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File: 38 KB, 492x360, Pharmacist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2205443 No.2205443 [Reply] [Original]

Any Pharm fags on /sci/?

I'm curious as to what Pharmacy school is like and if it's worth pursuing or not..

>> No.2205451
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>> No.2205457

getting raped by big pharma

>> No.2205462
File: 32 KB, 651x451, 1277762233001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am now dieing of gangrene because of big pharma's artificial monopolies.

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.2205472


>> No.2205479

I have a friend in pharmacy school right now.

He says it's basically a one giant chemistry class.

You learn how drugs work and how they interact with other drugs.

The classes move extremely fast with huge amounts of information that you have to learn.

A large amount of time is also spent teaching you how to recognize what the proper dosage is for a person and catch it if a doctor misprescribes somethign.

>> No.2205484


Does he ever complain about not having enough time for anything?

>> No.2205520


He goes to the same med school as me, but he's pharmacology and i'm physical therapy.

His schedule is similar to mine. Class from 8am to 5pm everyday, go home and study till 10pm and go to sleep. Get up at 6am, spend your only hour of free time online, go to school and repeat.

I have more free time since I studied my subject long before I got here and our training is more hands on. Pharmacology requires you to just sit there and memorize massive amounts of information

He only goes out once or twice a month and usually he is back home by midnight when he does go out.

We both cut back on going to the gym

My advice is that if there is anything in your life that you want to do anytime soon, do it before you go to med school because the next three to four years of your life are nothing but school.

This is nothing like college. You can't just show up and C your way through. They will kick you out if you get low grades on a certain number of tests and practicals

>> No.2205534


Pharmacy school is 8-5, Sunday through Saturday?

>> No.2205543


No you get the weekends off, but you if you don't spend those days studying then you are going to way behind.

The courses move so fast that you gradually get behind throughout the week and the weekend is the time you use to catch up and get ahead for the following week.

>> No.2205562


I wish there was a website where students posted an average day's worth of classes/content they had to study so I can accurately measure how much it is. It's very overwhelming according to what everyone says about it...:/