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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 114 KB, 783x486, QED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2195180 No.2195180 [Reply] [Original]

Checkmate, gaythiests.

>> No.2195189


>> No.2195190


>> No.2195192

inb4 600 replies and 327 images

>> No.2195196

Carl Sagan.

>> No.2195209
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Seriously, heathens, are you even trying?

>> No.2195213

Theists: If god is real, then who wrote The God Delusion?

Atheists: 1
Theists: 0

>> No.2195214

The Council of Nicaea wrote the bible.

>> No.2195224

John Mark

>> No.2195226
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Nice try, homathiest.
You cultural fascists invoke ‘diversity’ every December as cover for neutering Christmas—you never choose some other month to practice your multicultural religion. And by the way, who are these people from other religions who hate Christmas? I never met one. It would be more accurate to say that it’s precisely the persons who make this charge who hate Christmas.

>> No.2195250

Is /sci/ a training ground for disciples of Jack Chick and the like, where they test out poor arguments and fatally flawed logic?

>> No.2195254

A fucking lair cunt.

>> No.2195259

Look, if evolutionists really had the evidence, they wouldn't need to rule out alternative explanations by decree, and invoke legal bully-boys like the ACLU who scream blue murder if their pet theory is challenged. What about that?

>> No.2195261


atheists 10
theists 0

>> No.2195278
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Theists: ∞
Atheists: -∞

>> No.2195285

It's not "Newton was a christ", it's "Newton was Christ"

>> No.2195293


Newton lived in a time where science was at best considered herecy.. so he copulated in science.. whilst marginally following faith, simply for fear of his own life.
thats hardly a good offence

>> No.2195296

Theists: Einstein was an athiest. Newton is dead and his opinion doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.2195298
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Mortal, fallible men.
Because everyone dies someday.
>cultural fascists invoke ‘diversity’
Believe me, my simple minded friend, we have the evidence. Evolution is a fact, there's no doubt about it. The only 'theory' kicking about is based entirely on how and why evolution happens.
Tell me, dear simpleton, exactly what does this point prove?


>> No.2195307
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Come at me bro.

>> No.2195311

Remember, when you judge me, your really only judging yourself.

>> No.2195313
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Dude, bad image.....next time use this one

>> No.2195320


same goes for you aswell..
or does the sun shine that far out your ass that your immune?

>> No.2195323
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Your logic......it is weak, and nonsensical.

>> No.2195327

You'd better watch out, you heathen atheist socialists! God's watching every move you make.

>> No.2195337

Enjoying your bowel movements thinking you're being watched as well? It's nice to be free from dictatorship over here.

captcha gaze eothin

>> No.2195338
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>heathen atheist socialists
>implying I'm a socialist
Viva la Capitalism, you socialist theist!

>heathen atheist
>he has no idea what heathen actually means

>> No.2195341

NO BODY CAN "PROVE" THE EXISTENCE OF GEORGE WAHINGTON. But everyone believes he existed? Go figure that one.

>> No.2195342

I believe we have his corpse somewhere.....

>> No.2195344

It's funny you say no body can prove George Washington.

>> No.2195345

It's always amazing to me when someone says that the Bible cannot be written by God, obviously they haven't read the bible. Since when do the lost read Gods word? but they make outrageous claims that the bible is written my man.

>> No.2195347


well apparently jesus comes back next year according to some church in america..

sooo are you happy?
that they spent 500,000$ on billboards..

while Mark Zuckerburg (ammong other athiests) donated half his billion dollar income to worldwide charity..

whats going to feed a starving kid first.. prayers.. or money for food?

>> No.2195349
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>> No.2195352

Must not feed troll...


Numerous corroborating sources acknowledge his existence. Accurate records of major political figures are far more common than blind-faith addled documents describing a man who, like many before him, got nailed to wood blocks and hung out to die.

>> No.2195353

As we enter the Christmas season, atheist groups are lining up again to bash Christianity.

A group called American Atheists purchased a billboard in New Jersey that shows a silhouette of the Three Wise Men approaching the Nativity. Underneath is written, “You KNOW it’s a Myth. This Season, Celebrate REASON!”

