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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 100 KB, 1277x481, whatIgotpsychology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2184055 No.2184055 [Reply] [Original]

It's that time again.

>> No.2184060
File: 88 KB, 962x485, whatIgotcomputing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double degree, Psych/Comp major.

>> No.2184085
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>> No.2184093
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>> No.2184114

High-school detected.

>> No.2184123


definitely, my calc ab class is already past this..

>> No.2184124
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Not even complex analysis or differential equations...

>> No.2184136
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>> No.2184137

Do you guys feel better about yourself now?

>> No.2184158

This is why I want to go into psychiatry.

Captcha: their Weepaste

>> No.2184160


Or neuroscience. (samefag here.)

>> No.2184173
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>> No.2184209
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>> No.2184260

Neuroscience is less so, but psychiatry is basically Psych + med degree, so yeah, hot girl central.

Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology is THE definitive Trophy Wife degree.

>> No.2184331
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>> No.2184355
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>> No.2184382
File: 229 KB, 960x646, sociologybullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 3 minutes making this.

And four years doing it ;_;

>> No.2184393
File: 105 KB, 1277x483, 1292028432824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did really enjoy the use of autocad for my one year of studies. I can't wait to study it further and maybe get closer to some of what I expected at first.

>> No.2184395

>image 1: text saying computer science
>image 2: a room filled with people on computers
>image 3: an empty room with writing on the chalkboard
>image4 : rage face

>> No.2184409
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>> No.2184431
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>mfw i had the oppotunity but i threw it away

>> No.2184438
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it's ok bro we can still be cowboys

>> No.2184480
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True story.

I'm not done with my studies yet, though.

>> No.2184505


Jesus Christ, I got that book!

>> No.2184534

What I Expected: Mad Scientist
What I Got: Sally the King Cobra Wasp.

>> No.2184595

I know it's a meme and all, but I don't feel like that at all as a Mathematics major. The more I study the subject, the more hopeless I become in regards to reacquiring my sanity. This subject has drained so much of me psychologically that I cannot even fathom becoming a PhD candidate. Despite this inability to foresee my mentality, which I believe will be delicate and precarious at best, I have yet to choose another academic path. It is the subject which has given me the most joy, and is currently one of the most fulfilling facets of my life.

Sadly, however, it is also one of the most psychologically detrimental.


I loved Philosophy in the beginning, but became disinterested in the subject after I began to feel the effects of depression from studying it so intensely. The information you discover can send you into a psychological frenzy, and coerce you to question absolutely everything. For me, philosophy almost pushed me to the fringe of sanity simply because I began rationally denouncing everything in my life. Aristotle states that reason leads the path of virtue; I've also learned that reason can also make your life absolutely miserable. It's good to have a balance.

>> No.2184608

Neurosciencefag here. You still have to go three four years of standard Psychology with just Neuro electives in Australia. It's not until Masters that I'll get to really start focusing on the brain. I have an entire class on the history of psychology, stuff that should just be annotated in other classes - not an entire class in itself.

>> No.2184613
File: 326 KB, 1277x481, my major.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2184623

I don't know what undergraduate course I should take. I'm very anxious. Feels bad man.

>> No.2184631

Wow, same here. Used to be chemistry, then applied, now pure (with chem minor). Not only is it draining, but every second that I waste I feel like my brain is being ripped open... I'm losing a phd race because there are people already so ahead of me (I started math late, didn't take any ap calc classes, plus I didn't program until I was 20).

I feel so inferior and hate myself for all the time I wasted. I have mild OCD... when something goes completely wrong I say 'fuck it' and screw it ALL up. Like today I woke up at 2 pm and thought it was hopeless, so i just went on 4chan all day instead of studying for an ODE analysis class. I'm so fucking screwed. I feel like I'm always not doing enough. And I'll never truly understand my subject... because i got such a late start...

I wasted so much time with chemistry and I have to work 20 hr/week, but I'm still thankful that compared to many others, I have the chance to study. It's just that this field feels like it's all or nothing- and i'm stuck in the middle. I can't make up the time to dedicate my life to studying, i feel like once i get to grad level i'll fucking fail. sometimes it takes me hours to solve one problem, and it's normal, but i'm always anxious that i'll fail, though i rarely do.

it feels like i'm being yelled at all the time for wasting time, and though i never cry and haven't done so since i was 8 i'm a coward inside, i freaking cry all the time inside because i don't believe it can do it. i love my equations but it seems like I'M NOTHING BUT A POSER.

