year old whitey here. My dad is 6'3". I spent my whole life looking forward being as tall as/taller than my dad.....but I'm 5'10" right now. All I can do is hope that I experience a late, LATE growth spurt. Unless you guys can recommend some hormones for vertical growth.

>> No.2205833

OP, I'm 5'4". Black people are taller, have a deeper voice and bigger dicks.

>> No.2205842

>I'm 5'4"
5'4"??!?! What the fuck are you, asian?

>> No.2205839

Look at statistics moron for the U.S. heights and world wide

Just because you see everyone as being taller from your world, from your anecdotal evidence, DOESNT CHANGE THE fact that whites are taller

there are 5'4 blacks as well

>> No.2205844


This is the main reason.

There was also a very conscious prejudice that saw black people as being closer to animals. Some people had an interest in creating a myth that black people embodied the more "bestial" elements of humanity, such as lust and higher testosterone levels and physical strength.

The fact that humans have very large penises in proportion to their bodies doesn't seem to have made a difference.