It’s interesting that this same hostility isn’t displayed against Muslims during Ramadan or towards Jews during their Holy Days.

Apparently the American Atheists are ignorant of the fact that history proves Christ’s birth is not a myth. Jesus is not only the promised Messiah, God born of human flesh, he is the crucified and risen Savior of the World. Over three hundred fulfilled biblical prophecies, corroborated by non-Christian sources and eyewitness testimony are stubborn facts atheists simply pretend aren’t there.

Atheists seem to hold a deep-seated, irrational resentment against Christmas and the joyous message of salvation that it declares. They are apparently too proud to admit their sin and need of a Savior, so they flee to “REASON.” Yet, their atheistic reasoning is so inconsistent and depressing.

I have always wondered why atheists spend money on billboards to try to persuade others of their position if they really believe their own ideology. According to honest atheists, if there is no God logic dictates there is no truth, right or wrong, or meaning.

Yet some atheists are compelled to live as if what they think is true, and that their lives actually do matter. It looks to me like they didn’t read their Nietzsche very closely and can’t live according to “REASON” after all.

>> No.2195357


Praise the true lord.

Hail Sagan!

>> No.2195358

i just had a random thought: satans job is to basically make us lose our faith. so, if we dont get enough water, we become dehydrated, and we might not even know it. dehydration makes us cranky and makes us feel crappy. so, is the lack of an urge to drink water satanic???? is that why it's so hard for americans to drink the average amount of water daily? whoa.....

>> No.2195361
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That was hilarious. 'outrageous claims' INDEED! You're a pretty funny guy.

Seriously, who in their right mind would think that the Bible was written by a being whose existence we have no evidence for.

>> No.2195362

The bible has a pretty big vocabalary so it's no wonder it was written by God.

>> No.2195363
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>> No.2195364


Nothing wrong with protesting.

>> No.2195367
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>> No.2195368


Christianity is attacked because for the most part of 600 years.. its trumped any form of scientific advance..
other religions dont have that problem in regards to the same issues that you, quite obviously seem to.

>> No.2195369

Is Jake Havoc the guy on the left? He's cute.

>> No.2195371

The Big Bang is impossible.
Anything divided by 0 equals 0, so a singularity is still zero.
Q. E. D.

>> No.2195372
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sex with a man

>> No.2195374
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>Apparently the American Atheists are ignorant of the fact that history proves Christ’s birth is not a myth.

Oh man, you're killing me here! Stop it, you're too funny!

>> No.2195377

Proof atheists think that reaction images are good enough to back up their claims that everything gets better by evolution, and morality therefore isn't needed.

>> No.2195378

You claim to be Athiest's you believe there is no God, well you have to believe there is one, to not believe in Him.

>> No.2195380
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>> No.2195386
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>Atheists think morality isn't needed
>You claim to be Athiest's you believe there is no God, well you have to believe there is one, to not believe in Him.

This shit is fucking hilarious. Seriously, you guys should consider a career in stand up comedy.

>> No.2195387
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>> No.2195390

I also find it interesting that other countries bash us, yet the bible is written in American

>> No.2195393
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>> No.2195394

lol arguing with u bastards is like trying to make Joseph Stalin a capitalist. Rather than try to explain why his system is better (and thus get an even better understanding of how his own government works) he chooses to instead send the KGB, kidnap you and throw you into syberia. That is the reason the Soviet Union fell.

>> No.2195403


>> No.2195407

How do you define GOD? God is defined in my dictionary as a perfect being. A perfect being must exist. Therefore God exists. You see God is in everything, so he's so easy to prove I don't even have to use real logic since everything gets back to him.

>> No.2195413

if god didn't exist, we couldn't be having these conversations


>> No.2195417

im glad that im an athiest.

infact. so glad. that i will live this life to the fullest.

instead of selfishly wait for an "afterlife" that wont exist

>> No.2195418
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A Challenger Appears

>> No.2195419

>the bible is written in American
Comedic gold, right there.
Oh, I could quite spend a lot of time explain how atheism's better than any form of theism, how a person who decides to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do is by far morally superior to a person who decides to do the right thing because he thinks he will go to Hell otherwise. But, I have an exam to wake for tomorrow, and besides, trolling you backwards morons is simply much more fun.

