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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2175044 No.2175044 [Reply] [Original]

something stores your memories, spirit, soul.

what is it?

the survivors or Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not have their memories erased by the EMP.

is it gravity? and if it is, what is the upper limit to length of the storage?

>> No.2175092,1 [INTERNAL] 

Are you trolling or are you just stupid?

>> No.2175050

your brain... when it gets flattened... memories go away

>> No.2175079

EMP does erase semiconductor memory. Didn't someone prove back in the 1980s that only a semiconductor can store memory? (latch) If so, then the semiconductor form of carbon would be what stores memory if it were stored chemically within the brain. Yet EMP randomizes memory...

>> No.2175092


>> No.2175099

physical changes to your brain matter cause loss of memory, consciousness, hallucinations and death of course. Chemical changes (such as drugs) also cause hallucinations and if used enough brain damage. A less developed brain produces a simpler thought proses, compare a 5 year old child to an adult. From these observations i conclude that: that which is responsible for memory, perception and this "soul" thing you refer to is actually the physically alterable and therefore physical brain!

>> No.2175137

Memory can be held by anthing that can be set to a binary state and read. You can create memory stores out of Lego.

>> No.2175151

this could just be a sign that the interface between gravity and the physical or chemical (electron / neuron) control and feedback interface becomes distorted and reduced in capacity.

therefore it is not proof that memory is not stored upon gravity

>> No.2175167

gravity = mass (e=mc2).

gravity is a valid component of atoms and molecules

what proves that it isn't the component that constitutes the storage?

>> No.2175176

Noting, but lack of proof is not the same as proof.

>> No.2175194

what s the range of gravity of a single atom? at least the distance between here and the center of the galaxy. (a radius which can be expressed as a sphere having volume)

strange how people think, given this physically vast storage volume, that the relatively microscopic volume of the mass or matter component is responsible

>> No.2175201
File: 56 KB, 715x560, fuck this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the physics in here...i swear...

>> No.2175210

As long as it is interpreted the same way

>> No.2175253

say i want to move my arm

precisely explain how this is possible, how I am able to impose my will upon atoms and electrons and force them to comply with my commands

the precise mechanism is not known, even though the question has been heavily researched for many decades

neurosurgeons still do not understand how it is possible to do that, only that it can be done. the precise mechanism escapes them

is the will stored on energy, matter, or gravity?

if matter, then explain precisely how this matter is able to control the flow of electrons

>> No.2175269

since the control mechanism is via electrons, or energy, rather than matter, why would one think that matter physically stores the will?

>> No.2175276

how does a computer control the flow of electrons?

>> No.2175296


and yet an operating computer is returned to a randomized state by EMP

>> No.2175324

Carbon based life forms are alot more complicated than computers. Natural selection has also guaranteed that they are able to withstand quite a few things. Trying to understand a brain is gonna take forever, almost impossible because itd be hard not to destory the soft thing when looking around. All we know is that they use alot of electricity and are made of different elements, not just metals.

>> No.2175448
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>> No.2175460

Ah a bunch of engineers looking for the soul, just delightful.

>> No.2175527


Seriously man. I'm in a introductory circuits course and my professor works on some gov't-funded multi-core processor research, yet he is a born again christian who has told the entire class several times how amazing God is and how we must fear him.

>> No.2175541
File: 31 KB, 265x350, guy-laughing-at-you-thumb1094641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spirit, soul.

Do you still believe in Santa Clause too?

>> No.2175555
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>engineering prof believes in a god who will send him to hell for his deviant lifestyle

I said it once, and I'll say it again.

>> No.2175565
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>spirit, soul.

There is ZERO evidence supporting the existence of a "spirit" or "soul". GTFO with your Fairytale BULLSHIT

>> No.2175575
File: 24 KB, 502x391, 1270664214909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brain stores your memories
The spirit and soul, do not exist.


>> No.2175580


Oh I am sorry there is someone in this thread who has solved the mind-body problem everyone. Let's hear his thoughts.