.... looking back on what i typed i think it's better if i never have kids

>> No.2184644
File: 580 KB, 1277x483, what i studied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2184647

Oh god, plx help me study partial differential equations o_o

>> No.2184648
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>> No.2184651
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>> No.2184654
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shit, I'm going to go sing up for a Biochem class

>> No.2184661
File: 170 KB, 960x481, 1292030110161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everythings awesome

>> No.2184664


>> No.2184678



Explain yourself.

>> No.2186473
File: 78 KB, 293x301, 1281171696511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he saved over my Computer Science pic with his crappy cinematography

>> No.2186829
File: 102 KB, 1277x481, phil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha: huffery masters

the masters of huffery

>> No.2187333


learn to QWQWQW holding the W until he touches the ground... I got to the 100 metres. However, it will take quite a long time.

>> No.2187438
File: 19 KB, 400x300, george costanza pothole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm in my final year of sociology

I really enjoy political sociology and a lot of the social theory/philosophy, but it seems like I'm surrounded by a bunch of stupid twats who only want to talk about race, gender, and economic status.

And not even in a well-developed way. It's always the most simplistic way possible, despite great topics.

>> No.2187461

That's not "studying or doing math."
That's "learning math."
There's a huge fucking difference.

>> No.2187493
File: 379 KB, 1277x556, [sci] expected vs recieved__DEC 2010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, life is getting better!

>> No.2187586

Are you me?

>> No.2187712

Does anyone know where can I find more of these?...I find them hilarious.

>> No.2187840


>> No.2187853
File: 759 KB, 1188x595, [sci] expected vs recieved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We make them.
If you want more, go make them.

This was mine when I was pissed off about school;
this year has changed things.

>> No.2187875


I do badly on easier math classes than I do on harder ones. Go figure.

given Rakents

>> No.2187926
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>> No.2187975
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>> No.2188000
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>> No.2188004

Way too many philosophy majors here. You guys should be doing something important with your lives like delivering pizza.

>> No.2188007

so true...

>> No.2188038

>Implying anyone majors only in philosophy.
Philosophy is a great major but anyone in the major knows they're going law school or are smart enough to take on two majors.

Otherwise, would you like fries with that?

>> No.2188042

is it possible that math and depression are somehow linked?

>> No.2188096

Is it possible they're not?

>> No.2188105
File: 144 KB, 1277x481, what I studied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2188154
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>> No.2188165

What is so psychologically draining about mathematics? I'm a math major as well and I don't feel it.

>> No.2188186
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>> No.2188232

Well, there's definitely something that fucks with people (I dunno, the work load?), because fully half of the math majors I know took up smoking IN COLLEGE to try and cope with the stress.

The rest of us took up drinking. Sweet, sweet drinking.

>> No.2188277
File: 8 KB, 252x157, brainfail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dammit, i feel totally identified with you.

also, damn careers with women, I'm jealous

>> No.2188295
File: 150 KB, 962x479, what i studied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly what I expected, but my greatest fears.

>> No.2188340
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>> No.2188441

is there one for geology?

>> No.2188448


make it yourself faggot

>> No.2188507
File: 118 KB, 962x485, statistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2188548

fuck statistics. I've hated that shit since high school.

>> No.2188562

Mathematician : Statistician :: Artist : Housepainter

>> No.2188571

you're not actually supposed to make those unless you've done enough shit in your subject to understand what it's like overall, which you obviously haven't.

>> No.2188579

The pic of a guy pulling at his hair in frustration should still be in the right column. Mathematics is elegant, beautiful, and yeah, even fun, but damned if that isn't my exact reaction when I spend hours trying to solve a particularly difficult proof.

>> No.2188593
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>> No.2188634
File: 700 KB, 1277x963, studiedexpectedgot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, I am not pre-vet, but I have to take all of the pre-vet courses.

Education is also full of a lot of writing papers

>> No.2188655

Why would you expect physics to even remotely resemble Doctor Who?

>> No.2188662

>Philosophy is a shitty major because anyone in the major knows they're going to grad school or are smart enough to using it to increase their GPA.

The requirements at my university for transfer into a Philosophy major are 2.0 cumulative and a 2.0 in your major.

>> No.2188665

Because there are a lot of retarded sci-fi fans who take a course in physics and end up depressed.

