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2187039 No.2187039 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me one example showing evolution that does not involve mutation

Checkmate Atheists

>> No.2187055

>Tell me one example showing evolution that does not involve mutation
We can't, that's how evolution works. With mutations.

>Checkmate Atheists

>> No.2187059

Uh.....evolution is just natural selection acting upon specific, favorable mutations. They're kind of important to the process.....I guess you can have a limited amount of evolution occur without needing any NEW mutations.....but there has to be some mutations to act upon to begin with, and you're going to have to add in new mutations to keep evolution going.

Checkmate denied, theistfag.

>> No.2187079


I said no single mutation, you don't even get my question

I'm waiting /atheist/board

>> No.2187085

No, mutations are required for evolution to work. Without mutations, we'd still be stuck at the single cell organism, or something even more primitive than that.

You're asking for something that doesn't exist. What are you trying to prove?

>> No.2187088

What does this have to do with Atheists at all?

>> No.2187090

>>2187079 I said no single mutation
What you said was:
>>2187039 does not involve mutation


>> No.2187097


I'm showing the flaws in your pitiful theories, yes THEORIES, not pitiful facts

>> No.2187100

>something that doesn't exist
>what are you trying to prove?
Isn't it obvious? :3

>> No.2187108

So hows your pitiful HYPOTHESIS of creationism coming? Several 100 years without falsification? Don't think so Tim

>> No.2187113

No you're not. If you are, it's really vague. Can you be a bit more clear?

>> No.2187115
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Foolish theist....evolution is a fact. How and why it occurs is the theory.

Furthermore, our theorys requirement of mutations is not a flaw, since mutations occur all the time.

>> No.2187120


Where do they happen ? I have never seen a cow mutate into a whale, have you ?

Captch: Ammisch Father

>> No.2187126

"Tell me one example showing evolution that does not involve mutation

Checkmate Atheists"

The Irony is too great...
>mind explodes.

>> No.2187137
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Evolution acts on populations and generations, but not on individuals.

Foolish theist is foolish.

>> No.2187146

>Where do they happen ? I have never seen a cow mutate into a whale, have you ?
Mutations don't work that way. Individuals don't change, mutations are the differences an offspring has to their parents.

>> No.2187155
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>> No.2187156

>Individuals don't change

That is the only right sentence I have sen in here so far, they do not change as your theories are bogus

>> No.2187162
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go go 9

>> No.2187164

Who's theories now...?

>> No.2187174


the atheist " i hate my family and deny god " theories.

>> No.2187187
File: 57 KB, 500x401, 1282269048904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks being an angsty teenager is the only person would doubt the story of his precious invisible wizard that created the universe
Learn to Burden of Proof

>> No.2187198

Huh? That don't have anything to do with evolution, man.

You probably should chill and discuss this rationally, without being so hostile.

>> No.2187199

I always see this image, nod my head, go to save it...
and then realize what a monumental douche that would make me.

>> No.2187216
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>> No.2187224

it's not the atheist i hate,
it's the atheist ideology,

>> No.2187239


How could I discuss rationally with atheists ? It's impossible to do with your flawed logic

>> No.2187244

>accusing atheists of flawed logic
>theist accusing anyone of flawed logic

Ooooooh, the hypocrisy in here is so obvious!

>> No.2187247

There's nothing to do with Atheism in this thread, though. And Atheism in itself doesn't have an ideology. It's just the lack of a belief in a deity or deities, that's all.

>> No.2187253


hey I am sry but logic goes like this:
-have question
-open up bible
-question answered

it's only three basic steps, what don't you get on that ? You just won't get it as you have disrupted social relations to your family

>> No.2187255

> inb4 153 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2187258
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then why would you want to make everyone an atheist then? why even contribute? their guess is as good as yours

>> No.2187261

You're not trying to discuss with Atheists, you're trying to discuss with people who are knowledgeable about evolution. Big difference.

And there's a lot more flawed logic in theism, for what it's worth. If there is even logic there to begin with.

>> No.2187267

Yeah, where's the answer come from? I've looked into that book of yours. Nothing but some big stories about a huge Mary Sue.

Also, my relations with my family are just great. When I'm done my exams, I'm going to go home for the holidays and fill up on the tortierre that my mom only makes at Christmas. Do you even know what tortierre is? Probably not, but you wish you do. You jelly.

>> No.2187272 [DELETED] 

Because the Bible isn't where you should get answers from. You should get answers from proof and study. The Bible is nothing mre than a book that people wrote thousands of ears ago that has many different versions and interpretations. If you were to go with what the Bible tells you, you're not wanting to seek true answers, but merely comfort.

>> No.2187278

>Do you even know what tortierre is? Probably not, but you wish you do. You jelly.



>> No.2187279


Celebrating christmas ? taking the good things of the truth and leaving the rest, that is what evolutionists aka atheists are best at !

>> No.2187283

Because the Bible isn't where you should get answers from. You should get answers from proof and study. The Bible is nothing more than a book that people wrote thousands of years ago that has many different versions and interpretations. If you were to go with what the Bible tells you, you're not wanting to seek true answers, but merely comfort.

>> No.2187288


yeah and it still is around, enough proof ? Your poor book that darwin wrote will soon be forgotten, as more and more people see the light. In the USA it has already happened and it will jump over to the rest of the world

>> No.2187291

>show me an example of gradual change that does not involve change

My one an only post ITT. Enjoy, faggots.

>> No.2187302

>I said no single mutation

No you didn't.

You are the worst troll all week.

>> No.2187305

Wrong, faggot. Europe has already seen the error of its ways and is largely atheist now.

>> No.2187316

The fact that it's still around isn't proof of anything but proof that humans still need to cling to answers to things that they can't understand that their ancestors made up.

As more people get smarter, they will abandon all religious faiths and seek true knowledge.

I'm also an American(and proud of it, may I add), and our country might have it's setbacks, but we'll soon grow out of the dark ages Christianity has forced upon us for centuries.

>> No.2187324


What ? they are all catholic and widely celebrate christmas, the birth of the lord and saviour, and more and more muslims enter it, they have a different religion but at least the same god

>> No.2187332

Evolution can happen with or without mutation. Take height and lenght for example. If evolution only worked with mutations there would be no bell curve.

>> No.2187338

There's no such thing as "evolutionists", and acknowledgment of evolution does not make someone an Atheist. In fact, there are many Christians that acknowledge evolution.

There is no "lord and savior".

>> No.2187341
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>mfw he thinks celebrating Christmas has anything to do with Christianity, and nothing with getting a few days off work for a few days to spend eating delicious meals and exchanging gifts with extended family.

>> No.2187361
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evolution is mutations dipshit. go back to 3rd grade.

>> No.2187367

>He believes only christians celebrate christmas
>He doesn't realize that bussinesses use christmas as an excuse to sell more

>> No.2187374
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Fail troll is fail.

>> No.2187402

>does not know that scientific theories differ from the common "definition" of theory

Scientifc theories usually have MOUNDS OF EVIDENCE behind them, not just some paradigm-fucking idea shat out of a butt

Go check out all that evidence, you theist fuck
Don't expect an internet board to have all the answers and represent true scientists

>> No.2187415

evolution can happen just fine with recombination of genes.
and mutations don't prove "god"

>> No.2188490

bump for the lulz