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2182481 No.2182481 [Reply] [Original]

Atheists (aka angsty teenagers) how does it feel to know that there's a group of individuals who are better in speculation and deduction than you?

Meet Agnostics. They are better in science than you. They're SURE that we can't approve or disapprove god using knowledge, so God and whether he exists remains undefined forever.

>> No.2182495

I want to play devil's advocate here, but I'm agnostic, so I'm pretty comfortable with apathy.

>> No.2182500

Why sage bro?

>> No.2182501


>> No.2182505

Nothing can be known for certain, but people say they know things all the time. It's not a matter of being absolutely correct, it's a matter of being most likely correct. Ironically, this makes atheists better at science than you; you'd be unable to claim anything as natural law, simply because you aren't able to observe the entire universe to verify that you're correct. An atheist would have no problem saying "it's close enough."

>> No.2182510

So you believe in God out of fear. That's stupid. What if God exists and chooses to send people like you to hell?

>> No.2182514

Ah....but you see, there are an infinite number of possible gods. If the atheist is wrong, than the Christian is still screwed, as chances of the Christian god being the true god are 1 in infinite. You're better off not worshiping anything, that way you can't piss off the true god by worshiping the wrong god.

Checkmate, Christians.

>> No.2182517

If a christian is wrong and one of the other 1,000,000 possible gods is true, he is fucked. Enjoy your Zeus shoving thunders up your ass, bitch.

>> No.2182521

I believe in what I see, and what can't bee seen, its existence is plausible. Hence agnosticism. Atheists can't think about anything else except some stale theories, But we explore the universe with uncertainty because we're better in science than you.

>> No.2182522

>They're SURE that we can't approve or disapprove god using knowledge, so God and whether he exists remains undefined forever.

But how can they be SURE that we can't approve or disapprove god using knowledge, so God and whether he exists remains undefined forever?

Meet Aagnostics. They are better in science than you. They're SURE that we can't prove or disprove that we can't prove or disprove god using knowledge, so god and whether we can prove or disprove whether we can prove or disprove whether he exists remains undefined forever.

>> No.2182525

Oh yeah? My god can beat your god up!

>> No.2182526
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>Atheists (aka angsty teenagers)

>> No.2182530

>They're SURE that we can't approve or disapprove god using knowledge, so God and whether he exists remains undefined forever.

But how can they be SURE that we can't approve or disapprove god using knowledge, so God and whether he exists remains undefined forever?

Meet Aagnostics. They are better in science than you. They're SURE that we can't prove or disprove that we can't prove or disprove god using knowledge, so god and whether we can prove or disprove whether we can prove or disprove whether he exists remains undefined forever.

>> No.2182533

Wow the Christian god sounds like a douche.
If you don't believe in him he sends you to hell.
That is why I believe in Zeus.
Dude just doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.2182535

Atheism isn't the claim to knowledge that God does not exist. Atheism is just the lack of belief in God. Most people are atheists because they have the position of being agnostic. Way to fail your definitions OP.

>> No.2182539

Nothing can be known for certain, but thinking that it is most likely correct that there is no God is why atheists fail at logic and at all forms of science.

>> No.2182542

Christianity doesn't offer partial credit, even if a devout Christian lives their whole life following their religion intently there's still no guarantee that they've followed it correctly. There are dozens of different Christian denominations, they cannot all be right can they? They're all still Christians though.

>> No.2182546

Except that if you had a beautiful wife or sister or mother or whatever that catches Zeus' eye, he'd rape the shit out of them and make you raise his little demigod babies. He's like a nigger except he's also a god.

>> No.2182548

That's a very esoteric definition of atheism you have. The common definition is the belief that God doesn't exist. Usually if you're going to use it to mean something like lack of belief you have to add a modifier, like "negative atheism" or "implicit atheism".

>> No.2182554

which god should i chose? Wrong one, you go to hell

so, 1 in 5 chance?

>> No.2182555

>There are dozens of different Christian denominations, they cannot all be right can they?
Sure, if by being right, you mean "having an absolutely perfect understand of absolutely everything", which is an absolutely retarded definition of "being right" which no one will ever satisfy ever.

>> No.2182556
File: 396 KB, 960x1280, 1258490958793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say that there is a all-knowing invisible palm-tree who created the universe. And you couldn't disprove it. That's the reason agnostics are retards.


>> No.2182560

Agnostics don't say they can't judge about there being an invisible palm tree. They say they can't judge about there being a God. You are retarded.