Fuckers don't even know that particle physics is the more interesting field.

>> No.2188671
File: 275 KB, 1277x480, mystudies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2188680

Studied jurisprudence.
Thought I'd get an interesting life.
Got interesting but no life.

>> No.2188718

Prospective math major here (highschoolfag):
I made a 5 on my AP statistics test, have the highest scores on every test in my AP calculus class, tutor afterschool, and generally find math fascinating.

I want to be a math professor, but I'm a little bit terrified about the difficulty of the material. The other day we had a grad school student come in and teach us about key points (i.e. f(x) = x), source points and sink points.

Then we learned a little bit about spiderweb diagramming or whatever it's called and Newton's method. Only 4 people in the class understood it, and I was one of them.

Should I be stressing myself as much as I do. Most of my fear comes from looking up random high-level math and going "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?"
Is math really as hard as it seems to me at a high-level, or am I getting scared because I'm looking at things that are way beyond my level, like a 5th grader trying to learn calculus.

If it's really going to be as impossible as it seems, I need to find a new major.

Please help, fellow math enthusiasts.

>> No.2188745

The requirement to apply to the school of engineering is a 3.0 gpa cumulative, 3.1 in major, also you have to maintain that to stay in.

>> No.2188748


Learning math to a PhD level is like learning ~4 new languages, except you're taught each successive language in the last language you learned.

>> No.2188761

I say go for it. The absolute worst case is you give up after your 2nd year, and you'll have wasted two years.
I had to go through Computer Science to figure out I wanted to be a Math major. Wasted three years, but it was worth it just to find something.

>> No.2188782

math always looks complicated when you don't understand it, however even the most complicated formula is really a bunch of simple things put together.

So yeah, math is actually incredibly simple and obvious but it builds up on itself a lot and that's why it can look like a huge mess of symbols if you don't know the building blocks.

Another important thing about going into math is if you have a good imagination (by that i mean finding the "tricks" to solve problems). A difficult problem can often be solved in a few lines if you know the trick/simplification/substitution/etc. Imagination can also mean thinking about things abstractly(for example thinking about n-dimensional objects). We all know that the shortest distance from a point to a line is given by dropping a perpendicular from the point to that line, but does this result hold in higher dimensions? (yes it does)

>> No.2188789

it's perfectly fine to understand squat of what you call higher-lever math while in high school. if you in fact are that good at math in high school, there's a good chance (given I'm estimating your skills well enough) that you will do just fine (i.e. work a shitload but maybe even have good grades) in a math major. looking at things (for which you have not seen a definition yet) in a random fashion obviously can't lead to understanding anything. if you really want to see if it is something for you, you'll simply have to start with what one starts with in a math major: rigorous definitions of sets, cartesian products of sets, maps (aka functions), injectivity/surjectivity/bijectivity, complex numbers, matrices. all of that of course completely rigorous. read about that stuff, and if it suits you, go ahead!

>> No.2188798

do it

of course it looks hard, it's in a language you haven't been taught yet

>> No.2188800

only in very very special cases (i.e. pre-hilbert spaces). I'm smelling extreme undergrad here (maybe even high schooler wannabe math major).

>> No.2188805

damnit man of course i'm talking about hilbert spaces

>> No.2188810


AP courses are harder than their respective college courses.

In my experience it was like this.

AP Statistics = Elementary Statistics (Or whatever equivalent your college has)

Difficulty of AP Statistics = Difficulty of Prob. and Statistics

AP Biology = Intro to Bio I

Difficulty of AP Bio = Difficulty of Intro to Bio II

So on and so forth, everyone has told me the same thing about their AP classes being harder than the college courses.

So it seems to me like with your good grades on AP tests, you're off to a great start and you've got a good enough drive to take on any level of math that comes your way as long as you put work into it.

>> No.2188821
File: 281 KB, 800x400, fuckyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever this guy opens his mouth I die a little inside.

>> No.2188837

The people you know must be going to shitty schools brah

>> No.2188846

dat r

>> No.2188847

alright then, didn't mean to insult! while we're at it, and since there aren't enough math threads on /sci/ anyway, try to prove this as a fun/quick little exercise:

If <span class="math">X[/spoiler] and <span class="math">X'[/spoiler] are topological spaces and there is a continuous surjective map <span class="math">X \to X'[/spoiler] then we have:
<span class="math">\displaystyle X \text{ separable }\Rightarrow X' \text{ separable }[/spoiler]

it's really simple, but the reason why I'm showing you this is just because i find it really neat xD

>> No.2188850

lol, ap stat was nothing but stupid plug and chug, nothing like college probability/stochastic processes

>> No.2188854

damnit, online tex doesn't know \text -.-
Let me rephrase: If X and X' are topological spaces and there is a continuous surjective map from X to X' then if X is separable so is X'.

