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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2175605 No.2175605 [Reply] [Original]

>Mfw I pick Osmium
>Mfw the sentence I pick is "As dense as most Americans."
>Mfw Aced because no one cares about Osmium

>> No.2175617

>Pick Iron
>"It helps skyscrapers and shit"

>> No.2175627

>"Last as long as an Aid ridden Nigger"

>> No.2175634

>Pick Silicon
>The 'new' carbon

>> No.2175635


It's the new phosphorus.

>> No.2175638


>> No.2175639

>that shit that no one can obtain

>> No.2175642


>kills everything awesomely

>> No.2175644

>"I gave your mother the big O last night."
>Aced because no one cares about Osmium

>> No.2175654

>"It attracts me to strip clubs"

>> No.2175662

>Has one proton

>> No.2175663


>> No.2175664

>My precious

>> No.2175668

>Mfw I pick tachyons
>Mfw the sentence I pick is "I don't know which element to pick."
>Mfw I have to pick my favorite element and write a sentence about it.

>> No.2175676

Any one have an awesome periodic table of elements for me to print?

(At pawn shop) Ey, you! Come back here with my gold!

>> No.2175674


>The fifth element!

>> No.2175672


"Going backwards sure is fun"

>> No.2175679


Tsk... Tsk...


>> No.2175687
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in the early days of sci we had info and wallpaper threads all over the place.

>> No.2175690



>> No.2175691
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>> No.2175697
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>> No.2175699

Woops, thats the shells. I'd still use it though, that's one that would be nice to have.

>> No.2175709

>Planet, God, liquid metal ftw

>> No.2175714

>hardest metal known to man

>> No.2175715

>Discovered in same year as I was born (1998)
>What is this

>> No.2175719
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More like BORE-on AMIRITE?

>Everyone forgets this motherfucker is an element
>Failed: Tinfoil is aluminum


>> No.2175720


This one gets me every time

>> No.2175727

Except you miss the alternative meaning of "the fifth element" as in the film of the same name. I approve of that poster's sentiments whether or not it's what they intended.

>> No.2175729

wtf. your like 12.

>> No.2175736


I am 12 and what is this

>> No.2175730


>> No.2175733

>>2175687 gas welding with Argon
>>2175687 drawn up by a nonce

>> No.2175737

> technetium
> atomic number 43
> no stable isotopes

When I went to see that movie I made this joke SO MANY TIMES.

>> No.2175742



Thanks for the periodic tables guys :D (Now I can have something interesting to look at during my test.. that'll probably keep me from going to sleep/failing :P

>> No.2175745

Nitrogen. It's in my poop.

>> No.2175753

ARRRGGGGGGGONNNNN, doesn't that just sound like something you would yell at someone?

>> No.2175756


Oh god yes

>> No.2175757

>'splodes in water

>> No.2175760

>needed for pencils

>> No.2175763


Rage will be made

>> No.2175767

My favorite element is dubnium, cause check out mine

>> No.2175772
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>MFW Neon "because I liked the Matrix"
>MFW points for trying

>> No.2175777

Adamantium because once it's cooled, it's indestructible

>> No.2175776

>Superman's homeworld

>> No.2175790

>My cellphone
>I waste countless hours typing on it in class while I steal work off nerds, therefore passing class and a free ride to college

>> No.2175794

>Protects me from the void.

>> No.2175800

>implying the void still isn't covered because the Swedes don't know how to level design

>> No.2175807

>Some men just want to watch the world burn.

>> No.2175818
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Let's talk about Fluorine.

Fluorine is the most reactive and most electronegative of all the elements. SO BOW DOWN

This shit doesn't exist in nature in it's elemental form because it's so reactive but it will FUCK YOUR SHIT HARD if you attempt to RELEASE THE BEAST. Don't ask me, though, just ask all those stupid scientists that died trying.

Hydrofluoric Acid; put it in glass Pyrex it's like FUCK THAT SHIT and eats right through it. Iron? No problem. Lead? Fuck you.

Fluoroantimonic Acid; strongest acid know to man. You even think about touching this shit your whole family dies and your stupid cats. ALIEN BLOOD EAT YOUR HEART OUT. You can only store it in a Teflon container, which reminds me..

Polytetrafluoroethylene, aka Teflon; one of the most corrosive resistant and stable compounds known to man. Suzy homemakers reading this better check their panties. You can't fuck with this shit OH, I FORGOT, unless you have...

PERFLUORODECALINE; this shit DISSOLVES teflon. LOLZ, YOU NEED FLUORINE TO BEAT FLUORINE. Bitches. Oh, and you can dissolve a shitload of oxygen in this and BREATHE LIQUID. Well, at least until you don't die from carbon dioxide build-up. But FUCK YOU only pussies die.

Uranium Hexafluoride; you need this to isolate U-235 from naturally occurring Uranium to make an atomic bomb. Yep, that's right bitches, without fluorine all those stupid gooks would still be alive. HA HA!


>> No.2175819

>Sb antimony
>Because it's funny that there isn't an s or a b in antimony, but there is some b and some s in your fucking assignment you college dropout fuck, it must be horrible for your self-esteem that you're too stupid to do anything but teach high school.

>> No.2175827


I love you

>> No.2175829

I think that's more than 1 sentence

>> No.2175837
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u jelly?

>> No.2175838

>Because I can turn it into gold, amirite?

>> No.2175863

It sounds like something you'd say when taking a shit

>> No.2175875

You're fired.