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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 91 KB, 250x325, NM0504-PSYCHOLOGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2167369 No.2167369 [Reply] [Original]

Mathematics is the language of Science.
All Science can be expressed in Mathematics.
Psychology can not be expressed in Mathematics.
Psychology isn't Science.

prove me wrong.

>> No.2167379

I wouldn't say ALL science can be expressed in maths. By saying that, you're defining Science as a branch of mathematics, which it isn't. It's an application of it, and as such requires verbal explanations for some things.

>> No.2167383

The semantics in that syllogism is all wrong.

Mathematics isn't the language of ALL sciences.
Some sciences can be expressed in mathematics.

Evolutionary Biology.

These are all sciences, which don't use mathematics to solve problems.
Not all reasoning is done with numbers, even though a large portion of reasoning is solved with mathematics.

>> No.2167394 [DELETED] 

unicorns don't exist
prove me wrong

i see what you did there

>> No.2167437

Surely there are some aspects of science which boil down to human reasoning rather than mathematics. I believe psychology would fall in this category.

>> No.2167438

If Math is based on deductive reasoning, but can't be used to explain Psychology and Psychology is based on deductive reasoning, but can be used to explain Math, does this mean Psychology is God Tier and Math a lesser tier.

>> No.2167447

chemical reactions can be expressed with mathematics
brain working = chemical reactions
psychology = brain works


>> No.2167455


Ecology is pretty much math-heavy dude.

>> No.2167461
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 3368425688_49d0b8cf0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thinks evolutionary biology, ecology, and medicine don't use mathematics!

>> No.2167462

But modern psychology doesn't do that.

>> No.2167463

>Evolutionary Biology.
these are borderline "science" already

>> No.2167464

you're saying if science, then mathematics

or symbolically s=>m

which says abosolutely nothing at all about not s (s¬) other than m¬ => ¬s, if it doesn't have mathematics then it isn't science. It's very tricky wrapping your head around logic, don't worry, the basic stuff always seems really confusing at first.

>> No.2167471
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>> No.2167473


Well, what I meant is that they are not pure mathematical sciences, where reasoning takes another form other than numbers.

>> No.2167474

ITT: People who don't know the difference between scientific laws and theories (and that theories never become laws).

Scientific LAWS may be expressed in mathematics (ex. the law of gravity) but scientific THEORIES may not be (ex. the theory of gravity).
If you're not a full-retard, you'll find that those are two separate things.

>> No.2167481

Economics can be expressed in the language of mathematics.

is Economics a science?

(Hint: No.)

>> No.2167485


More specific examples for you douches:
Theory of gravity:
a phenomenon in which objects with mass attract one another.
Law of Gravity:

More information about the difference:

Since the OP is asserting that it cannot be science if it does not include a mathematic equation, the OP is claiming that scientific theories are not science.

>> No.2167487

depends on exactly what you mean with economics. Some parts of it could be considered a science, when you remove the people part and just study complex feedback systems.

>> No.2167489

Ah, but then one could say that "matter attracts other matter" isn't really science, since it doesn't describe how this happens, which dynamics it follows, and thus makes no testable predictions. If you include the equation in the theory, you get a testable theory which makes detailed predictions.

>> No.2167490

Statistical Analysis?

Scientific Theories suggest the possibility of science.

>> No.2167491
File: 111 KB, 500x820, 12770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prove me wrong.
You are absolutely correct!

>> No.2167497


>not science

i'm getting really tired of seeing this

>> No.2167498
File: 171 KB, 631x341, objectionash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biology: /x/ /an/ /fit/ /y/

>> No.2167499


The body of knowledge which constitutes a particular concept (evolution, magnetism, electricity, gravity, DNA, etc.) constitutes the theory. The entire body of knowledge provides explanations for mechanisms and interrelations of the subject matter.
I was using a simple example so you could read it.

Also, are you going to tell me that DNA is not science because it doesn't have anything mathematical?

>> No.2167500

yes, adding <>ology does not make it a science

>> No.2167503


That's what happens when the board contains a larger pool of physicists, mathematicians, and engineers than it does biologists or psychologists.

(Honestly, though, sociology is not a science. I've had sociology classes, and they are complete bullshit. At least with psychology, for you "hard science is the only science" types, neuroscience qualifies it.)

>> No.2167509

>Biology not a science

What the hell is wrong with you people? Have you ever taken biology?

>> No.2167511

hahahaha no

>> No.2167517

You're re-establishing a pre-colonization ecosystem as part of a nature conservancy and park development, as well as predator havens for local pest control. The acres used to be farm field with controlled fertilizer applications and full tillage after corn harvest, so the soil is completely depleted of nutrients, especially nitrogen.

