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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2196696 No.2196696 [Reply] [Original]

Beauty is more important than intelligence.
Therefore you will always have social issues, while other people whom are prettier and dumber will forever be superior to you in the respect.

>> No.2196710

Beauty is more important in the social competition, yes.

Intelligence is what builds the modern playgrounds so we can have all the three-ring circus anxieties for those social issues.

>> No.2196709


>> No.2196714

Even if it was less important than intelligence, I would still lose out because I'm neither smart or good looking.

>> No.2196717

Im good looking and smart, what does it make me? God?

>> No.2196718

You can join the army.

>> No.2196720

true, if women liked me more and my first love never rejected me chances are slim that i would go in the science direction
but things are as they are so i'm gonna post on 4chan, i'm gonna watch anime and i'm gonna read physics and all sciences because curiosity the second strongest instinct after the one for reproduction (for which i'm obviously not fit to excel in that direction)

>> No.2196722

Until you find out, after 20 years with your spouse when her beauty is gone, she is about as interesting as a carrot.

>> No.2196731

I'm relatively smart, even for academic standards, and I used to be somewhat socially awkward. I now have a girlfriend and plenty of real and good friends. Self image is more important than external beauty.

To keep it science: there is a correlation between external beauty and social competence, however correlation does not imply causation. After puberty most people come to terms with who they are and become more certain of their own ability to succeed as a person. That's what I've experienced anyway.

>> No.2196809

they can stay pretty while i make tons more money than them

>> No.2196816

I don't care.

>> No.2196824

So much bottled up butthurt.

>> No.2196827

>she is about as interesting as a carrot.
If you choose to live with one of those blonde party whores, then that is true.

>> No.2196851
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Actually beautiful people that are in shape are usually more intelligent and healthier than ugly people. By beautiful I mean beautiful by definition, symmetric faces in the Golden ratio, people that are ugly by accidents don't count. Same with shape, if you are fit you are usually smart.

It may happen that there are ugly people here that find themseives smart because they only know the people from this board, but the standard of sophistication here is very low. That's why I browse /sci/ while working without getting distracted too much.

So don't think that you can be ugly/fat because you are smarter. You aren't. Go excercise and don't think about making more money than the good looking. Their average income is higher. Sorry for saying this, but usually ugly people say they are smarter and the successful people just don't argue with them because we don't care. If they feel better they should think so.

>> No.2196878

>Actually beautiful people that are in shape are usually more intelligent
why would you think that? o.0

>> No.2196888

For the beauty part, natural selection. For the in-shape part, your brain functions better when you're in shape.

>> No.2196908

Actually it is an advantage, malforms are usually defective. I think for the healthy part we don't have to argue.

You were faster, thanks. Nice trips by the way.

>> No.2197126

Don't forget that more intelligent have are better planners, have better memory and can keep better track of their actions, thus have the advantage when going into shape (Constructing a diet, an exercise plan, remembering what you ate, what each food contains, how the body handles everything, composition and contribution from every action etc.)

Notice how intelligent people are far more likely to be in better shape/general health, while the less intelligent will usually be fatter/in poorer health.

>> No.2197229

how many Phd graduates do you know that train actively?
actually it was rithorical, no one, bacuse people that train actively need more energy or O2 for their muscles to cope and after training more O2 is needed to regenerate dead cells (in muscles)

what does you brain need to work?
well it's O2.. if more oxygen goes to your muscles less goes in your brain
and further more men who train have higher level of testosterone which further clouds your mind..

so guys next time you post something try first think then write or do not post response at all