Well, so long, mentally impaired theists. I'm going to go to sleep knowing that we all go to the same place when we die.....OBLIVION.

>> No.2195420

If invisible unicorns didn't exist we wouldn't be talking about Her Horniness.

>> No.2195425

There have been quite a few scientists, while trying intensely to prove the Scriptures wrong, that have found themselves right at Jesus' feet These ones have used Quantum Mathmatics, physics, biology, archaeology, and other disciplines of science trying to prove God does not exist, and instead have discovered that there is only ONE compilation of books that that they can not disprove And this compilation is known as our Bible, LOL These ones are now Believers working in the scientific fields providing scientific proof to skeptics that are analytical and need some kind of measure giving them proof of their error.

>> No.2195428

That is so awesome but I'd prefer Morrowind.

>> No.2195434


can you give direct sources and quote from the scientists names/their fields.. the experiments and other information

then general statements.. that i could pull out of my ass?

>> No.2195435

Here's some questions I would like to see answered from an Evolutionist/Big Bang proponent:

1. How was the universe created? Let's say for a moment the big bang happened. Then where did the galaxies come from? What about stars, planets, moons, nebulas and gravity?
If the Big Bang happened, that was a miracle in itself, but then to have a galaxy form with stars, planets, moons, etc. would be incredible. Did all of these happen at the beginning or later on?

2. Let's say evolution is true, where did plants and trees come from? Did they evolve from a lower lifeform? What about bacteria and viruses? How is it possible that plants and animals have a symbiotic relationship?

3. Some people theorize that the Earth was formed billions of years ago and was basically a big molten rock that later cooled down. If that's the case where did the Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and other gases come from? What about the ozone layer and upper atmospheres?

4. Where did magnetic fields come from? It's amazing that a magnetic field is required for us to survive.

5. Where did the water come from and why do we have salt water and fresh water?

6. Where did our Moon come from? How is it possible that our moon is required for our survival?

I don't believe in the Big Bang. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. I would like to see some of your thoughts on the questions though.

>> No.2195444

whats wrong, athiest?

>> No.2195446
File: 74 KB, 500x486, 1292112487998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point any one who isn't religious is just sitting back and laughing.

>> No.2195454

>there are religious people on in this thread

>> No.2195459

i don't understand anything but thats ok because god do

>> No.2195460
File: 246 KB, 1400x483, Theists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2195461

>there are religious people on in this thread
>>people on in this thread
>>people on in
>>on in

Get the fuck back to /b/

>> No.2195464

im christian
if we came from apes
how come were not hairy and have a big mouth
and did we end up looking like we do know
and besides
there isnt any serious proof of apes
they showd a video saying an ape was wondering around in the forest
that thing looked exactly like a costume that i had saw at a store
know one ever cought an ape

>> No.2195471



5. Hydrogen + Oxygen make water... Sodium Chloride Make Salt.. Fresh Water.. is just Water anyway.. -.-

acctually.. dipshit.. im still laughing at your ignorance. the are clear indicators as to why these happened..

things like the moon, well we do our best to understand what happened with the evidence presented. which we can physically see, and react to.

but you, you base you entire belief system on a bunch of people you never met.. from a book.. for all you know could have been translated wrong (most of the old books of the bible were word of mouth for more then 400 years) im sure that chinese whispers might have occured.

secondly.. you know the whole I CAUGHT A FISH THIISSSSSS BIGGGG story.. of how people blow things to inproportional sizes to impress others.. well things like jesus walking on water.. he could have just been walking on the dead see.. where it is possible to walk on because of the salinity in that particular area.

but, because your so hellbend on defending the literary works of middle aged men 2000 years ago.. by all means.. try and crtique me on a rock i can see with my own two eyes at night

>> No.2195472

>Theists on /sci/ sleeping
Probably because there's so few of them on here.

>> No.2195477

Atheist... How can you explain this...?
Now, since atheist are all about evidence, you believe in ghost/demons, right?

