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File: 368 KB, 1500x863, A_Brighter_Cleaner_Future_by_Stefan_Morrell_(2007).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2187856 No.2187856 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think the world will be like in the year 3010? How advanced do you think humans will be by then? Is it possible that humans will have died off by then, or is 1000 years not long enough for that unless there is some terrible disaster such as a nuclear holocaust?

It makes me sad that I won't be around to see what things are like 1000 years from now. Technology has developed exponentially over the last 100 years, so I can't even fathom what will be around in 1000.

>> No.2187902

Everything will be slightly smoother, the entire planet is covered in cities except for Australia which would be a giant farm. Oh and we still won't have fucking flying cars

>> No.2187938

What about jetpacks?

>> No.2187942

Antarctica will be a lush forest.

>> No.2187968

I don't think jetpacks will become common thing even in the year of 639292. If the jetpack fails( like some 20 yo chinese model) you fall, you die. Problems with techonology are so common that those things would be too unsecure because the smallest problem could cause death easily.

>> No.2187972

Flying cars are called planes, bro.

>> No.2187980


>> No.2187982
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>> No.2187989

I guess we will have developed robotics, genetic engineering, brain-computer interfaces, and virtual reality enough that we might not be human anymore.

>> No.2187990

I sense a pessimist.

>> No.2187993

I know want thing certain. We won't be on this rock.


>> No.2188013

Unless we fix the people, it won't matter.
And by that I mean changing the way humanity works.
No money, and things like that, like in star trek.
It'll never happen. It will probably an earth full of wars and slaves and pollution

>> No.2188019

> I know want thing
I know... WANT thing?
oh my god, you're in /sci/ sir, behave yourself!

>> No.2188028

>If the jetpack fails you fall, you die.

Like planes? So dangerous, no one uses those.

>> No.2188036

With some luck, a nuclear wasteland.

>> No.2188040

Lol my thoughts exactly.

>> No.2188050

I hope these technologies will bring about a solution to our social, cultural, economic and political problems.

>> No.2188073
File: 286 KB, 1280x800, 1279150827132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Pic related, A space station using Centrifugal force for pseudo-gravity. We'll colonize space this way before moving to other planets.

>> No.2188106

>What do you think the world will be like in the year 3010?

Much like it was a thousand years ago.

>> No.2188130

>No United States


>> No.2188136

I believe not much will change, but we will live underwater. Additionally, your great-great-great-granddaughter will be pretty fine.

>> No.2188156

From "The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive":

Q: Who made the monuments on Mars?
A: Atlanteans.
Q: So, the Atlanteans had inter-planetary ability?
A: Yes. With ease. Atlantean technology makes yours look like the Neanderthal era.
Q: Who created the structures on the moon that Richard Hoagland has discovered?
A: Atlanteans.
Q: What did they use these structures for?
A: Energy transfer points for crystalline power/symbolism as in monuments or statuary.
Q: What statuary are you referring to?
A: Example is face.
Q: What power did these crystals gather?
A: Sun.
Q: Was it necessary for them to have power gathering stations on Mars and the Moon. Did this increase their power?
A: Not necessary but it is not necessary for you to have a million dollars either. Get the correlation? Atlanteans were power hungry the way your society is money hungry.
Q: Was the accumulation of this power what brought about their downfall?
A: Yes.
Q: Did they lose control of this power?
A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will overpower you.

And that was some 50K years ago.

>> No.2188161

We will spread throughout the solar system. Probes were sent to nearby star systems, preparation for colonization is underway.
Galactic empire that will last for millions of years is in its infancy.

>> No.2188197

In 3010, the world will have faster cars, faster computers, and bigger televisions; but it will otherwise look almost identical to what it looks like today.

Also, in the year 3010, the first mission to Mars will be planned to occur 20 years later, but budget cuts will stop it before it can happen just like the 50 other times the mission was planned to happen in the last 1000 years.

>> No.2188234

why does it make you sad? technology doesn't make life better unless it's direct genetic engineering with longer life and health etc.. i would rather live in the 19th century rural america as a free opportunist than in some jam-packed futuristic city full of schizophrenic, narcistic and overtly materialistic unhappy people.

>> No.2188272

A Cuban-Missile-Crisis like event is likely to happen every 100 years due to shifting geopolitics. Over many hundreds of years the likelihood of having a nuclear exchange increases. When such an exchange happens, cities will be incinerated sending black ash into the atmosphere, blocking out the Sun's light to Earth. The wars that will follow the sudden power vaccuum do to the annihilation of the two leading powers of the time will be exacerbated by die off of crops across the world. Billions will die in the ensuing war and famine. Civilization will crumble and knowledge will be lost. With no fossil fuels to jump start civilization thousands of years later when the environment and human culture have stabilized humanity will simply exist instead of progress. Sooner or later disease or natural disaster will finish the job.

