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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2187052 No.2187052 [Reply] [Original]

Would /sci/ be interested in a programming puzzle? I have one that I think is great. It's just for fun - not a sneaky attempt to get my homework done or anything.

Game starts with a even length of sequence of numbers. Player 1 picks to remove a number from either beginning or end. This number is added to his score. Then Player 2 picks one from remaining numbers. This is continued until all numbers are taken. Player with higher score wins.

Make a program to play as Player 1 as well as possible.

Skeleton of player class would be something like this in java. Test program would not send incorrect parameters or out of order method calls.

public class GamePlayer() {
public static final int MOVE_BEGINNING = 1;
public static final int MOVE_END = 2;

public GamePlayer(int[] sequence) {

public int getFirstMove() {

public int getMove(int asResponseToMove) {


>> No.2187103
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No one is interested?

>> No.2187116

This can be solved in a straightforward way using dynamic programming.

>> No.2187129

What do you mean? Why dynamic programming?

>> No.2187130

>hurr durr do my homework for me

>> No.2187124

>not a sneaky attempt to get my homework done or anything
>but i've specified a language and method prototypes for implementing an algorithm for no fucking reason

>> No.2187135

I thought I just post a puzzle. Don't really care what language or just a pseudocode.

I would think it is clever enough that it would NEVER be given as homework in any school. (also some other reasons)

>> No.2187141

It is not clever. If you think it is, well... ask for the remedial class.

>> No.2187150

This is actually a problem Waterloo gave out in their national competition a while ago. The thing is you don't want to just take the highest of the two cards, you want to make sure your opponent can't pick up a high card you uncover. Also since you have no control over your opponent you can't make direct predictions of how your actions will ultimately play out.

I solved it by sticking every possible scenario into a decision tree, and going down the branche with the the highest possibility of winning.

>> No.2187167

This would be the obvious solution and would be wrong. It would fail if given large sequences as you'd just run out of time.

It was a problem from Programming Olympiade for schools (don't know what these are called in english) I attended years ago. The solution was so cool, that I just love this puzzle.

>> No.2187171

If you don't think it is clever, then please post a description of algorithm within 10 minutes.

>> No.2187179

That's a surprisingly easy problem for a national competition then.

>> No.2187183

See >>2187116 (samefag).

>> No.2187200

You mean trying out all possible scenarios? This would be a limited solution as it would just take forever with large sequences.

>> No.2187205

I suggest you go read the wikipedia article on dynamic programming.

>> No.2187207

Post your solution then. It would have to work within reasonable time for large sequences.

>> No.2187210

post your solution or admit defeat.

>> No.2187215

As I said twice already, see >>2187116. O(n^2) to find out the best strategy for each subsequence.

>> No.2187219

I have posted the solution. Any more detail and it might just as well be java code.

>> No.2187237

There is O(n) solution. Some things about your responses make me think you are note even able to provide O(n^2) solution.

>> No.2187248


let "best strategy" for a given sequence be the sequence such that the worst case score difference is maximized.

i = (1 if sequence.length is odd, 2 if sequence.length is even)
for all subsequences of length i, find the trivial best strategy if you have to make the first move and store the result
i += 2
while(i <= sequence.length):
for all subsequences of length i:
find the best strategy for the subsequence by looking at all 4 pairs of (your move, enemy move) and looking up the best result attainable for the remaining subsequence of length i-2. store the result.
i += 2

There, O(n^2). O(n) does require a little more thought though, and may be interesting.

>> No.2187265

> a even length of sequence of numbers
beg your pardon?

>> No.2187274

Must be my english.

I meant the sequence length is even number. Sequences of 4,8,12,6000 nubers are ok 3,9,34561 are not ok.

>> No.2187276
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its just a very simple algorithm and OP is a troll?

>> No.2187285

It was confusing and hard to follow and probably not even O(n^2). Could you please write the algorithm in language of your choosing or pseudocode and I show you why you were wrong.

Also. All sequences have even number of elements.

>> No.2187293

>implying that's not pseudocode

>> No.2187297

doesnt this work by taking the highest element left each time?

>> No.2187307

No. Let the sequence be [2, 100, 0, 1].