Given that you're looking to establish a tallgrass prairie ecosystem and provide shelter for predators of various crop pests:

What plant species do you first introduce to the fully tilled soil?
Describe a model for unlimited growth.
Find a model for competitive growth in a tallgrass prairie

With which bacterial and fungal species do you innoculate the soil? Give growth rates and potentially harmful metabolites.

What soil type supports a tallgrass praire? What transitional species promote this soil type? How long will it take to create the appropriate soil type? Model transitional species die-off and desired species growth as the soil profile changes.

How long until nitrogen levels in the soil reach X ppm if a bacterium puts out Y nitrogen a day and the growth of nitrogen fixing bacteria is modeled by F(b)?\

Fuck you and you ignorance.

>> No.2167510

>i'm getting really tired of seeing this

then go back to /fit/ where you belong

>> No.2167518

You guys do realize that what you're asking for is for people to abandon all scientific study of the human mind. By making the claim that psychology isn't science you're saying "go ahead, do whatever you want, abandon the scientific method, stop studying human behavior" and allowing any crackpot to make up whatever shit they want because there would be no scientific control of the system.

>> No.2167519

OP neglects Statistics.

>> No.2167521

>Also, are you going to tell me that DNA is not science because it doesn't have anything mathematical?

it doesn't what?

>> No.2167526
File: 43 KB, 400x315, Witch Doctor psychology jdin209l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a great game to look at the past, at an unscientific era, look at something there, and say have we got the same thing now, and where is it? So I would like to amuse myself with this game. First, we take witch doctors. The witch doctor says he knows how to cure. There are spirits inside which are trying to get out. ... Put a snakeskin on and take quinine from the bark of a tree. The quinine works. He doesn't know he's got the wrong theory of what happens. If I'm in the tribe and I'm sick, I go to the witch doctor. He knows more about it than anyone else. But I keep trying to tell him he doesn't know what he's doing and that someday when people investigate the thing freely and get free of all his complicated ideas they'll learn much better ways of doing it. Who are the witch doctors? Psychoanalysts and psychiatrists, of course.
~Richard Feynman

>> No.2167527

Describe evolution in mathematics.
>Oh Snap!

>> No.2167531

> You guys do realize that what you're asking for is for people to abandon all scientific study of the human mind. By making the claim that psychology isn't science you're saying "go ahead, do whatever you want, abandon the scientific method, stop studying human behavior" and allowing any crackpot to make up whatever shit they want because there would be no scientific control of the system.

But... This is exactly how it works now?

>> No.2167533


>> No.2167540

The amount of recombination between 2 genes in offspring is directly proportional to the distance between the two genes on a chromosome.

Fuck you.

>> No.2167539
File: 65 KB, 750x600, face-palm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear fucking god. You poor ignorant bastards.

>> No.2167537

use of scientific method = better understanding of subject
use of scientific method =/= science

>> No.2167542


DNA is...
*the building block of life on earth.
*composed of four amino acids which form hydrogen bonds.
*is translated into proteins.
*is universally 'read' by all life on earth; the implications are that a gene sequence in a jellyfish (fluorescence) may be reinserted into a pig and have the same effect.

Which of those is a mathematical equation? None.
By OPs definition, DNA does not qualify as science.

>> No.2167547

Oh dear fucking god you can't possibly be this stupid. THAT'S THE VERY DEFINITION OF SCIENCE!

I've had it with you guys. You're too stupid to associate with. Enjoy shitting up your own board with your ignorance and elitist faggotry.

>> No.2167551


NOT Science:

Political Science
Food Science

>> No.2167552


Fair point.
But still, no scientific /theory/ of DNA is going to contain a mathematical equation.

>> No.2167554

The amount of drug in your bloodstream is modeled by the equation 7.081^.05x - 7.081^.03x. How long until you overdose and die because Medicine doesn't use mathematics?

P.S. I know the equation's not a correct model fuck off.

>> No.2167556


lol @ geology
lol @ botany not being contained within biology
lol @ mention of botany with no mention of zoology

>> No.2167558
File: 12 KB, 259x194, Clipboard10saf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2167560

music can be entirely expressed in numbers
your point is invalid

>> No.2167563

I hate these threads on /sci/.
Do you want to know why?
It divides us.

>> No.2167564

Am I being trolled?

>> No.2167566

/sci/ can be expressed in mathematics. Therefore, /sci/ is a type of science. PROVE ME WRONG.