>> No.2182563

When you capitalize God, it stands for the singular creator of the universe. There are none to choose from. There can be only one.

>> No.2182568

why not a counsil of Gods? one of them being an omnipotent plam tree?

>> No.2182584

Exactly my point.
He is a god, and he fucking knows it.

>> No.2182590

Lord, if I pray to you in the hope of getting heaven for myself, you should deny it to me.

And if I pray for you only in the fear of hell, you should send me there.

Sufi Prayer.

A rare example of integrity in Abrahamic religions.

>> No.2182592

There are an infinite amount of possible gods. Your chances are 1 in infinite.

>> No.2182599

atheism; the government is God.
atheism; reality (the prison) is awesome.
atheism; claim everything in the universe is 'reality'.
atheism; don't trust imagination, just knowledge.
atheism; knowledge > love.
atheism; hate > love.
atheism; denial of being human.
atheism; denial of being united with humanity.
atheism; belief in the GMT clock system.
atheism; belief in the letter 'A'.
atheism; belief in the number '1'.
atheism; belief in money and economy.

They Say: 'God doesn't exist' (even though there is a hierarchy that plays the role of God in their lives, known as the government).

If you define Atheism as simply 'the lack of belief in God' then you're an idiot, the actual anti-religion goes a lot deeper than that. It's 'kill the truth' and 'live the lie', amongst other things.

Isn't it funny how scientists and atheists can explain to us how our planet came to be, and what we're made of, but at no point do they tell us how we got here, our family roots or anything about our past -- the furthest we go back is 'star stuff' and then 'we had sex'.

Atheism is the evil in the world, all the 'behead those who insult Islam' is for the greater Good. You kill all Atheists, you destroy Evil, you learn the truth and you will finally be free.

>> No.2182601

You can get into a morning/evening star type epistemological debate here, where arguably all Gods end up being the same thing.

But then there are an infinite number of ways to properly worship it/them, and you're still fucked.

>> No.2182602
File: 70 KB, 603x781, usandthem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this

>> No.2182603

Atheism: The belief there is are no gods

Source: Every reputable dictionary
Usage: Everyone who isn't a teenager rebelling against mummy and daddy or someone marketing books to teenagers

>> No.2182612

You have never read any scientific literature on the subject matter you are discussing have you?

a theism
Without the belief in a deity
word parts how the fuck do they work

>> No.2182613

So basically you assume that god is a cynical being that respects people throwing away convictions and principles in the hope of handouts in the afterlife.

>> No.2182619

Stupid Argument #1: The etymology of the word "atheism" means "a lack of belief".

A commonly repeated error is that the word "atheism" was derived from the prefix "a-", meaning "without", and the word "theism", meaning a belief in God. Therefore they claim that "atheism" means "without a belief in God". This is incorrect because the etymology of the word "atheism" derives from the Greek word "atheos" meaning "godless". The "-ism" suffix, which can be roughly mean "belief", was added later. The etymology of the word means "godless belief" not "without a belief in gods".

A couple of etymologies from respected dictionaries are shown below:

From Merriam-Webster Online:
Etymology of "atheism": Middle French athéisme, from athée atheist, from Greek atheos godless, from a- + theos god

From The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed.:
Etymology of "atheism": French athéisme, from athée, atheist, from Greek atheos, godless : a-, without; see a–1 + theos, god


>> No.2182620

are you fucking retarded? "a-theism"? do you really think that's how words work? grow a brain or a dictionary or preferably both.

>> No.2182621

Go away aether

>> No.2182623

>all the 'behead those who insult Islam' is for the greater Good
even to an obvious troll I must mention that in the western world only atheist liberals (secular humanist) are not militantly islamophobic

enjoy your never ending crusades against each other if secular people are exterminated

>> No.2182624

Not this faggot again.

Well, I guess we all know the appropriate course of action. Remember, sage goes in the email field

>> No.2182626 [DELETED] 

the doctrine or belief that there is no god.
disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

How exactly am I wrong again?

>> No.2182630

the doctrine or belief that there is no god.
disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

How exactly am I wrong again?

>> No.2182635

>a theism
>Without the belief in a deity

>the doctrine or belief that there is no god.

>> No.2182637

>Atheism is the evil in the world, all the 'behead those who insult Islam' is for the greater Good. You kill all Atheists, you destroy Evil, you learn the truth and you will finally be free.

Wow, aether has really gone off the deep end. Time to call in the mods.

