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2182268 No.2182268 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/ I was just accepted into my local university for psychology. What can I expect in my first year ? I've already watched a few psych videos on some of the basics, any other psych students here ?

>> No.2182270

generalizations, subjective data, correlation implying causation, overapplied data, poor method and experimental design, etc.

>> No.2182276

Awesome, I have no idea about any of that... I don't suppose you have any textbooks I can find online to have a read through ?

>> No.2182281

Sure. Just find any college textbook used freshman or sophomore year with the word "Psychology" on the front.

>> No.2182285

Basically psychology is all bull-shit, thats what he said.

>> No.2182292

Just in practice throughout its entire history.
theoretically it's great.

>> No.2182308

Explain ? I don't see how studying someone behavior can be "bullshit" ?

>> No.2182311

I din't say it was bull shit it's just all the stuff in the post was alluding to it not being a hard science. I don't think there is any problem with it do what you like.

>> No.2182322

There's nothing inherently wrong with the concept of applying the scientific method to the human mind and behavior. However, continuously throughout the history of Psychology, there have been serious endemic flaws in data collection, data analysis, and theoretical explanation. For instance, how do you compare one person's answer on a happiness scale, say a 6, to another person's? Does that datum have any meaning? It is also the same field that, through these poor practices, advanced ridiculous Freudian ideas such as the Oedipal complex, etc. if you're interested in the human mind and behavior, go into neurology.

>> No.2183875

well it will all depends for what your going to psychology clinic education or organizations but basicly youll see crap like basic to be honest but fun dou get to train rats or animal even humans if you experiment whit your families not so ethical but hey its fun !!!

>> No.2183896


expect a slightly more scientific version of english class

and lots of girls, so if you're good in that department, enjoy.

>> No.2183919

GIRLS yeahp lots of them and they are pretty knky !!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2183941

There's gonna be a lot of insecure physicists complaining. Be prepared.

The younger they are the more they will complain.

>> No.2184051

Psychology USED to be an actual science.

Psychology, anthropology, and philosophy are now essentially liberal circle jerks that have been ruined by political correctness.

Massive amounts of psychology majors graduate each year so the typical 4 year degree is useless. Expect to have a phd if you want to make any real money in the field.

As others have said, there are lots of girls in the class, and alot of the material is very useful and interesting. Just understand that psychology is now a liberal arts degree.

>> No.2184064




>> No.2184075

Wow I slept and my thread is still going , Keep in mind I live in Australia and psychology is no where near as popular as it is in the US. From the people I have spoken too psychologist usually earn between 70-80k after uni.

>> No.2184198

psychology has the most number of people unhappy with their majors

>> No.2184228

Because psychology also has the largest amount of people taking it as their majors.

Psychology has a serious image problem, mostly because it's so easy to do crackpot research. Also, lots of scam artists try slapping "therapist" next to their names to make money.

>> No.2184232


You would be unhappy too if you were 60k in debt from student loans with no job opportunities and had consciously go against what research proves just to be politically correct.

>> No.2184243

>i'm going to pigeonhole what I don't like!

>> No.2184252

Study Evolutionary Psychology.

>> No.2184261

I am quite interested in evolution despite never actually reading much about it before.