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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2195561 No.2195561 [Reply] [Original]

How are your finals going, /sci/?

>physics master race
>take mathematical methods in physics; HARDEST COURSE I HAVE EVER TAKEN
>final counts as 100% of my grade, professor claims he won't curve
>study non-stop for a week, test lasts 6 hours
>get results back, got 68.5%
>freak out for hours
>get email from professor right now, says he's using "adjusted grading scale"
>get B

>> No.2195565

>"adjusted grading scale"
So in essence, a weeder class?

>> No.2195567

Probably failed bio.

>implying that I care seeing as how I plan to major in physics

>> No.2195576

>finals tomorrow
>had no classes since thursday
>spent all that time smoking weed

Yeah, I'm ready for finals.

>> No.2195577

Guess so, but I always thought that only the freshmen-level courses were the weeder classes/

>> No.2195575

>grad school
>one final
>going into final with 97%

no worries this semester.

>> No.2195585

>studied since the semester starts
>last day before finals
>one quick review of notes
>spent rest of the day watching lesbian porn
>sleep early
>finished all stat questions in time
>got B+

Feels great man. No stress whatsoever.

>> No.2195597

>math final last Monday
>advanced calculus I
>don't know shit about Stokes' theorem
>question worth 5 marks out of 90 marks total
>fuck it
>draw war waged between real and imaginary numbers
>pi shooting gun
>5 manning cannon
>integrals are bullets
>dx stabbing dy
>check exam mark on Friday
>mfw I got 1/5 for my drawing

>> No.2195606

Had finals last week. So far only calc and o-chem lab reporting (yes, the lab is a separate course at my school, and it has its own final only on lab procedures and data analysis). Aced the calc final, did okay on the ochem lab final, would have done better if it hadn't started at 8 am.

>> No.2195607

what is this i dont even

>> No.2195608
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>All A's so far
>Evolutionary Ecology final tomorrow
>Professor has claimed we will have to match major points to a picture of the scientist that came up with them
>he best be joking

>> No.2195611

>Senior year of undergrad
>Studied a total of 2 hours for 4 finals
>Finished the quarter with a 3.87

>> No.2195613

>final split into two parts on two different days
>already slept through Part 1
>part 2 is going to ask about income inequality and the evils of growth
>spout bullshit straight from the mouth of the Socialist Party USA
>Pass class

Damn easy to pass classes taught by professors who never got over dodging the draft.

>> No.2195617

fucked by chem grade..got a 60 and counted for 20%...need a 100 on final...fuck

>> No.2195619

I simplified it a bit. He was going to calculate our grades as either 25% of two midterms and 50% of the final, or 100% of the final. I got a 58% on the first test (class average was 52%) and 38% on the second (class average was 55%). Since I thought he wasn't going to curve, I was scared shitless of my final/

>> No.2195618
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This is true.
This is why I'm on /sci/ the night before a 9am test.

>> No.2195633

> income inequality and the evils of growth

Your professor is a socialist who spent his nights masturbating to Das Kapital.

Send him to Michael Savage. He'll teach him a lesson.

>> No.2195659

> math grad student
> never taken physics past high school
> taking a grad level stat. mech course
> only one in class who knows whats going on
> A in the class

>> No.2195666

OP you wouldn't happen to be taking PHYS 2504? That sounds exactly what my teacher did, I just got an email with the curved grading scale even though i dropped the class in the beginning of the semester. Taking it in the spring.

>> No.2195668

>get a 55% and 48% in Pchem exams.
>B in class

dem curves, I tell ya

>> No.2195704
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the professor trolled you bro

pic related, it's his face

>> No.2195706


In all fairness, in my experience with math courses, even at the college level, you end up doing a LOT of physics problems just because the professor has to find different ways to practice certain concepts and keep the physics majors entertained.

>> No.2195740

OP, what did the course cover?

>> No.2195759

Random Processes final tomorrow morning.

Control Theory and Image Processing Thursday.

This is my first quarter taking 400-level classes, and I'm taking a full load of them. I'm actually doing pretty good so far. I just gotta survive (pass) my finals and I'll be good. If I make the Dean's List I'll be really happy.

>> No.2195772

In all fairness, mathematics is the master race.

i challenge any physics major who hasn't done anything but basic high school math to take and breeze by a core math class for math grad students.

>> No.2195775

Remember them <span class="math">\zeta[/spoiler] 's, bro.

My finals are in January.

>> No.2195777

>self-teaching myself at home
>a++ on every test

u jelly

>> No.2195789

No, because in the end, I'll have a legitimate credential. What will you have? Glasses brought on by reading your face off.

>> No.2195790

I took a grad-level Algebra course and got an A.

>> No.2195794

As on all five of my finals. Still getting Bs in three classes though, FML.

>> No.2195796

us physics and math people have this love-hate relationship. we need each other, but hate taking courses in the other subject.
math side ftw, physicists can suck it.
but I still love you guys.

>> No.2195797

>grad course
>implying that's not HIGH SCHOOL freshman level course
>implying algebra isn't shittiest of shit tier math course anyway

>> No.2195808

>be in calc II (inb4 people pointing and laughing because I'm not taking Advanced Number Philosophy IV)
>final is tommorow
>have to get an A to pass the class
>don't know shit about shit
>hardly studied
>test is tommorow
>I'll probably stay up all night browsing 4chan

wish me luck guys

>> No.2195824

bad troll
good luck man.
just integration and differentiation, can't be all bad.

>> No.2195831


and tons of shit about series, polar curves, and vectors. I really wish it was just integration...

>> No.2195838

linear algebra

comin' right up. surprisingly the most worried about shit tier stats because i never went to class. lawl.

>> No.2195843
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>mfw I'm double-majoring in Math and Physics

>> No.2195844



me too.

>> No.2195848

math major here...hate physics, haven't taken it since 11th grade
some ideas came up in calc 3 but that's about it. :)

>> No.2195854

series fucked me. also hyperbolic functions

>> No.2195857

Yup. Tatsu is a pretty cool guy, but he can't teach worth shit. I pretty much taught myself everything.
Honestly, most of the concepts were easy once you got past the jargon, but the problems were all just insanely hard. Polynomials with Cardano and Euler, vector spaces and basis mapping, deriving hyperbolic trig, orthognal polynomials, and using matrices to derive pretty much all the calculus I've ever learned.

>> No.2195885


That's intermediate calc 1, not calc 2. Fucking nigger

>> No.2195891

I failed everything and am being dismissed from university. All because of 4chan. I was going to drop out after the spring anyway but I don't know what to do now.

>> No.2195896
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>my face when instead of studying for finals i went and blew $80 at a strip club. now im broke and gonna fail mfw

>> No.2195897


what the fuck are you talking about? anyone else want to tell me what he's talking about?

>> No.2195898

Get a job.

>> No.2195900

>blew $80
>now I'm broke
>Implying you weren't broke before if all you had was $80 of disposable income

>> No.2196047


>> No.2196070

I have Analytical Chem and Cell Bio on tuesday. Expecting A in chem and B in bio. Bio fucking sucks amirite?

2nd year biochemfag

inb4 biochem is biology

>> No.2196316
File: 79 KB, 640x480, Gee it sure is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking an O Chem class with some of my friends who are chem majors, bio major btw
>every lab session or meet up is them quoting the "lololol chem is more pure than bio" comic
>final come along
>I get an A-
>The HIGHEST grade one of the chem majors got was a B

>> No.2196327

avent slept yet.
its 7 am

>> No.2196797
