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File: 272 KB, 771x1080, god2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2182798 No.2182798 [Reply] [Original]

sup /sci/, God here.
Ask me anything.

>> No.2182808


>> No.2182811

Can you make a boulder so heavy that you can't even lift it?

>> No.2182812

What's that thingy at the end of a shoelace called?

>> No.2182827 [DELETED] 


>> No.2182830


>> No.2182838

are creationist retarded?

is the world 6k years old?

if yes, did the devil plant these fossils and DNA sequences to trick us or was it you to test our faith?

>> No.2182844

When is the last time you shaved or trimmed your beard?

>> No.2182859

>are creationist retarded?
yes. the bible wan't meant to be taken literally. i mean, really. i made your brains for a reason. fucking use them.
>is the world 6k years old?
see above.
>if yes, did the devil plant these fossils and DNA sequences to trick us or was it you to test our faith?
see above.

>> No.2182868

i don't really have beard. i chose that picture because i'm a fan of michelangelo's work.

>> No.2182958

If I could develop some means of going back in time I would definately go to the islamic times and bible times and fuck with jesus and muhhamed just for the shits and giggles, creating chaos throughout the world, would this make you mad?

>> No.2182969

Are you deistic or theistic god?

>> No.2182991

it would make me mad because time travel always creates causality bugs that take ages to fix.
i don't care much for philosphers trying to pigeonhole me into categories.
think of me in whatever way you want.

>> No.2182995

Do you have an... anything? Do you have a definite physical manifestation, or are you a being of pure energy? If so, can you take a physical form at will?

>> No.2183002

Is there an afterlife

Will humanity colonize space this century?

Is the heat death the way the universe will end?

>> No.2183007

who would win in a fight, you or superman (kryptonite cannot be used)

>> No.2183011

God why do you let religiouse fags live, they are stupid inferior being not worthy to walk on your earth?

>> No.2183026

>Do you have a definite physical manifestation, or are you a being of pure energy?
right now i'm using a human avatar.
"pure energy" is a nonsensical new-age technobabble.
explaining my true form and means of interaction with physical universe would require a lot of physics that you haven't invented yet.

>Is there an afterlife
this answer might dissapoint you, but no, there isn't.
>Will humanity colonize space this century?
it is one of possible paths of development.
>Is the heat death the way the universe will end?
it's just end of one cycle

>who would win in a fight, you or superman
me. what were you thinking? i'm the goddamn God.

>> No.2183031

1. there's no such thing as inferior being
2. they are amusing

>> No.2183030

what if superman had a beard? would that change anything

>> No.2183037

can you fart a cum bubble without having had sex in the butt first

>> No.2183043

yes if you have a certain wound or birth defect. but it's very unlikely.

>> No.2183048

>Is there an afterlife
this answer might dissapoint you, but no, there isn't.

Then can you make one?

>> No.2183049

God man, we have starving children in Africa? wat do?

>> No.2183051

What superpowers do I have

or that I think I have

>> No.2183059

>1. there's no such thing as inferior being
of course there is, why else whole species would die out. unless god killed them because they didn't lick his feet

>> No.2183062

>Then can you make one?
maybe in the next universe. would be way too much work to backport it to this one.
>we have starving children in Africa? wat do?
do whatever you believe is necessary.

>> No.2183068

Why did you not make one in this universe?

Also please I WANT TO LIVE

and I love you

>> No.2183073

they die out because they fail to adapt to changes in environment. but using word "inferior" is misleading.

>> No.2183080

well there is.
when you die and get buried in ground. you are food to many worms and bacteria. You give your energy to them to live and with them you live. then they get eaten with your energy. few times more you get eaten till your current energy host dies by natural causes and you return to ground again and cycle repeats.

This is heaven where there is no sadness no pain. just linving

>> No.2183081

hows kolob?

>> No.2183091

they are inferior to other species around them and die out since they can't get food and are easy food them self. inferior species what else...

>> No.2183103

can you make brett favre good again?

>> No.2183119

i guess you could put it that way.
ah, yes, mormonism is one of the more amusing religions.
well, the changes in environment are a bit of a lottery. species inferior in one setting might become superior in another setting. only by being at the right place at the right time.

>> No.2183157

Well then you're a shitty god. Not pure energy? Say it's too confusing to understand?
No afterlife?

You fucking suck. Fact is you're not omnipotent. We could probably kill you eventually. Fuck you God.

COME AT ME BRO. (if you're really powerful you'll show it by striking me down. But you can't, because you're a neutered deity who lost all his power in the creation of this realm and you suck big, fat, dicks.)

>> No.2183170

ITT: Cool God

I wish Christians and all the other religions believed in Cool God

>> No.2183187

this isn't cool god. No afterlife. Cool god would be a bro and give you the afterlife from pastafarianism. (Beer volcano anyone? Stripper factory?)

Flying Spaghetti Monster is coolest god.

