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File: 66 KB, 640x480, 0214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2183455 No.2183455 [Reply] [Original]

Fetishes, /sci/. Why do they exist? What's the current thoughts/consensus?

I'd like to hear from the fields of Evolutionary Biology, Evolutionary Psychology, Psychology, and Anthropology.

Maybe the Sociologists can join in, just for laughs.

Mathematical Proof that Red Heads are Superior always Welcome.

>> No.2183461
File: 56 KB, 600x721, hot_redhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, redheads. Why do we even have other hair colors?

>> No.2183477

Straight shota & femdom reporting in.

>> No.2183480
File: 46 KB, 361x633, redhead hippie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, because that's totally a natural redhead.


>> No.2183492

Ooooh, that's a nice one. Put some bigger breasts on her and I'm good to go.

>> No.2183493
File: 37 KB, 400x262, 600full-simone-simons[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof delivered.

>> No.2183499
File: 334 KB, 439x559, Christina-Hendricks[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another proof.

>> No.2183515

Fetishism is prevalent due to the desentisisation and abasement of "normal sex", causing deviants to rely on more fantastical imaginings of sex for erotic stimulation.
Fetishes which involve sadomasochistic tendencies arise when one party sees the subjugation of another completely to their own will as an erotic stimulus, and the other desires to alienate themselves from their identity and responsibility by becoming the object of another's possession. This is unsurprising: today men are taught they are not subservient to any other, they are encouraged to believe that they are their own masters. A master which has nothing to be master over is a sad thing indeed, and he seeks to satisfy this sense of ownership he feels entitled to by owning another human being. A person who lacks the strength to be master, who has many responsibilities but not the strength to bare them, will seek to be relieved of his/her self by becoming an object unto another. Often both parties can be able to experience both of these pleasures. The pleasure of dominance and being dominanted. They are the pleasures of truly desparate spirits however.
There are different forms of beauty. Men are attracte to that beauty which arises from a higher dignity, and those ugly things which express a perverted morbid curiosity. Men are fascinated by that which they find most ugly. Where sex can no longer be seen as something of romantic beauty it must become morbid to attain it's value, hence all the most depraved pornography and fetishes.
The fact that feeligns shame, guilt and disgust is becoming more intertwined with sex is one of the most troublesome signs of our culture.

>> No.2183526
File: 4 KB, 338x215, 1290377744298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha op

>> No.2183533

I'm doing it Ironically, though. Also, I was a pretentious hipster long before it was popular.

And all penetration is rape. Gotcha. Seriously, Cicero, IF THAT IS YOUR REAL COGNOMEN, I expect better from an orator, a legisperitus... a civis.

>> No.2183586

On the contrary, I see all this as consensual, having nothing to do with rape. I do however think that is difficult to deny the ugliness of these fetishes. People are often ashamed of them, and intermix them with feelings of extreme guilt.

>> No.2183598
File: 53 KB, 529x700, RedheadIcecream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say redheads

>> No.2183604
File: 77 KB, 1280x800, Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fetishes might just be genetic mutations that cause certain combinations of sensory input to stimulate the mind in optimal ways that are specific to each person.

Probably not worth losing sleep over.

>> No.2183658

> herp derp evolution


>> No.2183674


I think it's more that an actual genetic predisposition to finding certain features, be they physical or mental, attractive gets mixed up with certain cultural things such as music, clothing, outlook on life, and the association causes the transfer of sexual attraction from the initial physical/mental attribute to the cultural attribute, creating a fetish.

>> No.2183714
File: 294 KB, 2242x1454, 1287991183859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say "redheads"?

>> No.2183717

Nope. GTFO

>> No.2183721

Sexual benefit to sexually unfit people as dictated by abstract reasoning.

A fat chick would never get laid on her own, however there is a small subset of men who are attracted to fatty.

A disgusting man may find himself a disgusting girlfriend, and still be able to fuck her because she wears a certain kind of shoe, or touches his dick with her foot.

In time genetic variance will produce people who run the gambit of attractiveness, but still have these fetishes. They genetic potential to develop one is probably a factor on its own, and what that factor matures into depends on the environment.

Likely it also has root in abuse, as people who are abused may be conditioned to dislike normal sex, so, as an evolutionary deal the abusee can still get off on sex unrelated to the abuse type. ensuring their genes do not die off.

>> No.2183771

I support red head endeavors