>> No.2175583
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Seriously man.....engineers are faggots

>> No.2175598

This says otherwise: way past any measure of statistical probability...


way too many standard deviations here

what is the explanation for this?

this isn't about whether there is a God or not
this is about whether there is life after death.

life after death would not prove the existence of a God.

>> No.2175600
File: 45 KB, 640x553, bucket-of-fail-demotivational-poste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the article dumbshit.
The "mind" is part of the "body".
What you call mind is all explained with science, as being complex processes occuring in your brain. Problem solved.

Did you never take a college Phil course? Are you mentally retarded (engineering major) ?
How old r u?

>> No.2175604

>>implying mind/body dualism

>> No.2175620
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>life after death

so, is this the fairtale thread?
That shit really isnt science, I'm sure there is someother board better suited for fairtales.

Saged and Reported

>> No.2175626

I know a lot of you are trollan but

lrn2metaphysics sci

>> No.2175629

you fucking retards. Why on earth would an EMP erase memories? Brains are chemical computers NOT electrical computers. Just because chemical reactions exchange electrons and are charged does not mean you can view the human mind as an electronic circuit!

>> No.2175640
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>> No.2175649

If life was just a crude coincidence of matter forming the right bonds, what explains the existence of matter?

>> No.2175660
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>life after death

WTF? do you not know how life works? It ends with your death dumbshit. There is nothing after that! HOLY SHIT, did you learn nothing from your parents? From school?

>> No.2175689
File: 33 KB, 646x501, 1269379341075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what explains the existence of matter?

The existence of matter doens't have to be "explained". There need not be a causal relationship for it's existence.

We know as a fact, that matter often pops into existence out of fucking nothing. It happend all the fucking time, it has been observed and documented countless times. It is fucking trivial. We even know fairly well how to predict that shit. It's all physics!

>> No.2175713

getting shrill in here for some reason
as if a nerve had been irritated

how many of you have seen lightning in a good thunderstorm flashing with emphasis to the music or to a voice from a radio station? that is physically impossible, for the lightning to be able to do that but yet it does. i have seen it many times: so will you if you pay attention.

>> No.2175735
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please clarify yor bullshit, I can't even make out the nonsense you are trying to say

>> No.2175740

some sort of disembodied consciousness might explain it. the transmitting tower does not have enough power to cause the effect, yet the effect is seen to manifest

>> No.2175743
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>> No.2175747
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>disembodied consciousness

doesn't understand consciousness
How old are you?

>> No.2175750

i am the dark cloud on your horizon

>> No.2175759
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>> No.2175764


You. Get a decent physics book and read it. After you're done, reread it. And again. Don't open your mouth again until you've done that. Seriously - your understanding of science is pathetic.

>> No.2175797
File: 21 KB, 415x332, lightning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will see it
but you won't understand it

>> No.2175822
File: 35 KB, 575x324, lightning_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually it occurs around age 7 to 12, in childhood

you were in bed alone at night
it was quiet or the wind was blowing and gusting

then it was the wind or the lightning
you were scared shitless
you said it couldn't have read your mind, that it was just coincidence

but on the other hand, it did manage to frighten the living crap out of you

so you decided that it was coincidence and blocked it out

in that moment you erected a defensive wall
which to this day insulates you from any spiritual presence

one day, it will evaporate back into the thin air it came from

>> No.2175919

um wat? Have always loved thunderstorms, since I was a kid, and even sometimes nowadays I just sit and watch, clearly, you had some kind of phobia of lightning and are now psychologically damaged.

>> No.2175938

not at all
lightning is the spirits, letting you know they are hanging around is all
you have to investigate the possibility and come to your own conclusions, over time

>> No.2175987
File: 151 KB, 648x486, What-is-that-WHAT-THE-FUCK-IS-THAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


without fail, all spiritual experiences

never, say, getting raped by the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders or an of the 32 million other fantasies one might experience...

no, i have never tried them.

how is this explained?

>> No.2176088
File: 83 KB, 495x261, hancock_destaque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]