>> No.2188855

Its only harder because they don't have any time to study. In college, its 3 hours of classes, then go home and study of all day. Also, its college, you can stay up much later than in high school. Also theres less homework in science courses in college where as in high school you had to deal with history and english assignments.

>> No.2188857

>Should I be stressing myself as much as I do. Most of my fear comes from looking up random high-level math and going "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?"
I'm in a phd program right now, I say this pretty often.

If you're not saying this you're either not looking for hard enough material or you're lying to yourself.

>> No.2188866

can you believe it?

>> No.2188900

I think you got that backwards, if X' is separable then X is separable.

>> No.2188916

What do you suggest as far as more difficult material? Nothing my high school offers goes higher than AP Calculus AB. Are you suggesting I teach myself Calculus BC because it's something I've strongly considered (and would you suggest passing up a plausible 5 on the AB test to get a possibly lower grade on BC, a class that I had to self-teach?).

And there's no way I'm lying to myself. I did an optimization problem on my last test before we ever learned it. 5 minutes after I turned it in, our teacher said "Oops, go ahead and scratch out #whatever." I got it right. Calculus is easy in my experience.

What's hard but doable with a schedule that already barely allows me to get 6 hours of sleep a night? If I want, my teacher already told me I don't have to do homework. I do it anyway so I don't fall behind, but I have no quarrel with switching to harder material if you have any ideas.

Thanks for the input everyone. I really appreciate it.

>> No.2188929

Advanced math: Simple concepts expressed with complicated terminology gradually accumulating and building upon itself for centuries until it takes 10 years of school to be able to understand what's currently being done in some tiny subfield.

The problem with math is that everything is saved. Nothing ever gets scrapped and forgotten like it does in other sciences. Students basically have to learn ALL the math that's ever been done for the last 300 years to understand what's being done right now.

>> No.2188939


What do you mean it's psychologically detrimental? I love my choice of study with a passion, and it has truly defined some of my characteristics. I couldn't begin to imagine myself in a different path. Yea, there's the hours upon hours of working on 1 or 2 problems, but I love it and have fun the entire time and feel so fullfilled when I figure it out. The only thing I can think of that is detrimental is the sleep deprevation, which does definitely have a large impact on me psychologically, but my roomate who is a psychology major is just as sleep deprived. So thats true to many majors.

>> No.2188951
File: 115 KB, 286x293, mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ITT: Virgins.

Seriously, I've talked to 15 year old girls about Justin Bieber who were less embarassingly gushy.

>> No.2188966

well not really, just because most of the research that's being done in math right now uses very advanced notions doesn't mean it's not possible to prove some deep theorems using less modern stuff. Sure wiles proved Fermat's last theorem using algebraic curves but you never know, maybe fermat did have an easier proof.

>> No.2188981

nope, it's correct the way I said it.

>> No.2188999

You'll love it man. High school calculus is what opened up my love for math, and it only continued to grow exponentially (lulz, get it?).

Yes, the major is hard, but think heres the thing. Even though its one of the hardest ones, I feel like I'm taking the easy way out. I'm just naturally good at it, and I enjoy it so much. So to me, it's way easier than even some of the majors that are considered "easy" My lowest grades tend to be in social science and language arts classes. And those are the classes that stress me out the most when compared to all the countless math classes I've taken.

The ONLY thing I don't like is the lack of sleep. That can really get to you sometimes.

As for the looking at higher levels of math and getting nervous, fuck, I look ahead at the next fucking chapter of our book and get nervous in almost every class. But by the time you get there, you are always prepared. I've been scared shitless going into a class because I'm flipping through the textbook the night before the first day of the quarter and not knowing anything or recognizing what anything could remotely mean. But then you learn it.

Again, I love it. I wouldn't change to a different path for anything.You sound like the kind of person who would love it too. Just do what you enjoy. You can always start with a math major, and if you end up not liking it, you can easily switch to countless other majors.

