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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2178500 No.2178500 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/'s getting casual and mainstream lately, better clean out the unworthies.

>> No.2178513

every science is a pseudoscience

>> No.2178516

Agnostic detected.

>> No.2178524

1) my social life is dwindling
2) im pretty big
3) i am not a virgin
4) i do get laid regularly
5) i have been in a relationship before
6) i do have grotesque facial hair
7) im male
8) im going to attend a CC
9) i dont think ive learned in psuedosciences
hmm... i think i failed

>> No.2178517

All but 7.

Are you saying you want to KEEP OUT actual scientists and mathematician who don't fail at life?

Is this some kind of reverse troll?

>> No.2178531

>implying actual scientists and mathematician don't fail at life
>implying those that have a life aren't either a celebrity or do very little science/math in comparison to the rest of the field

>> No.2178545

>implying actual scientists and mathematician don't fail at life
Keep telling yourself that, Mr. Community College

>> No.2178555

>implying "scientists" or "mathematicians" that don't fail at life aren't going to a community college instead of a university

>> No.2178562


>> No.2178563

1) Sort of, but I can count my friends on one hand and they play magic cards.
2) I don't try to be skinny. It just happens.
3) Umad?
4) Not so mad
5) Implied by 3
6) Not currently, but I only bother to shave weekly-ish, so it gets pretty bad by the end.
7) Nope
8) Nada
9) Mandatory credit to grad, it happens. Also, it was psych, and we did a decent amount of biopsych and discussed more experimental results than anything else, it was about as hard as a complimentary study course gets.

>> No.2178565


>> No.2178586
File: 260 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2010-01-03-22h35m27s0[citizen_kane].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Unlike the fail science and math majors that actually have a life, I'm intelligent enough to afford and attend a regular eight-year college. I actually have intellect and skills, and not pseudointellectuals who just show off their so-called "intelligence" to everyone else in order to get noticed, paid, laid, etc. It's a disgrace, fucking cunts should be cut to pieces.

>> No.2178608

I'm mocking people who think a pursuing/obtaining a university degree in the sciences makes you a failure at life, while community college means you're somehow better.

Aren't you saying the same thing?

>> No.2178625

i match with 6/9

i'm not going though...

>> No.2178628

Going to a community college makes you an automatic failure. Those who go are lazier and not goal-oriented, and'll mostly spend time into socializing than actual science and math. Those who have successful social lives have little-to-none chance to succeeding science and math for the reasons just previously stated. They're fail scientists/mathematicians if they do, only the ones that stick to themselves and their work are the real deal.

>> No.2178705


Virginfag detected. Go be butthurt about your lack of people skills somewhere else.

>> No.2178717

>Virginfag detected.
Like that's a bad thing. Women are unintelligent fucks that'll only recognize your intelligence and intellectual skills if you have good looks to go with them, which is hard to come by. And those that do fit the bill aren't really intelligent, just cunts quoting what they learned from Nation Geographic, and still somehow get perceived as "intelligent" by other idiotic fuckers.

>> No.2178722


People who go to community college are the ones smart enough to realize they can finish the first two years of a bachelor's degree at a fraction of the price.

>> No.2178730

That's cheating though, and just manipulating the system in a way.

>> No.2178738


Wow. Your adolescent angst is frighteningly sad. If only someone had loved you at some point.

>> No.2178745


No it's not. There's no rule that says one must spend the entirety of their student career at a single institution.

>> No.2178758


haha, self-defense mechanism at its best

how deluded can people be...

>> No.2178767

It's still cheating that puts them at a disadvantage at the end. If they weren't smart enough to attend a regular university in the first place, they should never be allowed in one, ever.

>> No.2178783

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Nope, Oxford
9. My degree is in physics and philosophy lol

>> No.2178788


>> No.2178792


Explain two things: first, how exactly it is cheating; second, what exactly it is cheating.

I didn't go to a community college, but sometimes I wish I had. I would have saved a ton of money and ended up with the same degree.

>> No.2178794

>community college
>PAYING for university

fuck yeah USA?


>> No.2178807

1.) yep
2.) skinnyfat, 6ft 140 pounds so meh
3.) still am
4.) see above
5.) yep
6.) yep
7.) no
8.) no
9.) no

u jelly

>> No.2178840


It isn't. People who go to a Comm. College endure the same amount of bullshit, one way or the other, down the road.

For the record, I attended a Comm. College for two years and transferred to a decent 4yr with a good GPA. I knew all of the pre-requisite information necessary to perform the required tasks that my upper-tier classes demanded of me, and that was thanks to my Comm. College education. I did endure some bumps in the road, and had to struggle my way through some classes but, in the end, I made it through with a decent grade.

Four other people from the same Comm. College transferred with me to this specific school. Two dropped out; the other person is doing relatively well, but struggling to stay above academic probation. It is largely dependent upon the student; not the fucking Comm. College.

To all those 'comm college haters': Stop blaming your personal lack of knowledge, study-time or commitment to your work on other people. You're better than that. When the fuck did you start blaming people for the shit in your life? No one is cheating. Get the fuck over this absurd notion.

Anon with a Masters of Science in Mathematics, currently involved in a PhD program in a dignified University.

>> No.2178841

1) If drinking like a rebellious teenager and dancing to shitty music is having a social life, then I don't have one
2) Fucking fit, heavier than average
3) Virgin, I'll blame my phimosis. I could've fucked but was too much of a pussy to reveal my tight skin
4) Enjoying my hand regularly
5) I have, I even was with a nigger once
6) lol i don thave beard when ur 14
7) Nope
8) No
9) No


>> No.2178902

1) Have a quiet but existent social life.
2) Skinny
3,4,5) Have had sex with 6 girls and have a girlfriend.
6) Don't have a neckbeard
7) Ima dude.
8) Wtf is a community college?
9) Nope.

Electronic engineer that wants to go into designing audio systems, 20.

>> No.2178910

1) 0
2) 1
3) 1
4) 0
5) 1
6) 0
7) 0
8) 0
9) 1

>> No.2178924

Community college during summer to jump ahead in math in high school
Does that exclude me? :<

>> No.2178935

Oh shit that excludes me too

>> No.2178940

Yes, by a lot.

>> No.2178950

Tall, thin non virgin male here. Decent well groomed beard. No social life or gf though. I also actually know what the fuck I am talking about when I post which is more than most. Can I stay?

>> No.2178951

I may be a virgin etc. but at least I am rational enough to attend community college the first 2 years and save money.

>> No.2178959
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ooh, get you. too good for simple yes's or no's
answering in binary :D

>> No.2178961

>attends community college
>assumes he's rational