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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 64 KB, 2100x2172, sin-guilt-causes-body-pain-sickness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2156196 No.2156196 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is going to hell? Do you believe in hell?

I don't want to hear gnashing of teeth

>> No.2156198

No one because it isn't real.

>> No.2156199

I've come to accept that if hell exists, and Ill be burning forever, then I'll eventually get used to it.

still pretty shitty way of ending though

>> No.2156207

No, I'm going to be reincarnated as Jesus. Or Hitler.

>> No.2156215

I've thought about that, but scripture mentions again and again "eternal suffering". That's where I get stuck

It's like a fork in the road

>> No.2156219

I'll be in Valhalla's

>> No.2156221

Carl Sagan told me it didn't exist, so I'll be fine.

>> No.2156225

There is no Hell in the Old Testament, nor is there a Heaven. When all people die they go to a land of the dead where they exist for all eternity in constant suffering and misery. That's what the ancient Hebrews (and a few other ancient religions in that geographical region) believed.

>> No.2156229

what the flying fuck
who'd be so sadistic

>> No.2156232
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Download soul into immortal cybernetic body.

Problem God?

>> No.2156234

so you'd exist for...... 9.000.000^30 years

you'd eventually die anyways

>> No.2156240
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bond soul to suit of armor

>> No.2156241

>implying that with 9.000.000^30 years of scientific and technological advancement we couldn't find a way to overcome entropy, make perfect machines that last forever, and avoid any other problems

>> No.2156245

>implying that with 9.000.000^30 years of scientific and technological advancement we couldn't find a way to overcome entropy, make perfect machines that last forever, and avoid any other problems


also: not everything is possible.

it's just impossible to know if its impossible or not

>> No.2156246
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Place cybernetic body within the event horizon of a black hole.

>> No.2156248
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seeing as heaven is a place of no needs, wants, desires, or discomforts, i can easily see god stacking us like old magazines in the back of a broom cupboard and we would be chill, no?

sounds just as bad as hell man...

i see no choice before me that has any value to me.

>> No.2156251

I believe at some point, we lose our concious.

tell me sci, whats the point after that

>> No.2156252

I'm a masochist, fuck yeah, hell!

>> No.2156253

The same "loving" god who allegedly inflicts horrors upon helpless people to "test their faith" rather than just showing himself and teaching people how to live in harmony and peace.

>> No.2156255

roaming around a limited land of space like a dumbass beats out being locked into a small torture chamber anytime.
for all the time

>> No.2156256

>whats the point after that
Don't you get it? The point of life, is life itself. The journey is the destination.

Enjoy your enlightenment.

>> No.2156267

The destination as in where you'll go when you die? heaven or hell

>> No.2156271

roaming requires a goal...there is no goal in heaven

given the option of being an eternal brain dead zombie happily drooling or eternal sensation with the promise of having the mind to regret it all the while....

i'll go with the second option thanks.
God wants me to use the mind he gave me...it's just a final test to see if i get it...

>> No.2156279

But there is no option. After death there is no reward or happiness ever again. You know nothing, have no rewards and no memories. Solomon says as much in the Bible. And he's a prophet of god so he should know.

>"But for him who is joined to all the living there is hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion. For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished; Nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the sun." (Ecc. 9:4-6 NKJV)

>> No.2156280


>>who'd be so sadistic

The Old Testament is based on the belief that everything bad comes from not being in contact with your God. There was NO evil entities at the time OT was written such as Satan. Instead, the God of your tribe was the source of both good and evil, with the Devil being God's little helper. When you didn't worship Him, he allowed bad things to happen to you and at good times it was apparent that your tribe worshiped Him properly.

Therefore no need for afterlife, since > connection with your God = salvation itself. The Devil part came much later. Btw, there was some verse in which Yahveh said something that "I am both good and evil. I am your God, Lord, so fear me", but I don't recall which verse.

>> No.2156285
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>> No.2156300

very scary, I don't want to go to tell

>> No.2156405
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The god of christians has only existed for around 4000 years.

So why should we take advice about eternity from someone like that??

The puny godling would probably go more even more gaga if he was given a glimpse of the lifespans of the coming posthumans.

>> No.2156423

bump, paranoid about going to hell. feels awful man

>> No.2156475

Nobody is going to hell, don't be fucking ridiculous. If there ever was something as omnipotent as God, why would he give a flying fuck what you believe in?