How can you explain how ghost/demons can be thrown out by using Gods word???

If you do not believe in ghost/demons, or your going to put a dumb-***-thinking its funny answer, don't answer this.

>> No.2195483


>> No.2195491

Some things can not be explained by science. Take for example, rainbows. Rainbows are a mystery and you can not touch them, just like god. Despite this fact, they are still there even though there is no scientific explanation for them. So next time you find yourself doubting your faith, think of god as a rainbow. I know that this can be a difficult concept for some of you to grasp. It is just like air you can't see it but you know its there

>> No.2195502


Rainbows are made by light refracting through falling water particles in the air..
you guys are either trolling hard or dumb as fuck

>> No.2195504

Phosphate has 4 oxygen atoms bound to a central phosphorus atom, and is present in all living cells. When two phosphates combine and lose a water molecule, they form pyrophosphate.

But they still are not sure, why ? The answer can only come from the creator.

Here are the points that correlate with the creator whom they fail to acknowledge:

" Phosphate has 4 oxygen atoms bound to a central phosphorus atom "

The Correlations:

Since Oxygen is Invisible to the human eye, it Correlates to Yahweh who is SPIRIT and the Source of all things, organic and inorganic.

In that there are 4 Oxygen Atoms, they correlate to the 4 letters forming the name Yahweh ( Y H W H / Y H V H )

So these 4 is centered around the one God of the Universe, Yahweh.

>> No.2195507
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>> No.2195511
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Did you know homosexuals are actually a retarded people? They now hide behind atheism of science only to attack church as no such thing as no god in this universe ONLY stubborn dumb animals known as atheist homosexuals desiring to seek the shit of another mans ass- truly a retarded people in need of shock therapy. Congressional legislation soon to label all homo people as RETARDS so mankind understand the root cause of atheism and move on
AGAIN=atheists are nothing more than disgruntled homosexuals- if by small chance you are a heterosexual atheist this is simply because you were brainwashed by the homosexuals as all humans are a simple gullible monkey creature without knowledge of our infinite souls and guidance by god….Homosexuals are nothing more than abused children which made by god TO MIRROR the disgust in so called normal civilized behavior of sex lusting monkey people of the earth- everyone repent

The fascinating aspect of the atheists homosexual is theirscientific rational to glorify and colorfy the world of shit. Atheism is world of shit in which your head is up your ass. Homosexuality akin to pagan sex monkey people. both realms are retarded as many retarded people Yet the atheists homosexual may operate with humanity such as congress hair salons and such- families love retards during good times as Pets, bad times kill everything with retard merely in the way and focus of scapegoat policy by simple monkey people of weak faith behavior caused by very retarded shit lined rainbow coalition of shit-the atheists and homosexuals- one in the same made by god to mirror the disgusting pagan weak of faith community at large.repent

>> No.2195518
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Ok I've got a German exam to study for so I will keep this nice and simple for your feble little mind. (Yes I am a douche to those of lesser intellect, and I do not care (nor do I care for spelling and grammar, but that will be obvious soon enough)).
1.Big bang, the shit released in the big bang, same, same, same, same, gravity is the force of attraction between two masses it has been since the creation of matter in the big bang, mind you it is a theory non the less, not really they happen all the time, and this is not the only universe, there are many, this one happens to be one of the ones that has universal physics constants that can support the conditions for life to appear, stars form in whatever the plural for nebula is, gravity + space dust + long ass time. Same, etc, took a long ass time, and is still occurring for that matter.
2 the same stuff we did organic molecules that formed during earths crazy youth, yes, same in fact archebacteria are quite similar to the original cells, and only exist in conditions mirroring early earth, what does symbiotic relations have to do with evolution exactly? Yes in some cases it can be explained by it (survival of both species and what not. Mind you the theory of evolution has more evidence than the theory of gravity and atomic theory.

>> No.2195519

I think I know why atheists refuse to let go of pride and believe in God?

You atheists think God is a horrible monster for sending people to eternal hell fire damnation forever. You misunderstand the entire concept. I know my grandmother is burning right now and will forever. The fire has made her clean and she can now enjoy that cleanness for all time. It is very, very sad this will take place in hell fire, but now she can love God forever. I know I can trust God to make good judgments like this. Why can't you trust him even if it does mean eternal hell? Love can and will conquer all!