>> No.2187310

I am not a troll. It might not have turned out as I wanted. I pictured it like this.
1. I post a cool (solvable) puzzle
2. People try to solve it until best solution is achieved
3. Everybody has their day enriched a bit

Troll would post
>What is the next number in sequence 1, 7, 14, 15, 18, 21

>> No.2187313

sorry, i misread the problem.


>> No.2187321

could you write it in java, c, python, whatever

I admit my english is bad and this might be the case of me not following but I think if you try that you will realize your error.

>> No.2187328
File: 17 KB, 500x372, dahlia gillespie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greedy algorithm
>actually solves anything
>my face

>> No.2187336

I could, but you can do your own homework.

>> No.2187370

Okay. Looks like thread failed. I'll go and have a cigarette and if no-one tells me otherwise (i.e they want to try solving) I'll post the solution and explanation just to prove it is not homework.

Dear Dynamic Programming guy. If I will post my O(n) solution would you be satisfied it is not a homework and post Java,C or Python code of your algorithm?

>> No.2187384

Oh, sorry, I meant "homework" in the metaphorical sense there, as in "you should be able to fill in the gaps and I'm too lazy to do it for you". But I guess I could, because I'd like to see the O(n) solution :)

>> No.2187408
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go down one side, until it becomes mathematical better to go down the other side... if a side becomes worse go back down other side unless it becomes worse-- massive amounts of potential backtracking only in rare cases.

>> No.2187412
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Ok, here it is. Note I just typed it in without testing. I won't be embarrassed if there is a mistake there. I also didn't include the simple code to wait opponent possibly making a mistake in optimal-strategy-tie-games as I wanted the simplicity to shine.

I liked this puzzle because (at least 15 years ago) the students of every national team were drilled to do recursive solutions in their sleep and this was nice puzzle to reward creativity.

Waiting for you to post your algorithm in C, python, java, javascript, ruby whatever.

>> No.2187448

Here it is: http://pastebin.com/0LGk9ihh .

>> No.2187503

Ok. I can't understand what it is. I executed it

$ python 1.py
[1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Don't really know what it means.

>> No.2187509

It says that for this particular sequence, the best attainable score difference if both players play perfect is 2147, which happens if you first play left (1), then your opponent plays right (2), then you play right (2), etc.

And if you don't understand how the code works, I really suggest you go read the wikipedia article on dynamic programming.

>> No.2187602 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 300x375, benji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numbers = [ 34, 34, 23, 56]
results in
[2, 1, 1, 1]

Ok - so 56 is wrong. Algorithm does not work for sequence size 4. Not a big deal. We are not nitpickers.

So your algorithm calculates the first move and recursively turns back for a sub sequence.

Let's just try it in old dumb way - I'll just run your program.
operations = 36*25*16*9*4=518400

That is FAR FROM O(n^2). It is rather something O(2^(n+-something))

You just got schooled hard and you suggest I should go back to school.

>> No.2187621

>numbers = [ 34, 34, 23, 56] results in 56 [2, 1, 1, 1]
Ah right, lines 9 and 12 are wrong. Replace them by
bestscores[(i, i + 1)] = numbers[i] - numbers[i + 1]
bestscores[(i, i + 1)] = numbers[i + 1] - numbers[i]

>operations = 36*25*16*9*4=518400
Er, no. What makes you think that? It does a constant amount of work for each subsequence, of which there are O(n^2).

>> No.2187638

yep - had something wrong there

>> No.2187644

that didn't make it better
numbers = [ 34, 32, 22, 1, 1, 1 ]
results in
[1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1]

>> No.2187656

Which is wrong how? Do you see a better strategy?

>> No.2187678

Ok, I've taken an Algorithms class before and this is a simple dynamic programming problem.

>> No.2187689

Sorry - wrong copypaste

numbers = [ 1,1,1,1,1,1999,1000,1 ]
[1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1]

Clearly the correct solution is to select RIGHT

>> No.2187695

see >>2187412

>> No.2187699

Oh? Does that lead to a higher score difference?

>> No.2187725


you're smart I'm dumb. you were right.