>> No.2183193

>Fact is you're not omnipotent.
well, of course i'm not. that shit doesn't make any sense.
>Fuck you God.
fuck you too, man.
>if you're really powerful you'll show it by striking me down.
i don't do direct interactions. it messes with the physical model and tends to create singularities. and i don't feel like wasting resources on repairing the universe, just to show off to some humans.

>> No.2183205

If you are who you say you are, what assignment am I working on right now, or at least what's the subject?

>> No.2183215

See? You're useless. An god that is not omnipotent is not a god at all.

How dare you claim a title that you do not deserve? At best your description of yourself would be a "caretaker" of the universe.

In which case we have about as much to say to you as a schoolboy has to say to the janitor cleaning the cafeteria. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.2183216

trust me, you wouldn't enjoy afterlife. most people end up being all sorts of crazy when faced with eternal life without any environmental pressures.

>> No.2183232

Bullshit. Give me a universe to explore, that's all I need.

>> No.2183241

>If you are who you say you are, what assignment am I working on right now?
can't be bothered to find out. that whole omniscience thing is a bit of an overestimation.
well, i did design this universe. if you don't like, that's your problem, not mine. you're stuck in it for life, so deal with it.

>> No.2183260

We will eventually grow powerful enough to destroy you, architect. Your neglectful stance on the universe you created will be your downfall.

And when we have toppled you, we will create infinite universes far more majestic than your meager creation.

I may not live to see it, but the human race will prevail. We will strike you down like the false God you are, and to replace you, we will become Gods ourselves.

>> No.2183307

well, it's physically impossible to break out of the sandbox, so i'd really like to see how would you do that. you should get to work right away, you have only 10^50 years left

>> No.2183330

Your arrogance will be your downfall. Make your time.

>> No.2183340

you must be a fan of the matrix series.

>> No.2183351

Where do you come from?

>> No.2183365

How many other intelligent species have you made?

>> No.2183390

Boner achieved.

>> No.2183395

God, can you commit suicide?
Sincerely - Anonymous

>> No.2183404

less than you might think. there are currently six in the milky way, which is about an average number for a galaxy of this size.
i don't need to be omniscient to spot a samefag.

>> No.2183413

It's not a samefag. Shows how "powerful" you are. What a shitty "god".

>> No.2183414

At least you proved you're not omniscient.

>> No.2183417

Hey God, I'd like you to update the status on the age field buffer overflow discovered by that Jesus guy.

Is the bug closed?

And are you ever going to extend SPEED_LIM, right now 300,000km/s is really getting in the way of progress.

>> No.2183423

Did you know you're ugly?

>> No.2183425

1. who/what are you? I.e. describe yourself and properties of your existence

2. Do you have faith in your own existence or do you simply assume that you exist?

3. What do you think about prayer?

4. Can you ignore the laws of physics in the universe? If yes, please provide a demonstration. If no is it safe to say that you are not omnipotent?

>> No.2183447

How to humans rank intelligence wise compared to the other sentients?

>> No.2183465 [DELETED] 

>1. who/what are you? I.e. describe yourself and properties of your existence
sentient entity on a higher plane of existence. those are really just meaningless words, but i can't go into detail without using physics you haven't discovered yet.
>2. Do you have faith in your own existence or do you simply assume that you exist?
faith is a strictly human concept.
>3. What do you think about prayer?
waste of time. sorry if that upsets you.
>4. Can you ignore the laws of physics in the universe? If yes, please provide a demonstration. If no is it safe to say that you are not omnipotent?
this was already covered ITT.

>> No.2183470

nope, still working on it.
and i can't change c value at runtime, that would crash the universe.
>1. who/what are you? I.e. describe yourself and properties of your existence
sentient entity on a higher plane of existence. those are really just meaningless words, but i can't go into detail without using physics you haven't discovered yet.
>2. Do you have faith in your own existence or do you simply assume that you exist?
faith is a strictly human concept.
>3. What do you think about prayer?
waste of time. sorry if that upsets you.
>4. Can you ignore the laws of physics in the universe? If yes, please provide a demonstration. If no is it safe to say that you are not omnipotent?
this was already covered ITT.

>> No.2183482

you're about average, but with a certain growth potential. don't fuck it up.

>> No.2183494

How long until insects rule the eath?

>> No.2183556

they already do.

>> No.2183647


>> No.2183668
File: 310 KB, 804x768, Cool God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't follow the false god of OP. I'm the true one.

>> No.2183678

would you respect a religeous person who has faith in you but doesnt really do much to help human kind, wastes time converting more people

or a person who doesn't believe in a god (not necessarily that one cannot exist) but tries his best to improve the quality of human kind

>> No.2183680
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, 1384894531564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Zeus such a better god than thou?

>> No.2183682
File: 22 KB, 242x242, dawkins dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP confirmed for fag

>> No.2185472

the latter.
i don't need blind worshippers, i'd rather have people spend their time doing something worthwile.
zeus is one of the more interesting human invented gods.
this guy knows his shit, listen to him.