>> No.2195526
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3. Yes, comets, and the gases that were drawn in by earth’s gravity during its formation (planets form as massive clouds of shit comes together, and there are gasses in that shit), our atmosphere is thanks to those early cells that started photosynthesizing their food.

4 magnets how the fuck do they work? It is all about electrons n shit

5. Comets. Also really? No I mean really? Because NaCl dissolves in water, and NaCl isn't everywhere.
6. Quite a bit of debate on that one still. I forget if this is still the excepted thoery, but some think the earth got hit by something big (I mean big), and the moon is result of the material not reincorporated into the reformation of the clump of rock we call the earth. Also tidal forces.

You should, I mean we can even see the left over heat. You're wrong, but if you are so ignorant there is no changing your mind so fuck it you do that. See above.
Know you're a troll, but fuck it I needed a break in the studying.

>> No.2195531

Wow, isn't God's work amazing?

>> No.2195532

This is /sci/ not /pseudosci/

Oh wait you said not to be a douche my bad.

>> No.2195534

lul ever hear of...


>> No.2195538

Sounds like some poisonous chemicals you physicists make. Stop messing with nature you atheists you're going to break it.

>> No.2195540

Zeus had nothing to do with it I'm afraid.
He was too busy eating nachos (which he invented before his birth or the birth of time.

Tis all nature.
And in less you are a member of a paganistic religion that thinks nature is god, then you are wrong.

>> No.2195545

Gravity is a theory, not a proven fact.

The effects of gravity can be explained by other theories. An example would be the acceleration theory which asserts the earth is actually moving 'upward' at a constant rate of 1g (9.8m/sec^2). This produces the same effect as "gravity".

See there are different theories for the same phenomena - and none are facts, they are just theories.

>> No.2195553

My Creation science teacher once told the story of the Giraffe. He asked us, "how large the heart of a Giraffe is?"
We said, "most likely larger than that of a human."
He said, "Yes it is." That it takes a large heart to pump blood continuously up that long neck." He went on to say, "What happens to a Giraffe when it leans down to get a drink?"
We just stared at him.

If a Giraffe leans down to take a drink and the blood supply to the brain is not shut off the Giraffes head would explode or massively hemmorage. But what is amazing is that their is a valve placed in the system that closes off the blood supply when he leans down allowing the Giraffe to get a drink.

He then asked, "How many Giraffes heads exploded before evolution created the valve?" It was interesting.

At any rate, His point was we were all created by species in like form as we are today. We do not need to try and fit our Bile into science.

>> No.2195555

acceleration is disproven because if the Earth was moving "up" then the people at the opposite end would fall off. Also then why would satellites stay in orbit

eventhough your probably a troll


>> No.2195556

Read the whole thing I mention that.
Atomic theory is a theory (hurf durf), and so are the theories of gravity and evolution.

But in science nothing is "just a theory".
Scientific theories are the closest things to fact that you can have.
They are tested vigorously.
They have not been disproven despite being falsifiable.
They are accepted by people far more intelligent than you or I.
There is no such thing as "just a theory" my boy.

>> No.2195563

that was so retarded I'm actually dumber for having read it.

well done.

>> No.2195566


TRUE. Gravitons are also HYPOTHETICAL elementary particles. Gravitons being one of the four fundamental forces of the universe, it is also the only fundamental force of the universe that HASN'T been proven as fact, Strong/Weak nuclear force and EM have already been proven as fact.

>> No.2195569

http://www.fstdt.com/Top100.aspx?archive=1 u mad

>> No.2195574

>We do not need to try and fit our Bile into science.

I think you mean vile.

Captcha: makes Seneous

>> No.2195580

Look, Christianity was the original religon. Almost every religon was formed from christianity. Each belief came from some form of christians. Everyone believes something different about where religons came from, but if you look back far enough or where each religon was formed they all stemed off of christianity

>> No.2195591

>>2195435 Hurr durr
I'll humor you - just because I'm bored.