Barring everyone simply holding hands and singing folk songs, the only way to avoid it would be to create some authority that can arbitrate inernational disputes. But everyone hates world governments so that is likely not going to happen.

tl;dr - Everything you will ever do (children or accomplishments) will die with humanity when we nuke ourselves.

>> No.2188279


>Galactic empire
Yes, because what will propel us into the future is a centralized power structure, it's worked so well for us before...

>> No.2188298

>politics are a problem
>create a super-political system to fix it

you are a huge shit head. Also, since worldwide nuclear devastation has NO historical precedent, your assumption of a cycle of self destruction until an ultimate extinction of humans leads me to conclude that you are poorly educated, or depressed.

Hopefully both

>> No.2188300
File: 6 KB, 254x222, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, because what will propel us into the future is a centralized power structure, it's worked so well for us before...
>Implying tribes of humans were more successful than modern day nations because they were small.
HAHAHA, oh wow!

>> No.2188316

A government cannot control more than a few star systems if that. A galactic government is impossible.

>> No.2188320

>Yes, because what will propel us into the future is a centralized power structure, it's worked so well for us before...
yes and given that it's almost impossible to communicate in a sensible way on a galactic level. there is not going to be any empire of humans. even if humans could somehow miraculously migrate to another planet (which isn't likely to happen), the settlers would immediately start differing from the humans that they originated from, and quickly form another entity.

>> No.2188335

Your comparison to tribes is unapplicable, or you believe that government expansion is tied to scientific expansion. Which wouldn't explain the biggest technological leap post civil war-1913, at which time government was arguably at its least concentrated after the industrial revolution, which in case you want to talk about, didn't come from government assistance

>> No.2188347

>biggest technological leap post civil war-1913
Confirmed as idiot. Now ignoring any post that sounds like you.

>> No.2188355

oh and, by planet i meant an extrasolar planet.

>> No.2188350

I think the separation will come as the settlers become independent.

Unless we never find clever ways to travel (bending the 4th dimension to reach another point in the third instantaneously ), which means we could only send out hopeful self sustaining colonization expeditions, then it would likely work like that.

>> No.2188381

the separation doens't take much. we saw it happen here on earth when europeans migrated to the new world. now, imagine it happening on a planetary-level with great communication difficulties between the "old world" and the "new world". it is guaranteed.

>> No.2188392


>I don't think automobiles will become common thing even in the year of 639292. If the automobile brakes fails( like some 20 yo chinese model) you crash, you die. Problems with techonology are so common that those things would be too unsecure because the smallest problem could cause death easily.

>> No.2188406


faggots that have never read Foundation by Isaac Asimov

your attempts at being intellectual are pathetic

>> No.2188410

>your attempts at being intellectual are pathetic
>doesn't produce an actual argument
>can't form a proper sentence

>> No.2188419

I laughed. I really laughed. I've never seen anyone so insecure as you.

>> No.2188420

my guess is that we will have another dark age at some point, because every time human civilization reaches a peak, historically, we manage to fuck it up and end up knocked down a peg or two.

>> No.2188424

i wonder what people will look like in a thousand years. would human evolution cause a big change in appearance?

>> No.2188434


did the middle east have a dark age? i know while europe was having the dark age, they still kept improving up until about the renaissance when we blew past them.

>> No.2188444


they are right at it, they just life on a parasitic lifestyle from the west at the moment

>> No.2188446

i didn't know this was a competition of intellect.

how exactly do you overcome the difficulty of communicating with a human colony several light years away? how do you prevent them from deciding to form a "new america"?

>> No.2188440

They have dark age now.

>> No.2188449

Holy shit. I thought /sci/ would overestimate the rate of technological increase, but most of you are talking as if he asked what 2030 will be like, not 3010.

Beyond this century, assuming no cataclysmic events will occur that seriously impede technological progress, we will likely see humanity completely transformed beyond all recognition.

The ways in which we characterise civilisation today (domestic technology, work places, urban planning, transportation) will be completely irrelevant by 2100.

>> No.2188457

We have already reached or are reaching the environmental limit of our global civilization. That has never happened before. If modern day civilization collapses it will no doubt be for fundamentally different reasons than what caused the collapsed of past empires.

>> No.2188472


i think there'll be more biological advances than any of the other sciences. physics has had it's golden era, time for biology now. chemistry will always be relevant but as a part of physics or biology.

>> No.2188478

I wasn't stating something that I actually believe is going to happen. It was reference to a book, nothing more.
Disregard that post if it hurts your eyes so goddamn much.
No wonder /sci/ is easiest board to troll...