>> No.2156503

I'll beat the shit out of god in a formal debate every time I die and be resurrected in effect becoming immortal.

At least that's the plan.

>> No.2156524

Imagine it like the fork is in your ass

good thing it's bull

>> No.2156535

No matter what you've done, you can still change the kind of person you are. It's the kind of person you are in your heart that determines out your eternal disposition.

>> No.2156542

I believe in hell. I'm really sorry that I'll probably end there.

>> No.2156552
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OP here

>> No.2156560
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I love how he appears to be sweating. Pure lol.

>> No.2156562

The general way to trick someone into buying a product (aka how to be a snake's oil salesman)

1. Hey you! You seem fine, amiright?
4. Sure would be convenient if some sort of salesman had a cure for you to buy
5. Oh wait...
6. ???

The christian illness is sin and their cure christianity

>> No.2156567
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This is Heaven in some way

>> No.2156569
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accurate depiction of hell

>> No.2156574


He looks comfy. Not so much compared to the guy with the stick that has to stand up all the time.

>> No.2156588
File: 22 KB, 208x174, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, what's goin on?

>> No.2156592

that must be cerberus

>> No.2156593
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>> No.2156594
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Nuthn much, just chillin

>> No.2156597

fukken hivemind.

>> No.2156598
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one final bump

>> No.2156627

4chan will be much better in heaven, since all the trolls and pedos will be in hell. The trolls will spend all day trolling each other and pretending to be lolis for the pedos. The pedos will persist in the eternal false belief that there are some real lolis out there somewhere for them, but it's always the trolls.

>> No.2156646

>religion in my /scimath board

>> No.2156666
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>> No.2156672
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Devils quads

>> No.2156674

that's pretty much what got into ur mum's cornhole last saturday nite

>> No.2156686
File: 87 KB, 320x244, athreadwithouttrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And everyone else will be troll free?

Convince me that this heaven place exists, show me evidence that it is real, and that will be all I need to become concerned about the afterlife.

>> No.2156693

hell is easily avoided

>> No.2156706

go on...

>> No.2156715

what you see is what you get...

>> No.2156723

I have seen much suffering in this world.

I do not wish for any more of it.

>> No.2156725

we all have to suffer sometimes

>> No.2156729

but for "all of time"? come on now

>> No.2156730

But there is still far more suffering in this world than there should be.

It would only be proper to be more concerned about this world than the next one.

>> No.2156732

protect green for time

>> No.2156737

i don't understand

>> No.2156738

If there is a hell, I'm sure as fuck gonna end up there. lol bro

>> No.2156751

'with the birds or with the flies'

>> No.2156753

We wouldn't expect you to.

>> No.2156755

but you are 'them'

>> No.2156760

and they are 'you'.

>> No.2156767

and that's why i post

>> No.2156776

posting is an arbitrary, a projection of the illusion of individuality

>> No.2156779
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>> No.2156785

What are you doing here, religiousnamefag?

You never succeed in converting us, and all you ever do is irritate us.

You're either a devoted troll or a devoted theist. For both possibilities, you are wasting your time. Go back to /b/

>> No.2156799

surely you guys can just teach it in the same manner as i did? i don't see a problem, i generally work harder, i'm more 'on the ball', so to speak; i see and feel life in a different light -- and i'm not dumb by any standards. so what exactly is the problem with teaching, alongside academia, the truth, so we can advance whilst we preserve [insert xzibit meme here]. it's not a problem, i don't see it.

>> No.2156805

If you're going to keep using weasel words and beating around the bush, we don't want you here. It's that simple.

>> No.2156806
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>> No.2156810

scoff if you will, you are a minute mitochondria in the scope of the organism we call the Universe.

>> No.2156811

what bush are you looking at?

>> No.2156813

your mom's

>> No.2156822

I do not believe in god. Still, let us assume that god exists, and he will damn me to eternal suffering, even if I have been a good person, only because I do not believe in him. Well, bring it on then motherfucker I am not going to kneel to a being that is as vain and full of itself.

I am in the safe though seeing as how it's an imaginary being used to exact fear into people in an attempt to control their lives.

>> No.2156827

i should hope so

>> No.2156834

it's all in your head

>> No.2156843

guys guys!

just kill and rape lots of people and do anything you want, then before you die give yourself up to christ! voila now youre going to heaven!

