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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2168603 No.2168603 [Reply] [Original]

>Live in Australia
>Play sports?
>Congratulations, you've succeeded in life
>Astrophysics and cosmic evolution?
>Hurrr how does that matter
>Others claim the field of study is "useless"

Ausfailia general? Surely the rest of the world can't be this stupid and ignorant?

Have you noticed this, /sci/? Do you find that others simply don't have even a mild appreciation for the world we live in?

Pic related: The space age, it would seem, ended long, long ago.

>> No.2168624
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>Play football?
>Congratulations, you are the pillar of society, a good and fair man, the only thing worth living for is the sport
>Science, or reading anything other than HURRRRRRR TWILIHGT <3<3 EDWARD ;3 AND HARRY POTTER HURRRRRRR?
>lol how can you like that lol?

Amazingly, there are no creationists or religious nutjobs here. Only criminals and useless old clutts.

>> No.2168621

I think it more ended because it's so expensive to fund. However isn't NASA planning a probe to check for life on other planets or something?

>> No.2168629

Most people don't care about space. And why should they.

>> No.2168640
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Exhibit A, children.

>> No.2168660
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>Play football?
>Congratulations, you are the pillar of society, a good and fair man, the only thing worth living for is the sport

Apparently being able to kick a ball is the pinnacle of human evolution.

>> No.2168684

>Live in Sweden
>Either everyone is neutral to everything or no one tells me shit because I never go out
>Blame it on 6 months of pitch black winter

>> No.2168686
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Carl Sagan once said:

>[...] if a five or six year old asks why the moon is round, or why grass is green, the typical adult answer, at least in my experience, is to discourage the child. Saying "what shape did you expect the moon to be, square?" or "what colour did you expect the grass to be, blue?"

And he's damn-well right. Nobody gives a toss.

>> No.2168693

actually its quite simple, adhering to base traits of your gender obtain the most popular results

>> No.2168695

I don't think you get how this board works. Lurk more please.

>> No.2168701
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Apparently so.

>> No.2168750
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>saging a /sci/-related thread

>> No.2168773
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Ausfalia represent.

2 years into my degree, the most important lesson I've learned is that nobody gives a fuck about scientists.

>> No.2168784


What was Carl Sagan getting at with that quote?

That nobody gives a fuck about the fact that our solar system is one out of hundreds of billions and it is highly likely there is other life in the universe like ourselves trying to find each other?

>> No.2168791


He was talking about how people don't give a shit about how the world works, just like you.


>> No.2168804
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You are now aware that this person makes 200 000 pounds weekly from salary alone (not counting sponsorships deals). That's $315 000 weekly. Imagine waking up in the morning, doing the same shit you do basically every day and going to sleep in the evening $45 000 dollars richer. For one fucking day. And that's from his salary alone.
I guess now the joke
>graduate in pure math
>any job I want
>300k a year starting
Seems kind of... funny, doesn't it?

>> No.2168812

he was going on about how beyond a certain point science is simply a luxurious waste of time and resources, allowed to continue because it is highy efficient at producing shit that distracts the wealthy from their own moral bankruptcy

solve human suffering or send men to mars? hmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.2168819

so basically society is fucked up and you should just do what you love? ok

>> No.2168821
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>Talking to girlfriend's parents
>Tell them of my passion for the cosmos, would love to enter the field of physics and science
>Look at me like I'm crazy, clearly not impressed
>"Well our daughter is doing arts..."

Sports > art > Harry Potter > everything else

>> No.2168838
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>solve human suffering

What? Human suffering that we've brought upon ourselves? Starving children in Africa? Easier issue to sort out than you'd think.

Just take all the money from those rich Hollywood cunts, the "sportsmen", and all those other rich faggots, and feed some damn people.

The next time Bono gets on stage and asks for my money, a bitch is gonna get shot.

>> No.2168843


Are you fucking stupid? I'm saying it IS important to know what is out there and people can be ignorant about it.

Congratulations on looking like an idiot.

>> No.2168852
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My apologies, I read your post incorrectly.

>> No.2168858


It would be quicker & cheaper to nuke africa and get on with our lives. There's nothing valuable in africa anyway, i personally think it's become a massive burden on the world and the people living there would rather throw rocks at each other than build schools with them.