>> No.2182644

We see a pollen grain dancing in water.
You say its god doing it
I four years later after intensive study and research and the use of crystalline xray photometry, and beta particle deflection test, demonstrate that its atoms in the water bouncing around causing the larger thing we can see bouncing around as well.

Who's view is based on observation

both, your's was based on an observation and explanation made long before you truly understood what you were seeing.

Mine on a constantly changing and adapting theory that is based on ever more accurate measurements and observations.

I believe my view is right, and in a dichotomy of right and wrong it is.

But to you it makes no difference, your explanation is still self consistent, it just isn't true.

Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.2182646

Atheism is a multitude of things, the definition has 'evolved', the modernized definition is 'lack of belief in God' -- but atheist also have 'pasts', there is a reason they are around, it's not just to express an opinion, if anything it's to suppress a belief; if people weren't educated dumb (to be careless, not to repent the government and just accept life as it is) then maybe theists could make a quick turn around on Atheism, but people are sooo fucking dumb.

>> No.2182652

see number two
disbelief - aka without belief
Also last time I checked supreme deity/being/god were the same thing.

>> No.2182656

>if people weren't educated dumb
>hurr durr
Go back to /r9k/

>> No.2182657

God is doing, God is 'us', and 'us' = every being in the entire universe. Being can stand for cloud, rain, planet, whatever. Actuality is wordless and numberless, therefore, all occurrences are a result of 'life' or 'everything'.

>> No.2182658

Stupid Argument #6: The Phrase "Tom does not believe in the existence of God" does not mean "Tom believes that God does not exist."

This idiotic argument is sometimes presented by brain dead morons who don't understand basic English grammar. I really don't expect most people to know that "raising" is the technical name for the location of the negative in the first sentence, or that raising simply shifts the negative from the subordinate clause where it logically belongs to the main clause, especially when the main clause’s verb is suppose, think, believe, seem, or the like. (Here are two links from The Columbia Guide to Standard American English that explain it: Link 1, Link 2)

However, I find it impossible to believe that anyone with half a brain would use this argument. The English language is literally filled with many common examples of raising. I'll post a few for clarity:

A) "I don't believe the mail has arrived" means "I believe the mail has not arrived". It does not mean that I don't have any beliefs about the mail arriving.

B) "I do not believe we missed the last bus" means "I believe we did not miss the last bus". It does not mean that I don't have any beliefs about missing the last bus.

C) "I don't think the kicker can make a 55 yard field goal" means "I think that the kicker can not make a 55 yard field goal". It does not mean that I did not think about the kicker making a field goal.

D) "I don't believe in the existence of deities" means "I believe that deities do not exist". It does not mean that I don't have any beliefs about the existence of deities.

>> No.2182660

The probability of it raining tomorrow is 0 (dependant on everything).

>> No.2182663

The probability of the world ending tomorrow is 0 (dependant on life).

>> No.2182664

The modern definition is the same as it has been for hundreds of years.

Atheism: The belief there are no gods

>> No.2182665

>we are all god
>hurr durr

>> No.2182668

>Christian is wrong: God actually appreciates reason, punishes blind faith, rewards atheists with heaven

What now

>> No.2182670

You call me a moron, yet we are both in a religious thread on /sci/.
Guess what we are both morons.

Also excuse me for not being a goddamn english teacher.

>> No.2182671

The definition has changed, as the contexts of the words used. The term God in modern times seems to refer more to the old man in the clouds. Words with their given archaic meanings can define completely different things. If you're an Atheist because you don't believe in the man in the clouds God, fine, then you're not an 'intelligent and aware atheist', just an angsty teen wanting to seem smart.

>> No.2182675

So then ebonics is a legitimate language then?

>> No.2182676

>it won't rain tomorrow
I'm 100% sure that, in approximately 24 hours, somewhere in the world, it will be raining.
>The world will not end tomorrow because life hurr durr

Yeah, unless someone hijacks some nukes and goes apeshit with them. Given, this is very unlikely, but the cause you're giving is bullshit.

>> No.2182677

No reputable dictionary has the 'lack of belief' definition, you know why? Only angsty teenagers and people selling them stuff use it.

>> No.2182679

No, Atheists reap the rewards whilst non-atheists (the people who care for humanity, who are resourceful and kind) live in either lesser heaven or hell. Sure, now your lives may be great, but in time as you destroy the planet, you will force hell upon everyone not atheistic for eternity. The time to kill your kind is now, and I dedicate my life to destroying you, in whatever way I can. The best thing I can do right now is spread the truth.