>>1. How was the universe created?
Observations and calculations on the early universe suggest the big bang, or similar event. While what caused the event is unclear (god is a possibility), the event itself is undeniable.
>>Let's say for a moment the big bang happened. Then where did the galaxies come from? What about stars, planets, moons, nebulas and gravity?
When the universe formed, things [matter; ie. hydrogen and helium gas] were not perfect and evenly spread. This gives something for gravity to work with. Much how a river gains momentum and mass from merging streams as it moves down a mountain, the early universe was drawn into enormous stellar clumps by gravity. Of course, there was no light at this time. When the first stars appeared, that all changed. These first stars were gigantic, and if there were planets, there could only be gas planets at this time. You see, all the stuff you see around you - everything you're made of, even the air you breath, was all made inside a star a very, very long time ago. However, the heaviest element that forms inside a star is Iron. To get the heavier elements, you need something more, you need the death of a massive star, a supernova.
>>If the Big Bang happened, that was a miracle in itself, but then to have a galaxy form with stars, planets, moons, etc. would be incredible. Did all of these happen at the beginning or later on?
Initially, no. Galaxies are collections of stars. In the early universe there was nothing to make a galaxy out of. Astronomers can look back through time, and observe the gradual evolution of galaxies over the eons of time. At the center of every galaxy is what we refer to as a Super Massive Black Hole. These objects have a direct relation to the galaxy - they are always one half of one percent the mass of the visible matter in the galaxy. They also played a pivotal role in the galaxy's formation.


>> No.2195592

Thats why your jesus guy was a jew right?

>> No.2195593
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>Christianity followed Jesus thought to be their mesiah
>Jesus was a Jew
>all religions came from Christianity

lul, wat?

>> No.2195596


Did Judaism spawn from Christianity as well? How about Buddhism? Hinduism?

I'm sensing a troll...

>> No.2195599

>>2195591 <continued>

>>2. Let's say evolution is true,
Evolution *is* true. It's not theory, it's *fact*. People who dispute this are largely in denial, or incapable of comprehending evolution. In other words, they're stupid.
>>where did plants and trees come from? Did they evolve from a lower lifeform?
The first stationary, "plant-like" lifeforms to grow on land were much like fungi. We know this is a fact from fossil records.
>>What about bacteria and viruses?
Single cell organisms have been on this planet for about as long as this planet has existed. Bacteria known as extremophiles can survive - even thrive - in conditions you or I would consider deadly. As to how they're created, it's really quite simple. It's even been done in a laboratory. Yes, that's right, scientists have made single cell life from scratch.
>>How is it possible that plants and animals have a symbiotic relationship?
Do you like fruit? I'm guessing you do. Fruit are pollinated flowers. The pollination of these flowers occurs with the help of other species - namely insects.


>> No.2195601

>>2195599 <continued>

>>3. Some people theorize that the Earth was formed billions of years ago and was basically a big molten rock that later cooled down. If that's the case where did the Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and other gases come from? What about the ozone layer and upper atmospheres?
Earth *was* formed roughly four and a half billion years ago. We know this as a fact because of our moon. They were both 'formed' at the same time, but were formed out of the collision of two proto planets. Gases exist in rocks, spread very thin. Do you know why some volcanoes explode and others just ooze? It's because the magma inside the explosive volcano contains high concentrations of various gases. Volcanic geology, in fact, is a major source of our modern and continually evolving atmosphere. In the early earth, most, if not all, of the Oxygen was present in the oceans. The air would of been unbreathable to you or me. Most of our Oxygen came from stromatolites (tiny bacteria that make interesting looking coastal rock formations, layer by layer), over billions of years.

>>4. Where did magnetic fields come from?
Magnetism is one of the four forces that holds our reality together. As for where earth's magnetism comes from, that's easy to explain - though not as easy to demonstrate. When very hot, molten metal is contained in a sphere and swirled around, it generates its own magnetic field. This has been demonstrated in a lab using a very large hollow sphere filled with molten iron, then spun on an axis, and the magnetic field lines observed. Their structures match the magnetic field of a planet such as ours very closely.


