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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2199032 No.2199032 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the more vocal gays of today have to make sure everyone is aware of their lifestyle?

What happened to the reserved, functional and respectable homosexual men?

What is the purpose of their intentionally raising their vocal pitch to an unnaturally high level to mark their lifestyle to everyone else?

Why is it necessary for them to do a little jig in public or sing songs where it would be deemed inappropriate? Why speak with a fake lisp? Why can't the gays of today act normal, talk normally, and dress normally? Why can't they be more like Alan Turing?

While they are adamant in their claim that they are born in such a manner, truly they cannot expect me to believe they have no choice in the way they conduct themselves in every day life.

>> No.2199063

because they're fags

>> No.2199062

american idol attention obessed culture.
also a lot of people grow up thinking that if they are gay, thats how they should act like. than they act surprised when no one wants to give them rights.
"gay pride"=bullshit

>> No.2199075

republicunt detected

>> No.2199082

Amen about Alan Turing. What a boss.

>> No.2199089
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Not science. Fuck off.


>> No.2199106

gay men and women are like hybrids designed by evolution to observe the possibilities for species whose main preoccupation isnt procreation, perhaps a precursor to immortality mutations?

but basically, that's who they are. they like to express themselves, and especially since they've been "oppressed" for so long

i dont really care, but i do find it bothersome that every other show has some person dealing with gay issues, wtf. also too many black people on tv.

im black so.. i dunno

>> No.2199115
File: 7 KB, 125x107, 1259213960558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bifag here, I actually completely agree with OP.

Most people just need some reason to attention whore.

Sage for not science though.

>> No.2199117

enjoy dying from cholera, high birth mortality, and going to war. I'll choose to ignore the modern-day superficial shittiness, safer cars and the miracle of passenger airplanes.

>> No.2199120
File: 9 KB, 429x410, 1258732809773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaand I forgot my sage. Fantastic.

>> No.2199125

I know a gay guy who is indistinguishable in a crowd, wears a suit and speaks like a gentleman with a deep tenor

He absolutely HATES the people OP describes, he can't stand the "hear them coming from a mile away" faggy flaming homosexuals. He says they make everyone look bad

>> No.2199129

Sage doesn't work if you have a picture.

>> No.2199132
File: 119 KB, 293x208, why2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Empirical thread
>you sage it

>> No.2199137

>What happened to the reserved, functional and respectable homosexual men?

You meet them all the time, but you don't know that they're gay. That's sort of the point.

Are a tenth of the people you meet flamboyant homosexuals? No? Then a bunch of people you've met were gay and you didn't know it.

>> No.2199138

Flamboyant homosexuality (aside from the OP's) is the exception. You notice them more only because you'd never know who the majority of gay men were unless they told you, as most of them behave like normal people.

Also take your shit thread back to /new/, faggot.

>> No.2199148

but wasn't Turing chemically castrated?

>> No.2199165


>> No.2199230

>hybrids designed by evolution to observe the possibilities for species whose main preoccupation isnt procreation, perhaps a precursor to immortality mutations

lol overactive imagination much? That would be cool though except for the fact that the immortal post humans are faggots.

It's much cooler and makes more sense to think that superintelligent people are the immortal gene.

>> No.2199241

it's a tripfag. What do you expect?

>> No.2199252

I decided to act more gay just to piss people like you off.

>> No.2199268

people who set out to piss people off get beat up and/or murdered

>> No.2199276
File: 49 KB, 190x182, 1275360873185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know many gay guys, and OP hit the nail on the head.

Many of them force this "gay" high pitch voice for no apparent reason, and it's simply confusing.

So are they putting it on, or is there some sort of "gay gene" which makes them this way?

Seriously, shit's confusing, man.

>> No.2199282

That dude with the awesome hair has pretty awesome hair. I'd never style my hair like that, but its still pretty cool. But his attempt to look androgynous is just unacceptable, it ruins the possible coolness

>> No.2199285

mfw the sepia tone pic on the left is possibly even faggier than the ones on the right.

>> No.2199292


Well the people who act gay naturally get beat up and murdered regardless. I just lift some of the pressure of them because I can take it. Because I'm not a hero. I'm a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A dark knight

>> No.2199308


choose one fag lover. gays are mentally ill, this is a scientific fact. im sorry you got brainwashed into thinking theyre "just like everyone else but they like guys"

>> No.2199317


I am so mad.

>> No.2199319

Good news, OP. I've been told by many that I don't seem gay at all. If it's not brought up, they don't even think about it. Unfortunately, it doesn't lead to many dating opportunities, but whatever. The opportunity will present itself.