>> No.2182681

>hurr durr words change meaning hurrrrr
Uh oh, it looks like we got a rogue linguistic anthropologist on our hands.

Wait, he can't be any sort of anthropologist.......if he was, he wouldn't be such an enormous FAGGOT.

>> No.2182682

And this kids is why religious people arn't taken seriously.

>> No.2182684


>If an Atheist is wrong he goes to hell.


1. It's not guaranteed that Christianity is right.
2. You can't say who goes to hell or not. It's up to God to decide. Being Christian doesn't guarantee you Heaven and being Atheist doesn't automatically condemn you. Source: Christian theology.

>If a Christian is wrong nothing happens.

Wrong again.

There is no guarantee that there isn't some other form of afterlife.

>> No.2182687

God is the truth
Christianity is greater truth

Satan/Government is the lie
Atheism is the greater lie.

>> No.2182689

You're right OP. That's why I decided to turn to asatron.

Fuck yeah, Valhalla.

>> No.2182691

>The time to kill your kind is now, and I dedicate my life to destroying you, in whatever way I can.
You should be locked up, aether. Can you not see that your religion has turned you into a psychopath? If there was some way I could call the cops on you, I would. Unfortunately, I do not know you're location and thus cannot take a course of action that sees you being carted off to prison.

>> No.2182693

lower class - lesser heaven
middle class - heaven
upper class - upper heaven

no class - hell

no class should = heaven.

God never created Hell, God knew that if, we were careless, we would create it (which we have, in places all over the world).

>> No.2182694

Zeus is the truth
Christianity is his toenail


>> No.2182696

Not at all, I have bigger more important things to worry about that some poor troll who thinks that he's human.

>> No.2182697


well, the palmtree is clearly a god.

>> No.2182698


Get some help, aether. Go see a psychologist or something. Seriously, you're going to get yourself into trouble

>> No.2182699
File: 340 KB, 1118x1584, SanguiniusPrimarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The emperor protects.

Down with your false god Aether!

>> No.2182701

>some poor troll who thinks that he's human.
>who thinks that he's human.
Now we know you've lost it.

>> No.2182704

That's almost correct, it's 'a' God when the word 'a' is applied to it, that separates it from 'everything'. 'a' tree. If however it was 'the' tree, the prefix 'the' would imply that it's part of 'the', 'the' group.

>> No.2182707

I don't think that I am human.
I think that I am a magical corn cob that flies through the clouds stealing people's wifi and posting on /sci/.

And I also happen to believe that Zeus is the true god.
Yes only Zeus.

>> No.2182708

If a christian is wrong and a muslim is right
the christian go to hell.

>> No.2182709


>> No.2182710

>people say god is a douche for sending people to hell for believing in him
if i granted beings life, then offered them eternal life if the believed in me, id send them to hell too if they acted like i didn't exist

>> No.2182711


Well the tree is in all of us. It is a specific tree, because it is THE palm tree of creation.

The palm tree does not believe in hell and therefore never created it, so as long as I believe in the palm tree, I will go to paradise.

Problem, christfags?

>> No.2182719

Exactly why Zeus is so much better.
He doesn't give a flying fuck what you do,

>> No.2182720

The palm tree is merely symbolic. You see in our reformed church we accept the coconut as the true originator.

I point out that our founding text "the lexicanum coconutia" was written two hundred years earlier than yours and is thus a better source of truth.

Needless to say the perfection of the prose found throughout the book is ample evidence of its divine nature.

>> No.2182721


word, Zeus and Odin is godtier gods. 'god' and 'allah' is shit tier.

>> No.2182727

Aether, the god you are talking about is merely an avatar of the coconut.

This was revealed to me privately in the form of an angel.

Many other prophets in time have had this visitation.

To deny the one, true coconut is to put your soul in great danger.

>> No.2182730

Okay, describe Zeus in your own words. Claiming the believe in the 'word' Zeus as it has a definition is belief in the word, the not being.

>> No.2182731
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Doesn't the Bible condemn gambling? Surely acting according to Pascal's wager would get you sent to hell?

I'm also wondering what kind of troll thread this is. The fact that OP capitalised the word "sure" makes me wonder whether he's making a point about the hypocrisy of internet "agnostics" who act like Pyrrhonian sceptics when talking about whether or not god exists, but believe the statement "no-one can know whether god exists" as if it were a necessary truth.

The post seems to be such a caricature of the retarded statements by pretentious high-schoolers who think agnosticism is incompatible with theism atheism that I'm inclined to say it's a rather obvious piece of satire that has still managed to go over /sci/'s head.