>> No.2195603

Christians believe Jesus is God (except Jehovah's Witnesses).

Jesus = Jewish
Jesus = God
God = Jewish? Take that Mel Gibson

>> No.2195604

>>2195601 <continued>
>>It's amazing that a magnetic field is required for us to survive.
That's because of solar wind. Yes, the Sun may give us life, but it will also kill us. The Sun is harsh, and very unforgiving. Earth loses some atmosphere to the solar wind each year - gas that is replenished by Earth's geology and biology. Without a protective magnetic field surrounding the planet, this loss would be much, much greater. An example? Look at Mars. Mars has less than 1% the atmospheric density that Earth has, and Mars has *no* magnetic field. Without one, a planet loses atmosphere to its host star (in our case, the Sun, of course) very quickly - and a lack of a magnetic field also signifies a lack of internal heat, a lack of activity. Mars is a dead world. In time, Earth too will one day die, and look like Mars.

>>5. Where did the water come from
Water is everywhere in our solar system. Most of it is in the Kuiper Belt - a belt of comets, icy objects, and dwarf planets such as Pluto. In the early solar system however, these objects were far more abundant, and spread out much more. Early Earth was bombarded by comets constantly, leaving behind massive deposits of water (though not a liquid at that time). All this water would in time cool, condense, and form our Oceans.
>> and why do we have salt water and fresh water?
There's a difference between the Oceans and Seas, and the inland water such as Lakes and Rivers, you know.


>> No.2195609

>>2195604 <continued>

>>6. Where did our Moon come from?
Four and a half billion years ago, the Earth we know was formed from the collision of two proto planets. Creating Earth, and our Moon. This is fact, concluded from observations in the rock records, and observations made on the mineralogy and chemistry of rocks taken from the Moon.
>> How is it possible that our moon is required for our survival?
I'm assuming you don't like asteroids hitting Earth. Want a comparison? Look at the moon's surface. See how it's battered with craters? The Moon acts as a sort of Shield for Earth. In addition to that awesome benefit, the Moon also powers the tides, and provides a monthly clock for countless species by which many aspects of their biology are coordinated and guided by. Just ask any cop if you think the Moon doesn't have any effect on us, though. They'll tell you people get rowdy and weird on the full moon.

That's everything, then. You really should pay more attention to science. Religion isn't going to answer everything, and what it has answered has been answered *better* by science. Also, I'm not an athiest - nor am I a scientist. You, however, are [were] just ignorant.

>> No.2195614

According to evolutionists random mutations are what drives evolutionary change. But even they will admit that mutations alone are rare, let alone a mutation that is actually beneficiarry. Take fireflys for instance. I would imagine that the odds of a mutation that creates the light in fireflys to arise even just once would be pretty astronomical. But did you know that there are 2,000 different species of firefly? Now what are the odds that that same mutation appeared 2,000 times? That's like getting struck by lightning while winning the lottery simutanieusly 2,000 times! It's amazing what absudities evolutionists will come up with ;)

>> No.2195616

a true god must always exist
deity x is the only true god
deity x has always existed
ergo worship of deity x must be the oldest religion.


>> No.2195621
File: 171 KB, 1280x800, atheists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2195622

we can actually predict within a fair degree of accuracy the time between dna mutations.

>> No.2195624

2000 different species is nothing!

there must have been billions of firefly individuals throughout time, so it had to evolve billions of times!

>> No.2195626

>>2195614 Hurr durr DURR hurr
I've answered one of you today, and I do not, however, plan to answer another. I will, however, show you this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcAq9bmCeR0

>> No.2195630

you're a pretentious cunt but wow you just destroyed that guy.

>> No.2195638

Genesis 2:1-2
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

I believe this is what "scientists" call the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.

>> No.2195644

Also we all know that it was Zeus giving the Christian god a good dicking that created the earth.

>> No.2195650

Teehee, thanks!

>> No.2195662
File: 121 KB, 240x249, troll_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to this shit and start reporting it!

>> No.2195669

I gave up on /sci/ long ago.
Besides look at /v/ reporting does jack shit.