>> No.2199334

lol ok

it is not the sex with men that makes them mentally ill, but the not wanting to sex with women.

animals gayfuck each other all the time when there are no females around to sex, it releaves stress [citation citation citation needed]

>> No.2199339

why are you cross posting this faggot shit

>> No.2199350

The 'gay pride' movement isn't about recruiting gay people and flaunting sexuality. It's about convincing closeted homosexuals that being gay doesn't make them a freak. Also, don't try to argue that being gay is 'unnatural' and a detriment to society; eventually the world will reach its carrying capacity and people will die off anyway. We're in no rush for more procreation. I'm straight by the way, but I have issues when people impede the rights of others.

>> No.2199368


>> No.2199389
File: 154 KB, 330x327, 1276263158427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't being the operative word.

>> No.2199394


Members of regular society aren't outsiders because of who they like to fuck. Have you ever spoken to a high school or college age straight male. 90% of conversation is about who they want to fuck. Everyone is defined very much by their sexuality. Lets not pretend like this isn't the case.

>> No.2199415

so why beat the bush and be a trouble maker? why not just be dignified?

>> No.2199424

>It's about convincing closeted homosexuals that being gay doesn't make them a freak

IT would really help their cause if the super flamboyant gays weren't some of the most prolific advocates.

>> No.2199441


>> No.2199452


What do you mean?


It's more about showing closeted gays that they aren't alone. That gesture really meant a lot to me when I was not okay with being gay.

>> No.2199468


Actually if you talk to anybody other than greaseball nerds, that really isn't the case.

>> No.2199478

ITT: Babby comes to realize he implicitly defines normalcy as his heterosexual lifestyle.
>Wahhhh other people aren't normal!

>> No.2199482
File: 90 KB, 674x623, 1287028841167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't talk to greaseball nerds.

>> No.2199494

/sci/ - homosexual and evangelical christian think tank.

>> No.2199499

Why do the more vocal straights of today have to make sure everyone is aware of their lifestyle?

What happened to the gregarious, executive and respectable heterosexual men?

What is the purpose of their intentionally posturing and bravado to mark their lifestyle to everyone else?

Why is it necessary for them to do a little jig in public or sing songs where it would be deemed inappropriate? Why hide signs of weakness when with friends? Why can't the straights of today act normal, talk normally, and dress normally? Why can't they be more like Alan Alda?

While they are adamant in their claim that they are born in such a manner, truly they cannot expect me to believe they have no choice in the way they conduct themselves in every day life.

>> No.2199507


>> No.2199512



>> No.2199549 [DELETED] 
File: 325 KB, 1200x1175, feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2199625


>high school

nigga we are talking about grown people that have interest other than putting penis in everything that walks ...

when hormonal shitstorm ceases if you are still defined by gender you want to fuck .. you should kill yourself ..also you are contradicting yourself ... the fact someone is in college means he has other interest then fucking 90% of the time ..

sure as a straight male , I like to talk about sex and what new pussy i`m fucking but I treat it as something new happening in my life .. i share it with my friends like sharing any other information ... I don't obsess over it .. I don't brag ... then we move on to thousand other topics we can talk about ..

>> No.2199642

Gays "act gay" so other gays know they're gay. That is pretty much the only reason.

>> No.2199667

damn queers lolololol

>> No.2199736


No matter the reason I still hate them to death.

>> No.2199762


I never say that sex is the only thing that interests young males; I say it is a major part of their lives.

Grown people desire to marry and have children. Sexuality is still a huge part of a straight man's life. It is also a part of the gay man's life as he doesn't have the desire to marry a woman basically because fate fucked him over.

Ask yourself this: who would you be if you had no desire for sex whatsoever? I find it hard to believe that you would develop as you have, if that was the case.

>> No.2199771

Neil Patrick Harris.
God among men.

>> No.2199808
File: 38 KB, 512x428, rings-gandalf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only notice the flamboyant gays because the majority of gay people are almost indistinguishable from everyone else (often their are subtle hints)
pic related

>> No.2199817
File: 101 KB, 640x480, 4-up on 2010-11-13 at 16.54 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gayfag here.
Honestly, my main complaint with flamboyant gays (or as I call them, faggots) is that they insist on equal rights and all that, which I'm ALL for, but they act like insane people. I'm proud of who I am, but not to the point where I'm going to display it on a daily basis.

>> No.2199878


You're so fucking cute, and I agree with everything you just said.

>> No.2199911

>Be christian
>Have a strong dislike for all stereotypical peoples in every social construct including gays
>people just think I'm a bigot
I'm sorry but to me it doesn't matter a bit what beliefs or preferences you have. I'm just really picky on how you came to that conclusion and how you conduct yourself.

>> No.2199968

I think that before being a homosexual was a serious offense to people, you could get killed for being gay. I wouldn't know because I wasn't born before the 90's but I hear stories.

Maybe since society is more free now, homosexuals can express themselves without penalties.

You have to think, why would a homosexual express himself? Because that's the only way for him to attract a mate. Back in the old days, two guys would have to get close and one would have to say "I'm gay" or they would face consequences of openly admitting it.

They have gay bars where people go now, I'm god damn sure those didn't exist in the early 1900's.