I fucking hate you guys. I hate you guys so much that I'm going to post an xkcd comic.

>> No.2182733

>poking fun about how divided the christian church is
Imitation: It isn't the sincerest form of flattery. In fact, sometimes it's not flattery at all.

>> No.2182736
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>> No.2182739

It doesn't work like that, because you can believe in Just the Palm Tree and kill all other trees, creating a desolate wasteland on earth, therefore you will go to hell. God doesn't forgive and doesn't forget, if you burn all trees, God will not suddenly create more.

Heaven and Hell with one quote:
"With the birds, or with the flies?"

>> No.2182743


>> No.2182744

It would be wise to worship the wisest being, as everything is God, and named through theism, the best option would be to worship the wisest 'the' (someone such as the pope, well... maybe not that pope).

>> No.2182746

Why should I describe Zeus when you have not described your own god?
You will learn of Zeus when he turns into a swan and fucks your ass tonight.

>> No.2182747

Silly bitch, he said nothing about killing the other trees. Also, you have been reported for your faggotry. If we are lucky, you will be banned.

>> No.2182751

I must admit, out of all the faggot trolls that I've met in my time, you are the worst.

>> No.2182755

>worship the wisest being
>I see where you're going with this

Nice try, faggot

>> No.2182761

That must be quite the compliment coming from you.

>> No.2182762

It would be wise to worship the wisest being, as everything is Zeus, and named through polytheism, the best option would be to worship the wisest 'the' (someone such as Zeus who rules over the Pantheon).

>> No.2182765

>goes to /sci/
>attempts to promote theism
>says that all atheists must die
>calls me a troll
Projecting much?

>> No.2182766

Well, I am the 4chan paradoxical 'one', and the wisest on 4chan -- therefore I should be worshipped here. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in my beliefs, the higher conciousness must hold more aware Jesuits currently doing espionage.

>> No.2182770

I always thought Zeus was lightning.

>> No.2182772

Also to anyone that was there and remembers.
The battle on jupiter between Ted and Zeus ended in a draw.
Afterwards they went for hookers and ice cream.

>> No.2182773
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>goes onto /sci/
>tells us to worship him
>expects something other than ridicule

>> No.2182775

No but he has lightning, and he chucks it at people he doesn't like.

>> No.2182776
File: 139 KB, 794x599, 794px-OdontodactylusScyllarus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I was just kicking ass in the ocean then some jackass makes a religion thread on /sci claiming his religious sect out of 36000 of a certain religion type out of 100 million religions in the world is the right one. How arrogant can you be? Seriously?

>> No.2182780

Zeus is Magnets as well. He is the most powerful of the gods and dwells upon mount Olympus.

>> No.2182782

lol but you guys believe we came from chemicals and words, whilst I believe we came from colours and life.

>> No.2182784

lol, I know, right?

>> No.2182785
File: 29 KB, 450x338, fuck_yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be wise to worship the wisest being
i always knew it was best for me to worship myself.

Alpha as fuck.

>> No.2182786

>us' = every being in the entire universe
fuck you murkans thinking you are the most important thing in the universe!

>> No.2182787

If a Christian is a christian- he is a fool.

If a person is not a christian- he is not a fool.

I think I'll take the latter.

>> No.2182788

All real Religions are related.
Therefore there is only one real God.
Sure, atheists can create other pretend Religions and change the contexts of words to pit us against each other, but they'll never get far -- God always wins.

>> No.2182789
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Its not a belief system stupid fuck. Get out. Don't make me get nasty.

>> No.2182791

Just chemicals, actually.

Also, how can life come from life? Sure, there's the whole chicken and the egg debate, but we're talking about a period of time where there was no life for life to have come from, just a bunch of chemicals.

Confirmed for insanity.

>> No.2182797

>implying you're not already nasty

>> No.2182799
File: 213 KB, 500x500, Rape-God-Gloat-to-Satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All religions
Holyshit we got a wild delusional man here! WDMs are real dangerous!

>> No.2182800

God is life

>> No.2182801
File: 148 KB, 631x481, hahano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All real Religions are related.
Learn to cultural anthropology.

>> No.2182805

yes it is, if you didn't 'believe' in rationality, you wouldn't 'believe' what you do. faggot.

You believe pi = 3.14
You believe numbers exist.
You believe words exist.
You believe in lies.


>> No.2182809

>herp derp I took a class once
learn to comparative religions

>> No.2182810
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>> No.2182815

Atheists; scared of Hell, so they control heaven whilst spreading Hell to the theists.