>> No.2189015

>Sure wiles proved Fermat's last theorem using algebraic curves but you never know, maybe fermat did have an easier proof.

Fermat should be named King of /sci/. He is literally the world's biggest troll apart from Jesus. People will NEVER stop thinking "what if there's a simple proof?"

But actually, you can run searches of all possible proofs less than X lines long, and see that none of them lead to FLT. So I think it is known that there's no proof of FLT that is less than 500 basic steps, or something like that.

>> No.2189039


You're right that Fermat probably just fucked up the proof, but no they haven't. Brute forcing all 500 line proofs would be computationally intractable.

>> No.2189049

>you can run searches of all possible proofs less than X lines long

good one

>> No.2189063

its not,

take two disjoint spheres and project onto one sphere. its a surjective continuous map, source is separable and target isn't.

>> No.2189108
File: 14 KB, 300x348, 2009-06-08-Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>University of Michigan
>University of Wisconsin
>Shitty schools

>> No.2189112

inb4 ivy league/UC bullshit

>> No.2189116
File: 475 KB, 800x400, 1292112771331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here mine. spent way more time on it that i should have.

>> No.2189151


Michigan is okay but Wisconsin is shit.

>> No.2189155

Your roommate must be an idiot.

>> No.2189169

i loved living in Madison. The school seemed to be on par with what one should expect from today's wal-mart- sized state institutions of learning by the herd.

>> No.2189193
File: 126 KB, 450x373, fullretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, it's mfw you have never looked at US News and World Report and are clearly just making up bullshit

>> No.2189208

>6 hours of sleep
You have a real luxury. Wait until you do 4 hours on weekdays and 12 hours on weekends.

>> No.2189235
File: 64 KB, 1277x486, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It started as a way to pay the bills and quickly reverted into my studying only what I was interested in.

>> No.2189261
File: 275 KB, 962x485, damnit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2189262

wisconsin has one of the top 10 math departments in the country

>> No.2189639
File: 89 KB, 400x388, you-didnt-start-math-early-enough-youre-worthless-as-a-mathematician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2189753

Without making a gay poster, to be perfectly honest, the most useful things I learned in my undergraduate mechanical engineering career were graphic design and choice of typeface.

>> No.2189890
File: 24 KB, 500x224, Not_sure_if_serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without making a gay poster, to be perfectly honest, the most useful things I learned in my undergraduate mechanical engineering career were graphic design and choice of typeface.

Ironic and edgy, dude. Enjoy your refrigerator carton apartment.

>> No.2189914

Not joking. Currently a graduate student studying high angle of attack aerofoils. When trying to get private money, companies judge you 90% on appearance, 10% on content. NSERC is another matter. But really, that one required communications course that taught me what the proper use of white-space has much more than outlived the usefulness of any other undergraduate course I've taken.

>> No.2190069


Go for it! I'm also a highschoolfag and, seriously, teaching myself higher level math is quite possibly the most rewarding thing I've ever done (well, I'm STILL doing it). If you can understand it, it's fantastic! And if you can't? No big deal, you've not even finished Calculus yet, so it's not even expected of you.

Currently the two textbooks I'm reading are Topology, by James Munkres, and Fundamentals of Number Theory, by William LeVeque. I really heavily recommend the former, as it doesn't assume you know anything going into it. The latter I'm finding a bit tougher, but that's because I'm much, much better at topology than number theory.

Best of luck to you!

>> No.2190296
File: 572 KB, 956x614, 21312312321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2190317


"hey look at me i think im smart lulz"

Nobody cares what you're reading kid.

>> No.2190321

this is to be expected, since historical materialism is an objectively correct science

>> No.2190828

for the math majors ITT what kind of job prospects do you have aside from academia?

i dont know what to make of the math major 300k starting either

>> No.2190863
File: 54 KB, 720x296, 74402_946515787647_3600710_50595510_4301977_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2190893

looks like your nutrition class was allot better than mine

>> No.2190935
File: 98 KB, 1277x485, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2190953


Lol @ Navier-Stokes

>> No.2191076

soooo you math-students are happy abput your choise? I'm in my last school year, I'm wondering what to choose: math, physics, phylosophy or film direction...

>> No.2191251

Only major in math if you enjoy programming. In SOCAL people assume a math major can program very well. If you do choose math make sure you are a good numerical C/Matlab programmer.

It would be better, job wise, to major in comp sci discrete math) or electrical (continuous math).