>> No.2188484

Way to put a bullet in between the eyes of realism and go right for science fantasy.

>> No.2188488

that's right, go away now.

>> No.2188495


>in this century

>> No.2188518

And because of a single poster this thread has turned to shit.

>> No.2188519

Let me guess.
That's what you wish for:
That's what you get:

>> No.2188527


Future speculation is, by definition, science fantasy, and by taking a pessimistic stance by default you do not actually make a better judgement than anybody else.

However, at least I would say that what with science actually enjoying a massive revolution at the moment thanks to materials science, that we havn't suddenly reached a plataeu. It's just you're clearly so shitbrained and terminally myopic that because current technological advancements are not measurable in child like qualifiers of visually impressive inventions, you actually believe that the future will effectively be a slightly improved version of today's reality, when all available evidence would suggest that humans genuinely are on the brink of massive biotechnological developments that will completely change what it is to be human.

Skepticism does not automatically equate to intelligent thought.

>> No.2188532


it's a bad idea to deal with absolutes

>> No.2188533

all these threads are always shit

>> No.2188547

broseph, the golden age of "physics" is just beginning. Once we figure out the big bang and shit...

shit is gonna be so cash

we will be able to create the universe, Mr. Sagan.

and it will be glorious

>> No.2188983

We have the majority of physics figured out. Unless we discover magic, physics won't have another golden age. Yes physics may give us FLT, but there won't be much beyond that.

With bio(particularly human medicine) we know very little. We can't cure cancer, we don't have antibiotics for viruses, we know very little about the brain.

>> No.2188990

>We have the majority of physics figured out.
There's exactly zero reasons to believe that's true, and a mountain of reasons to believe it's false.

>> No.2188993
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>> No.2189012

Wars are getting too powerful to keep having them and have humans survive. So I predict that there will be NO wars, thats right. It's a bold prediction, but I think a new age is dawning(at least before we get to space wars) where all competition is done through science, technology, and how well you can destroy your enemy (theoretically) just like the cold war.

In the year 3010, continuing the rate of now, I believe we will have visited every planet in our solar system, we will be mathematical geniuses, and we will have probes and satellites visiting every known planet, universe, or any other body.

OR of course we will follow down the social path, and humanity will get worse, money will continue to inflate, the media takes over, and we live our lives fighting the government, that has the power to destroy us, but doesn't because there goes their money. People get dumber, education suffers, and we go into dark ages.

Although no one can really predict the future, so none of these predictions will be accurate, we can't can't perceive what we haven't already seen. Which is why every idea stems from another idea, or random occurrence!

i'm excited

>> No.2189014


No. Think year 1010. That was medieval times. It doesn't seem like that long ago when you think about it in that respect. Evolution cannot occur that quickly unless we intervene.

>> No.2189025

Well lets look at the things that have been around for at least 1,000 years and is likely to remain for the next.
Running Water
Sewer systems

Things we build that are likely to last 1,000 years
plastic waste

>> No.2189028


Excited for what? You'll be dead.

>> No.2189035

for the next few years, I'm sorry it was implied that I was excited for the next 1000 years, but a person of your intelligence (Im assuming) should assume I can't live that long, unless of course you were trying to be funny, in that case, ha ha?

>> No.2189068

Biological immortality.

>> No.2189448

There are three things that we probably won't have in 3010. Oil, coal, and natural gas. Imagine a world without them.

PS: The biggest year for conventional oil production was 2005.

>> No.2189473
File: 61 KB, 456x430, liveto300s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It makes me sad that I won't be around to see what things are like 1000 years from now

>> No.2189477
File: 68 KB, 504x716, futurist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.2189489
File: 4 KB, 125x125, changenoonewillbelievetheyreseeing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is demand for it.
There is research being done on it.
There are more and more people realizing this as an actual possibility.
There will be more and more research done on this.
Animal life extension trials will send the world into a race for the human cure.
Standard pharmaceutical corporations will start funding research for this.
Initially it will be expensive, but stunning demand will force the price down fast.
If any governments try to make laws forbidding life extension treatments, there will be riots, civil war, and mass exodus of citizens to other legal life extension countries.
And also, pic related.

>> No.2189707


>> No.2189720


He means the Singularity.

I laugh at him and post a picture of Charles Stross with Feòrag.

>> No.2189781

I don't understand how this is even related to the singularity.

>> No.2189789


Wait, no: Manhattan Beach Project.

Plausible Mid-Future Timing fail durp.

>> No.2189813

I have no idea what to expect. Maybe racism turning from individual races to whether or not your mind is on a computer

>> No.2189842
File: 56 KB, 600x471, 1286375405040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is SOOOOO 2150.

>> No.2191658