>> No.2195737

>moon shielding earth
There's so much more craters visible on Luna than on Earth partly because there's nothing going on there apart from more impacts that could destroy them. On Earth the impact craters are destroyed by weather and life and also by geological processes.
Partly it's because Luna isn't protected by sheaths of gass and liquid.

Luna might stop maybe one body out of ten thousand, depending on how fast they are.

>> No.2195741

Reporting do have effect but usually it takes some hours depending on the number of reports.

>> No.2195748

The moon shields by more than just it's surface. It's very presence applies pulls the asteroids away from earth. Not to mention, by having a moon so large, our planet looks more like a binary planet from a distance!

>> No.2195753

I think the net effect is negligible, as Luna can also direct bodies TOWARDS Earth from otherwise near-miss trajectories.

>> No.2195762

"Luna" is never the correct name for the Moon when speaking English. You attempt pretense and wind up merely looking stupid.

>> No.2195770


Fuck you. 'The Moon' is a sucky, generic name.

>> No.2195780

>Heinlein is stupid.
Keep talking about science cobber and let /lit/ be butthurt about linguistic diversity.

>> No.2195781

I suppose you live on Gaia, or Terra, Our Mother or some equally misnamed planet?

or does your faggotry have bounds?

>> No.2195791

2195770 is anotherfag.
2195780 is me.

But seriously, saying Luna shields Earth from impacts is as erroneous as saying the same about Jupiter has turned out to be.

>> No.2195798

The astronomyfag you were debating may have left the building.

I'm just having fun being pedantic because the use of "Luna" strikes me as pretentious, effeminate and worthy of some mockery.

I had forgotten Heinlein though, he was a fairly bright individual.

>> No.2195800

and we would of got away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling kids

>> No.2195805

If you are confused about a scientific concept, then do a simple google search and you will find an explanation along with justification. It takes minimal effort to learn.

Also, I think it is amusing how some christians on this blog are avoiding profanities. You're on 4chan goddammit! Let loose!!!

>> No.2195809

For future reference, it is mandatory to use the term Luna anytime we talk about the primary satellite of Earth. Exactly because of Heinlein.

>> No.2195839
File: 32 KB, 600x450, Baww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obvious religious troll
>127 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2196011



Holy fucking shit /sci/...

>> No.2196228
File: 1.57 MB, 300x217, 1278625873734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw its a massive conspiracy against /sci/ to piss off the rest of us

>> No.2196238
File: 21 KB, 556x184, lets troll sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2196239

Then can we refer to Earth as "Terra", the Sun as "Sol", and the system as "Sol System" in the future? :)

I'm with you on this nomenclature...

>> No.2196243

So obvious that OP used the trollface!

clearly /sci/ manage to be stupidier than /b/


>> No.2196257
File: 37 KB, 500x498, 2382615145_ab6347760c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you reply to a troll things are going his way. Just don't feed him and he will leave.

Ignore them. Don't argue with them. No matter how much you think you are getting the better of them, you are still arguing with a troll about something he doesn't care about for the sake of making yourself look better over the internet... which is pointless in my opinion.

>> No.2196279

Atheists are a bunch of insecure fucks

>> No.2196317

I don't care what people call anything, as long as the name is established enough for it to be commonly understood to mean what it means.
Therefore, though I'm finnish, I won't use finnish words for things here, so:
Earth = Terra = Tellus =/= Maa
Moon = Luna = Selene =/= Kuu
Sun = Sol = Ra =/= Aurinko
And so on and so forth.

>> No.2196326

Oh look! It's OP bumping his own thread again!

>> No.2196350
File: 5 KB, 125x166, Thor is not pleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Odin isn't real, then why did you steal christmas from norse mythology?

Crucifix - 0
Mjolnir - Everything

>> No.2196485

Seeing as how energy can not be created or destroyed, and all matter is energy, Everything has existed forever. Why is this such a hard thing to understand?

>> No.2196523

First of all: your language is called English.
Second of all: the Bible was written in Hebrew (old testament) and ancient greek (new testament). It was then translated into english. (BTW, if god wrote the bible, why would he use two languages?)

>> No.2196583
