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2165378 No.2165378 [Reply] [Original]

Need some class advice. I'm planing on taking Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Intro to Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Physics 2, and a graduate level Calculus of Variations class next quarter. Is this too much? Or should I exchange the calculus of variations for some general ed requirement class?

>> No.2165416
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Do creation science instead!

>> No.2165429
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huh...well thank you for the advice, but I think i'll pass...

>> No.2165440
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Do it if you're a man. Which you are.

Be alpha as fuck, do the classes! (do the calculus)

>> No.2165498
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Awesome, thank you very much

Any other opinions?

>> No.2165505

if ur smart enough to do that shit a little calculus should be no problem

>> No.2165538

That's kind of my question. The nonlinear dynamics and chaos class is a jointly offered undergrad and grad class. So half is grad students, and half is undergrad, and it's kind of a inbetween class. I was in another one of those this quarter, and I'm tearing it apart. The teacher who teaches this class i'm in right now teaches the calculus of variations class, and said its easier than the class I'm in now, but I don't know if that's from a grad students perspective or if it matters

>> No.2165548

realized I never put a question in there. I don't know too much about the level of difficulty of calculus of variations, but it sounds like an awesome class and would look good for grad school. Plus get a killer letter of rec from the prof if I 4.0 both of the grad level classes I took from him. But i'm wondering if this will make my quarter too hectic. Idk, just thought I'd see if i could get some ideas

>> No.2165751

Im assuming you're undergrad...
You have to ask yourself are you adequately prepared for each of these classes, and are you interested in the material. Did you choose these classes, or did you advisor? If you feel you're adequately prepared to do well in each of the classes individually, and you are interested in the material then you should do well.

>> No.2165782
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Please tell me this is a shoop.

They cannot be that dumb.

>> No.2165936

Yes, I'm an undergrad. The first three are required for my major(s). I'm double majoring in Applied Mathematics and Physics. There's three classes that are jointly offered with grad students, and its treated as the same class. I'm in one of them now, and the nonlinear dynamics and chaos is another one of them. I'm raping the one I'm in now, and the teacher said this one is harder than the calculus of variations class. I'd be taking that one because I'm very interested in the class, it would look good for grad school, and I could get a great letter of rec from the prof having taken him for two grad level classes. I just don't know how hard calculus of variations is

>> No.2165962

I think you should also add organic chemistry and abstract algebra (the one for math majors) to the mix, just to spice things up. As it stands now, I think your semester will be way too boring.

>> No.2165970

calculus of variations = some stranger comes into your bed at night ties you up and rapes you then kills your dog while leaving

>> No.2165972

I have to take a real analysis course before the abstract algebra. I'm taking the real analysis course next quarter and abstract algebra after that

>> No.2165976

algebra's actually much easier than analysis (in my opinion, anyway)

>> No.2165979

huh...shit. Is said stranger at least some incredibly hot chick, or are you talking 300 pound man beast? Why was it so hard? I keep hearing from people that its pretty easy (not from my school)

>> No.2165982

Yea, I agree, but the analysis class is a prerec. I took a class where we learned some intro abstract algebra

>> No.2165985

well if you found vector calculus and PDEs easy then it should be easy, but if not prepare to be violated.

>> No.2166010

Yea, the one I'm in right now is Vector Calculus and Complex Analysis (completely different topics, I know) and I'm raping that class right now. I took a PDE class in the spring and it was pretty easy as well. Is calculus of variations interesting? I mean is there at least motivation?

>> No.2166114

If this is your first graduate level course you might consider taking a gen ed for one of your undergrad courses. I noticed a pretty big gap in difficulty between undergrad and grad courses at least.

>> No.2166132

Those are all cool classes. You have good taste, OP.

>> No.2166138

Calculus of Variations basically solves optimization problems but also generalizes calculus to work on functionals which are functions of functions. (usually a function has input a vector and returns a vector, a functional has as input a function and returns a vector)

The simplest functional I know is arclength. (takes as input a function(curve) and output is a number (the length of the curve))

The most important idea you'll meet is probably the Euler-Lagrange equation which is basically F=ma but more general.

>> No.2166170

Ok right on, that sounds pretty cool. The class description says, "Necessary and sufficient conditions for a weak and strong extremum. Legendre transformation, Hamiltonian systems. Constraints and Lagrange multipliers. Space-time problems with examples from elasticity, electromagnetics, and fluid mechanics. Sturm-Liouville problems. Approximate methods.
I plan to cover core topics in the calculus of variations.
I will discuss the Euler-Lagrange equation, homogeneous problems,
transversality conditions, corner conditions, constraints, the second
variation, the Legendre condition, the Jacobi equation, the Weierstrass
excess function, and the relationship between the calculus of
variations, dynamic programming, and optimal control theory.

We will look at numerous examples from mechanics, optics, and other disciplines.
Examples will include such classic gems as the brachistochrone, minimum surfaces
of revolution (soap films), geodesics, the loaded cantilever, navigation problems,
and rolling pennies."

Sounds pretty awesome. Just worried I won't ever be able to sleep :/

>> No.2166283

seems like a pretty cool quarter, just stay on top of everything

>> No.2166288

This is some quite fundamental shit every physicist should at least have known once in their career ..

Of course, you'll encounter Euler-Lagrange / Hamilton way more than Sturm-Liouville, but nevertheless, you should've at least heard it once.

>> No.2166297

I'm jealous, OP. I wish I could do my undergrad over.