>> No.2182818
File: 87 KB, 600x600, 1290287431836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes it is, if you didn't 'believe' in rationality, you wouldn't 'believe' what you do. faggot.
>implying rationality is a belief, not a sign of a healthy mind
Seriously, get some help.

>> No.2182820

"the last supper"

-wisest man in the world, aether

>> No.2182822
File: 82 KB, 210x262, sb34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all the fun trolls are having here. We all know no self-righteous religious person of any kind would be on 4chan.

>> No.2182824

there are two types of rationality.

1. nihilistic, meaningless, evil
2. optimistic, meaningful, good

1 = unhealthy
2 = healthy

so, even you're rationality is stupid. LOL

>> No.2182835
File: 34 KB, 658x569, inigo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rationality... I don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.2182837



>> No.2182840

rational thinking is a tool to describe world. not a belief system.

>> No.2182846
File: 7 KB, 170x170, dotjpg (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and here

>rationality is a belief

>> No.2182848
File: 72 KB, 200x299, gtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>herpaderp, I'm so insane I'm not even trying to make sense anymore!
>herpaderp, I am the wisest poster on 4chan YOU SHOULD ALL WORSHIP ME
I really hope all these reports I'm submitting lead to your ban.
>Your rationality is EVIL while mine is SPARKLY UNICORNS AND RAINBOWS GOOD!
>implying aether is rational at all
How is life without sanity going for you?

>> No.2182854
File: 50 KB, 734x703, dotjpg (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u so desperate and suppressive

>> No.2182856

>some cubic shit
How the fuck did you get out of your straitjacket? Do your caretakers know where you are?

>> No.2182857



>Spaghetti is a crocodile.

>> No.2182863
File: 29 KB, 310x290, dotjpg (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to escape the field I was trapped in with all the other cows... it doesn't seem as if you managed to do the same...

>> No.2182865

Desperate to get the little piece of shit that is you off this board, that's what!

Are you sad because your mommy and daddy let the scary men from the psychiatric hospital take you away?

>> No.2182878

Dude the whole "they're being mean to me, I'm so reasonable" sympathy act isn't going to work coming from someone that wants to destroy a group of people.

>Atheism is the evil in the world, all the 'behead those who insult Islam' is for the greater Good. You kill all Atheists, you destroy Evil, you learn the truth and you will finally be free.

>> No.2182880
File: 16 KB, 251x183, lolatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2182891

the motherfucking time cube???

okay, you trolled well so far, but this one was too obvious. 0/10

>> No.2182901

>Nothing happens

except living by a shit set of rules and being tithed. Oh and lets not forget that blood transfusions are a sin and prayer is the best medicine so you get to die needlessly too.

>> No.2182909

do we live cautiously, mooooooo, so we can make it safely to death?

>> No.2182916

Never gonna bump you up, always gonna sage you down

Eventually going to run around and desert you

I'm gonna make you cry It's time to say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and FUCK YOU

>> No.2182931
File: 29 KB, 354x398, srius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact: satan is not a name, it is a title, as in THE satan. the satan is an angel that works as God's prosecutor. so...basically he's kind of a lawyer...
hurrah for misunderstandings?
also: in older translations of the bible, you know, the PURER ones, Lucifer and Adam is the same person.

>> No.2182933
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The more you put me through
The more it makes me wanna come back to you
You say you hate me, I just love you more
You don't want me, I just want you more
I buy you flowers, you throw 'em at me
I know it's sad but it's making me happy
The more that you slap me, the more that it turns me on
'Cuz you love me and I love you more

'Cuz I hate you, do you hate me?
Good, 'cuz you're so fuckin beautiful when you're angry
It makes me wanna just take you and just throw you
on the bed and fuck you like I don't even know you
You FUCK other people and I FUCK other people
You're a SLUT, but i'm equal, i'm a MUTT, we're both evilin our ways
but neither one of us would ever admit it
'Cuz one of us would have one up on the other so forget it
We can make accusations, people spread rumours
But they ain't got proof, 'till they do, it's just the two of us
You and me, 'cuz any chick can say that she's screwin' me
But you gotta believe it to a degree 'cuz true indeed
If you didn't I wouldn't be hittin', yeah I would
'Cuz the sex is too damn good, if I ran, who would I run to
that would be this soft and warm? So it's off and on
Usually more off then on but at least we know that we
Share this common bond, you're the only one I can fuck
without a condom on.

>> No.2182940
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Carl Sagin'

>> No.2182941
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