Why should we help them? They've done nothing for us.

>> No.2168866
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>That's $315 000 weekly.

I haven't even got any food in my house.

Fuck I hate this world.

>> No.2168872


As amazingly and sadly true as that is, it's never going to happen.


>> No.2168890

Africa is full of natural resources and diverse wildlife.

The problem is the culture and governments of the people who live there, not the region itself.

>> No.2168895

What makes you think that sending people to Mars is a goal opposed to that of solving human suffering?

Fuckhead. Myopic people like you are why we're doomed. ;_;

>> No.2168903


Well explain how putting men on mars is going to help suffering? Because it sure as hell didn't make the slightest bit of difference when men landed on the moon.

Besides, mars is a dead planet, i don't see what the fascination is with landing on a shithole of a rock. I'd rather see a colony on the moon formed, that's alot more realistic.

>> No.2168922

>solve human suffering

That's impossible. There will always be human suffering. Humans suffer because we are imperfect creatures, not because we don't devote enough resources to "solving" their issues.

Think about it, even if you could feed everyone on Earth, there'd still be some kid bawwwing because he can't get laid.

>> No.2168931

Ausfags are criminals from a boat.


>> No.2168935

>a colony on the moon is more realistic than a colony on Mars.
So... You don't know fuck about anything, then?

The moon has low enough gravity for that to cause long-term health concerns. The moon has no atmosphere. The moon as no SOIL. The moon recieves no shielding from radiation. The moon's average temperature ranges from -150c to+100 c.

If you don't understand why millions of extremely intelligent people are intensley concerned with colonizing Mars, it's because you don't know shit about Martian colonization.

>> No.2168938

It's funny, I'm a high school student in Australia and teachers have said throughout my whole life:

"Become a scientist for guaranteed $$$ there aren't enough ______ologists in Australia. Do well and you'll get headhunted by companies while still in university!"

I got the impression that people did care about science :(

Captcha: 'Galileo iroked' - At least the captcha cares.

>> No.2168940


Well explain how putting men on a soccer field is going to help the suffering? Because it sure as hell didn't make the slightest bit of difference when sportsmen over the years have made BILLIONS of dollars amongst themselves, and yet refuse to make a lick of difference to the rest of the world with their newly found wealth.

Besides, sports are fucking uselss. I don't see what the fascination is with kicking around a ball. I'd rather see a colony on the Mars formed, that's alot more realistic.

>> No.2168953


Really bro? What state?

Canberrafag here, all my schooling life, it was "GOOD AT SPORT? YOU'RE GOING PLACES, BILLY"

Nobody in college gave a shit about science, either.

Fuck this country.

>> No.2168968


If you're so smart you would know mars has no atmosphere left due to the core freezing.

no atmosphere = no magnetic field = no protection from solar winds.

How the fuck do you think a colony is going to survive on mars?

>> No.2168978

The things you said about mars got less true as you went on.

>> No.2168982
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>200 000 pounds weekly
>Soccer player

>B'AWWWW, science is wasting our money and resources! We need them for the starving children!

>> No.2168989


>No magnetic field
>Because of no atmosphere

I'm going to give you the benifit of the doubt, and conclude that you're trolling.

>> No.2169005

Oh my god. Are fucking retarded.
Where the fuck did you go to school, a medieval nunnery?
Mars has an atmosphere, you dick.

>> No.2169011

It gives the Church something to do and establish its powers upon.

See Rhodesia, once an African nation on the verge of becoming a developed nation (or at leasted developed by their standards) like South Africa. The odd few black intellectuals seized the masses by blaming their hardships on the white people. Thus the whites were kicked out and now we have Zimbabwe. Who needs education, health care and food if it means a white person in charge?

>> No.2169014
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>due to the core freezing.

>> No.2169078
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>If you're so smart you would know mars has no atmosphere left due to the core freezing.

/sci/, I am disappoint.

>> No.2169098


That's because Australia is fucking retarded.

>> No.2169101
File: 27 KB, 429x377, 1279799217719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


STIRLING contribution to the discussion, old chap.