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2196328 No.2196328 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth getting a bachelors in computing studies?

>> No.2196332

Once the economy collapses the only things you will need are basic survival skills. Learn how to purify water or make food and medicine from herbs so you can make a living in the wasteland.

>> No.2196337


I can already do that shit. I want to make some cash before it all goes bad so I can open up a machine shop in my shed and make firearms to supply roaming cannibals in exchange for virgins.

>> No.2196343

The only virgins will be from sci, and any vaginas among them will be made out of penis skin.

>> No.2196344

you wont make money in computers. any decent job will require a ton of experience, and the field is overly saturated

do what you want, but don't except shit for compensation

>> No.2196347


It's like the only education path worth pursuing cash wise is Medicine.

>> No.2196348

If you need a degree to do this then you're too fucking stupid to do it. GTFO and stop writing shitty code for the rest of us to fix.

>> No.2196349

ITT: Underage b& who don't need a degree, because they are all moving to japan to become video game designers

>> No.2196358

medicine is pretty shit for money. picking a career for money is retarded but if you want to do it go with a business field

oh man being 16 was so fun