IT'S SO EASY! btw about 95% of prisoners on death row are religious...

>> No.2156847

>thats why the bible

>> No.2156848

>thats why the bible
Don't tell us about your shitty book.

>> No.2156851

it's better than your shitty laws

>> No.2156854

sure they are religious fag, sure they are.

Shouldn't you be in church right now?

>> No.2156855

i can't let you shove you poison down my childrens throats

>> No.2156860

I can't let you shove poison down MY throat.

>> No.2156865

how selfish and unreasonable of you

>> No.2156869
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>not letting some bastard shove poison into my throat
>selfish and unreasonable

>> No.2156873
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>> No.2156891

that's it, I'm tired of your bullshit.

GO. TO. CHURCH. Leave us be, as we are content to live without ever hearing from you again.

>> No.2156902
File: 14 KB, 679x427, 1291151707357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teach or 'preach' you shit with 'passion' then, and don't be so disciplined to your cause.

>> No.2156912

I have no cause. I do not need a cause. LEAVE.

>> No.2156916
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>> No.2156922

i have cause

>> No.2156923

You heard me. LEAVE.

Leave and never return.

>> No.2156926

nice try, but you're omitting the fact Evolution is a farce planted by the Devil

>> No.2156927
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>> No.2156931
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>> No.2156934


You are not the sort of person I want to exist in this world, much less post on this board.

>> No.2156939


>> No.2156947

it sucks cuz church people feel like they've been 'enlightened' so when you say you're happy without god they think you don't know what it means to be happy. arrogant pricks.

>> No.2156950

no, you know what happiness is, you just don't understand empirical experience, your own mind holds the key yet for you 'there is no key', you just are the 'key' for the sovereign.

>> No.2156957
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>> No.2156960

>Not understanding empirical experience

>> No.2156962

the least i can do is support the belief of theism, as it's the world i want to see, it's a much better option, socially, mentally, physically and it doesn't fuck with the ecosystem too much -- i rarely do anything wrong to others, i just flow within the crowed, it's hardly a bad belief. when i get home, i'm so proud and happy of my belief that i try to do something about it, for other people who don't 'see' what's possible to 'see'.

>> No.2156963

I am not going to follow that link. There is nothing on the other side of that link that is going to help me, neither is there anything that I want to see.


>> No.2156979
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>> No.2156980

why you so afraid of other people's belief? big bang its just a theory, I bet you're not afraid of them bigbang believers

>> No.2156983

nope. But the thought of someone who blindly believes something as obviously fictional as the Bible is absolutely terrifying.

>> No.2156986

srsly tho, trollling apart, you should be the one leaving... dontchathink? you're just feeding my inner troll... must... resist....

>> No.2156988
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>> No.2156990

this is a board for math and science. You are against math and science. I am for math and science. You should leave.


>> No.2156998

it's just a matter of context... the way you were brought up, the surroundings... back in the day it was just natural to believe in God and the Bible... but fundamentalism is what you're afraid of...

>> No.2156999
File: 35 KB, 310x290, linka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i like it here

>> No.2157012

funny thing, you're using a very christian thecnique, trying to empower your words, as if they have some influence in the real world... it's used in prays and other rituals... do you happen to believe in this?

>> No.2157015
File: 151 KB, 550x472, howardterp-and-not-a-single-fuck-was-given-that-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2157017

This has nothing to do with word empowerment and everything to do with you being a religious fag on a board about science that is known to be chock full of atheists.

>> No.2157021
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I could care less for going to a place god sent basically everyone from 1500s who wasn't a European onwards for not sucking his dick when they couldn't know about it.

Anyone who feels anxiety about hell should remind themselves they probably wouldn't give Hitler or Stalin that kind of satisfaction why are they giving it to another all powerful tyrant?

>> No.2157023

everyone from the time of jesus till the 1500s^

>> No.2157030

god died

>> No.2157033

Now that's something I can get behind.

>> No.2157039

yeah, say what you want, but there are at least 10 posts of you saying LEAVE, NOW, GO AWAY... you're believe in this stuff, maybe you just don't realize

>> No.2157050

No, you dumbass little faggot who cannot into proofreading, those words are all caps to put emphasis on them. Not this empowerment bullshit you keep vomiting.

Seriously, how can you not be smart enough to see that?